Related Modules

Manufacturer Name Short Description HP
Pittsburgh Modular MIDI2 Pittsburgh Modular MIDI2 Triple Mode MIDI to CV Converter 6
Doepfer A-190-1 Doepfer A-190-1 MIDI-to-CV/Gate/Clock Interface 10
Doepfer A-190-2 Doepfer A-190-2 Low-Cost Midi-to-CV/Gate Interface 6
Doepfer A-190-3 Doepfer A-190-3 USB/Midi-to-CV/Gate Interface 6
Doepfer A-190-5 Doepfer A-190-5 Polyphonic Midi/USB-to-CV/Gate Interface 16
Doepfer A-192-1 Doepfer A-192-1 16x CV-to-MIDI Interface 12
Doepfer A-192-2 Doepfer A-192-2 CV/Gate-to-Midi-Interface 10
Kilpatrick Audio K1600 MIDI Converter Kilpatrick Audio K1600 MIDI Converter MIDI/CV Interface 12
Analogue Solutions MT9 MIDI to Trigger / Gate converter Analogue Solutions MT9 MIDI to Trigger / Gate converter Midi to Trigger / Gate converter 10
Vermona quad MIDI Interface (qMI) Vermona quad MIDI Interface (qMI) Four Voice Polyphonic MIDI Interface 24
Kenton Modular Solo Kenton Modular Solo MIDI to CV/G Interface 10
Analogue Solutions MB4 Analogue Solutions MB4 MIDI to Binary / Clock Trigger converter 10
Alyseum MS-812 Alyseum MS-812 MIDI to CV/Gate convertor 18
MFB Power Supply MFB Power Supply Power supply, MIDI/CV converter, bus 4
Analogue Solutions CVM2 Analogue Solutions CVM2 CV to MIDI Converter 10
Doepfer A-191 Doepfer A-191 MIDI-to-CV Interface / Shepard Generator 12
Blue Lantern Modules MIDI CV Converter Blue Lantern Modules MIDI CV Converter MIDI to CV Interface 6
Blue Lantern Modules The Basics Blue Lantern Modules The Basics Several Blue Lantern modules as a single module 42
Elby Designs ED103 - MIDI Trigger Elby Designs ED103 - MIDI Trigger Midi to trigger module 11
Metasonix R-60 Self-Tuning Midi-CV interface Metasonix R-60 Self-Tuning Midi-CV interface Self-Tuning Midi to CV 8
Atomosynth Koneko Atomosynth Koneko Midi to CV interface from AtomoSynth 14
Elby Designs ED107 PolyDAC 4-Channel MIDI-CV Elby Designs ED107 PolyDAC 4-Channel MIDI-CV The ED107- PolyDAC(X) is a powerful and flexible 4-note polyphonic MIDI to CV converter that was originally designed by Paul Maddox with assistance from Tony Allgood who also initially marketed the product. 30
Alyseum MS-4 Alyseum MS-4 MS-812 companion product 10
Tiptop Audio C24 Digital Hits Tiptop Audio C24 Digital Hits Drum Interface 21
Analogue Solutions Station X Analogue Solutions Station X Synth Voice 36
Kilpatrick Audio KMIDI Kilpatrick Audio KMIDI MIDI Breakout for K4815 and K2579 6
Analogue Systems RS-140 Analogue Systems RS-140 MIDI to CV Interface 24
Soundmachines Rc1 radiostar Soundmachines Rc1 radiostar Rc1 radiostar 28
Analogue Systems RS-370 Analogue Systems RS-370 6 voice polyphonic Synth + MIDI to CV converter 36
Doepfer A-190-8 Doepfer A-190-8 USB/Midi-to-Sync Interface 6
Pittsburgh Modular MIDI Pittsburgh Modular MIDI MIDI to CV converter 8
ADDAC System ADDAC001 VCC V1 ADDAC System ADDAC001 VCC V1 Voltage Controlled Computer Version 1 16
ADDAC System ADDAC009 MIDI I/O ADDAC System ADDAC009 MIDI I/O VCC Midi Extension 6
Analogue Systems RS-300 Analogue Systems RS-300 CV to MIDI Converter 24
Acidlab MIDI Multiples Acidlab MIDI Multiples 1 in 4 0ut midi sync 5
Analogue Solutions MCV MIDI to CV Analogue Solutions MCV MIDI to CV MIDI to CV 6
Acidlab Robokop Acidlab Robokop 12-CH Trigger-Sequencer 50
Hexinverter Électronique MIDI2CV v1.0 Hexinverter Électronique MIDI2CV v1.0 MIDI to CV converter. 8
Flame X-2013 Flame X-2013 MIDI Expander for Arpeggiator 2013 6
Mutable instruments anushri exp Mutable instruments anushri exp midi and audio euro expansion for Anushri 8
Mutable instruments Yarns Mutable instruments Yarns MIDI interface 12
Mutable instruments CVpal Mutable instruments CVpal Cheap and cheerful DIY USB>CV/Gate interface 4
Analogue Solutions M2CV MIDI-CV 16bit Analogue Solutions M2CV MIDI-CV 16bit The M2CV - MIDI CV converter with 2nd CV out 12
Pulp Logic DIN silver Pulp Logic DIN silver 1U Tile DIN input compatible with Implant or other MIDI/DIN devices. 6
Pulp Logic Implant black Pulp Logic Implant black 1U Tile carrier for the MIDImplant. 6
Other/unknown Higly Liquid MD24 Other/unknown Higly Liquid MD24 Midi trigger 12
Other/unknown Grids expansion panel Other/unknown Grids expansion panel Grids Expansion Panel 8
Expert Sleepers ES-3 MK3 Expert Sleepers ES-3 MK3 Lightpipe DAW to CV module 8
Critter and Guitari Melody Mill Critter and Guitari Melody Mill Note generation module: MIDI Interface/Arpeggiator/Sequencer/Controller 38
Eowave Centre de Contrôle Eowave Centre de Contrôle Duophonic MIDI to CV/Clock, plus 600mA power inlet 8
Expert Sleepers ES-40 SPDIF Interface Expert Sleepers ES-40 SPDIF Interface Eurorack format module which converts a standard S/PDIF input to five channels of expansion headers, which are used in conjunction with the Expert Sleepers ESX range of expanders. 6
Expert Sleepers ESX-8MD (mk1) Expert Sleepers ESX-8MD (mk1) MIDI/DINsync Expander 10
Other/unknown Grids MIDI Expansion Other/unknown Grids MIDI Expansion Grids MIDI In, clock and random trigger 2
Doepfer A-190-4 Doepfer A-190-4 USB/MIDI to CV/Gate/Sync Interface 10
Other/unknown MUC-400 Other/unknown MUC-400 EDV-Technik-TS MUC-400 Eurorack MIDI to CV 30
Analogue Solutions MT16 Analogue Solutions MT16 Midi To Trigger 14
Mutable instruments Anushri I/O Expander Mutable instruments Anushri I/O Expander Midi and audio I/O expander 6
Acidlab Autobot Acidlab Autobot TB-303 style sequencer 50
Atomosynth KI Atomosynth KI Midi to CV eurorack module. 12
Other/unknown Cirklon D-MUX Expander Other/unknown Cirklon D-MUX Expander 16
Numerical MidiTrigger Numerical MidiTrigger DIY Trigger to MIDI interface 4
Blue Lantern Modules Simple Midi Converter Blue Lantern Modules Simple Midi Converter Midi to CV converter 4
Other/unknown Iungo Other/unknown Iungo Voltage controlled MIDI by Entrospec 6
North Coast Synthesis MSK 001 Sekai North Coast Synthesis MSK 001 Sekai Universal Host 36
Ladik M-240 MIDI to Trig 4ch Velocity Converter Ladik M-240 MIDI to Trig 4ch Velocity Converter 4 channel MIDI to Trig velocity sensitive interface 6
Ladik M-260 MIDI Thru Box Ladik M-260 MIDI Thru Box MIDI Thru Box 1-IN/3-OUT 6
Ladik M-220 MIDI to Clock Synchronizer Ladik M-220 MIDI to Clock Synchronizer MIDI Clock Synchronizer / Divider / Clock generator 8
Ladik M-210 Ladik M-210 12channel or 11 channel +1 accent MIDI to trig interface 8
Pulp Logic Volca Beats -e Pulp Logic Volca Beats -e VolcaBeats Eurorack 40
Sequentix Cirklon D-Mux Expander with DIN Sockets Sequentix Cirklon D-Mux Expander with DIN Sockets Trigger and Accent expander for the Sequentix Cirklon 20
Hinton Instruments Gearbox Hinton Instruments Gearbox Advanced clock formatter module 8
Hinton Instruments Gearbox Expander Hinton Instruments Gearbox Expander MIDI/DIN Socket Expander for Gearbox 6
Synthesis Technology E620 MIDI USB Host Device Synthesis Technology E620 MIDI USB Host Device MIDI USB Host Device 4
Other/unknown LCF Industries - ARP-8 Other/unknown LCF Industries - ARP-8 MIDI Controlled Arpeggiator 8
Pittsburgh Modular MIDI 3 Pittsburgh Modular MIDI 3 MIDI 3 6
Other/unknown M3T8G Other/unknown M3T8G MIDI Through & Gate 8
synthCube MIDIMPLANT synthCube MIDIMPLANT dual channel MIDI-2-CV 6
EMW MIDI THRU-4 EMW MIDI THRU-4 multiple MIDI modules 8
EMW MIDI THRU-4 EMW MIDI THRU-4 1 to 4 Midi Thru 8
EMW MIDI Oscillator EMW MIDI Oscillator 2 Wave Digital Oscillator with Sub-Oscillator 6
Expert Sleepers FH-1 'faderHost' Expert Sleepers FH-1 'faderHost' USB MIDI Host 8
Expert Sleepers ESX-8MD mk2 Expert Sleepers ESX-8MD mk2 MIDI/DINsync Expander 10
Grayscale Expert Sleepers ES-3 MK3 (Grayscale alternate panel) Grayscale Expert Sleepers ES-3 MK3 (Grayscale alternate panel) ADAT Lightpipe DAW to CV module 8
Erica Synths Midi to Clock V2 Erica Synths Midi to Clock V2 Module to sync modular system or analogue sequencer to midi clock or midi gear to modular 6
Ladik M-330 Clock To MIDI Sync Ladik M-330 Clock To MIDI Sync M-330 Clock to MIDI synchronizer. Allows sync MIDI devices from Eurorack clock. 6
Ladik M-215 Ladik M-215 12 Trig/gate to MIDI Interface 8
Synthrotek MST MIDI to CV Converter Synthrotek MST MIDI to CV Converter MIDI to CV Converter 6
Mutable instruments Edges Mutable instruments Edges Quad chiptune audio generator 20
Analogue Solutions Clarke VCM20 Analogue Solutions Clarke VCM20 Midi to CV converter/calibration system 8
Analogue Solutions Clarke VCS20 Analogue Solutions Clarke VCS20 Midi to CV converter/calibration system 6
Grayscale Mutable Instruments Yarns (Grayscale panel) Grayscale Mutable Instruments Yarns (Grayscale panel) Alternate/DIY panel for Yarns 12
Befaco MIDI thing Befaco MIDI thing Quad MIDI to CV Converter 6
Roland TORCIDO Roland TORCIDO Programmable classic distortion with CV/Gate and Eurorack compatibility. 21
Roland BITRAZER Roland BITRAZER Programmable crusher effect with CV/Gate and Eurorack compatibility. 21
Studio Electronics MIDI 3 Studio Electronics MIDI 3 Clock Generator, CV Modulator, MIDI Arpeggiator Extroardinaire 6
Endorphin.es Shuttle Control (golden) Endorphin.es Shuttle Control (golden) 12 bit USB-to-MIDI-to-CV converter, PSU, host for class compliant MIDI-Devices 12
Ladik M-211 Ladik M-211 12 channel MIDI to gate converter interface 8
Grove Audio GMS-632EU USB/MIDI/CV Interface Grove Audio GMS-632EU USB/MIDI/CV Interface GMS-632EU 6
Grove Audio GMS-634EU Programmable Processor Grove Audio GMS-634EU Programmable Processor GMS-634EU 12
Flame 4VOX Flame 4VOX Quad Polyphonic Wavetable Oscillator 29
Barton Musical Circuits Barton MIDI-To-Gate Barton Musical Circuits Barton MIDI-To-Gate MIDI to gate convertor w/ eight trigger/gate outputs. 8
Pulp Logic Implant silver Pulp Logic Implant silver 1U Tile carrier for the MIDImplant. 6
Analogue Solutions CVT CV-to-Trigger Analogue Solutions CVT CV-to-Trigger CV-to-Trigger 10
Analogue Solutions CVQ02 Analogue Solutions CVQ02 CV to MIDI and Quantiser 14
VBrazil Systems Red Dragon VBrazil Systems Red Dragon 8x CV to MIDI converter 22
Analogue Solutions StationX Analogue Solutions StationX Synth voice 36
Rebel Technology Open Sound Module Rebel Technology Open Sound Module WiFi OSC to CV/Gate interface 6
Other/unknown Shock Electronix Modatron EsQu-One Step Sequencer Other/unknown Shock Electronix Modatron EsQu-One Step Sequencer EsQu-One Step Sequencer 38
000 MAYDAY 000 MAYDAY MIDI / DIN Sync 24 to Trigger Interface 8
Moog Music Inc. Moog Mother-32 Moog Music Inc. Moog Mother-32 Complete semi-modular voice with sequencer and keyboard 60
Erica Synths MIDI To Trigger Erica Synths MIDI To Trigger Control your drum modules and trigger events on your modular from any MIDI sequencer! 6
Dreadbox Alpha Dreadbox Alpha Dual ADSR and MIDI to CV 22
Erica Synths Duophonic MIDI-CV interface Erica Synths Duophonic MIDI-CV interface Precise emulation of classical duophonic synths behavior. 8
Other/unknown Midi2CV HexInverter Other/unknown Midi2CV HexInverter 8
Other/unknown MIDECO Other/unknown MIDECO MIDI to gate/trigger 14
birdkids Control Bus birdkids Control Bus 104
Other/unknown av500 - MIDI2CV Other/unknown av500 - MIDI2CV MIDI to CV/GATE converter, 8 CV and 4 Gate outputs, support for 5-pin DIN and USB MIDI devices 8
Intellijel µMIDI Intellijel µMIDI USB/DIN MIDI voice and clock interface 6
Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms SV-1 Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms SV-1 Dual Oscillator Analog Modular Synthesizer 48
Other/unknown octoDAC Other/unknown octoDAC octoDAC - 8 channel MIDI CC to CV module for Eurorack 8
Vermona qMI2 - Quad MIDI Interface Vermona qMI2 - Quad MIDI Interface Quad Polyphonic MIDI to CV/Gate Interface 24
Motovilo zCLOCK Motovilo zCLOCK MIDI clock tester/generator/divider/DYN sync module 12
Doepfer A-190-3v Doepfer A-190-3v USB/Midi-to-CV/Gate Interface (Vintage edition) 6
Marion Systems Corporation Oberheim Mini Sequencer Marion Systems Corporation Oberheim Mini Sequencer Mini Sequencer 34
Modal Electronics GCync MIDI to Clock Bi-directional Bridge Modal Electronics GCync MIDI to Clock Bi-directional Bridge Utility module that bridges MIDI and Analogue clock including a multiplier/divider for the clock output 10
Intellijel µMIDI 1U Intellijel µMIDI 1U midi - cv 22
Intellijel µMIDI JACKS Intellijel µMIDI JACKS µMIDI DIN and USB jacks for MIDI input 8
EMW MIDI MIXER EMW MIDI MIXER 2-in 1-out MIDI merge module 8
EMW MIDI clock to Pulse EMW MIDI clock to Pulse Extracts the MIDI Clock signal and produces 5V pulses with adjustable width. 12
birdkids TheBateleur - Power / MIDI birdkids TheBateleur - Power / MIDI 16bit High-precision MIDI-to-CV converter. Super Low-noise PSU for the Eurorack standard, operating on USB power. 4
Delptronics CV2MIDI Delptronics CV2MIDI CV 2 Midi Module 16
Other/unknown MIDI-SEQ-8 Other/unknown MIDI-SEQ-8 Android controlled USB MIDI step sequencer 8
ADDAC System ADDAC222 ADDAC System ADDAC222 Multiphonic CV-to-MIDI Notes module 16
ADDAC System ADDAC221 ADDAC System ADDAC221 10X9 Channel CV to CC MIDI System 16
Soundmachines MODULÖR114 Soundmachines MODULÖR114 Analog Modular Synthesizer 84
Erogenous Tones Mother's Little Helper Erogenous Tones Mother's Little Helper Mother32 Companion Module 10
Nozoïd OCS-2 Nozoïd OCS-2 analogue style synthesizer 50
EMW Multiwave Digital Oscillator EMW Multiwave Digital Oscillator MIDI-Controlled Digital Oscillator 18
Befaco MIDI-CV Befaco MIDI-CV Midi to CV module 11
Million Machine March ES-X-APE Million Machine March ES-X-APE Combined Expert Sleepers Panel 20
Maker.ie PATCHBLOCKS Maker.ie PATCHBLOCKS Programmable multi-functional module 8
Other/unknown MUC-810 Other/unknown MUC-810 MIDI to CV trigger and gate converter 30
000 WHIP 000 WHIP MIDI DIN SYNC Clock Interface & pattern generator 10
AniModule MIDI_Gate AniModule MIDI_Gate MIDI Key / Pad to Gate Converter 4
Synthrotek MST MIDI to CV Expander Synthrotek MST MIDI to CV Expander Adds arpeggiation, additional channels to the MIDI to CV Converter. 2
Endorphin.es Shuttle Mate (golden) Endorphin.es Shuttle Mate (golden) USB Midi interface / converter 6
Pulp Logic DIN black Pulp Logic DIN black Black 5-Pin DIN Tile 6
Monome Ansible Monome Ansible far communicator, speaks openly. 6
Delptronics General MIDI Audio Module Delptronics General MIDI Audio Module General MIDI Audio Module 4
Expert Sleepers ES-8 Expert Sleepers ES-8 USB Audio Interface 8
Other/unknown Sound Study - MIDI 2 CV Other/unknown Sound Study - MIDI 2 CV A clone of the Mutable Instruments CV PAL. 4
Super Synthesis Keyscan Super Synthesis Keyscan 6
Other/unknown Super37 keyboard output module Other/unknown Super37 keyboard output module Module included with the Super37 Powered Case/Keyboard 6
Befaco MIDI Thing Befaco MIDI Thing 4 channel multi mode MIDI to CV converter 6
ACXSynth Polyphonic MIDI to CV ACXSynth Polyphonic MIDI to CV Polyphonic MIDI to CV / Gate interface 10
ACXSynth MIDI external ACXSynth MIDI external MIDI In / Out 4
MFB SEQ-01-Pro MFB SEQ-01-Pro Drum sequencer with up to 32 Steps 20
Other/unknown MCV4 Other/unknown MCV4 Doepfer MCV4 Midi to CV 9
Malekko Heavy Industry SYNC Malekko Heavy Industry SYNC 4HP USB/MIDI SYNC MODULE 4
PMFoundations MIDI-CV-8 PMFoundations MIDI-CV-8 MIDI-USB Keyboard Controller MIDI-CV Interface 8
Polyend Poly Polyend Poly Polyphonic MIDI to CV converter 22
Syinsi MIDI Clock Syinsi MIDI Clock Converts MIDI clock to 24 PPQN clock and Start/Stop. 6
Retrokits RK004 Retrokits RK004 MIDI Merger/Splitter/Sync/Clock Processor 18
SDS Digital Reflex LiveLoop SDS Digital Reflex LiveLoop Real-Time Sampler / Looper / FX 16
Instruō Performance Quantizer [Custom Shop] Instruō Performance Quantizer [Custom Shop] Quantizer with MIDI input 8
Expert Sleepers ESX-8GT mk3 Expert Sleepers ESX-8GT mk3 Gate Expander with MIDI outputs for ES-4 and ES-5 4
Expert Sleepers ES-5 mk3 Expert Sleepers ES-5 mk3 Gate, Clock and Sync expander for the ES-3 Lightpipe to CV DAC 4
Expert Sleepers FHX-1 Output Expander for FH-1 Expert Sleepers FHX-1 Output Expander for FH-1 FHX-1 4
Erica Synths Midi to Clock Erica Synths Midi to Clock Sync your Eurorack with other MIDI gear 6
SDS Digital WiFiMIDI SDS Digital WiFiMIDI 8 Channel CV/T/G WiFi rtpMIDI / touchOSC with MIDI out & Clock 6
Endorphin.es Shuttle System (golden) Endorphin.es Shuttle System (golden) Tone generating eurorack synthesizer 84
ACXSynth DUAL ENVELOPE GENERATOR "Monster" ACXSynth DUAL ENVELOPE GENERATOR "Monster" Dual Envelope Generator 10
Other/unknown Euromod Other/unknown Euromod Smartphone to Eurorack interface 32
Other/unknown KRM-100 Other/unknown KRM-100 MIDI-CV-Arpeggiator Module 14
Zetaohm FLXS1 Zetaohm FLXS1 4 Channel 64 Step Voltage Sequencer 26
Syinsi MIDI CV Syinsi MIDI CV MIDI to CV Converter Tile 6
Erica Synths DIY MIDI-CV Erica Synths DIY MIDI-CV DIY duophonic MIDI interface 6
SDS Digital SDS_VCO SDS Digital SDS_VCO Mini 16 Waveform VCO w/ Envelope+VCA+Quantizing 3
Blue Lantern Modules Enhanced Yarns Midi to CV converter DIY Blue Lantern Modules Enhanced Yarns Midi to CV converter DIY Enhanced hardware Yarns DIY module 12
Other/unknown Midigal 12hp Midi Module Other/unknown Midigal 12hp Midi Module Midigal Midi DIY module 12
ADDAC System ADDAC402B ADDAC System ADDAC402B Heuristic Midi I/O Expander 6
Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms Midi 3 Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms Midi 3 Extremely Full Featured MIDI to CV Converter 6
vpme.de trig31 vpme.de trig31 8 channel trigger to MIDI converter 4
2hp MIDI 2hp MIDI MIDI Interface 2
Expert Sleepers ES-5 mk2 Expert Sleepers ES-5 mk2 Gate, Clock and Sync expander for the ES-3 4
Expert Sleepers ESX-4CV Expert Sleepers ESX-4CV 4 output CV expander for ES-5 and ES-4 4
Ladik M-218 Ladik M-218 Trig/gate to MIDI w. Gate-level velocity 8
Other/unknown Yarns (PCB Panel) Other/unknown Yarns (PCB Panel) Alternative Black PCB Panel for Yarns. 12
Erica Synths Black Midi-CV Erica Synths Black Midi-CV 2 voice Midi-CV interface with glide and clock out 6
Soulsby AT-ARP Soulsby AT-ARP Arpeggiator and Midi Interface 2
Expert Sleepers MIDI Breakout Expert Sleepers MIDI Breakout MIDI breakout for disting mk4, General CV and FH-2. 4
Make Noise 0-Coast Make Noise 0-Coast 0-coast modified to fit in a eurorack case. 45
Snyderphonics MantaMate Snyderphonics MantaMate CV converter for the Manta, USB-MIDI devices, computers, and HID game controllers 12
Liivatera Mono-MIDI Liivatera Mono-MIDI MIDI Interface 8
Medic Modules Polygene Medic Modules Polygene Polyphonic MIDI to CV converter 32
LPZW.modules WK3 MIDI Thru LPZW.modules WK3 MIDI Thru Midi Thru 2
Other/unknown MIDI 2 CV Other/unknown MIDI 2 CV 3 CV, 6 Gate Output MIDI 2 CV 8
Erica Synths Black MIDI-CV v2 Erica Synths Black MIDI-CV v2 6
Ladik M-216 Ladik M-216 M-216 Trig/gate to MIDI (same note on 12 MIDI channels) 8
Percussa Super Signal Processor (SSP) Percussa Super Signal Processor (SSP) Multi Function Module, Multi FX processor, Multichannel recorder, USB audio interface 60
Other/unknown Yarns Other/unknown Yarns Black Edition DIY 12
1010 Music MX4 MIDI Buffered Multiple 1010 Music MX4 MIDI Buffered Multiple Quad output MIDI repeater with 3.5mm TRS minijacks 3
Million Machine March MF-105 Million Machine March MF-105 Moog MIDI Murf 34
Evaton Technologies μCVC (Early Adopter) Evaton Technologies μCVC (Early Adopter) Eurorack Control Voltage Interface for the Haken Audio Continuum Fingerboard 6
Tubbutec µTune Tubbutec µTune Microtonal Quantizer, Scale editor, MIDI interface 8
Other/unknown Dubldeca Other/unknown Dubldeca MIDI to CV interface for Elektron Octatrack 12
Ladik M-217 Trig/gate to MIDI w. velocity Ladik M-217 Trig/gate to MIDI w. velocity Trig/gate to MIDI w. velocity 8
Instruō Aithēr Instruō Aithēr Connectivity Hub 12
Squarp Instruments Hermod Squarp Instruments Hermod The 8-track sequencer & interface for your eurorack system. Perfect for composition and live performances. 26
Other/unknown ED107 PolyDAC 4-Channel MIDI-CV 30HP Other/unknown ED107 PolyDAC 4-Channel MIDI-CV 30HP 30
1010 Music Toolbox 1010 Music Toolbox Sequencer and Function Generator 26
Kenton Modular Solo BLACK Kenton Modular Solo BLACK MIDI to CV/G Interface 10
EMW MIDI Note to Trigger EMW MIDI Note to Trigger MIDI to trigger + MIDI clock translator 8
Other/unknown DLP - MIDI Clock Other/unknown DLP - MIDI Clock Midi sync clock/funciton generator 8
Grayscale Expert Sleepers ES-8 (alternate panel) Grayscale Expert Sleepers ES-8 (alternate panel) 8
ACXSynth DUAL LFO "Devil" ACXSynth DUAL LFO "Devil" Dual LFO 10
Robaux SRL12 Robaux SRL12 Robaux SRL12 Midi to Trigger Interface 4
EMW Multiwave Digital Oscillator (Aluminium) EMW Multiwave Digital Oscillator (Aluminium) MIDI controlled oscillator with 40 waveforms in the main osc. section + 8 sub-osc 18
XOR Electronics Nerdseq IO Expander (Aluminium) XOR Electronics Nerdseq IO Expander (Aluminium) Midi In & Out / Sega Controller 6
Dreadbox Dreadbox Case 94 Panel Dreadbox Dreadbox Case 94 Panel Dreadbox Case with panel 94
Dreadbox Dreadbox Case 168 Panel Dreadbox Dreadbox Case 168 Panel Dreadbox Case with panel 84
Radikal Technologies  Delta CEP A Radikal Technologies Delta CEP A Paraphonic Semimodular Synthesizer voice 68
Other/unknown DWMidi Other/unknown DWMidi A simple usb midi controller 14
LPZW.modules Schleußig LPZW.modules Schleußig DC coupled mute/switch with synchronous grouped switching 10
Other/unknown T-Rack 88A Other/unknown T-Rack 88A Remote control for analog open reel or cassette tape deck. 10
Blue Lantern Modules DIY Grids Module with Midi In Blue Lantern Modules DIY Grids Module with Midi In Alternate layout of Émilie Gillet's Grids by Flavio Mireles 16
Other/unknown Midicv Other/unknown Midicv 4
Other/unknown Red Light District Other/unknown Red Light District digitally controlled analogue sequencers 84
Other/unknown Washtenaw Wave Morpher MIDI Controller by North Coast Modular Collective Other/unknown Washtenaw Wave Morpher MIDI Controller by North Coast Modular Collective A MIDI controller for the Pure Data patch "Washtenaw Wave Morpher" for Terminal Tedium 14
Other/unknown T-Rax 88A Other/unknown T-Rax 88A Modular Tape Deck Control 10
Rat King Modular Alchemical Audio Touch Controller Rat King Modular Alchemical Audio Touch Controller Touch controller with MIDI and portamento 60
Beast-Tek Amoeba Beast-Tek Amoeba Cellular / Algorithmic Drum Trigger Sequencer 18
Other/unknown SOUND STUDY MIDI 2 CV Other/unknown SOUND STUDY MIDI 2 CV Midi to CV 4
Other/unknown Teenage Engineering Oplab Eurorack Panel Other/unknown Teenage Engineering Oplab Eurorack Panel 3D printed Oplab Panel with 1-5 mult 19
Other/unknown Dodeca Other/unknown Dodeca stereo midi -> 12 CV outs 6
Twisted Electrons Crazy8 Beats Twisted Electrons Crazy8 Beats 8 Hybrid Analog/MIDI Tracks 40
Robaux SWT16 Robaux SWT16 16x64 Step Trigger Sequencer 14
Five12 Vector Sequencer Five12 Vector Sequencer Digital sequencer with 8 parts, 16 sub-sequencers for modulation, chance operations and presets. 42
Five12 Jack Expander Five12 Jack Expander I/O Expansion for Five12 Vector Sequencer 12
Pittsburgh Modular Electronic Sequence Designer 128 Pittsburgh Modular Electronic Sequence Designer 128 4 Channel Performance Sequencer 48
LPZW.modules WK4 LPZW.modules WK4 MIDI converter 2
Michigan Synth Works m-Brane (6hp Mutable Yarns) Michigan Synth Works m-Brane (6hp Mutable Yarns) 4-channel MIDI interface in 6hp, compact verion of Mutable Instruments Yarns. 6
oZoe.fr MIDI2CV oZoe.fr MIDI2CV Multiple interface tool module between the MIDI standard and a modular synthesizer. 18
Tubbutec µTune Param Expander Tubbutec µTune Param Expander Octal mid-res CV / Gate output expander for µTune 2
Other/unknown SyncBoy Other/unknown SyncBoy Eurorack sync module for MIDI + Nintendo Game Boy 10
Other/unknown Balor Other/unknown Balor Trig to MIDI really basic module with live stuff 9
Expert Sleepers Select Bus breakout Expert Sleepers Select Bus breakout Access to the 'Select Bus' on 5 pin DIN MIDI sockets 4
Hexinverter Électronique Mutant Brain Hexinverter Électronique Mutant Brain 16 output ultra-flexible midi to trigger, sync, polyphonic CV and gate, and more! 8
Dreadbox Dreadbox Case 168 Front Panel Dreadbox Dreadbox Case 168 Front Panel Full View 1U tile 84
Expert Sleepers FH-2 'factotum' Expert Sleepers FH-2 'factotum' MIDI/CV Converter and synchronization center 8
vpme.de Spooky Action vpme.de Spooky Action Ableton LINK capable versatile clock generator 8
Doepfer A-157-4 Doepfer A-157-4 Midi / USB / control outputs for trigger sequencer A-157 6
Bastl Instruments 1983 Bastl Instruments 1983 MIDI to CV from the FUTURE 7
Manikin Electronic CV-DAC-8 Manikin Electronic CV-DAC-8 8 Channel Audio/CV USB DAC 8
Other/unknown 1x3 Midi Thru Other/unknown 1x3 Midi Thru 18
Million Machine March Moog Minitaur MIDI Expander Million Machine March Moog Minitaur MIDI Expander 6
Quicco Sound mi.1e 0|8 Quicco Sound mi.1e 0|8 Bluetooth MIDI - CV Adapter 4
Instruō QPQ Quad Performance Quantizer [Custom Shop] Instruō QPQ Quad Performance Quantizer [Custom Shop] Four independent quantizers with midi control over note selection. Custom Shop module 10
Hinton Instruments Gearbox Basic Hinton Instruments Gearbox Basic MIDI Interface 8
Expert Sleepers ES-8 Bitwig Edition Expert Sleepers ES-8 Bitwig Edition USB Audio Interface 8
Other/unknown String Theory Other/unknown String Theory StringTheory is a lo-fi, 4-note, paraphonic string synthesizer 6
Analogue Solutions Treadstone Analogue Synthesizer Analogue Solutions Treadstone Analogue Synthesizer Single synth voice with MIDI-CV, sequencer 22
Instruō QPQ Quad Performance Quantizer (silver) Instruō QPQ Quad Performance Quantizer (silver) Four independent quantizers with midi control over note selection. 10
1010 Music euroshield 1 1010 Music euroshield 1 Synthesizer and Effects Development Board 8
Other/unknown Polyg Other/unknown Polyg 8 Voice Polyphonic Synthesizer designed by Vestur Synthesis 8
Intellijel  µMIDI 1U Intellijel µMIDI 1U 22
Erogenous Tones Structure Erogenous Tones Structure Visual Generator Module 38
Other/unknown Yarns Other/unknown Yarns Midi to CV interface 6
Vinicius Electrik MIDI Port Vinicius Electrik MIDI Port Monophonic MIDI-CV 16
Dreadbox Lil‘ Erebus Dreadbox Lil‘ Erebus Paraphonic Synthesizer 42
2hp MIDI (Black Panel) 2hp MIDI (Black Panel) MIDI Interface 2
Analogue Solutions Generator Step Sequencer Analogue Solutions Generator Step Sequencer 16-step Analog Sequencer with 3 Sequence Channels, 3 CV Outputs, 2 Gate Outputs, 1 Inverse Gate Output, and MIDI In 84
Other/unknown Medigrade MidiCV + Utilities Other/unknown Medigrade MidiCV + Utilities 12 Midi to CV / 2 Clock Dividers / Dual Passive Switch / Passive split / Tube Distortion / Diode Clipping 8
Other/unknown C2M Other/unknown C2M CV to MIDI module by mxmxmx 10
Other/unknown UNCPROP FH-1U Other/unknown UNCPROP FH-1U Expert Sleepers FH-1+ FHX-1 to 1u conversion 66
Winter Modular EME (Black) Winter Modular EME (Black) Eloquencer MIDI Expansion 6
Squarp Instruments Hermod (Black Panel) Squarp Instruments Hermod (Black Panel) The 8-track sequencer & interface for your eurorack system. Perfect for composition and live performances 26
Endorphin.es Shuttle Control (black) Endorphin.es Shuttle Control (black) 12 bit USB-to-MIDI-to-CV converter, PSU, host for class compliant MIDI-Devices 12
Endorphin.es Shuttle System (black) Endorphin.es Shuttle System (black) Tone generating eurorack synthesizer 84
Endorphin.es Shuttle Mate (black) Endorphin.es Shuttle Mate (black) USB Midi interface / converter 6
Tesseract Modular Nutella Tsunami Tesseract Modular Nutella Tsunami 16 trigger ins to play up to 4096 wav files from a micoSD card 16
Centrevillage TriggerHaCker Centrevillage TriggerHaCker 5x5 matrix trigger sequencer. 12
Other/unknown Korg SQ1 Other/unknown Korg SQ1 38
Quicco Sound mi.1e 2|6 Quicco Sound mi.1e 2|6 Bluetooth MIDI-CV Adapter 4
Rat King Modular Alchemical Audio Touch Controller Rat King Modular Alchemical Audio Touch Controller Eurorack or standalone touch keyboard with portamento and pitch bend controls 60
Other/unknown PreenFM Other/unknown PreenFM PreenFM is a multitibral FM synthesizer 31
Westlicht PER|FORMER Westlicht PER|FORMER Advanced Step Sequencer 34
Other/unknown CFM1 Other/unknown CFM1 Touchscreen sequencer 52
Other/unknown Waverazor Dual Oscillator Other/unknown Waverazor Dual Oscillator Dual Oscillator module 26
Michigan Synth Works mBrane (6hp Yarns, aluminum) Michigan Synth Works mBrane (6hp Yarns, aluminum) 4-channel MIDI interface, 6HP compact version of Mutable Instruments Yarns. 6
Other/unknown Yarns Black & Gold Panel Other/unknown Yarns Black & Gold Panel Yarns Black & Gold Panel 12
Other/unknown DIY Intellijel 1U Midi Panel Other/unknown DIY Intellijel 1U Midi Panel Midi panel wired up to work with ES Disting MK4 6
Manikk Outbreak Manikk Outbreak Eight voice MIDI Interface with 46 output jacks 14
Westlicht PER|FORMER (Performer alternate panel) Westlicht PER|FORMER (Performer alternate panel) Advanced Step Sequencer 34
Other/unknown NAAD LD4 digital drum synthesizer Other/unknown NAAD LD4 digital drum synthesizer The LD4 module features four digital, flexibly usable drum voices. it can be controlled via control voltages or MIDI. 36
Futureretro MIDI BUS Futureretro MIDI BUS MIDI Interface for the TRAX! sequencer 3
Rare Waves Hydronium Rare Waves Hydronium semi-modular analog acid bassline synth 28
Pharmasonic Reese-30 Pharmasonic Reese-30 MIDI/Sync converter 16
x1l3 MIDI TO GATE GENERATOR x1l3 MIDI TO GATE GENERATOR MIDI controlled gate generator 4
Neutron Sound Dodeca Neutron Sound Dodeca Teensy based MIDI to CV converter 6
Supercritical Synthesizers Demon Core EXPANDER Supercritical Synthesizers Demon Core EXPANDER Expander for the 16 voice Demon Core Oscillator by SUPERCRITICAL Synthesizers 8
Befaco VCMC Befaco VCMC Voltage Controlled MIDI Controller 20
Endorphin.es Ground Control (black) Endorphin.es Ground Control (black) 8 Drum Gate + 3 Melodic CV/Gate Performance Sequencer 42
Gibbon Digital Rengeteg M Gibbon Digital Rengeteg M MIDI multiples 4
OIIIAudio MIDI to Drums Converter OIIIAudio MIDI to Drums Converter 8/4-channel MIDI to drum converter 14
Instruments of Things 2.4SINK Instruments of Things 2.4SINK Wireless CV Interface (Motion Sensor Control, Ableton Link, OSC, Bluetooth® MIDI) 10
Polyend Poly 2 Polyend Poly 2 Polyend Poly 2 MIDI to CV Converter 14
Northern Light Modular EvenMidi 3U – Model euEM Northern Light Modular EvenMidi 3U – Model euEM Rackmount version of the Evenmidi controller with 10 attenuverted CV inputs 14
LPZW.modules TRAM8 LPZW.modules TRAM8 8 Channel Midi to Gate+Velocity 20
Other/unknown DIY Future Retro MIDI Bus Horizontal 1U Mount Other/unknown DIY Future Retro MIDI Bus Horizontal 1U Mount Future Retro MIDI Bus module mounted horizontal in a 1U row 48
Erica Synths Black Sequencer Erica Synths Black Sequencer New Black Sequencer 42
Other/unknown MO 2 Other/unknown MO 2 MACRO OSCILLATOR 2 12
Other/unknown The Starry Night Other/unknown The Starry Night vcv controller 8
Other/unknown Totem Other/unknown Totem vcv controller 2
Other/unknown Minilar Other/unknown Minilar vcv controller 20
XOXO Modular MIDIXO (Aluminum Panel) XOXO Modular MIDIXO (Aluminum Panel) TRS MIDI A/B converter and Expert Sleepers TRS MIDI breakout (Aluminum panel) 2
Other/unknown Hemisphere Suite Other/unknown Hemisphere Suite Multifunction Modulation Generator 8
Alyseum MATRIX II Alyseum MATRIX II 15 X 16 Sequential Matrix I/O router. 22
Other/unknown Mutant Brain Black & Gold Panel Other/unknown Mutant Brain Black & Gold Panel Mutant Brain Black & Gold Panel 8
Behringer Neutron (Colours) Behringer Neutron (Colours) Semi-Modular Synth 80
Winter Modular EME (Silver) Winter Modular EME (Silver) Eloquencer MIDI Expansion 6
Intellijel 4U x 62HP Palette Case Top Row BLACK  (0.5U) Intellijel 4U x 62HP Palette Case Top Row BLACK (0.5U) The top section of an Intellijel Palette 62 case 62
Intellijel 4U x 62HP Palette Case Top Row SILVER  (0.5U) Intellijel 4U x 62HP Palette Case Top Row SILVER (0.5U) The top section of an Intellijel Palette 62 case 62
Alyseum Q-VCA Alyseum Q-VCA A versatile and dynamic Quad VCA. 10
Alyseum Q-LINEAR Alyseum Q-LINEAR Versatile and dynamic Quad V/Octave Engine 10
Retrokits RK004/MOD Retrokits RK004/MOD RK004 minijack rec 20
SDS Digital Accord Sequarallel SDS Digital Accord Sequarallel MIDI to CV Sequencer Recorder 8
Sequentix 10hp Black CVIO Sequentix 10hp Black CVIO Custom FPE Cirklon Euro CVIO 10
SDS Digital Accord Melisma SDS Digital Accord Melisma CV to MIDI Chord / Melody / Arpeggiator 8
Hexinverter Électronique Mutant Brain silver Hexinverter Électronique Mutant Brain silver 8
Expert Sleepers ES-9 Expert Sleepers ES-9 USB Audio Interface 16
Shakmat Clock O' Pawn Shakmat Clock O' Pawn Clock / Transport with MIDI Clock Input and Variable Swing Control 6
Other/unknown Pantala Labs - Midi to Trigger Other/unknown Pantala Labs - Midi to Trigger 12 channel Midi to trigger converter 7
Behringer Neutron (Colours 2.0 Nocturnal Theme) Behringer Neutron (Colours 2.0 Nocturnal Theme) Semi-Modular Synth 80
Shock Electronix ESQU-One Shock Electronix ESQU-One The Shock Electronix ESQU-One Step Sequencer is our Eurorack conversion of the super compact and highly versatile Korg SQ-1 Step Sequencer. 38
Centrevillage MIDI CoM Centrevillage MIDI CoM MIDI Expander for C Quencer DLX and TriggerHaCker. 2
Westlicht PER|FORMER Westlicht PER|FORMER Advanced Step Sequencer (silver version) 34
Other/unknown re.ceiver Other/unknown re.ceiver 8
Tesseract Modular Sweet Sixteen Tesseract Modular Sweet Sixteen Eurorack version of the 16n faderbank 24
Michigan Synth Works F8R Michigan Synth Works F8R I2C, MIDI - 8 channel, 16hp control surface 16
AtoVproject 16n AtoVproject Rework AtoVproject 16n AtoVproject Rework CV/MIDI/I2C controller 50
Majella Audio MCVC: 4 Voice MIDI CV Converter Majella Audio MCVC: 4 Voice MIDI CV Converter MIDI to CV converter 14
Grayscale POKIT Grayscale POKIT Eurorack conversion kit for the Teenage Engineering Pocket Operator Keyboard 42
Other/unknown 16n Berlin Modular Edition by AtoVproject (black) Other/unknown 16n Berlin Modular Edition by AtoVproject (black) Sends Voltage/CC via CV/MIDI/I2C 50
Flame µMCLK Flame µMCLK MIDI clock divider 5
Flame µMCCGT Flame µMCCGT MIDI CC & gate 5
Flame µ16MCC Flame µ16MCC 16 x MIDICC-to-CV 5
Flame µQMCV Flame µQMCV Quad MIDI-to-CV interface 5
ALM Busy Circuits mmMidi ALM Busy Circuits mmMidi ALM023 - Midi to CV interface 4
Million Machine March Moog Minitaur MIDI Expander - cut to 5hp Million Machine March Moog Minitaur MIDI Expander - cut to 5hp Reduced size version of this expander 5
Other/unknown µMidi 1U Black & Gold Panel Other/unknown µMidi 1U Black & Gold Panel µMidi 1U Black & Gold Panel 22
Behringer CAT Behringer CAT Duophonic Analog Synth with Dual VCOs, 4 Mixable Waveforms, External Signal Processor, 16-Voice Poly Chain 70
Soundmachines Arches Soundmachines Arches Tactile gestural interface 84
Noise Engineering Univer Inter Noise Engineering Univer Inter Chainable 8-output MIDI to CV converter, and USB MIDI interface. 6
LPZW.modules TRAM8 3U LPZW.modules TRAM8 3U 8 Channel Midi Converter 5
CalSynth 16n Faderbank CalSynth 16n Faderbank CV/MIDI/I2C Controller 50
Other/unknown Blinkenlights 8 Bit Waves II Other/unknown Blinkenlights 8 Bit Waves II Digital 1V/Oct oscillator, simple to build and needs no calibration 12
Other/unknown Blinkenlights MIDI Gates Other/unknown Blinkenlights MIDI Gates Break out a MIDI signal into 16 gate outputs, either 1 per channel, or as 16 notes of a MIDI standard drum kit 16
Barton Musical Circuits Midi To Gate Converter Barton Musical Circuits Midi To Gate Converter MIDI to gate converter is a simple to use utility module. 6
Hinton Instruments SequenceMix Expander w/ MIDI Hinton Instruments SequenceMix Expander w/ MIDI Expansion module for SequenceMix 6
Other/unknown Anookum Expander Other/unknown Anookum Expander 4
Electrosmith Daisy Patch Electrosmith Daisy Patch Programmable DSP Platform 20
Manikk Otto Passive Stereo Manikk Otto Passive Stereo Eight stereo jacks with pin-strip on the backside with access to all jacks 2
Tubbutec µTune - black edition Tubbutec µTune - black edition CV/Gate multitool 8
Tubbutec µTune - silver edition Tubbutec µTune - silver edition CV/Gate/Midi multitool 8
IO Instruments Kallichore IO Instruments Kallichore Six voice FPGA-based oscillator 22
Other/unknown Rack2Reality Other/unknown Rack2Reality CV to Midi 28
Ladik M-221 MIDI to clock synchronizer Ladik M-221 MIDI to clock synchronizer M-221 MIDI to clock module 8
Neutron Sound Dust of Time Neutron Sound Dust of Time Dual stereo oscillator with modulators 16
Winterbloom Sol Winterbloom Sol Programmable USB MIDI to CV/Gate module 8
Expert Sleepers disting EX Expert Sleepers disting EX Multi-Function Module 8
LPZW.modules EC Mute LPZW.modules EC Mute Muting expander for Euclidean Circles from VPME.de 2
RYK Modular M185 Sequencer RYK Modular M185 Sequencer Multi-stage dual-channel MIDI & CV sequencer, with stage selectable gate modes 30
Robaux SWT16+ MIDI Expander Robaux SWT16+ MIDI Expander Robaux SWT16+ MIDI Expander 4
Tesseract Modular Sweet Sixteen (alternate panels) Tesseract Modular Sweet Sixteen (alternate panels) Eurorack version of the 16n Faderbank (from Tesseract Modular) 24
Tesseract Modular Sweet Sixteen Mk.II Tesseract Modular Sweet Sixteen Mk.II MIDI / i2C / CV controller 24
Other/unknown Norns Shield Other/unknown Norns Shield 23
Alyseum SELECTOR Alyseum SELECTOR SELECTOR, the most versatile Sequencial Switcher 8 ↔ 1 8
Cre8audio NiftyCASE I/O Panel Cre8audio NiftyCASE I/O Panel I/O Panel of the NiftyCASE 84
Michigan Synth Works F8R Michigan Synth Works F8R Fader Bank with CV, I2C, and MIDI 16
Befaco CV Thing Befaco CV Thing CV to MIDI converter 6
Northern Light Modular euEM2 Northern Light Modular euEM2 Extended rackmount version of the Evenmidi controller with 10 attenuverted CV inputs - Eventide H9 version 18
Northern Light Modular euEM2-V Northern Light Modular euEM2-V Rackmount version of the Evenmidi controller with 10 attenuverted CV inputs - Strymon Volante edition 18
Other/unknown MicroUSB Breakout Panel Other/unknown MicroUSB Breakout Panel A DIY MicroUSB breakout panel for modules with an internal USB port 2
Behringer Neutron (Podular) Behringer Neutron (Podular) Semi-Modular Synth 80
ALM Busy Circuits System Coupe ALM Busy Circuits System Coupe Sampling and sequencing system 84
Other/unknown Yarns (Oscillosaurus Faceplate) Other/unknown Yarns (Oscillosaurus Faceplate) MIDI interface 12
Other/unknown Ansible (1U) Other/unknown Ansible (1U) This is a Pulplogic 1U compatible faceplate to swap in for the standard one that comes with the Monome Ansible module. 24
Expert Sleepers FHX-8CV Expander for FH-2 Expert Sleepers FHX-8CV Expander for FH-2 8 extra CV outputs for the FH-1/2 4
Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms SV-1b Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms SV-1b Dual Oscillator Analog Modular Synthesizer 48
XOXO Modular MIDIXO (Black & Gold Panel) XOXO Modular MIDIXO (Black & Gold Panel) TRS MIDI A/B converter and Expert Sleepers TRS MIDI breakout (Black panel) 2
Seismic Industries nMIDI Seismic Industries nMIDI 1HP CVPAL clone 1
Intellijel Midi 1U Intellijel Midi 1U Midi 1U 14
Sleepy Circuits Hypno Sleepy Circuits Hypno Semi-Modular Digital Video System 14
Michigan Synth Works 2HP2CV USB to CV Adapter Michigan Synth Works 2HP2CV USB to CV Adapter 2HP adaptation of Mutable Instruments CVpal 2
Northern Light Modular euEM2-B Northern Light Modular euEM2-B Extended rackmount version of the Evenmidi controller with 10 attenuverted CV inputs - Strymon BigSky version 18
Northern Light Modular euEM2-T Northern Light Modular euEM2-T Extended rackmount version of the Evenmidi controller with 10 attenuverted CV inputs - Strymon Timeline version 18
Michigan Synth Works 2HP2CV USB to CV Adapter (Black Panel) Michigan Synth Works 2HP2CV USB to CV Adapter (Black Panel) 2HP adaptation of Mutable Instruments CVpal with a black panel 2
Eowave Quadrantid Swarm Eowave Quadrantid Swarm 41
Genki Instruments Wavefront Genki Instruments Wavefront Bluetooth MIDI to CV converter extraordinare! 4
Winterbloom Sol (black panel) Winterbloom Sol (black panel) Programmable USB MIDI to CV/Gate module 8
Sonicsmith MIDVertor E1 Sonicsmith MIDVertor E1 Digital expander / mainframe 6
AvonSynth AVS-MIDI-1 AvonSynth AVS-MIDI-1 Digitally controlled Arm-core MIDI to CV Converter Module 10
Tubbutec USB bridge A Tubbutec USB bridge A Routes and merges midi data between two USB devices and one TRS midi device 2
Beast-Tek Transmuter Beast-Tek Transmuter Drum Machine and Groove Box Interface 10
Befaco Lich Befaco Lich Programmable multi-function module based in Rebel Technology OWL platform. 12
Blue Lantern Modules Midi to CV Blue Lantern Modules Midi to CV Midi to CV Module 10
Behringer RS-9 Behringer RS-9 TR-X0X Style drum / trigger sequencer based on the Behringer RD-9 52
Westlicht per|former Westlicht per|former Westlicht Performer Red Knob 34
Tesseract Modular Tukra Tesseract Modular Tukra Trigger sequencer with audio and MIDI 32
Intellijel 4U x 104HP Palette Case Top Row SILVER  (0.5U) Intellijel 4U x 104HP Palette Case Top Row SILVER (0.5U) Top, built-in section of the Intellijel Palette 104HP case. Sometimes referred to as "0.5U" section. 104
Intellijel 4U x 104HP Palette Case Top Row STEALTH / BLACK  (0.5U) Intellijel 4U x 104HP Palette Case Top Row STEALTH / BLACK (0.5U) Top, built-in section of the Intellijel Palette 104HP case. Sometimes referred to as "0.5U" section. 104
Manikk Otto MIDI Manikk Otto MIDI 2HP TRS MIDI Thru module. Each jack configurable for type A or type B. 2
Manikk MIDI THRU Manikk MIDI THRU MIDI THRU module with both DIN and TRS jacks. 6
Intellijel CVx Intellijel CVx Eight channel CV expander module in 1U 14
Michigan Synth Works XVI Euro 16 Channel CV/MIDI Fader Bank Michigan Synth Works XVI Euro 16 Channel CV/MIDI Fader Bank XVI is a 16 channel, 44hp control surface for Eurorack 44
Tokyo Tape Music Center MIDI THRU Tokyo Tape Music Center MIDI THRU 3.5mm MIDI THRU A type and B type switch. 4
Wavefonix Poly-8 MIDI to CV Converter Wavefonix Poly-8 MIDI to CV Converter 8-Channel Polyphonic MIDI to CV Converter 20
Flame uMGTV Flame uMGTV Midi Gate/Velocity Interface 5
Other/unknown Yarns Other/unknown Yarns 12
ph modular Neutron MAIN PCB extension ph modular Neutron MAIN PCB extension Eurorack 1U Intellijel™ format 42
After Later Audio Threads 1U After Later Audio Threads 1U All of the goodness of Mutable Instruments Yarns, but in an Intellijel 1U format 24
System80 881 System80 881 Trigger input expander for the 880 8
XOXO Modular 2UP MIDIXO (BLACK LIVES MATTER panel) XOXO Modular 2UP MIDIXO (BLACK LIVES MATTER panel) Double TRS MIDI A/B converter and Expert Sleepers TRS MIDI breakout 4
Clatters Garden Listener Clatters Garden Listener Random control messages generator from biometric signals 8
Tubbutec 6equencer-1U (Intellijel 1U) Tubbutec 6equencer-1U (Intellijel 1U) A 606 inspired drum sequencer and midi interface 24
Tubbutec 6equencer-3U Tubbutec 6equencer-3U A 606 inspired drum sequencer and midi interface 6
ph modular Model D MAIN PCB extension 1U ph modular Model D MAIN PCB extension 1U Eurorack 1U Intellijel™ format of Behringer Model D 24
ph modular K-2 MAIN PCB extension Black version ph modular K-2 MAIN PCB extension Black version Eurorack 1U Intellijel™ format of Behringer K-2 27
Other/unknown Alchemical Audio Touch Controller - Silver version Other/unknown Alchemical Audio Touch Controller - Silver version Eurorack or standalone touch keyboard with portamento and pitch bend controls 60
PMFoundations MIDI-CV-1 PMFoundations MIDI-CV-1 Slim USB Keyboard MIDI to CV interface for Eurorack Modular synthesizers 4
PMFoundations Auto-MIDI PMFoundations Auto-MIDI 4 Voice Polyphonic MIDI to CV interface with Auto-Tune (PCBs only) 8
Kilpatrick Audio K4815 Pattern Generator Kilpatrick Audio K4815 Pattern Generator CV and MIDI Pattern Generator 20
Kilpatrick Audio Twister Kilpatrick Audio Twister Four Knob Controller 6
Kilpatrick Audio Smasher Kilpatrick Audio Smasher Sixteen Button Controller 14
Kilpatrick Audio Slider Kilpatrick Audio Slider Four Sliders with Eight Button Controller 16
Kilpatrick Audio Spinner Kilpatrick Audio Spinner Endless Rotary Encoder with Four Presets 8
Kilpatrick Audio Hubbie Kilpatrick Audio Hubbie Four Port USB 2.0 High-speed Hub 8
1V/Oct The Centre 1V/Oct The Centre Wavetable Synthesizer 28
1010 Music BitBox MK1 1010 Music BitBox MK1 Sampler, Looper, Slicer & Recorder 26
Other/unknown i2c2midi Other/unknown i2c2midi Converts Teletype I2C Messages to MIDI TRS 4
Knobula Poly Cinematic Knobula Poly Cinematic 8 voice polyphonic synthesiser 12
Nakedboards CV-8 Nakedboards CV-8 USB-to-CV interface 6
Monome Ansible (external power) Monome Ansible (external power) far communicator, speaks openly. 6
Other/unknown kxmx_bluemchen Other/unknown kxmx_bluemchen Open-Source DSP Platform 4
Electronic Things... and Stuff MIDI8d Electronic Things... and Stuff MIDI8d MIDI to 8 Digital Outputs 4
Winter Modular ONE2FIVE Winter Modular ONE2FIVE MIDI multiple and MIDI connector conversion 6
Magerit Polyseq Magerit Polyseq Polyphonic Sequencer and MIDI / CV module 9
Other/unknown kxmx_nehcmeulb Other/unknown kxmx_nehcmeulb Inverted, Open-Source DSP Platform 4
Other/unknown kxmx_bluemchen_1u Other/unknown kxmx_bluemchen_1u 1U, Open-Source DSP Platform 22
Expert Sleepers Tiny MIDI breakout TMB Expert Sleepers Tiny MIDI breakout TMB Passive MIDI breakout on 3.5mm TRS sockets 2
Behringer CM1A Behringer CM1A High-Resolution 16-bit MIDI to CV Converter Module for Eurorack 6
Sonoclast MAFD Luxe MIDI-to-CV Sonoclast MAFD Luxe MIDI-to-CV MIDI to CV module 16
Behringer Solina String Ensemble Behringer Solina String Ensemble Classic analog string ensemble synthesizer with 49 voice polyphony, BBD chorus ensemble, vintage phase shifter and Eurorack format 70
Soundmachines MODULÖR114 (Black Edition) Soundmachines MODULÖR114 (Black Edition) Analog Modular Synthesizer 84
Wavefonix MIDI Interface (MIDI) Wavefonix MIDI Interface (MIDI) MIDI Interface with a Range of Features 7
AtoVproject 16n AtoVproject Rework (grey panel) AtoVproject 16n AtoVproject Rework (grey panel) CV/MIDI/I2C controller 50
Other/unknown Edges Expander Other/unknown Edges Expander DIY MIDI expander for MI Edges 4
Other/unknown MIVA Other/unknown MIVA USB MIDI to CV converter 28
joeSeggiola MIDI 4+1 joeSeggiola MIDI 4+1 MIDI to 4x CV/gate, with polyphonic and monophonic voice allocation modes 6
Likaon Instruments Mandala Likaon Instruments Mandala Eight channel MIDI euclidean sequencer 39
Haken Audio EaganMatrix Haken Audio EaganMatrix Eagan Matrix in Eurorack 22
Blue Lantern Modules MIDI to Pulse Clock Blue Lantern Modules MIDI to Pulse Clock MIDI to Clock Converter 6
Magerit Polyseq Black Edition Magerit Polyseq Black Edition Polyphonic Sequencer and MIDI / CV module 9
Wavefonix MIDI Interface (MIDI) Classic Edition Wavefonix MIDI Interface (MIDI) Classic Edition MIDI Interface with a Range of Features 7
IOLabs Flux Expander IOLabs Flux Expander USB MIDI and Multi 3
Division 6 Mattson SQ816 Sequencer Division 6 Mattson SQ816 Sequencer sequencer 52
EMW MIDI - Thru8 EMW MIDI - Thru8 1-in, 8-out MIDI splitter 10
ph modular Model D MAIN PCB extension 3U ph modular Model D MAIN PCB extension 3U Eurorack 3U format of Behringer Model D 5
Other/unknown RTD-002 Other/unknown RTD-002 Eurorack Ableton Interface and Blinking Lights 84
Endorphin.es Shuttle Control (Internally Powered version) Endorphin.es Shuttle Control (Internally Powered version) Gold/Black/Silver 12
North Coast Synthesis MSK 014 Gracious Host North Coast Synthesis MSK 014 Gracious Host USB MIDI host interface 8
Other/unknown Dimensions Other/unknown Dimensions Parametric equations-based MIDI sequencer 16
Other/unknown LL8 MOD Other/unknown LL8 MOD 20HP Cherry MX Switch MOD version for robaux LL8 20
Five12 Vector Sequencer (black) Five12 Vector Sequencer (black) Digital sequencer with 8 parts, 16 sub-sequencers for modulation, chance operations and presets. 42
Five12 Jack Expander (black) Five12 Jack Expander (black) I/O Expansion for Five12 Vector Sequencer 12
Other/unknown i2c2midi MKII Other/unknown i2c2midi MKII a DIY open source 2 hp eurorack module that speaks I2C and MIDI 2
Bastl Instruments Softpop SP2 Bastl Instruments Softpop SP2 Semi-modular weird synth with integrated quantizer and sequencer 34
Endorphin.es Shuttle Control (silver) Endorphin.es Shuttle Control (silver) 12 bit USB-to-MIDI-to-CV converter, PSU, host for class compliant MIDI-Devices 12
Intellijel USB Extender 3U Intellijel USB Extender 3U USB Micro Extender and Dual Mult 3U 2
Intellijel USB Extender 1U Intellijel USB Extender 1U USB Micro Extender 1U & 3U 2
Endorphin.es Ground Control (silver) Endorphin.es Ground Control (silver) 8 Drum Gate + 3 Melodic CV/Gate Performance Sequencer 42
1010 Music Bitbox Micro 1010 Music Bitbox Micro Compact Sampling Module 18
Other/unknown Dirtywave M8 (pre-production) Other/unknown Dirtywave M8 (pre-production) portable tracker sequencer and synthesizer 18
After Later Audio uO_C 1U After Later Audio uO_C 1U Intellijel 1U version of Micro Ornament & Crime 30
Synthrotek Sound Study MIDI 2 CV Synthrotek Sound Study MIDI 2 CV MIDI to CV Converter 4
Microdoze HAWSERS Microdoze HAWSERS Mutable Instruments YARNS clone 8
Microdoze HAWSERS WHITE Microdoze HAWSERS WHITE Mutable Instruments YARNS clone 8
XOXO Modular IXO (Black & Gold Panel) XOXO Modular IXO (Black & Gold Panel) TRS MIDI+I2C Breakout Module 2
Other/unknown Oostveen Dimensions Other/unknown Oostveen Dimensions Parametric Equations Based MIDI Sequencer 16
Der Mann mit der Maschine DROID X7 Expander Der Mann mit der Maschine DROID X7 Expander X7 - MIDI and USB connection expander for DROID 4
Expert Sleepers CVM-8 Expert Sleepers CVM-8 CV to MIDI and CV to I2C converter 4
Flame TAKT Flame TAKT 8 Track Rhythm Sequencer with Trigger, adjustable Gate, Velocity, Mod CV Recorder & Quad LFO 30
Other/unknown EI OBERKORN EXPANDER oex Other/unknown EI OBERKORN EXPANDER oex MIDI and Trigger Port Expansion for Rear Sockets 4
Other/unknown EI pix PRO-1 BREAKOUT MODULE Other/unknown EI pix PRO-1 BREAKOUT MODULE Module Allowing Direct Access to the Behringer Pro-1's Rear Panel MIDI Configuration 4
Ziqal Dimension MK2 Ziqal Dimension MK2 Wavetable oscillator 10
Centrevillage CLKM Centrevillage CLKM Compact Clock Master 2
Bvr-Instruments TS1 Eurorack hardware Sequencer RED Bvr-Instruments TS1 Eurorack hardware Sequencer RED TS1 hardware sequencer with midi 16
Other/unknown Arduino MIDI Master Clock Other/unknown Arduino MIDI Master Clock A MIDI and Analog Clock 8
Rebel Technology Genius Rebel Technology Genius Digital Signal Processor 10
Likaon Instruments Marie's LFO Likaon Instruments Marie's LFO A quad LFO / envelope generator with a completely customizable waveform, based on Bézier curves. 13
dsp.coffee DPT dsp.coffee DPT Multifunction Electron Temple 20
Likaon Instruments Repentance Likaon Instruments Repentance A MIDI to gate converter, with MIDI-learn feature and clock subdivision. 8
Bvr-Instruments TS1 Eurorack hardware Sequencer BK Bvr-Instruments TS1 Eurorack hardware Sequencer BK TS1 hardware sequencer with midi. 16
eh2k uO_C | squares and circles eh2k uO_C | squares and circles Multi-Functional DSP Module - Drums, Makro-Oscillators, Multi Effect 8
Cre8audio East Beast Cre8audio East Beast Semi-Modular East Coast Synthesizer 40
Eventide Misha Eventide Misha Instrument and sequencer 28
dsp.coffee KALI dsp.coffee KALI Time-Domain Boss / Bringer of Doom 24
Mörk Modules Midi 1U - Black Panel Mörk Modules Midi 1U - Black Panel Black Panel For Intellijel Midi 1U 14
Flame uMLFO Flame uMLFO 14 LFOs controllable by MIDI or clock 5
Divergent Waves DrumFiend Divergent Waves DrumFiend 19 channel trigger to MIDI processor 8
Barton Musical Circuits BMC024 - MIDI to Gate (Oscillosaurus Panel) Barton Musical Circuits BMC024 - MIDI to Gate (Oscillosaurus Panel) 8
Other/unknown MONOFA Other/unknown MONOFA Norns for eurorack 23
RYK Modular Vector Wave RYK Modular Vector Wave FM / Harmonic Oscillator Vector Stereo Synth Voice 17
Knobula Poly Cinematic [Dark Mode] Knobula Poly Cinematic [Dark Mode] 8 voice polyphonic synthesiser. Black panel limited edition. 12
Modbap Modular Trinity Modbap Modular Trinity Digital Drum Synth Array 20
Mental Noise Synapse Mental Noise Synapse Arduino based CV to MIDI 6
Other/unknown Deftaudio MIDI TRS Thru Other/unknown Deftaudio MIDI TRS Thru 1 TRS MIDI in to 4 TRS Thru 2
Atonal Circuits WVR Atonal Circuits WVR WAV sample player 4
XODES µMIO XODES µMIO µ USB/ MIDI I/O for the Intellijel MIDI 1U system 6
Michigan Synth Works USB2MIDI 5 Port TRS MIDI Output Michigan Synth Works USB2MIDI 5 Port TRS MIDI Output USB MIDI to TRS A 2
Robaux MIDI Adapter 2HP Robaux MIDI Adapter 2HP 2
Robaux LL8 2 Robaux LL8 2 The Lil Eight II is a tiny eight-track trigger sequencer. 14
Other/unknown Pantala Labs MIDI 2 CV Other/unknown Pantala Labs MIDI 2 CV Midi to CV 10
Hinton Instruments Gate Logic Hinton Instruments Gate Logic Variable function logic module 8
Hinton Instruments SequenceMix Hinton Instruments SequenceMix Eight channel switched mixer controlled by a rotating shift register 26
Hinton Instruments PatchMaster Hinton Instruments PatchMaster MIDI command module 10
Rides in the Storm QSQ Rides in the Storm QSQ Eight Channel Eurorack Sequencer and MIDI/CV Interface 26
Atomosynth Koe M6 Atomosynth Koe M6 Semi-modular analog synthesizer 48
Atomosynth Mochika X5 Atomosynth Mochika X5 Semi-modular analog sequencer and synthesizer 48
333modules 333-MIDImutesTHRU 333modules 333-MIDImutesTHRU 4xMidi Thru with mutes 8
birdkids Power Midi to CV-converter USB Power birdkids Power Midi to CV-converter USB Power 16bit High-precision MIDI-to-CV converter. Super Low-noise PSU for the Eurorack standard, operating on USB power 4
Jake's Custom Shop JCS MIDI to Control Voltage Jake's Custom Shop JCS MIDI to Control Voltage MIDI to Control Voltage 10
dsp.coffee Mirror Cuirass dsp.coffee Mirror Cuirass Multi-Channel Synthesis Sandbox 14
Knobula Chord Pilot Knobula Chord Pilot MIDI Chord Generator 12
NoisyFruitsLab EuroDexed NoisyFruitsLab EuroDexed MicroDexed-Touch for Eurorack 20
Other/unknown Utility Device MIDI-ER Other/unknown Utility Device MIDI-ER MIDI Interface 6
Michigan Synth Works Dust of Time Black Michigan Synth Works Dust of Time Black Dust of Time Black 16
Other/unknown Rantbot MIDI-Lappi Other/unknown Rantbot MIDI-Lappi General MIDI Voice Module 8
Empress Effects ZOIA Euroburo Empress Effects ZOIA Euroburo Complete Modular System by Empress Effects 34
Rossum Electro-Music Locutus Rossum Electro-Music Locutus Midi Mediator 6
Olivia Artz Modular Breakout Olivia Artz Modular Breakout USB & I2C breakout 2
Other/unknown Touch Screen Other/unknown Touch Screen 34
Oxi Instruments Coral Oxi Instruments Coral 8x Polyphonic Multitimbral and Multiengine Synth Voice 14
Shakmat Clock O'Pawn MKII Shakmat Clock O'Pawn MKII Clock Generator 6
Befaco MIDI Thing V2 Befaco MIDI Thing V2 MIDI-CV Interface 6
Tiptop Audio Octopus Tiptop Audio Octopus ART Controller 18
Dreadbox Telepathy Dreadbox Telepathy Full Voice Analog Synth 10
XOR Electronics Multi-IO Expander Grey XOR Electronics Multi-IO Expander Grey USB Midi Host, Device, TRS, Dual I2C and extra function expander for the NerdSEQ 6
1V/Oct Taipo 1V/Oct Taipo Taipo - MIDI Interface for The Centre - Eurorack Module 2
Wavefonix P401 Poly-4 MIDI Interface Wavefonix P401 Poly-4 MIDI Interface 4-Voice Polyphonic MIDI Interface 7
Wavefonix P401 Poly-4 MIDI Interface Classic Edition Wavefonix P401 Poly-4 MIDI Interface Classic Edition 4-Voice Polyphonic MIDI Interface 7
Wavefonix P401 Poly-4 MIDI Interface Red Edition Wavefonix P401 Poly-4 MIDI Interface Red Edition 4-Voice Polyphonic MIDI Interface 7
Wavefonix P401 Poly-4 MIDI Interface Blue Edition Wavefonix P401 Poly-4 MIDI Interface Blue Edition 4-Voice Polyphonic MIDI Interface 7
Nervous Squirrel Conway's Game Nervous Squirrel Conway's Game A cellular automaton pattern generator that also functions as a MIDI to trigger converter. 20
Magerit KAIROS Magerit KAIROS The master controller 11
Squarp Instruments Hermod+ (5V mode) Squarp Instruments Hermod+ (5V mode) Advanced sequencer & interface for your studio. Perfect for composition and live performances. 26
Noise Engineering Univer Inter (Silver) Noise Engineering Univer Inter (Silver) Chainable 8-output MIDI to CV converter, and USB MIDI interface. 6
Other/unknown PAC BOT 1 Other/unknown PAC BOT 1 Linux mini DAW / DSP platform / MIDI / CV Sequencer (reqires peripherals) 26
Cre8audio West Pest Cre8audio West Pest West Coast Style semi-modular synthesizer 40
Tubbutec TRS-Bridge Tubbutec TRS-Bridge 4x4 TRS MIDI router / merger 6
Other/unknown Space Brain Circuits Other/unknown Space Brain Circuits MidiVolts Modular - Polyphonic 4 Voice Midi to CV Controller 6
Other/unknown PAC BOT 2 Other/unknown PAC BOT 2 Windows 10 / 11 / Linux mini DAW / DSP platform / MIDI / CV Sequencer (reqires peripherals) 42
Other/unknown PAC BOT 3 Other/unknown PAC BOT 3 Windows 10 / 11 / Linux mini DAW / DSP powerhouse / MIDI / CV Sequencer (reqires peripherals) 84
Fitzgreyve Synthesis General MIDI Fitzgreyve Synthesis General MIDI General MIDI/Waveblaster host 6
Neuzeit Instruments WarpEx Neuzeit Instruments WarpEx Warp Expander with MIDI, MPE, Polyphony 4
Other/unknown Shakmat Bard Quartet + Expand (WMSB black panel) Other/unknown Shakmat Bard Quartet + Expand (WMSB black panel) Combined alternate black panel for the Shakmat Bard Quartet + Expand 12
Mörk Modules CVx 1U - Black Panel Mörk Modules CVx 1U - Black Panel Black panel for Intellijel CVx 1U 14
Other/unknown PAC BOT .5 Other/unknown PAC BOT .5 Linux mini DAW / DSP platform / MIDI / CV Sequencer (reqires peripherals) 14
Other/unknown EDV-Technik-TS MUC-810 Other/unknown EDV-Technik-TS MUC-810 MIDI Universal Converter 16x16 bit 30
Fully Wired Electronics Triple MIDI Converter Fully Wired Electronics Triple MIDI Converter 4HP Triple MIDI Cable Converter 4
Other/unknown Berglund CVX Other/unknown Berglund CVX Breath controller to CV module 4
XOR Electronics Multi-IO Expander Grey/Black XOR Electronics Multi-IO Expander Grey/Black USB Midi Host, Device, TRS, Dual I2C and extra function expander for the NerdSEQ 6
SDS Digital SDS DJ Beat SDS Digital SDS DJ Beat DJ Midi Beat 2 Modular Clock Maker 3
Electronic Things... and Stuff MIDI8d+ Electronic Things... and Stuff MIDI8d+ MIDI to 4 Digital and 4 PWM Outputs 4
Der Mann mit der Maschine TRS Tool Der Mann mit der Maschine TRS Tool TRS Tool - Stereo/Dual CV/Audio/MIDI signal multipurpose module 2
Der Mann mit der Maschine TRS Split Der Mann mit der Maschine TRS Split TRS Split - CV/Audio signal distributor 2
Floating Knobs Cuisine Floating Knobs Cuisine Performance Sequencer 38
Vermona MEX3 Vermona MEX3 MIDI-Expander for meloDICER 4
Moog Music Inc. Subharmonicon (2020 edition) Moog Music Inc. Subharmonicon (2020 edition) Semi-modular polyrhythmic analog synthesizer 60
Squarp Instruments Rample Squarp Instruments Rample Eurorack 4-voice sample player & audio processor 14
Other/unknown Element103 PICOMID1U Other/unknown Element103 PICOMID1U 3,5" TRS MIDI breakout 2
Other/unknown Element103 MID1U Other/unknown Element103 MID1U TRS MIDI and DIN breakout 10
Other/unknown Noodle Rider Sidecar Other/unknown Noodle Rider Sidecar Quad VCA controlled by envelope generators (AD/AR), with MIDI Gate Sequencer and Mixer built in. 20
Other/unknown Noodle Rider Other/unknown Noodle Rider Four-track cassette player with variable-speed playback controlled by MIDI or CV. 33
Other/unknown Yarns clone Other/unknown Yarns clone btAC Yarns (mbrane) 6
Flame uMM Flame uMM 3x Midi Merge-to-3x Out & 2x Midi Thru plus 1x TRS A/B Converter 4
Eowave Portail Eowave Portail MIDI/CV Interface 5
Manifold Research Centre sir.clk Manifold Research Centre sir.clk CV to MIDI clock interface, with jitter and divider/multiplier 2
Rossum Electro-Music Locutus (black) Rossum Electro-Music Locutus (black) MIDI Mediator 6
Other/unknown Intech Studio Grid Other/unknown Intech Studio Grid Intech Studio Grid controller with Eurorack Adapter 21
4ms Company MetaModule 4ms Company MetaModule Virtual Patch Player 26
Der Mann mit der Maschine MASTER18 Der Mann mit der Maschine MASTER18 DROID MASTER18 - Compact Universal CV Processor with MIDI/USB 6
Sitka Instruments Gravity MIDI Expander Sitka Instruments Gravity MIDI Expander MIDI expander for Sitka Instruments Gravity 2
Retrokits RK008/MOD Retrokits RK008/MOD RK-008 Realtime MIDI Recorder 20
Ziqal DIMENSION MK3 Ziqal DIMENSION MK3 Wavetable processor 10
Behringer Perfect Pitch PP1 Behringer Perfect Pitch PP1 Audio to CV Pitch Converter 10
XODES nIO XODES nIO nano Versatile Dual I/O 2
Atonal Circuits Tone Hack Atonal Circuits Tone Hack A classic Lo-Fi synth 4
Other/unknown fanwander VMC MIDI-ITO Other/unknown fanwander VMC MIDI-ITO MIDI In Out Thru for VMC-Modules 6
Other/unknown fanwander VMC MIDI-3IT Other/unknown fanwander VMC MIDI-3IT 6
Tubbutec Brainstep Tubbutec Brainstep Sequencing brain, modulation generator, sample player 22
Other/unknown fanwander VMC-2 Other/unknown fanwander VMC-2 Voltage/Trigger/Gate to MIDI converter 10
Other/unknown fanwander ClockMan Other/unknown fanwander ClockMan Masterclock generator for MIDI-clock and DIN-sync; remote control for Clock Boy 10
Other/unknown fanwander ClockBoy Other/unknown fanwander ClockBoy Clockconverter from DIN-sync or MIDI-clock to analog clocking and control signals 8
Other/unknown fanwander VMC-1 Other/unknown fanwander VMC-1 MIDI-Stepsequencer, generic Arduino platform 18
Other/unknown fanwander VMC MIDI-OOO Other/unknown fanwander VMC MIDI-OOO triple MIDI out for the VMC-system 6
Other/unknown YCS-1 Other/unknown YCS-1 Monophonic 8bit Synthesizer 28
Retrokits RK006/1U Retrokits RK006/1U MIDI/filter/gate/pwm/usbhost/multiclock processor 20
EMW 4-CH POLY-MIDI EMW 4-CH POLY-MIDI 4-channel MIDI to CV converter with 3 operating modes 10
Instruō dàil Instruō dàil Quantiser 4
Instruō dàil USB Expander Instruō dàil USB Expander USB Expander for dàil quantiser 2
Behringer Enigma Behringer Enigma 80
Percussa XMX Percussa XMX Multi Function Module, Multi FX processor, Multichannel recorder, USB audio interface 28
Five12 Vector Sequencer MK2 Five12 Vector Sequencer MK2 Digital sequencer with 8 parts, 16 sub-sequencers for modulation, chances operations and presets, CV and MIDI I/O 42
Other/unknown Monkhum MON2 : Soundscape Machine Other/unknown Monkhum MON2 : Soundscape Machine State-of-the-art soundscape machine has 6 oscillators and a loop sampler built in. 22
Mental Noise Axon Mental Noise Axon MIDI to CV 6
Other/unknown Mixer Buddy Other/unknown Mixer Buddy A USB MIDI controller for Eurorack 32
Other/unknown Ksoloti Big Genes Other/unknown Ksoloti Big Genes Eurorack module for Ksoloti (based on Axoloti) 20
CB Electronics ER-Processor CB Electronics ER-Processor ER-CPU with Trigger Section Module 14
Serendipity D-Thing+ Serendipity D-Thing+ Adds significant capabilities to the DFAM sequencer 12
Entineering FM Playground Entineering FM Playground Frequency Modulation Synthesizer 18
Entineering LFO Entineering LFO MIDI-Controllable Dual-Channel LFO 8
Entineering MIDI Mult Entineering MIDI Mult One to Four MIDI Distribution 3
Entineering CC8 Entineering CC8 Eight Channel MIDI to Control Voltage 6
Soundmachines re.ceiver Soundmachines re.ceiver Artinoise re.ceiver is the perfect companion for the Artinoise re.corder. 8
ALM Busy Circuits PPEXP1 ALM Busy Circuits PPEXP1 PPEXP1 is an expander module for Pamela’s PRO Workout that offers additional dedicated fixed clock, utility, Din Sync & MIDI clock outputs. 4
Alyseum Q-VCA - MK II Alyseum Q-VCA - MK II A versatile and dynamic Quad VCA 10
Behringer Pro 800 Behringer Pro 800 Classic Analog 8-Voice Polyphonic Synthesizer with 2 VCOs, Classic VCF, Arpeggiator, Sequencer and 200 Program Memories in Eurorack Format 80
Pittsburgh Modular Taiga Pittsburgh Modular Taiga Full Synthesizer Voice 60
Behringer Neutron (Heinakroon Black Panel) Behringer Neutron (Heinakroon Black Panel) 80
Behringer Neutron (After Hours panel) Behringer Neutron (After Hours panel) Behringer Neutron "After Hours" aftermarket panel overlay. 80
Behringer Kobol expander Behringer Kobol expander Analog clone/replica of the Kobol expander synthesizer from 1979 for Eurorack 80
Behringer Neutron (Euroracked Aluminium Panel) Behringer Neutron (Euroracked Aluminium Panel) Semimodular Synthesizer 80
Behringer Neutron (2.3 panel) Behringer Neutron (2.3 panel) Behringer Neutron semi-modular synth w/ "2.3" aftermarket panel overlay. 80
Behringer Proton Behringer Proton Semi-Modular Synth Voice 80
Behringer Model-15 Behringer Model-15 Semi-modular Synth Voice based on the Moog Model 10/15 80
Behringer Neutron (1966 Panel) Behringer Neutron (1966 Panel) Semi-Modular 80
Behringer K-2 - Heinakroon panels Behringer K-2 - Heinakroon panels K-2 with faceplate from Heinakroon 80
Behringer TORO Behringer TORO Classic Analog Bass Synthesizer with 2 VCOs, Ladder Filter and Presets in Eurorack format. 80
Behringer Proton Behringer Proton Semi-modular Synth Voice 80
Behringer JT-2 Behringer JT-2 80
Behringer 2600 Grey Meanie Behringer 2600 Grey Meanie 8u Semi-Modular Recreation of the Arp 2600 Grey Meanie 95
Behringer Syncussion SY-1 Behringer Syncussion SY-1 Clone of Pearl Syncussion SY-1 80
Behringer CAT (After Hours panel) Behringer CAT (After Hours panel) Behringer CAT "After Hours" aftermarket panel overlay. 70
Behringer Model D Behringer Model D Behringer 3-Oscillator Synthesizer 70
Behringer Model D (After Hours) Behringer Model D (After Hours) Behringer Model D "After Hours" aftermarket panel overlay 70
Behringer Wasp (After Hours panel) Behringer Wasp (After Hours panel) Behringer Wasp "After Hours" aftermarket panel overlay. 70
Behringer Wasp Behringer Wasp Digital/Analog Hybrid Synth Voice 70
Poly Effects Hector (Black Panel) Poly Effects Hector (Black Panel) (Black panel version of Hector) 30
Behringer Pro-1 Behringer Pro-1 Clone of the Sequential Pro-One. 80
Fully Wired Electronics Triple MIDI Converter (1U) Fully Wired Electronics Triple MIDI Converter (1U) 1U Triple MIDI TRS Converter 22
4ms Company MetaDig 4ms Company MetaDig Gate/MIDI/I2C expander for MetaModule 6
Entineering Mixer Entineering Mixer Digitally Controlled Analog Mixer 10
Other/unknown KeyBuss Other/unknown KeyBuss Eurorack Breakout for Keystep Pro 8
Mörk Modules mmMIDI - Black Panel Mörk Modules mmMIDI - Black Panel Black panel for ALM Busy Circuits mmMIDI 4
Mörk Modules PPEXP1 - Black Panel Mörk Modules PPEXP1 - Black Panel Black panel for ALM Busy Circuits PPEXP1 4
Mörk Modules TRAM8 3U - Black Panel Mörk Modules TRAM8 3U - Black Panel Black panel for LPZW TRAM8 3U 5
Ladik M-261 MIDI Thru Ladik M-261 MIDI Thru TRS MIDI Thru Type A/B one-to-four 4
Five12 Vector Sequencer MK2 (silver) Five12 Vector Sequencer MK2 (silver) Digital sequencer with 8 parts, 16 sub-sequencers for modulation, chances operations and presets, CV and MIDI I/O 42
Circuit Happy ML:2m Circuit Happy ML:2m CV and MIDI Clock Generator with Ableton Link 2
Other/unknown MidiVolts Modular Space Brain Circuits Other/unknown MidiVolts Modular Space Brain Circuits The MidiVolts Modular is a MIDI based 5 octave CV controller 6
Other/unknown BB-ELW Other/unknown BB-ELW Eurorack Midi Controller with 48 Potentiometers and USB connection. 54
Other/unknown Janos String Tone Generator Other/unknown Janos String Tone Generator Lo-fi digital string synthesizer voice 10
Other/unknown Oscar Other/unknown Oscar Mountjoy Modular 3 Channel Oscilloscope 14
Entineering Convolution Entineering Convolution Ultra Low-Latency Digital Convolution 12
Alfa Delta Metamorf Alfa Delta Metamorf Alfa Delta Metamorf Digital VCF 28
Flame FM KOSMOS Flame FM KOSMOS 4 voice 6 operator FM Synthvoice 22
NoisyFruitsLab KIWI NoisyFruitsLab KIWI MIDI & CV Controller 40
Tubbutec Brainstep Controller Tubbutec Brainstep Controller Direct access to Brainstep's modulation parameters 28
Ghost in Translation Drone Ghost in Translation Drone 4 Voices Resonant Noise Drone Module 8
Clacktronics Build Your Own Modular Micro Clacktronics Build Your Own Modular Micro Raspberry Pi pico with some simple outputs 6
Mörk Modules 6equencer - Black Panel Mörk Modules 6equencer - Black Panel Black panel for Tubbutec 6equencer 3U 6
Squarp Instruments Hermod+ Squarp Instruments Hermod+ Advanced sequencer & interface for your studio. Perfect for composition and live performances. 26
NoisyFruitsLab MIDI Thru NoisyFruitsLab MIDI Thru MIDI Thru with AB Switches 4
NoisyFruitsLab Coco - MIDI & CV NoisyFruitsLab Coco - MIDI & CV MIDI & CV Controller 16
Cre8audio NiftyKEYZ I/O Panel Cre8audio NiftyKEYZ I/O Panel I/O Panel of the NiftyKEYZ 112
Ge0sync Synth TB-Seq Ge0sync Synth TB-Seq Classic TB-303 inspired 16 step Sequencer 8
Mörk Modules Clock O'Pawn MKII - Black Panel Mörk Modules Clock O'Pawn MKII - Black Panel Clock O'Pawn MKII - Black Panel 6
Mörk Modules Yarns - Black Panel Mörk Modules Yarns - Black Panel Black panel for Mutable Instruments Yarns 12
Other/unknown Reliq Breakout Module Other/unknown Reliq Breakout Module Reliq-Instruments Breakout Module for Reliq. 32
Wackylab MIDI Thru 2HP Wackylab MIDI Thru 2HP Compact MIDI 5* Thru in 2HP 2
Faded Instruments Mididudler Faded Instruments Mididudler Eurorack Midi Controller 6
ALM Busy Circuits PPEXP2 ALM Busy Circuits PPEXP2 PPEXP2 is an expander module for Pamela’s PRO Workout that offers additional Din Sync & MIDI clock outputs. 2