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ModularGrid  About this Site. FAQs about the Planner, TrueGrid, Sketch a Patch. Forum Features and HowTos  403
Modules  Module specific threads. We are talking multi-format here!  1824
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Patches  Find comments and discussions about Patches from Sketch a Patch in here.  398
Modular Discussions  Discuss about anything Modular Synthesizer related. Patching ideas, interoperation with DAWs and controllers and how you did this freaking DIY fuzz mod.  628
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Beginner in need of help/advice Check out: Befaco Oneiroi - synth voice, looper, filter… by in Modular Discussions
Tiptop Mantis 1 Removing the BBD and the Sequencer, as you suggest, frees u… by in Racks
Any help on the Doepfer A-192-2? Are you feeding the A-192-2 already quantized voltages? Ar… by in Modules
Side Effect by in You
19" Rackmount Outboard Gear — Any Int... **Admin, would you consider adding a rackmount section for … by in ModularGrid
This morning's Twinkly Ambient Medita... Rings and no… by in You
Some twentytwentyfivers The sun is shining! by in You
2025.01.12_달그락 or 고래소리 or 진공물소리?? *dpo: -lfo 모드선택 -FM BUS +/- 조절.. ~~~ > !고래소리! by in Patches
pretty heavy drums pt2 hehe thanks Tenidis ive never of that kind of music b4 by in You
Syncopation Station Clock driven by Sport Modulator "Triple Rhythm Generator" p… by in Patches
Raw Analogue Sound Bonkers on Acid [] by in Modules
Sell me your arcaico Mosè someone! I want to buy an arcaico Mosè 6 channel mixer used on here.… by in Modules
NE Gamut Repetitor vs Clank Chaos? Self patching one of the cv outputs into the root is someth… by in Modules
CyberSurfing Jungle from Elektropathic Been putting more effort into this project lately. Somethin… by in You
Neo Tokyo phaser kit from Djupviks El... A phaser with “overdrive”. Very simple kit, mostly surface… by in You