hi, I presume you can fade in and out different cv from eurorack with this faderbank.
can anybody explain to this newbie how to output the slider info back to eurorack?
This Module is currently available.
XVI is a 16 channel, 44hp control surface for Eurorack
Long throw LED 60mm faders
0-5V, 0-10V, -5 to +5V CV ranges per channel
Fully analog CV outputs
I2C communications as leader or follower
Fully buffered I2C communication
I2C mode and addressing easily set by hardware switches. No coding needed
0.1" pitch I2C and MIDI headers on the back of the device (1 for each)
I2C, MIDI, and CV can be used simultaneously
Arduino codebase for further customization of midi output/I2C data
Available expander with additional midi and i2c outs
Dual Colored LEDs. Red/Green . Red/Blue, Blue/Pink
Dont forget to order an I2C/MIDI cable if you need one!
Expander Available which adds 3 Midi outputs, 3 I2C ports:
17 Users are observing this
These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?