ph modular

ph modular

"ph modular" is a French manufacturer of Eurorack modules. Designed, manufactured and assembled by hand with quality components, its modules have a nice success with the community of "modularists" around the world. Since 2019, the "ph" modules are played in 35 country, in Europe (France, Switzerland, Ireland, Croatia ..) & outside Europe (USA, Japan, New Zealand, Mexico...)
"Thank you for your trust, Christian"

2HP 3xATT, Blank panel "snake", 2HP DRIVE, Multiple dual channels with leds 1U (intellijel or pulplogic format) and MIXER 2HP are among ph modulars most popular products.


France - Bretagne

News from the Labs

ph modular USB POWER
15 Oct 2024 ph modular
Want to power your beatstep pro, or other controller directly from your case? Here's the solution! 
ph modular JOY II
10 Feb 2024 ph modular
NEW JOY! With a joystick that maintains its position after release! 

Multiple dual channel

ph modular

Passive switched multiple with led indicator

$67 MSRP


ph modular

A/B switch - patchbay - multiple

$66 MSRP

Analog Bass Drum black panel

ph modular

Inspired by Craig Anderton's HBD, a powerful versatile kick

$93 MSRP
8 HP Drum

3x ATT

ph modular

Passive attenuator, with selector mode (LIN or LOG)

$46 MSRP


ph modular

Mixer multifonction

$190 MSRP

2X A/B

ph modular

dual passive selector A/B switch

$52 MSRP

Blank panel "snake"

ph modular

Blank panel


Multiple dual channel in two parts

ph modular

Passive multiple dual channel in two parts with led indicator

$69 MSRP

Two Choices

ph modular

Two-channel passive router

$48 MSRP

Passive reversal of signal routing

ph modular

Passive reversal of signal routing with attenuator & multiple

$52 MSRP

Buffered multiple 1 to 3 (x4 ... and more!)

ph modular

Buffered multiple with two routing mode

$75 MSRP

Blank panel "snake"

ph modular


Multiple dual channels with leds 1U (intellijel or pulplogic format)

ph modular

Passive multiple dual channels with led indicator and two parts option

$68 MSRP

2HP dual Manual Gate

ph modular

Gate generator by manual triggering

$47 MSRP

2HP Vactrol LPG

ph modular

LP filter with Vactrol (LPG)

$42 MSRP

2HP Multiple

ph modular

Passive multiple with two parts mode on 2HP

$28 MSRP

Multiple dual channels with leds 1U (Intellijel or pulplogic format)

ph modular

Version with 5 jacks/switchs

$51 MSRP

2HP Glide

ph modular

Glide (slew) on 2HP

$42 MSRP


ph modular

Triple passive attenuator, with selector mode (LIN or LOG)

$40 MSRP


ph modular

Drive effect on 2HP

$40 MSRP

Neutron MAIN PCB extension

ph modular

Eurorack 1U Intellijel™ format

$43 MSRP

2X A/B Alternative version

ph modular

dual passive selector A/B switch

$53 MSRP

Model D MAIN PCB extension 1U

ph modular

Eurorack 1U Intellijel™ format of Behringer Model D

$33 MSRP

K-2 MAIN PCB extension Black version

ph modular

Eurorack 1U Intellijel™ format of Behringer K-2

$42 MSRP


ph modular

Dual passive attenuator for STEREO signals

$40 MSRP

2HP dual selector

ph modular

dual AB selector 2HP

$30 MSRP

Analog Bass Drum SE

ph modular

Cellar Modular edition, a powerful versatile kick

$93 MSRP


ph modular

4x manual control -5v to +5v

$59 MSRP


ph modular

Module de silence on 2HP


Signal switch

ph modular

"MUTE" module

$95 MSRP

Signal switch 2

ph modular

"MUTE" module and comparator

$95 MSRP

PRO-1 MAIN PCB extension Black version

ph modular

Eurorack 1U Intellijel™ format of Behringer PRO-1

$42 MSRP
27 HP

Model D MAIN PCB extension 3U

ph modular

Eurorack 3U format of Behringer Model D

$33 MSRP

2HP Patchbay

ph modular

dual passive patchbay & multiple 2HP

$28 MSRP

Buffered multiple 1 to 3 (and more!)

ph modular

Buffered multiple with two routing mode

$49 MSRP


ph modular

ON/OFF for two modules

$39 MSRP


ph modular

Mixer 4 INs stéréo to 1 OUT stéréo

$97 MSRP


ph modular

Mixer 2HP with 3 INs to 1 OUT

$51 MSRP

2HP Signal switch

ph modular

"MUTE" module mono or stereo

$44 MSRP

Signal switch stereo

ph modular

"MUTE" STEREO module

$97 MSRP

Stereo patchbay

ph modular

Passive stereo patchbay on 3HP

$28 MSRP


ph modular

Power USB for two lamps

$34 MSRP

Blank panel "Aero"

ph modular

Air inlet for eurorack case



ph modular

Joystick X-Y latching

$84 MSRP


ph modular

Power USB for two devices (controller, lamps...)

$34 MSRP