14 HP
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V

This Module is a prototype or in a concept phase.

Multi-Channel Synthesis Sandbox

Multi-channel sandbox breaks boundaries and keeps the adventure going with 8 channels of highly-customizable synthesis.

Each of the 8 slots in Mirror Cuirass can be assigned from a number of featured synthesis engines, giving you access to external and internal FM between channels (up to 8-op), per-channel mod matrix, internal quantization, and can be freely routed to any of the 2x hi-fi and 6x lo-fi outputs. Freely assign any of the 10 inputs to control your patch, save and load your work with the integrated preset system, take control with MIDI, and more!

Use it as a complex oscillator, a twisted drum machine, a featured modulation source, or all three at once! Whatever you need it practically has a tentacle for everything.

Final features and specs TBD.

Mirror Cuirass is in active prototype phase, stay tuned for more details!

submitted Aug 16th 2022, 22:16 by nkurence | last Change Jan 3rd 2023, 05:05 by nkurence

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