Dual CV Polymorpher - Model 2OC
Northern Light Modular
A dual O_C module by Northern Light Modular
$800 MSRPeuEM2, EvenMidi 3U – Model euEM, euEM2-V, euEM2-T and euEM2-B are among Northern Light Modulars most popular products.
A dual O_C module by Northern Light Modular
$800 MSRPA digital trigger generator with a random gate, swing and ratcheting functionality
$850 MSRPA new version of Ornament & Crime for the Buchla 208 Easel with added features
$600 MSRP2x Ornaments and Crime for 4U with extra goodies
$900 MSRPThree syncable VCOs and 8 LFOs in one unit
$2,000 MSRPThe rack port of the Evenmidi pedal controller for the 2H9 and more
$1,000 MSRP6 channel Stereo Mixer with Send Returns
$1,500 MSRPRackmount version of the Evenmidi controller with 10 attenuverted CV inputs
$350 MSRPMutable Instruments’ “Edges” in 4U h series
$550 MSRPMutable Instruments "Grids" in 4U h series
$550 MSRPExtended rackmount version of the Evenmidi controller with 10 attenuverted CV inputs -...
$350 MSRPRackmount version of the Evenmidi controller with 10 attenuverted CV inputs - Strymon...
$350 MSRPExtended rackmount version of the Evenmidi controller with 10 attenuverted CV inputs -...
$378 MSRPExtended rackmount version of the Evenmidi controller with 10 attenuverted CV inputs -...
$378 MSRPMultiple trigger generator with a random gates, swings and ratchets
$1,000 MSRPThree syncable VCOs and 8 LFOs in one unit
$2,050 MSRP4 channel 16x gain mixer with selectable routing into a distortion stage
$550 MSRPLooper Effects Pedal Conversion based on the MXR M303
$550 MSRPThe 2021 version of Ornament & Crime in 4UBU
$1,000 MSRPAn expanded 4U adaption of Mutable Instruments Blades
$1,000 MSRPTouch sensing plug-in keyboard for any 208 sound module
$850 MSRPA compact 6-in/9-out mix matrix and triple buffer-inverter in h size
$550 MSRPEnveloping wishes and manipulating reality
$1,000 MSRP