6 HP
33 mm deep
Current Draw
120 mA +12V
20 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$110 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

USB-to-CV interface

CV-8 Module is a USB-to-CV interface. It receives Control Change MIDI-messages from MIDI-Controller or computer and converts it into CV.

The MIDI-channels, the CC's, the maximum and minimum voltage of each CV-output is optional and setup with the online-settings.

CV-8 is designed to use with nakedboards MC-8 fader MIDI-Controller, but it also supports other MIDI-Controllers.
CV-output voltage: -5/+10V

Size - 6hp
Depth - 33mm
Power Usage with MC-8 MIDI-Controller - +12V: 120mA / -12V: 20mA


submitted Apr 27th 2021, 20:07 by kolyazna | last Change Aug 11th 2023, 20:10 by lytrix

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