This Module is currently available.
Polyphonic MIDI to CV / Gate interface
DAC conversion on 16 bits (accuracy 1/600th of a half-tone).
Selection of the MIDI channel on each of the 4 voices.
10 different types of CV on each voice: Note, Velocity, Release Velocity, Aftertouch Channel, Modulation or Control Change #2, #3, #4, #5 (in 7 or 14-bit).
8 or 9 different Gate signal on each voice: Gate, Triggers of varying length, MIDI clock, Start/Stop, Reset.
Gate Outputs can be switched into Inputs and convert Analog Signal into MIDI Commands (%IDI Clocks, Start, Stop).
Mono mode with 4 independent channels or Polyphonic Modes 2-voice, 2 + 2-voice, 3-voice or 4-voice.
Drums Mode (up to 8 trigger output).
6 different Scales : Tempered, Pythagoras, 5 TET (Tone Equal Temperament), 7 TET, 24 TET or Harry Partch.
Volt/Octave or Volt/Hertz output
Re-Trig notes can be activated or desactived.
Multipliers and divisors of the MIDI clock adjustable from x 12 to /4 on each channel.
Transposition on each channel of +/-12 half tones.
Transposition of channels 1, 2 and 3 directly by MIDI keyboard
Adjustment of the extent of the PitchWheel between 1/2 tone, 1 tone or 1 octave.
8 memory banks for storing all the parameters with automatic backup of the last settings.
Selection of MMC ID to make sure that the module meets the good commands.
Cancellation of the offsets directly by the encoder, without screwdriver and without removal of the module
Tuning extremely precise and very simple by the encoder, without screwdriver and without removal of the module.
Display the incoming MIDI messages for diagnosing or troubleshooting (Real Time and 2 or 3 byte messages).
13 editable parameters via Control Change.
Firmware update.
Works standalone or controllable by MIDI (directly or ACXBus).
Date | Region | Description | Price | Seller |
EU | *ACXSynth Polyphonic MIDI to CV* is *like new* with midi adaptator MIDI ... | €220,00 | Hudry |