
Related Modules

Manufacturer Name Short Description HP
Doepfer A-166 Doepfer A-166 Dual Logic Module 8
Doepfer A-167 Doepfer A-167 Analog Comparator 8
Doepfer A-172 Doepfer A-172 Maximum/Minimum Selector 4
Doepfer A-186-1 Doepfer A-186-1 Gate Combiner 4
Intellijel Spock Intellijel Spock CMOS Boolean logic device 4
WMD Geiger Counter WMD Geiger Counter 8-bit Preamp / FX / Noise 10
Intellijel Plog Intellijel Plog Digital logic module 8
Low-Gain Electronics Low-Gain Short Bus Low-Gain Electronics Low-Gain Short Bus Dual bus OR combiner 6
Elby Designs CGS762 - Slope Detector Elby Designs CGS762 - Slope Detector Event-driven gate/trigger generator 7
Livewire Electronics Vulcan Modulator Livewire Electronics Vulcan Modulator 2 linear cross-modulating vcLFOs with 10 outputs providing 30 possible waveform variations 14
Intellijel Flip Flop Intellijel Flip Flop CMOS jk and d flip-flop 4
CGS CGS Funky Drummer CGS CGS Funky Drummer Clarke68 Panel for CGS Digital noise, Logic, Clock Divider, Gated Comparator, and "Klee" sequencer 32
Manhattan Analog Mutinator Manhattan Analog Mutinator OR Combiner 12
LZX Industries Video Flip Flops LZX Industries Video Flip Flops logic operations for shape and key combinations, switch controller, quantization 6
LZX Industries Video Divisions LZX Industries Video Divisions logical clock divisions, preset x, y & frame rate divisions, sequencing 6
LZX Industries Video Logic LZX Industries Video Logic boolean logic and inversion, geometric shape and key combinations 6
AniModule Quad Comparator AniModule Quad Comparator Simple quad comparator based around the LM339 8
Other/unknown DIY passive OR Combiner Other/unknown DIY passive OR Combiner DIY passive OR Combiner 2
Plan B Model 17 Triple Event Timer Plan B Model 17 Triple Event Timer Triple Event Timer 12
trouby modular Digital Summary trouby modular Digital Summary A kind of an active multiple 16
Pittsburgh Modular Timetable Pittsburgh Modular Timetable Clock Divider / Pattern Generator / Sub-Oscillator 12
WMD Synchrodyne Expander (correct hp - prototype) WMD Synchrodyne Expander (correct hp - prototype) Prototype Expander - Correct HP 22
4ms Company Shifting Inverting Signal Mingler 4ms Company Shifting Inverting Signal Mingler SISM: CV or audio attenuation, inverting, and shifting (DC offset), plus four mingled mixes 12
Tiptop Audio Trigger Riot Tiptop Audio Trigger Riot Modular Groove Composer and Sequencer 28
ADDAC System ADDAC401 Gated Envelope Follower ADDAC System ADDAC401 Gated Envelope Follower 8 amplitude related gate outputs 8
EMW LOGIC 101 EMW LOGIC 101 Quad boolean logic processor 6
Plan B Model 32 Vector Plotter Plan B Model 32 Vector Plotter Joystick XY axis control 14
Intellijel Mind Meld v1 Intellijel Mind Meld v1 Expander for Livewire Vulcan 8
ADDAC System ADDAC206 Switching Sequencer ADDAC System ADDAC206 Switching Sequencer A Quad Channel Switching Sequencer. 8
Doepfer A-152 Doepfer A-152 Voltage Addressed T&H/Switch 16
Other/unknown 6in1 OR-Combiner Other/unknown 6in1 OR-Combiner 6 in 1 OR-Combiner 4
Low-Gain Electronics Short Bus V2: Low-Gain Electronics Short Bus V2: Short Bus V2: 6
ADDAC System ADDAC206 Switching Sequencer (black) ADDAC System ADDAC206 Switching Sequencer (black) A Quad Channel Switching Sequencer. 8
Abstract Data ADE-31 Logic Boss Abstract Data ADE-31 Logic Boss 2 stage, Switched, Cascading, Logic Module 10
Livewire Electronics Analogue Computation Livewire Electronics Analogue Computation expander for Livewire Chaos Computer 8
Other/unknown Or what?! (DIY) Other/unknown Or what?! (DIY) Passive OR gate with mirrored frontpanel and a green LED indicator 4
Other/unknown Quad CV/Gate Source (DIY) Other/unknown Quad CV/Gate Source (DIY) Four CV and Gate sources, with an additional combined gate output (OR gate) and with two columns of 5x Multiples. 24
Pulp Logic Diode OR black Pulp Logic Diode OR black Diode OR 1U Tile 3 input passive diode OR circuit. 6
Make Noise Maths Make Noise Maths Maths 2013 20
Snazzy FX ArdCore  silver faceplate Snazzy FX ArdCore silver faceplate Arduino Based Module 10
Intellijel OR Intellijel OR Passive OR logic gate/trigger combiner 2
Circuit Abbey Intermix Circuit Abbey Intermix G8/QPLFO/Chaos Computer expander 8
Blue Lantern Modules Tadpole Sequencer Blue Lantern Modules Tadpole Sequencer tadpole 16 step sequencer 44
Other/unknown VoltaFlash Other/unknown VoltaFlash switchable Gate combiner 8
AniModule LogicOgic AniModule LogicOgic Logic: Flip-Flops, ANDs, ORs 8
Epoch Modular Benjolin Epoch Modular Benjolin Aleatoric Analog Synthesizer 18
WMD Sequential Switch Matrix (SSM) WMD Sequential Switch Matrix (SSM) 4x4 triggered/CV addressed routing matrix 16
CGS Clock Divider - Logic - Inverter CGS Clock Divider - Logic - Inverter Clock Divider - Logic - Inverter 10
WMD Sequential Switch Matrix (SSM) Expander WMD Sequential Switch Matrix (SSM) Expander The SSM Expand 8 HP module provides extended functionality of the SSM. 8
Soundmachines Bl1brainterface Soundmachines Bl1brainterface BI1, the first commercially available brainwave to synthesizer eurorack interface on the market. 12
AniModule XXX_OR AniModule XXX_OR A Triple Analog XOR Module with Analog and Gate Outputs 4
Grayscale Binary Grayscale Binary OR/NOR Logic 6
Make Noise Mult Make Noise Mult Passive multiple 4
Intellijel μMod II Intellijel μMod II (uMod II) Ring Modulator & Analog Logic 6
Synthrotek Either-OR Eurorack OR Module Synthrotek Either-OR Eurorack OR Module 8-channel switchable OR Combiner logic 14
Nonlinearcircuits Neuron / Difference Rectifier Nonlinearcircuits Neuron / Difference Rectifier Neuron / Difference Rectifier 8
Ladik J-011 Joystick Math Ladik J-011 Joystick Math Joystick Math module 4
Other/unknown Dual 3-In-AND / OR-Gate Other/unknown Dual 3-In-AND / OR-Gate Dual 3-In-AND / OR-Gate 4
EMW LOGIC 101 (Aluminium Panel) EMW LOGIC 101 (Aluminium Panel) Quad boolean logic processor 6
Pittsburgh Modular Logic Banks Pittsburgh Modular Logic Banks Dual Boolean Logic Calculator 10
Blue Lantern Modules CMOS Party 4hp Logic module Blue Lantern Modules CMOS Party 4hp Logic module 4hp cd4000 series based logic 4
J3RK Dual Mirror Core VCO J3RK Dual Mirror Core VCO Dual Mirror Core VCO 36
Pittsburgh Modular Time Runner Pittsburgh Modular Time Runner Analog clock divider and programmable pattern generator 12
itijik Toggle itijik Toggle Quad flip flop 10
synthCube Barton Multi Window Comparator Clarke Panel synthCube Barton Multi Window Comparator Clarke Panel 10
Elby Designs ES11 - Triple Comparator & Schmitt Trigger Elby Designs ES11 - Triple Comparator & Schmitt Trigger Triple Comparator and Schmitt Trigger 17
Elby Designs ES84 - Peak & Trough Detector Elby Designs ES84 - Peak & Trough Detector 14
EMW Logic 202 EMW Logic 202 Logic 14
Other/unknown Linked Counter Other/unknown Linked Counter Compositional aid. 20
Other/unknown Logic Bomb Other/unknown Logic Bomb Complete Logic System 20
Other/unknown Flip Other/unknown Flip Synchronous event coordinator. 8
Analog Ordnance Logiplex Analog Ordnance Logiplex Complex Pattern/Gate Logic Mixer 14
Ishizeno i8 Ishizeno i8 Submodular Synthesizer 46
RYO Dual Discrete NAND/AND RYO Dual Discrete NAND/AND Dual discrete resistor-transistor NAND/AND logic gate 4
RYO Dual Discrete NOR/OR RYO Dual Discrete NOR/OR Dual discrete resistor-transistor NOR/OR logic gate 4
RYO Discrete XNOR/XOR/NOT RYO Discrete XNOR/XOR/NOT Discrete resistor-transistor XNOR/XOR/NOT logic gate 4
Ladik B-010 Bool2 – logic module Ladik B-010 Bool2 – logic module B-010 Boolean logic module for eurorack / Doepfer A100 system. 4
Low-Gain Electronics CVP-1 Low-Gain Electronics CVP-1 Control voltage processor 8
Intellijel Cylonix - Cyclebox II Intellijel Cylonix - Cyclebox II Complex VCO / LFO 16
West Oakland Music Systems Skipmin West Oakland Music Systems Skipmin Quad Probabilistic Gate Skipper 8
Mannequins COLD MAC Mannequins COLD MAC Analog Utilities 8
Synthrotek MST Expressor Synthrotek MST Expressor Dual Foot Controlled Expression Module 8
Nonlinearcircuits Chopper Nonlinearcircuits Chopper Mad Analogue Switch 8
Evaton Technologies CLX Evaton Technologies CLX Dual Clock / LFO / Clocked Logic 6
Monome Teletype Monome Teletype algorithmic ecosystem 18
Metatronic Mods Quad Sequential Switch Metatronic Mods Quad Sequential Switch Quad Sequential Switch / Quad Flip-Flop / Quad 2 Channel Toggle 8
Other/unknown Missing No. Other/unknown Missing No. Protean Being 8
Other/unknown Boolean Logic Matrix Other/unknown Boolean Logic Matrix Signal Processor 14
Steady State Fate Tool-Box Steady State Fate Tool-Box Useful CV and Audio Tools 6
Circuit Abbey ANDY Circuit Abbey ANDY AND logic module 2HP 2
Circuit Abbey ORY Circuit Abbey ORY OR logic module 2HP 2
Circuit Abbey XORY Circuit Abbey XORY XOR logic module 2HP 2
Circuit Abbey VERTY Circuit Abbey VERTY Inverter logic module 2HP 2
Make Noise Rene Make Noise Rene René - Cartesian Sequencer 34
Pulp Logic Logical AND black Pulp Logic Logical AND black Logical AND Gate 6
Pulp Logic Logical AND silver Pulp Logic Logical AND silver Logical AND Gate 6
Pulp Logic Logical OR black Pulp Logic Logical OR black Logical OR Gate 6
Pulp Logic Logical OR silver Pulp Logic Logical OR silver Logical OR Gate 6
Pulp Logic Logical XOR black Pulp Logic Logical XOR black Logical XOR Gate 6
Pulp Logic Logical XOR silver Pulp Logic Logical XOR silver Logical XOR Gate 6
Tsyklon Labs PLITKA DIOD OR Tsyklon Labs PLITKA DIOD OR Tsyklon Labs - PLITKA SERIES 1U Tile Passive Diode Logic OR 6
Low-Gain Electronics 2-Bits Low-Gain Electronics 2-Bits 2-Bit Digital to Analog Converter: 4 Stage Gate Controlled Preset Voltage Sequencer 8
Syinsi CV Clock Divider Syinsi CV Clock Divider Control Voltage Clock Divider 6
EMW Logic 202 (alu) EMW Logic 202 (alu) Logic functions module 14
Syinsi Clock Divider Tile Syinsi Clock Divider Tile Simple clock divider in tile format. 6
Nonlinearcircuits Neuron / Difference Rectifier (Modular Addict Panel) Nonlinearcircuits Neuron / Difference Rectifier (Modular Addict Panel) Neuron / Difference Rectifier (Modular Addict Panel) 8
Nonlinearcircuits BOOLs Nonlinearcircuits BOOLs 4 chained logic gates with stepped and smooth outputs 8
ADDAC System ADDAC402 4 Voice Heuristic Rhythm Generator ADDAC System ADDAC402 4 Voice Heuristic Rhythm Generator 4 Voice Heuristic Rhythm Generator 20
Erogenous Tones Gatestorm Erogenous Tones Gatestorm Advanced Eurorack Gate Generator 24
Mystic Circuits Vert Mystic Circuits Vert CV Processor / Gate Generator 8
Rebel Technology Phoreo Rebel Technology Phoreo Trigger modulator, multiplier and repeater 10
Mutable instruments Kinks Mutable instruments Kinks Analog CV mangling utilities 4
Tsyklon Labs PLITKA PROVOK Tsyklon Labs PLITKA PROVOK Tsyklon Labs - PLITKA SERIES 1U Tile Comparator 6
ARC Artificial Neural Network ARC Artificial Neural Network Nervous system logic metamodule 18
Detroit Underground DU-RDT Detroit Underground DU-RDT 16-bit sampling Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) logic sequencer 10
Random*Source Serge NCOM Random*Source Serge NCOM Serge Divide by N Comparator (÷NCOM) for Eurorack 10
Noise Engineering Integra Funkitus Noise Engineering Integra Funkitus Four-part rhythm modifier 8
Pulp Logic Toggle Black Pulp Logic Toggle Black Toggle Flip-Flop Tile in Black 6
Pulp Logic Toggle Silver Pulp Logic Toggle Silver Toggle Flip-Flop Tile in Silver 6
Pulp Logic SR Latch Black Pulp Logic SR Latch Black Set Reset Latch Tile in Black 6
Pulp Logic SR Latch Silver Pulp Logic SR Latch Silver Set Reset Latch Tile in Silver 6
Other/unknown ETIT SRDC FLIP FLOP SWITCH Other/unknown ETIT SRDC FLIP FLOP SWITCH two independent 2 IN 2 OUT sequential switches each toggled by a different style of logic flip flop. 6
Xaoc Devices Bytom Xaoc Devices Bytom 1981 Impulse Integrator 6
Elby Designs ED132 LOGIC Elby Designs ED132 LOGIC Boolean Logic 8
Livestock Electronics MIR Livestock Electronics MIR Quad VCA, Logic Gate, Mixer, Inverter, Attenuator and Distortion 10
horstronic Arcade horstronic Arcade Arcade Button Manual Gate/Trigger 6
Other/unknown Edge Detector Other/unknown Edge Detector Trigger Modifier/Inverter 2
Erica Synths Pico Logic Erica Synths Pico Logic 2x8 Boolean logic algorithms just in 3HP 3
AniModule STD AniModule STD Syncopated Timing Disruptor 6
Monome Walk Monome Walk territory 4
Barton Musical Circuits BMC40 - Dual Logic Barton Musical Circuits BMC40 - Dual Logic Logic 6
2hp Logic 2hp Logic Boolean Gate Operator 2
STG Soundlabs Logic STG Soundlabs Logic Logic processor 10
Other/unknown DCD Other/unknown DCD Dual Clock Divider 5
Other/unknown DXOR Other/unknown DXOR Dual XOR 6
Other/unknown Shift Other/unknown Shift Dual 4bit shift register 6
Grayscale Mutable Instruments Kinks (Grayscale panel) Grayscale Mutable Instruments Kinks (Grayscale panel) Alternate/DIY panel for Kinks 4
Ladik U-040 Min/max Ladik U-040 Min/max Min/max w. split level 4
Klavis Logica Gater Klavis Logica Gater Logic and gate processor 5
Ladik B-011 Sequential logic module Ladik B-011 Sequential logic module 4
Ladik B-020 Bool3 – logic module Ladik B-020 Bool3 – logic module three input boolean logic module 4
Omiindustriies Dual Digital Shift Register DIY version Omiindustriies Dual Digital Shift Register DIY version DIY version of the Dual Digital Shift Register 8
X-Fade Modular CLM-1 X-Fade Modular CLM-1 16-output clock divider 6
synthCube  dual logic synthCube dual logic 6
Xaoc Devices Drezno Xaoc Devices Drezno 1989 Binary Conversion Komputor 12
Xaoc Devices Lipsk Xaoc Devices Lipsk 1989 Bit Inversion Commander 6
Intellijel Hex VCA Intellijel Hex VCA Six quality VCAs + summer 8
Hexinverter Électronique VCNO Hexinverter Électronique VCNO discrete voltage controlled noise oscillator w/ multiple outputs 6
Noise Reap RPG Noise Reap RPG random gate pattern generator 10
Other/unknown Kinks (PCB Panel) Other/unknown Kinks (PCB Panel) Alternative Black PCB Panel for Kinks. 4
Make Noise MATHS (black panel) Make Noise MATHS (black panel) Analog Computer 20
Other/unknown Maths (Magpie "Black Mirror" Panel) Other/unknown Maths (Magpie "Black Mirror" Panel) Versatile Function Generator 20
Other/unknown Humpty Dumpty Other/unknown Humpty Dumpty Clock divider/ Trig sequencer/ Random 9
Bastl Instruments CV Trinity – Aluminum Panel Bastl Instruments CV Trinity – Aluminum Panel hex modulation signal superhero 14
Other/unknown Rene - Alternative Panel Other/unknown Rene - Alternative Panel Alternative panel for Make Noise Rene 34
Synthrotek Combine-OR Synthrotek Combine-OR Massive multiple OR Combiner 12
Other/unknown C-LFSR Other/unknown C-LFSR Complex Linear Feedback Shiftregister & Trigger-Sequencer 13
Make Noise Rene (Limited Edition White) Make Noise Rene (Limited Edition White) René - Cartesian Sequencer (Limited Edition White) 34
Ladik B-030 Ladik B-030 Five Input Majority Logic Module 4
Other/unknown TE Or Sockets Other/unknown TE Or Sockets Total1ty Engineering 3x2/6x1 Or Sockets 4
Dovemans SHFT Dovemans SHFT Compact dual window comparator 6
Qosmo Modular XLogic Qosmo Modular XLogic Logic Operator Utility 8
Other/unknown Mult/OR Other/unknown Mult/OR combine gate or trigger signals 3
LZX Industries Arch LZX Industries Arch Nonlinear Functions 8
LPZW.modules Schleußig LPZW.modules Schleußig DC coupled mute/switch with synchronous grouped switching 10
LZX Industries Castle 100 Multi Gate LZX Industries Castle 100 Multi Gate Multi-Logic Gate 4
LZX Industries Castle 101 Quad Gate LZX Industries Castle 101 Quad Gate Quad Gate 4
ST Modular Clanches ST Modular Clanches Branches with internal CV Clock 6
Abstract Data ADE-33 Event Boss Abstract Data ADE-33 Event Boss Rhythm and pattern creation and manipulation. 6
Blue Lantern Modules Spore Generator Blue Lantern Modules Spore Generator Discrete Triangle Core Envelope Generator, RISE & FALL 21
Klangbau Köln Euclidian Pattern Generator Klangbau Köln Euclidian Pattern Generator 3 Tracks Trigger Sequencer 12
Nonlinearcircuits 8 Bit Cipher - Magpie white panel Nonlinearcircuits 8 Bit Cipher - Magpie white panel Random Gate & Voltage source 10
Other/unknown Kaske TS Other/unknown Kaske TS Trigger switch / OR-Gate 4
Timo Rozendal Timo Rozendal Logic Timo Rozendal Timo Rozendal Logic Dual multi-mode Logic Gate Module 4
Nonlinearcircuits Dual Neuron / Difference Rectifier (Papernoise panel) Nonlinearcircuits Dual Neuron / Difference Rectifier (Papernoise panel) Analog neuron and difference rectifier circuits 16
Other/unknown ETIT joystick controller Other/unknown ETIT joystick controller joystick controller with pan, trigger and XOR functions 12
Omiindustriies 4013 Omiindustriies 4013 The 4013 is Dual Digital Data Storage (Dual Flip-Flop) in eurorack format! 8
Other/unknown Dual Latch from Empirical Circuits Other/unknown Dual Latch from Empirical Circuits A dual SR flip-flop with toggle inputs! 2
Other/unknown Hugin & Munin Other/unknown Hugin & Munin Logic and CV distributor 8
Nonlinearcircuits Let's Splosh Nonlinearcircuits Let's Splosh Audio / CV mixer-mangler 12
Omiindustriies Dual Digital Shift Register Omiindustriies Dual Digital Shift Register Dual Aleatoric Sequence Generator 8
Noise Engineering Confundo Funkitus Noise Engineering Confundo Funkitus Four part probabilistic rhythm crossfader 12
Ladik S-220 Dual Switch Ladik S-220 Dual Switch Dual gated switch 4
Frequency Central Deep Thought Frequency Central Deep Thought Boolean logic 10
Michigan Synth Works Twiigs Michigan Synth Works Twiigs 8HP QUAD Bernoulli Gate 8
ReBach CATCH STV ReBach CATCH STV CATCH series S-trigger converter 4
Mystic Circuits ANA Mystic Circuits ANA Analog logic / CV arithmetics 6
Klavis Logica XT Klavis Logica XT Voltage-controlled Logic and gate processor 5
Dovemans 0 Sugar Dovemans 0 Sugar Circuit bend with NAND-gates 8
Noise Engineering Confundo Funkitus (Black) Noise Engineering Confundo Funkitus (Black) Four part probabilistic rhythm crossfader 12
Noise Engineering Integra Funkitus (Black) Noise Engineering Integra Funkitus (Black) Four-part rhythm modifier. 8
Make Noise Rene Mk2 Make Noise Rene Mk2 3D cartesian music sequencer 34
Patching Panda shuby Patching Panda shuby Logic noise 4
Other/unknown Magpie Modular - "Kinks" (Black) Other/unknown Magpie Modular - "Kinks" (Black) Magpie Modular alternative black panel for Mutable Instruments "Kinks" 4
Other/unknown Miasma Other/unknown Miasma Complex Function Generator 20
Nonlinearcircuits Neuron / Difference Rectifier — Magpie white panel Nonlinearcircuits Neuron / Difference Rectifier — Magpie white panel Neuron / Difference Rectifier — Magpie white panel 8
WORNG Electronics LRMSMSLR WORNG Electronics LRMSMSLR Custom hand made panel 4
Ladik P-120 Dual switchable “OR” Ladik P-120 Dual switchable “OR” P-120 Dual switchable logic “OR” module for Eurorack / Doepfer A100 system 4
Ladik P-180 Octal switchable “OR” Ladik P-180 Octal switchable “OR” P-180 Octal switchable “OR” module for Eurorack / Doepfer A100 system 12
Neutron Sound uTemps (mini Temps Utile) Black&Gold Neutron Sound uTemps (mini Temps Utile) Black&Gold Clock Generator 8
Other/unknown Miasma from Sin Phi - Rampage Clone (Alternate Panel Black&Gold) Other/unknown Miasma from Sin Phi - Rampage Clone (Alternate Panel Black&Gold) Complex Function Generator 20
Plum Audio 1uT_u (Old Panel) Plum Audio 1uT_u (Old Panel) 1U Temps Utile for Standard 1U format 30
2hp Logic (Black Panel) 2hp Logic (Black Panel) 2hp Logic is a dual boolean gate operator with AND and OR logic functions. 2
Other/unknown PreenFM Other/unknown PreenFM PreenFM is a multitibral FM synthesizer 31
Other/unknown derSequentoulli Other/unknown derSequentoulli Bernoulligate and sequential switch 4
Make Noise MATHS (white knobs) Make Noise MATHS (white knobs) Maths 2019: Analog computer designed for musical purposes 20
Adventure Audio Merge Adventure Audio Merge PEDALS + MODULAR = MERGE 16
Omiindustriies Illyana Omiindustriies Illyana Dual Boolean logic module with hard and programmable logic 8
Adventure Audio Count Adventure Audio Count Count is a sequential counter. Put any waveform into the IN jack and watch Count do its thing! 2
PMFoundations 7-OR PMFoundations 7-OR Gate/Trigger Combiner 7-1 OR Gate 4
Other/unknown Kinks Black & Gold Panel Other/unknown Kinks Black & Gold Panel Kinks Black & Gold Panel 4
Other/unknown Twigs Black & Gold Panel Other/unknown Twigs Black & Gold Panel Twigs Black & Gold Panel 8
Low-Gain Electronics Short Bus V.3 Low-Gain Electronics Short Bus V.3 Revised passive, seven input Logic Gate OR combiner 6
Starling Via GATESEQ Starling Via GATESEQ rhythm engine 12
Other/unknown Cold Mac Black & Gold Panel Other/unknown Cold Mac Black & Gold Panel Cold Mac Black & Gold Panel 8
OIIIAudio Trigger Divider OIIIAudio Trigger Divider Сontrol the speed of your sequences is very simple, and you can create different dependencies of your rhythmic patterns with this Eurorack synth module. 6
OIIIAudio MIDI to Drums Converter OIIIAudio MIDI to Drums Converter 8/4-channel MIDI to drum converter 14
Other/unknown PetrichOR Other/unknown PetrichOR Sequential Switch/ diode OR Combiner 6
Other/unknown Black & Gold Maths Other/unknown Black & Gold Maths Black & Gold Maths 20
Other/unknown X0R Other/unknown X0R Chaos Theory in 6HP 6
Other/unknown Hemisphere Suite Other/unknown Hemisphere Suite Multifunction Modulation Generator 8
Tesseract Modular Selecta Tesseract Modular Selecta 4 A/B switch, 4 OR combiner 8
Alyseum MATRIX II Alyseum MATRIX II 15 X 16 Sequential Matrix I/O router. 22
Other/unknown The Sputterizer Other/unknown The Sputterizer Complex Gate/CV Generator 11
Frequency Central Polygraf Frequency Central Polygraf Binary Step Sequencer with 30 patterns 10
Frequency Central Bartos Flur II Frequency Central Bartos Flur II Uses CV to generate gates, triggers, and sequences 12
Other/unknown Polly Other/unknown Polly Shift Register for Triggers and Gates 4
Ladik S-260 6-to-2 ORer Ladik S-260 6-to-2 ORer logic OR module 8
Livestock Electronics (Black) MIR Livestock Electronics (Black) MIR Quad VCA, Logic Gate, Mixer, Inverter, Attenuator and Distortion 10
Other/unknown Multiple / Subtractor   MK1 Other/unknown Multiple / Subtractor MK1 Multi purpose utility 4
Intellijel Qx Intellijel Qx Quadrax Expander 4
Other/unknown OR Combiner Other/unknown OR Combiner 5 to 2 OR Combiner with Mutes 8
Other/unknown TEMPS Utile /// Master Clock /// Black & Gold Panel Other/unknown TEMPS Utile /// Master Clock /// Black & Gold Panel 8HP micro version 8
ph modular Buffered multiple 1 to 3 (x4 ... and more!) ph modular Buffered multiple 1 to 3 (x4 ... and more!) Buffered multiple with two routing mode 6
After Later Audio uT_u After Later Audio uT_u A new build of micro Temps Utile 8
Other/unknown HighStop Utility Other/unknown HighStop Utility 4 channel logic modul 6
Other/unknown Double Dual Function Generator Other/unknown Double Dual Function Generator Quad Function Generator 18
Tesseract Modular VC Logics Tesseract Modular VC Logics 2 x Logic gates with voltage controlled boolean function selection 4
Ladik P-018 Grouped multiple / OR Ladik P-018 Grouped multiple / OR Grouped multiple/Grouped “OR” module 6
Other/unknown Min Max Other/unknown Min Max YuSynth Min Max module by Ambriant 8
ADDAC System ADDAC217 ADDAC System ADDAC217 Quad Gate to Trigger 3
Other/unknown pOR Other/unknown pOR Passive OR logic 2
Omiindustriies Illyana (2020) Omiindustriies Illyana (2020) Dual Boolean logic module with hard and programmable logic 8
IOLabs Flux IOLabs Flux Temporal Modulation Synthesis Complex Rhythm Sequencer 32
Other/unknown OR Other/unknown OR 2hp Dual OR Combiner 2
Other/unknown Kinks Other/unknown Kinks Analog CV mangling utilities 4
Nonlinearcircuits Neuron / Difference Rectifier with Magpie Black Panel Nonlinearcircuits Neuron / Difference Rectifier with Magpie Black Panel Neuron / Difference Rectifier (black Magpie version) 8
Tesseract Modular Selecta - reversible panel Tesseract Modular Selecta - reversible panel A/B switch and OR combiner 8
North Coast Modular Collective OR Switch (AFRORACK and Ali The Architect collab edition) black North Coast Modular Collective OR Switch (AFRORACK and Ali The Architect collab edition) black Switch between two banks of three combinations of trigger/gate signals 3
CGS Boolean Logic CGS Boolean Logic Logic Gates 8
Eurorack Hardware E-OR Eurorack Hardware E-OR Selectable Gate Mixer 2
Other/unknown Pachinko - Magpie white panel Other/unknown Pachinko - Magpie white panel Random sampler based on MI Marbles 12
Other/unknown Ananke Other/unknown Ananke AD envelope with a comparator 6
Ritual Electronics Assemblée Ritual Electronics Assemblée Signal mixer & mangler 14
Other/unknown Momo Modular Clouds (Black Magpie version) Other/unknown Momo Modular Clouds (Black Magpie version) Texture Synthesizer 18
Nonlinearcircuits 8-Bit Cipher - Magpie Modular Black Panel Nonlinearcircuits 8-Bit Cipher - Magpie Modular Black Panel Random Gate & Voltage source - Magpie Modular Black Panel 10
Nonlinearcircuits 8bit Cipher Nonlinearcircuits 8bit Cipher Random Gate & Voltage source 10
York Modular OR Combiner York Modular OR Combiner 6-Way Passive OR Combiner 2
256klabs LOGIK 256klabs LOGIK 4x swappable logic gate module 10
Other/unknown pOR Other/unknown pOR Passive OR logic 6
Eurorack Hardware OR Eurorack Hardware OR Passive dual OR combiner 2
Analog Ordnance OR Gate 1U Analog Ordnance OR Gate 1U Passive OR Gate DIY 6
Tiptop Audio Trigger Riot (WHITE) Tiptop Audio Trigger Riot (WHITE) Modular Groove Composer and Sequencer 28
Tiptop Audio Trigger Riot (BLACK) Tiptop Audio Trigger Riot (BLACK) Modular Groove Composer and Sequencer 28
Other/unknown SoundFlask Adder Other/unknown SoundFlask Adder "Precision" Adder 4
Nonlinearcircuits Let's Splosh Nonlinearcircuits Let's Splosh Audio / CV mixer-mangler 12
Pittsburgh Modular Structure 344 Utility Bridge Pittsburgh Modular Structure 344 Utility Bridge Utility Bridge on Structure 344 case - Not a standalone module 86
Noise Reap Swiss Army Mixer V2 Noise Reap Swiss Army Mixer V2 Utility Mixer 8
Other/unknown SwitchOr Other/unknown SwitchOr Dual A-B switched outputs with (logic) or output (multiple) 2
Other/unknown TEMPS Utile /// Master Clock /// Silver Panel Other/unknown TEMPS Utile /// Master Clock /// Silver Panel 8HP micro version 8
Other/unknown LFO2C Other/unknown LFO2C Clockable LFO 16
Other/unknown Momo Modular uO_C Micro Ornament and Crime (White Magpie) Other/unknown Momo Modular uO_C Micro Ornament and Crime (White Magpie) Momo Modular Micro version of Ornament and Crime with a premium quality white aluminum Magpie panel 8
Adventure Audio ORX Adventure Audio ORX OR/NOR gate 2
kNoB technology Andornorxor kNoB technology Andornorxor Andornorxor is a combined boolean logic device by kNoB technology 8
Nonlinearcircuits Numberwang Nonlinearcircuits Numberwang Gate generator 14
Frequency Central Logic Bomb Frequency Central Logic Bomb Dual CV addressable Boolean logic module 6
Frequency Central Reset Simulation Frequency Central Reset Simulation Boolean logic module with two inputs and 8 simultaneous outputs. 6
Mazzatron Quad Gate Inverter Mazzatron Quad Gate Inverter Quad Gate Inverter 2
XODES LB5 - 3U XODES LB5 - 3U 5 Logic Blocks 5
XODES LB5 - 1U XODES LB5 - 1U 5 Logic Blocks 24
Divergent Waves Logic Divergent Waves Logic Fixed-function Logic module using CD4xxx logic chips 7
Beast-Tek Pathogen Beast-Tek Pathogen Trigger burst generator and 4 channel pattern generator 10
Beast-Tek Mutagen Beast-Tek Mutagen Dual Bernoulli Gate plus Logic Gates 10
Beast-Tek Transmuter Beast-Tek Transmuter Drum Machine and Groove Box Interface 10
Olivella Modular SIGNOS Olivella Modular SIGNOS Dual signal transmutator 8
Noise Reap Patterns Noise Reap Patterns Non-traditional 8 step gate sequencer. 6
Wavefonix Boolean Logic (BL) Wavefonix Boolean Logic (BL) Boolean Logic Module with AND, OR, NAND, NOR and NOT Functions 8
FPB 1U Clock Divider FPB 1U Clock Divider Clock Divider and Sub-Oscillator with Logic AND Gate 16
New Systems Instruments Babel New Systems Instruments Babel Analog Logic and Intermodulation 6
New Systems Instruments Babel Expander New Systems Instruments Babel Expander 7 more inputs for Babel 2
Other/unknown Sarek Other/unknown Sarek 3x3, 2x4 AND Gates and OR-Combiner 14
Wavefonix Boolean Logic (BL) Classic Edition Wavefonix Boolean Logic (BL) Classic Edition Boolean Logic Module with AND, OR, NAND, NOR and NOT Functions 8
Other/unknown Maths V2 Audio Parasites Faceplate Other/unknown Maths V2 Audio Parasites Faceplate 20
Ladik P-180 Octal switchable “OR” Ladik P-180 Octal switchable “OR” P-180 Octal switchable “OR” module for Eurorack / Doepfer A100 system 12
Intellijel Gx Intellijel Gx Gate Expander 4
After Later Audio uT_u After Later Audio uT_u A smaller version of the Temps Utile designed by mxmxmx with Magpie panel 8
Michigan Synth Works Micro Temps_Utile Michigan Synth Works Micro Temps_Utile black panel version 8
Nonlinearcircuits Let's Splosh - Seaweed White Magpie Panel Nonlinearcircuits Let's Splosh - Seaweed White Magpie Panel Audio / CV mixer-mangler 12
Other/unknown Jormungandr Other/unknown Jormungandr Writable trig sequencer without dead memory, live oriented 10
CalSynth Twiigs (black) CalSynth Twiigs (black) Dual Branches 8
CalSynth Twiigs (white) CalSynth Twiigs (white) Dual Branches 8
Allen Synthesis EuroPi Prototype Allen Synthesis EuroPi Prototype Reprogrammable Multi-Function Controller 6
WMD OSD - Or / Sum / Difference WMD OSD - Or / Sum / Difference 3 independent blocks of useful utility in 4HP. 4
Nonlinearcircuits Chopper — Magpie "Black Mirror" panel Nonlinearcircuits Chopper — Magpie "Black Mirror" panel Mad Analogue Switch 8
Synthfox BOOL-OPS Synthfox BOOL-OPS Dual AND + Dual XOR boolean processor 6
Synthfox PASSIVE TOOLS 1 Synthfox PASSIVE TOOLS 1 Handy utilities combomodule 4
Foxing Hour Dual A+B-C Foxing Hour Dual A+B-C Dual A + B - C 4
Mystic Circuits Ana (Purple Panel) Mystic Circuits Ana (Purple Panel) Analog logic / CV arithmetics 6
Ladik P-110 Gate/trig switchable combiner Ladik P-110 Gate/trig switchable combiner Gate / Trigger switchable combiner / maximum selector 4
Ladik P-018 Grouped multiple / OR (Silver) Ladik P-018 Grouped multiple / OR (Silver) Grouped multiple/Grouped “OR” module 6
Rebel Technology Phoreo Black Rebel Technology Phoreo Black Trigger modulator, multiplier and repeater. 10
Schreibmaschine Modular Brainiac Schreibmaschine Modular Brainiac Omni-Logic Gate 8
Paratek "SATURN" complex digital noise source Paratek "SATURN" complex digital noise source Сomplex noise generator based on "paradoxical logic" 8
Mazzatron QUAND Mazzatron QUAND Quad AND Logic Gate Module 12
Other/unknown uO_c Alternate Panel Other/unknown uO_c Alternate Panel Alternate Panel 8
Schreibmaschine Modular Binary Expander Schreibmaschine Modular Binary Expander Binary converter for Brainiac inputs 4
Schreibmaschine Modular Pulse Blender Schreibmaschine Modular Pulse Blender And-Or Logic Gate 6
AtoVproject Gaeto Grey AtoVproject Gaeto Grey A new type of clocked logic 6
AtoVproject Gaeto Black AtoVproject Gaeto Black A new type of clocked logic 6
RYO Paths RYO Paths Cycling Sequential Switch 8
u-he Wiretap u-he Wiretap Two-channel trigger generator / CV-slope analyser 6
Tiptop Audio Buchla 281t Tiptop Audio Buchla 281t Quad Function Generator 281t 28
York Modular XO106r5 York Modular XO106r5 Quad square-wave drone module w/patchable logic and filter 22
After Later Audio Flip After Later Audio Flip 1U version of Mutable Instruments Branches 14
DPW Design Zero DPW Design Zero Dual Zero Difference 2
Instruō eãs Instruō eãs Cascading Logic 4
Eurorack Hardware OR Eurorack Hardware OR dual OR combiner 2
Eurorack Hardware E-OR Eurorack Hardware E-OR selectable gate mixer 2
Hinton Instruments Gate Logic Hinton Instruments Gate Logic Variable function logic module 8
CalSynth Temps Utile Micro CalSynth Temps Utile Micro Rhythm and Clock Generator 8
WMD Geiger Counter (Black Panel) WMD Geiger Counter (Black Panel) 8-bit Preamp / FX / Noise 10
Takaab SOR Takaab SOR Switched Passive Logic OR Gate 2
Karltron Crimps Karltron Crimps Utility module, derivative of Mutable Kinks 4
Other/unknown Dual comparator Other/unknown Dual comparator Dual comparator by Cell Factory Sounds 4
Other/unknown Diode OR Other/unknown Diode OR Passive diode OR and attenuator by Cell Factory Sounds 4
Mörk Modules Cold Mac Mörk Modules Cold Mac Black panel for Mannequins Cold Mac 8
Sylph Modular Kinks / Mutable clone Sylph Modular Kinks / Mutable clone High-quality MI Kinks clone with matte black panel 4
Sylph Modular 1uT_u - intellijel format Sylph Modular 1uT_u - intellijel format 30
Wildfire Laboratories Equation Group Wildfire Laboratories Equation Group Passive resistor ladder DAC 4
XOXO Modular QUADBOOL XOXO Modular QUADBOOL Quad Logic Module 5
Feedback T-Comb Feedback T-Comb Trigger Combiner 5
XODES GR2 - 1U XODES GR2 - 1U Dual Gate Randomizer 12
XODES GR2 - 3U XODES GR2 - 3U Dual Gate Randomizer 3
XODES GR1 XODES GR1 Gate Randomizer 6
XODES µGR2 XODES µGR2 µ Dual Gate Randomizer 6
XODES MLB - 1U XODES MLB - 1U Malleable Logic Block 12
XODES MLB - 3U XODES MLB - 3U Malleable Logic Block 3
Other/unknown MUSIC IS MATH SUPER COMPUTER Other/unknown MUSIC IS MATH SUPER COMPUTER Four Input Logic Modul 10
Takaab SOR 1U Takaab SOR 1U Switched Passive Logic OR Gate 12
Pusherman Twiigs Pusherman Twiigs Dual Branches 8
Other/unknown Wizard Instruments V/T Function (VC Slopes ) Other/unknown Wizard Instruments V/T Function (VC Slopes ) Function / VC Slopes 10
Transient Modules u1P Transient Modules u1P 1U Bernoulli gate 10
Other/unknown Trigger Bus 963 Other/unknown Trigger Bus 963 Trigger Bus 6
Other/unknown ShortOmniBus (OR gate) Other/unknown ShortOmniBus (OR gate) ShortOmniBus (OR gate) - a DIY, passive, switched, logic module with LED's 4
DPW Design Zero2 DPW Design Zero2 Dual Zero Difference Trigger 2
kNoB technology AONX kNoB technology AONX AONX is a combined boolean logic device by kNoB technology 8
Acid Rain Technology Constellation Acid Rain Technology Constellation Parametric Rhythm Generator 28
Xaoc Devices Gera Xaoc Devices Gera 1989 Binary Product Kommander 6
Xaoc Devices Gera (black panel) Xaoc Devices Gera (black panel) Optional accessory replacement panel. 6
Other/unknown HZR - Logic Other/unknown HZR - Logic Passive Trashcan-Logic 8
Plan B Model 26 Multi-tasking CV Processor Plan B Model 26 Multi-tasking CV Processor Logic / Mirror / Slew 10
Sylph Modular uT_u / micro Temps Utile Sylph Modular uT_u / micro Temps Utile uT_U with matte black panel. 6 outputs with the ability to assign a different algorithm to each of them separately. 8
Other/unknown remove please add panel to module Other/unknown remove please add panel to module 20
Other/unknown Kinks Black Panel Other/unknown Kinks Black Panel Antumbra Black Panel For Mutable Instruments Kinks 4
Wildfire Laboratories Weird Vector Wildfire Laboratories Weird Vector WL-8592 PASSIVE WEIRD UTILITY 6
Other/unknown Tensile Tile Other/unknown Tensile Tile Multi-Function Module 6
Other/unknown Up Down Counter / Divider Other/unknown Up Down Counter / Divider Cat Full Of Ghosts Clock Divider 10
FKMG Circuits Klima FKMG Circuits Klima Atmospheric Logic 4
Klavis Two Bits Klavis Two Bits Dual Logic Processor 5
7 Dials Route Two 7 Dials Route Two Dual switches module with clever normalisation 8
Visible Signals Xordand Visible Signals Xordand Logic gate performance control for LZX-compatible video 4
Fully Wired Electronics Multi-Logic Fully Wired Electronics Multi-Logic Fully Wired Electronics Multi-Logic 10
Hikari Instruments Dual LFO Hikari Instruments Dual LFO Two independent voltage-controllable LFOs. 10
Other/unknown Temps Utile Other/unknown Temps Utile Temps Utile 12
Noise of Antimatter BBG Noise of Antimatter BBG Small 4HP utility 4
Ritual Electronics Amnis Ritual Electronics Amnis Shift Register with Linear Feedback abilities 6
Instruō Cnōc Instruō Cnōc Function Generator 4
BeepBoop Electronics Cuts&Folds BeepBoop Electronics Cuts&Folds Rectifier, MIN/MAX and S&H 4
Frequency Central Akropoli Frequency Central Akropoli Generative CV Sequencer/4 Channel Clock Divider 16
After Later Audio Steps 1U After Later Audio Steps 1U Random Looping Stepped CV and Burst Generator 22
Fully Wired Electronics Mini-Logic Fully Wired Electronics Mini-Logic 2 input, 8 output Logic module 6
MŽOURACK Trigger Warning MŽOURACK Trigger Warning gate & trigger processing utility 2
Nonlinearcircuits Cellular Automata (black panel) Nonlinearcircuits Cellular Automata (black panel) 16 cell gate and pattern generator 12
Nonlinearcircuits Cellular Automata (white panel) Nonlinearcircuits Cellular Automata (white panel) 16 cell gate and pattern generator 12
Nonlinearcircuits Cellular Automata Nonlinearcircuits Cellular Automata 16 cell gate and pattern generator 12
XODES µLB-N XODES µLB-N µ Logic Block (dual NOT) 6
XODES µLB-A XODES µLB-A µ Logic Block (AND/NAND) 6
XODES µLB-O XODES µLB-O µ Logic Block (OR/NOR) 6
XODES µLB-X XODES µLB-X µ Logic Block (XOR/XNOR) 6
Nonlinearcircuits Stochaos Nonlinearcircuits Stochaos Chaos vs. random gate and CV generator 8
Fruku EOF Fruku EOF Froal Expander 2
Other/unknown Logo Other/unknown Logo Logic Module 6
Nonlinearcircuits Beat Freqs Nonlinearcircuits Beat Freqs Gate pattern generator 8
Hinton Instruments Signal Matrix Hinton Instruments Signal Matrix Mid Side Matrix 8
Avalon Harmonics LOGx Avalon Harmonics LOGx Dual logic gate with swappable IC 3
Avalon Harmonics Nucleus Avalon Harmonics Nucleus Geiger counter random trigger and gate source 8
Vaemi Shift Register Vaemi Shift Register Dual 4-bit Shift Register 8
Other/unknown Pantala Labs Melisma Other/unknown Pantala Labs Melisma Stochastic Sequencer 13
Other/unknown MIDIVerse Modular OR Logic Other/unknown MIDIVerse Modular OR Logic OR Logic 4
333modules 333-Rooter 333modules 333-Rooter Sequential Switch 5
Jake's Custom Shop JCS AND NAND OR Logic Gates Jake's Custom Shop JCS AND NAND OR Logic Gates AND NAND OR Logic Gates 6
Other/unknown WMD/SSF Tool-Box (WMSB black panel) Other/unknown WMD/SSF Tool-Box (WMSB black panel) Alternate black panel for the WMD/SSF Tool-Box 6
Guru Gara Synth And Gate Guru Gara Synth And Gate Quad and gate based on cmos IC. 8
FKMG Circuits Idein FKMG Circuits Idein Optic Gate Generator 8
WaveWrecker Electronics ORS WaveWrecker Electronics ORS Passive Or Combiner 4
Mörk Modules Maths 2 - Black Panel Mörk Modules Maths 2 - Black Panel Black panel for Make Noise Maths mk2 20
Fancyyyyy Rung Divisions Fancyyyyy Rung Divisions Polyrhythmic Clock Divider / Chaotic Stepped Signal Generator 12
Xaoc Devices Drezno II Xaoc Devices Drezno II 1989 Binary Conversion Komputor 12
Xaoc Devices Drezno II (black panel) Xaoc Devices Drezno II (black panel) Optional accessory replacement panel. 12
Herzlich Labs Micro Gate 2 Trigger Herzlich Labs Micro Gate 2 Trigger Quad Passive Gate to Trigger Converter 2
LZX Industries Switcher LZX Industries Switcher Color Video Multiplexer and Switcher 18
shkrjn VCSM shkrjn VCSM Four Channel Voltage Controlled Switch Matrix 6
XOR Electronics XOR XOR XOR Electronics XOR XOR Logical XOR Module by XOR Electronics 2
Beers AND/OR Beers AND/OR Boolean Logic 4
Beers 4013 Beers 4013 Dual Flip-Flop 4
Beers 4029 Beers 4029 presettable up/down counter 4
TLM Audio TRIGS (Based on MI Grids) TLM Audio TRIGS (Based on MI Grids) Trigger & Rhythm Generator 10
Nonlinearcircuits This 2 Shall Pass Nonlinearcircuits This 2 Shall Pass Passive-aggressive XOR 2
Other/unknown Roots (Ikerion) Other/unknown Roots (Ikerion) Bernoulli gate (Dual) 4
Beers ADC Beers ADC analogue to digital converter, multiplexor, bar graph 12
Tetraktys Clock Watcher Tetraktys Clock Watcher Sequenced clock counter 10
Beers XOR Beers XOR 5 input, 4 output exclusive-OR 4
XOR Electronics XOR XOR DMF Edition XOR Electronics XOR XOR DMF Edition Logical XOR Module by XOR Electronics with DMF Frontpanel 2
Nekyia Circuits Obsidian Nekyia Circuits Obsidian Dual Complex LFO 8
Manifold Research Centre delta^ Manifold Research Centre delta^ polyphonic CV and clock generator 20
Beers 4054x2 Beers 4054x2 dual 4-channel data latch with common inputs, XOR on outputs 6
Nonlinearcircuits XOR Nonlinearcircuits XOR 1U passive XOR / pseudo ring mod 6
Nonlinearcircuits XOR black panel Nonlinearcircuits XOR black panel 1U passive XOR / pseudo ring mod 6
Alyseum SELECTOR Alyseum SELECTOR SELECTOR, the most versatile Sequencial Switcher 8 ↔ 1 8
Other/unknown Kinx Other/unknown Kinx 2/3 of MI Kinks 16
DivKid ochd expander DivKid ochd expander 16 additional outputs across 4 new functions for ochd 4
MidCentury Modular Strata MidCentury Modular Strata 4
Beers 2P4T analogue sw Beers 2P4T analogue sw 2-pole 4-throw binary-addressed bidirectional analogue switch 6
Music Thing Modular Pulses Mk II Music Thing Modular Pulses Mk II Turing Machine Gate Expander (Mk II panel) 4
Schlappi Engineering Nibbler Schlappi Engineering Nibbler CMOS Four-Bit Digital Accumulator 12
Other/unknown MorfaLogic Other/unknown MorfaLogic Logic / Clock divider - based on Arduino Nano 6
Other/unknown P4L / KPG Other/unknown P4L / KPG KOSMIK PULSE GENERATOR 14
Takaab 4NOT Takaab 4NOT Quad NOT Gate / Logic Inverter 2
Teia SkipLog Teia SkipLog Rhythmic Probability Processor 8
Other/unknown doom - or8or Other/unknown doom - or8or or with mutes 6
selestium modular JOINER8x selestium modular JOINER8x Unpowered 8 to 1 OR combiner 2
selestium modular JOINER3xby2 selestium modular JOINER3xby2 Unpowered dual 3 to 1 OR combiner with normalization 2
CatSynth Slimline Switchable Logic Gates CatSynth Slimline Switchable Logic Gates 2HP Switchable Logic Gates 2
Herzlich Labs ABCD/OR Herzlich Labs ABCD/OR Passive switched OR logic combiner for fun and profit 2
Ear Modular Boxing Ear Modular Boxing A multifunctional module based on channel selection 8
Der Mann mit der Maschine MASTER18 Der Mann mit der Maschine MASTER18 DROID MASTER18 - Compact Universal CV Processor with MIDI/USB 6
Other/unknown Rudiments Other/unknown Rudiments CV manipulator 14
Nonlinearcircuits Snake Joke Nonlinearcircuits Snake Joke Euclidian pattern & Cv generator by Tom Hirst 8
Nonlinearcircuits Snake Joke black panel Nonlinearcircuits Snake Joke black panel Euclidian pattern & Cv generator by Tom Hirst 8
Other/unknown Passive OR logic gate/trigger combiner Other/unknown Passive OR logic gate/trigger combiner Passive OR logic gate/trigger combiner 4
Mystic Circuits ANA 2 Mystic Circuits ANA 2 Analog Logic Processor 6
BeepBoop Electronics 2hp CMP Comparator V2 BeepBoop Electronics 2hp CMP Comparator V2 2hp Comparator module 2
333modules 333-ClockDivider 333modules 333-ClockDivider Clock divider whit addoms 5
Avalon Harmonics kNOT Avalon Harmonics kNOT Triple logic NOT gate 3
Other/unknown SwitchOr Other/unknown SwitchOr Multi purpose OR routing 3
EMW GATE OR 101 EMW GATE OR 101 Dual OR Logic with Multiple 6
ARC Artificial Neural Network v2.0 ARC Artificial Neural Network v2.0 Nervous system logic metamodule 9
Nonlinearcircuits CHOMUL Nonlinearcircuits CHOMUL Chopper Multiplier 4
Klavis Two Bits (Black panel) Klavis Two Bits (Black panel) 5
Nekyia Circuits Mezcal Nekyia Circuits Mezcal CV/Audio Utilities 4
Other/unknown Benjolin (explicit panel) Other/unknown Benjolin (explicit panel) Benjolin custom panel (Forestcaver's SMD Version) 16
Other/unknown PORC, Det. Playback Other/unknown PORC, Det. Playback Passive, OR Combiner, DIY 2
Other/unknown Sub101, DiffRect, AnalogLabSwiss, NonLinearCircuits, Det. Playback Other/unknown Sub101, DiffRect, AnalogLabSwiss, NonLinearCircuits, Det. Playback Half Sub Oscillator, Half Difference Rectifier, DIY 6
Schlappi Engineering BTMX Schlappi Engineering BTMX Hands on 4-bit logic module 8
Takaab 2AND Takaab 2AND Dual 2/3-input Logic AND Gate 2
Takaab 2XOR Takaab 2XOR Dual 3-input Logic Exclusive OR Gate 2
Other/unknown Dom Sub Switch Other/unknown Dom Sub Switch Min Max Logic module 12
Nonlinearcircuits Gator Nonlinearcircuits Gator Do you like combining gates? 2
Nonlinearcircuits Gator black panel Nonlinearcircuits Gator black panel I reckon you need a gate combiner, for sure. 2
Other/unknown Twang Voltage Calculator Other/unknown Twang Voltage Calculator Quad CV Mixer with offset, attenuvertrers, mults & logic 8
Karltron XORBell Karltron XORBell Logic Drone 8
Axis Modular FLOW Axis Modular FLOW Multi output LFO featuring an AND/OR mixer 10
Larix Elektro RITOURNELLE TIME-SHIFTER Larix Elektro RITOURNELLE TIME-SHIFTER GATE delay, for time alignment, making groove. 8
Beers Edge Detector 12hp Beers Edge Detector 12hp 8-channel gate-to-trigger with OR-combined outputs 12
Beers Edge Detector 8hp Beers Edge Detector 8hp 8-channel gate to trigger with OR-combined outputs 8
Mörk Modules Kinks - Black Panel Mörk Modules Kinks - Black Panel Black panel for Mutable Instruments Kinks 4
Mörk Modules Qx - Black Panel Mörk Modules Qx - Black Panel Black panel for Intellijel Qx 4
DivKid DivSkip DivKid DivSkip a multimode rhythmic powerhouse 8
RYO DTSwitch RYO DTSwitch Dual bi-directional switch with manual tactile or trig/gate controlled switching 6
Clank Toolbox Clank Toolbox problem solver // idea enhancer 12
Omiindustriies illyana 2024 Omiindustriies illyana 2024 Dual Boolean logic module with hard and programmable logic 8
Analog Ordnance CmosChaos (prototype) Analog Ordnance CmosChaos (prototype) CMOS chaos generator 6
Doepfer A-165-2 Doepfer A-165-2 Digital modifier 2
Other/unknown 4000 Logic AND Gate Other/unknown 4000 Logic AND Gate AND gate with 5 inputs 2
DivKid Divskip Black DivKid Divskip Black black panel colour image for aesthetics 8
Mörk Modules OR - Black Panel Mörk Modules OR - Black Panel Black panel for Intellijel OR 2
Steady State Fate VERSA Steady State Fate VERSA Multi-Mode Audio and CV VCA/Utility 12
Nonlinearcircuits George Nonlinearcircuits George Boolean logic module 4
Nonlinearcircuits George black panel Nonlinearcircuits George black panel Boolean logic module 4
Mörk Modules MCO mk2 - Black Panel Mörk Modules MCO mk2 - Black Panel Black panel for ALM Busy Circuits MCO mk2 6
Mörk Modules Plog - Black Panel Mörk Modules Plog - Black Panel Black panel for Intellijel Plog 8
Other/unknown Blippulator Other/unknown Blippulator Chaotic Blipping Synth 49
Other/unknown LOGICaL(JAMMING) Other/unknown LOGICaL(JAMMING) Logic(Max/Min) and LFO 4
Other/unknown & Other/unknown & utility module or addition to SURGE 4
Mörk Modules Gx - Black Panel Mörk Modules Gx - Black Panel Black panel for Intellijel Gx 4
Larix Elektro TIME Larix Elektro TIME Trig to gate, trig delay, rampe genrator 4