New Systems Instruments

New Systems Instruments

New Systems Instruments is an electronic musical instrument manufacturer operating out of the SF Bay Area.

Harmonic Shift Oscillator, Inertia, Babel, Quad Mid Side and Mult are among New Systems Instruments most popular products.


New Systems Instruments
Sebastopol, CA 95472

News from the Labs

New Systems Instruments Triphase Oscillator
New Module! The Triphase Oscillator gives you control over three phases of a sawtooth wave and a bipolar mixer to combine them into shifting sonic landscapes. And it sounds massive. Overview video here: 
New Systems Instruments Quad LFO
We just released two new modules: the Quad LFO and an associated LFO Phase Expander. The Quad LFO gives you four analog sine wave LFOs in 8 HP, with a jumper on back to switch to square waves. Each LFO ranges from ~0-23Hz, with linear voltage control. The 6 HP expander gives you three more outputs with a knob to control the phase relationship to the LFO they're connected to. You can connect up to four expanders, for *sixteen* modulation sources. 
New Systems Instruments Inertia
Inertia just shipped out! Inertia is a new take on a complex function generator that models physical systems, with a "momentum" parameter that can go into self-oscillation. It produces nuanced, clean, and natural exponential envelopes and skewed sine LFOs. At audio rate, it tracks 5+ octaves, and also works as a frequency divider, and a unique resonant filter. Check out the overview video here: 
New Systems Instruments Inertia
Announcing a new module, Inertia! Inertia is a universal movement simulator. It generates output curves from input stimuli and the weight of its own motion—that is, its inertia. Just as Newton described the motion of the planets and the motion of earthly bodies with a single set of laws, so too Inertia brings together several seemingly disparate musical functions with a single, elegant abstraction. 

Harmonic Shift Oscillator

New Systems Instruments

Oscillator creating harmonic and inharmonic spectra

$365 MSRP


New Systems Instruments

Low Distortion VCA

$165 MSRP

Quad Mid Side

New Systems Instruments

Quadraphonic Mid-Side Processing

$125 MSRP


New Systems Instruments

Analog Logic and Intermodulation

$140 MSRP

Babel Expander

New Systems Instruments

7 more inputs for Babel

$70 MSRP

Quad LFO

New Systems Instruments

Modulation source

$260 MSRP

LFO Phase Expander

New Systems Instruments

Modulation source

$110 MSRP


New Systems Instruments

Passive multiple

$22 MSRP


New Systems Instruments

A/B switch

$33 MSRP

Triphase Oscillator

New Systems Instruments

Complex oscillator with three independent sawtooth phases and a bipolar mixer

$385 MSRP