Module is available as a DIY project only.
This Module is a prototype or in a concept phase.
YuSynth Min Max module by Ambriant
Built up from the YuSynth Min Max PCB. This is an Analog "AND" "OR" module. Serge versions of this were referred to as "Peak and Trough". Mutable Instruments includes this Min/Max functionality on their "Kinks" module. They refer to it as an Analog Logic module... ....
An analog OR gate outputs the maximum of two signals: not only it can merge two streams of triggers/gates like its digital counterparts, but it can also hybridizes LFOs, envelopes or even audio signals – creating the same type of inharmonic side-bands as ring-modulators.
The analog AND gate outputs the minimum of the two signal. With it you can mute/un-mute a stream of triggers with another gate, or explore other shades of audio and CV mangling.