Tube, Saws, Shady, Crimps and Clock are among Karltrons most popular products.
Clock is a free-running master clock and a switchable divider. Dual tempo knobs give...
Analog Voltage Controlled Amplifier with dual cv in
Passive 3x4 mult
Dual Delay with analog controls and crossfade mixer
Saws is a VCO giving a fat triple oscillator sound with a single V/O input and output.
White noise, filtered to several colors, and a threshold based trigger gen.
dual random sequencer, evolving generative melodies
envelope generator with manual button based on a 555 timer
4-input dc coupled mixer
Utility module, derivative of Mutable Kinks
dual unipolar comparator logic
waveshaping VCA with distortion
utility VCO
Steiner-Parker VCF
Attenuverter - Shades clone in ThroughHole
Logic Drone
Percussion Aid