Video Sync Generator
LZX Industries
Master NTSC/PAL video sync generator with external sync lock, sync bus access, RGB...
$279 MSRPPrismatic Ray, Visual Cortex, Staircase, Sensory Translator and Bridge are among LZX Industries most popular products.
Master NTSC/PAL video sync generator with external sync lock, sync bus access, RGB...
$279 MSRPRGB to NTSC/PAL video encoder, clipping and blanking of input signals, RGB contrast,...
$379 MSRPWide range analogue voltage-controlled oscillator with five waveform outputs,...
$399 MSRPHigh bandwidth voltage-controlled signal crossfading, voltage-controlled amplifier,...
$499 MSRPWide bandwidth DC signal processing, summing and full wave rectification, triple...
$599 MSRPPrecision conditioning of external audio and control voltages to 0 to 1 Volt scale
$199 MSRPWide bandwidth DC utility mixer, brightness (bias) and contrast (gain) processing,...
$199 MSRPSynchronized waveform outputs for use in wipe and pattern generation
$169 MSRPHigh-pass filtering, edge extraction and enhancement
$149 MSRPamplitude classification, sequential multiplexing
$599 MSRPXY positioning and scrolling of pattern generation sources
multi-function external video input for synchronous sources
$279 MSRPVoltage-controlled filtering, edge and outline extraction, image softening and blur,...
$499 MSRPlogic operations for shape and key combinations, switch controller, quantization
$219 MSRPlogical clock divisions, preset x, y & frame rate divisions, sequencing
$269 MSRPboolean logic and inversion, geometric shape and key combinations
$219 MSRPvideo input, digital frame synchronization and color decoding
$399 MSRPCore module with all required functions for EuroRack modular video synthesis
$849 MSRPNTSC/PAL sync generator for video synthesis systems
$179 MSRPWide bandwidth voltage processor and 2 channel mixer
$149 MSRPWideband voltage comparator with voltage controlled threshold level
$149 MSRPWideband triangle core VCO
$149 MSRPWideband white noise generator based on Zener diode avalanche noise
$399 MSRP