8 HP
160 mm deep
Current Draw
30 mA +12V
30 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$300 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Mid Side Matrix

A compact stereo signal matrix for encoding and decoding Mid and Side signals with extra features for waveshaping and processing control voltages.

The overall gains may be precisely calibrated for stereo image and pitch CV integrity. A Width function provides control over the final stereo image from mono through stereo to wide.

Converting a stereo signal to Mid and Side components allows single channel EQ, compression, reverb or other effects to be used on either of these components separately before recombining. M/S stereo encoding is widely used in recording, mastering and broadcasting and is well documented. This module supports all these signal techniques and additionally allows control voltage processing.

The encoder may be switched to precision Maximum and Minimum derivation of the two inputs allowing pitch accurate CV processing. If one input is a signal and the other a CV at 0V the two outputs become positive and negative half wave rectified versions of the signal. The decoder outputs then become a recombined sum and a full wave rectified version of the signal offset by the CV.


  • DC coupled low offset balanced inputs and outputs
  • Switchable stereo width control
  • Normalled connections between encoder and decoder
  • Insert switch for A/B comparison of processing
  • Maximum, Minimum, Average and Rectification
  • Optional DC voltage reference


submitted Nov 12th 2021, 07:11 by sabasan | last Change Nov 17th 2022, 19:20 by pflosi

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