I found 3564 threads containing ess in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Autism Rack Racks by 11 334
Combining triggers from different clock sources Modular Discussions by 3 96
INPUT Please: Creative FX Rack (Stereo) for Studio Synths. Sequenced by Hapax. Racks by 8 229
Blue Lantern Modules Mr Wavey Modules by 1 90
Help with Basimilus Iteritas Alter You by 8 142
Patch_14August2014_Pamela's Pro+ODESSA with Modulationsss Patches by 1 44
Patches for minimalist music I: additive sequencing Patches by 3 61
Audio and Music Director Building First Modular Rack Racks by 2 118
Assembling a TECHNO performance system Racks by 2 131
My eurorack modular ambient etudes You by 92 2169
Need advice to extend my semi-modulars set Racks by 10 356
techno system tips Racks by 6 132
How durable are modular synthesizers? Modules by 9 551
seller AJFourier ghosted me ModularGrid by 2 64
manufacturer-approved module with misleading tags ModularGrid by 3 34
Behringer FOUR LFO Modules by 17 5361
Feature request - 1U 3U ModularGrid by 6 233
Uploading an image sets it as the default image, I have images of 130 black modules, I ... ModularGrid by 1 85
Techno System studio interface in Sinudoda can Racks by 1 85
Test Rack for learning Racks by 3 163
Malevolent Playground Racks by 1 171
Techno session with SV-1, bassline, bitbox micro and plaits You by 1 37
HOLW's first EP "Petits Grains" You by 1 66
Payment methods on marketplace ModularGrid by 10 300
Powering Moog Mavis on Eurorack - adapter needed? Modular Discussions by 4 49
ZZ (LIVE) Racks by 1 61
Everything is schweineteuer ModularGrid by 3 122
Michigan Synth Works XVI Euro 16 Channel CV/MIDI Fader Bank Modules by 4 464
alias subdomain for MG? ModularGrid by 11 183
A modular improvisation: Midnight Highway You by 1 24
Patch cable storage for desktop modular systems Modular Discussions by 20 563
Free analog-digital hybrid mixing and mastering session ModularGrid by 1 51
Estroe and Raaf - A deep-sea dive with Nautilus and Sealegs You by 1 41
Second Racks by 2 70
L-1 L-1 Microcompressor Modules by 2 106
Does anyone own and use the Neuzeit Quasar Modules by 2 55
Beginner rack 60HP - DFAM EXPANDER Racks by 1 101
32hp for controller, effect or utility? Racks by 6 160
"Joranalogue Audio Design Enhance 2" module Modules by 4 126
FlatSix Modular - Arp Of Darkness Modules by 6 875
did i go way too overboard? You by 66 493
XFMR Euro DI | Output Module with Transformer is now available for sale on our website! Modules by 3 40
Modular & hardware live techno label : Machine Ouverte You by 3 91
Mudras Eurorack Gesture Sequencer Modules by 1 60
Ambient Techno with 7 melodic oscilators! You by 2 53
Roast my rack Racks by 12 331
Help. insufficient power Racks by 16 308
Tuning multiple oscillators. Modular Discussions by 4 144
Finishing up rack for live performance Racks by 4 140
saxophone , a minibrute 2s and a 3U rackbrute Racks by 8 115
Baby Rack Racks by 4 295
Favorite module of 2024? Modules by 4 229
Image caching on ModularGrid ModularGrid by 5 101
Guitar Solo You by 12 152
Modules and other hardware + Sale on my BandCamp LPs You by 1 38
Adding a Computer and a sound card into the setup - Suggestions? Modular Discussions by 5 103
Finish my case Racks by 8 192
Erica Synths Graphic VCO Modules by 3 7391
My version of a versatile Rackbrute build - an anecdote for beginners. Racks by 1 130
Behringer 100M - suggestions for next steps? Racks by 8 215
No Light Things: played a modular set at Transmitter Brewing, Brooklyn You by 3 90
What to add? Racks by 8 220
Fraudster in markedplace ModularGrid by 7 309
Patch #2 sirens (copy) Patches by 1 17
Yet another beginner rack (adding to Moog Sound Studio) Racks by 7 242
Patch #3 Patches by 1 31
What's your approach to organizing multiple cases/racks? Racks by 10 233
Steady State Fate Muton Modules by 11 4841
What's an "envelope follower" and why do I need one? Modules by 6 650
Help me design my skiff Racks by 12 276
Serge inspired rack. Racks by 3 99
Another feedback/recommendation post Racks by 12 284
ooo Travel Ambient Case - what do you think? Can it work? Racks by 10 215
First play on the Veno-Echo from Venus Instruments You by 12 157
Ambient for a friend - From the ground up You by 2 59
Advice on filling the gap Racks by 8 93
What pitch should be used for samples, to play back accurately with v/oct Patches by 7 169
Would Love Feedback Racks by 13 404
Sequenced Delay Patches by 1 32
Patch #1 vessels Patches by 1 24
Westlicht PER|FORMER Modules by 14 2638
Connect an usb hub to doepfer psu You by 1 47
when is useful a matrix mixer You by 5 122
What does this need? Racks by 3 97
DIY Berlin School v3 Racks by 1 102
aspirational machine Racks by 6 106
Setup focused on Electroacoustic and Musique Concrete Modular Discussions by 4 193
Buchla Easel stand-in Racks by 2 94
System XZ Racks by 2 429
lo0king to make a drone system in 84HP? Racks by 7 179
Sequence 8 kit from Synthrotek build and demo You by 1 25
Kick drum with sequenced pitch Patches by 1 37
small setup for a modular break Racks by 12 266
10HP Random Module Ideas Racks by 6 229
What can my disting mk4 do in this rack? Racks by 5 103
Patch #1 vessels Patches by 1 26
EP release to help feed some hungry people - can you help? You by 1 11
Xaoc Drezno, Can't Get any Sound Out, My Bad? Modules by 16 261
Subharmonicon with external envelope generators Modules by 5 121