Hello! Hope you are doing well. I made some changes to my case lately. I really needed a good mixer. I got te Cosmix pro by Cosmotronic. It's a great sounding mixer in a small footprint with tons of options. I also went to Superbooth this year, it was my first time. I went with my dear modular friend Estroe and we had such a great time. There is saw the Vostok modules and its maker. I was really impressed. Again in a small footprint you have 4 oscilators, 6 envelopes and VCA's and 4 filters. They sound amazing and alongside my other modules (Plaits, Rings, STO, M-32) I can create the complex melodic structures that I love! Because of the stereo send and return on the cosmix pro I can process different voices through Sealegs in different amounts for depth. Please enjoy this video and do let me know if you like the complex melodic structures in this patch!


Nice jam!

How do find the sends on the Cosmix Pro? I'd prefer they were pre-fader sends so I could easily bring just the wet into the mix....

Also, are you using bank of attenuators in front if the Cosmix Pro? Some of my sources just seem to hot, and it would be nice to limit them then get full span on the sliders.
