I found 1003 threads containing Neve in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Revised proposed synth based upon comments I received Patches by 24 362
Beginner Patches Patches this user has left ModularGrid by 9 247
My Everything Patch Patches by 4 86
I made my modular swing! Patches by 7 200
Patch cables Patches by 12 283
Help with first Euro patch Patches by 6 31
Need advice for additions/modif. Granular, glitch, ambient, acoustic instruments, turnt... Racks by 8 179
rackv1 Racks by 5 173
Usage of rack Racks by 4 151
Do you Instrument or do you Function? Racks by 9 391
Second Pair of Eyes / wwyd Racks by 4 91
4 full instruments. *concept post* Racks by 24 349
Double brute 6U Racks by 3 34
Noise problem with my modular system Racks by 11 200
Downsizing... Racks by 6 143
VCV Rack addict wants to go hardware Racks by 10 288
Nevermind, delete please Racks this user has left ModularGrid 0 35
Mod Machine for the Moog Sound Studio Racks by 4 96
Obligatory "Hey I'm new, looking for opinions on my rack" post Racks by 14 280
Another Moog Matriarch and Sound Studio 3 companion Racks by 7 136
Autism Rack Racks by 11 331
Audio and Music Director Building First Modular Rack Racks by 2 118
2024_BGC - Uncertain Harmonics Racks by 2 81
Beginner rack 60HP - DFAM EXPANDER Racks by 1 99
Dual VCO/Dub techno chords/Modulation station Racks by 1 79
saxophone , a minibrute 2s and a 3U rackbrute Racks by 8 115
Baby Rack Racks by 4 292
Finish my case Racks by 8 192
Yet another beginner rack (adding to Moog Sound Studio) Racks by 7 238
Suggestions Racks by 3 108
Help me design my skiff Racks by 12 276
Help. insufficient power Racks by 16 308
What's your approach to organizing multiple cases/racks? Racks by 10 229
What can my disting mk4 do in this rack? Racks by 5 103
DIY Berlin School oriented Eurorack Racks by 5 220
Questions about module placement (1st rig) Racks by 10 260
Feedback on First System Racks by 8 182
Newbie needing opinions - beginning the eurorack journey Racks by 4 178
Newbie > advices needed Racks by 4 150
Another Beginner Asking 4 Advice Racks by 6 122
Need you help... Racks by 5 105
Populating my 6U 88HP Eurorack Racks by 25 771
External compressor or module for sidechain? Racks by 9 305
Niftykeys config, opions and idea Racks by 2 72
Spectre Racks by 5 138
Rack thoughts? Racks by 3 106
Dear god, is my rack almost complete?! 36 hp of luxury space available! Help me fill it! Racks by 11 489
Where should I go from here? Racks by 4 167
Please bash my rack. Racks by 6 261
Minimal monophonic techno basslines (62hp) Racks by 12 303
Advice on rack (1st one) Racks by 5 88
Black system 3: Befaco upgrade (prototype) Racks by 2 77
Rack Advice Racks by 16 262
How would you get huge kick drums from this rack? Racks by 12 275
Need help with first EuroRack Racks by 10 209
Greetings and Opinions! Racks by 15 219
MOOG + MOOD Minimal Ambient/Noise-House Machine(?) Racks by 11 223
Pls trash my rack or advise what you would do more efficiently! :) Racks by 7 172
Moog sidecar Racks by 5 160
Patch Ideas for my setup.....complete noob!! Racks by 7 156
Workflow big / small racks Racks by 31 504
Help with organising rack please Racks by 13 324
Filter CV -5/+5 V and Envelope Gen. CV 0/+10 V? Racks by 4 56
Eurorack as expansion for my synth? Racks by 11 142
what do you think of this? first Eurorack setup Racks by 8 219
Advice on newbie techno rack Racks by 18 513
BuildInProcess_NiftyCase_A little guidance Racks by 4 152
Expanding from a 64hp beginner palette to a ( albeit slightly less tiny ) 104hp rack. Racks by 8 271
Mini Brute Expansions Racks by 7 242
Bigger Case Racks by 6 175
help needed: moog sound studio 3x126hp expansion Racks by 5 136
Eurorack beginner, first ideas for Intellijel 4U 62HP rack Racks by 11 268
Hi, Help me trim down this rack for my 1st foray into modular... Racks by 11 592
Need advices ❤️ Racks by 15 358
Help to continue my dark ambient rack Racks by 23 675
My fissile Eurorack Racks by 5 219
Need advice on output modules and general module choice for my 1st rack Racks by 4 174
"IGNORE ME!" - Already changed this rack - Seeking critiques on a rack and looking for ... Racks by 7 243
seeking advice for my small utilities/FX rack Racks by 3 89
Rackbrute 6U Racks by 26 676
Effectionless Racks by 10 259
7u Built Around Akemie's and ER-301 Racks by 3 123
My First Rack to work with Matriarch Racks by 7 121
Rackmount Organizer ?? Racks by 2 46
Newbie, creating a Taiga + DFAM + Quadrantid Swarm rack Racks by 22 502
ChatGPT generated ambient rack Racks by 4 245
Uterus. Racks by 5 135
First ever rack. Opinions/advice? Racks by 6 189
Your thoughts on my rack? Racks by 9 296
Happy Ending Rack Master Racks by 4 178
Starter Eurorack - Erica Synths 2 x 104HP Travel Case Racks by 7 264
Little Effects Box goes 84hp Skiff V1 Racks by 22 624
Feedback on rack + DAW integration Racks by 11 240
Mutable clones, plus Pam's, Disting, Ochd, and a few 2HP utilities, in 84HP Racks by 5 184
First rack design Racks by 7 279
Starter Rack Help Racks by 6 134
New euro rack hobbyist looking for feedback on my rack design Racks by 8 267
Prototype Racks by 6 948
Starting out with Eurorack! Pls some feedback :) Racks by 4 135
My starter Rack Racks by 4 188