cant say i love the look of it, to be honest.
i would have chosen something that looks more like 'this' as a starter, for my style. ...
peace ✌️
How about the function though?
i dont know a lot about function generators.
it just seemed to me like the 60hp one i posted was more steamlined and focused.
it seems like you were choosing modules with extra functions that you didnt need.
peace ✌️
Ah, i see. Sorry about the misunderstanding. I was kind of going along the lines of more exploritory and experimental. And for some reason. modular grid defaults to 1u as the first case unless you make a new one?
unrelated, ive had alot of fun messing with ADSRs with my korg minilogue XD
still working out some ideas though. Not in a rush to buy anything yet. But, i'm feeling something which has a lot versitility. And then maybe eventually go more focused.
oh, so youre trying to make 4 signal paths and envelopes for a square, saw, triangle, and sin waves and then recombine them using a super overkill filter? i see now. ...
but it still seems like the memetic digitalis might be more than you need. idk though.
not an expert. it all looked overkill to me.
peace ✌️
oh, so youre trying to make 4 signal paths and envelopes for a square, saw, triangle, and sin waves and then recombine them using a super overkill filter? i see now. ...
but it still seems like the memetic digitalis might be more than you need. idk though.
not an expert. it all looked overkill to me.
peace ✌️
-- singular_sound
you have a point there. I think it's gonna need a whole lot of refinment...
you might want to consider the strange-r bighat for your sequencing if youre aiming toward experimentation as your end goal:
just a suggestion.
peace ✌️
Your original post is actually a very good starting system except for a couple tiny things things that seem off:
In general, I think you had the right idea the first time. The second one was a bit weirder and might not really work since it no longer has an audio rate oscillator and that trigger sequencer is taking up a lot of space while doing less than the Mimetic or a Pam's. A 6U case (2 rows) is worth a look, though. The Mantis Case is cheap, durable, deep, wide, has good carrying case options, and will sell easy if you find it too big or need something else. Even if you choose not to expand much, it's better to have a case that's roomy and not quite full than be overly squeezed. There is generally never enough modulation or VCAs (though you want to make sure you have enough modulation to at least open as many VCAs as you have and intend to use, especially if you consider some without knobs later). Good work keeping a balanced and sensible amount of audio sources to modulation sources and utilities - that really is what makes this stuff come alive and be different from the results in a DAW or hardware workstation.
I probably should have mentioned I kinda do have a modular from Tangible Waves. I've been messing around with it on and off exploring it's capabilities. I've often go for the ADSR and fm synth. And have figured out how to utilize the lfo trigger sequencer and 16 step sequencer. I have connected the trigger sequencer to the 16 step sequencer for rythym. I'm still trying to figure out how to utilize other parts of the synthesizer in musical ways. I kinda just go for whatever I feel I want to do at the moment. Whether it be ambient or rythym.
i kinda want to explore more standard modular synth stuff and see what I can do with it. I do want to do something more musical and maybe more rythymic. but I wouldn't mind trying to mix ambient with rythym. I do have some devices that can potentially control the modular. such as the polyend tracker and the launchpad pro.
Was your plan to replace the AE Modular or to add the Eurorack to it? Honestly, I think your AE Modular setup will cover most of the ground your proposed Eurorack system will cover. I would say that unless you just really want to try specific Eurorack modules that are different from what's in your current case, you're probably fine for now. I would recomend a couple more LFOs or whatever other modulation Tangible Waves offers and just looking up patch ideas. The quantizer and Ornament and Crime (if it comes back in stock) are also available in AE, and would probably help as well.
edit: I do have a Polyend Tracker as well and it is a great controller/sequencer for modular. If you get a MIDI module for your AE Modular, you can work that in easily and absolutely use that setup to do melodic bass and leads using your current modular, with other samples/sequencing/synth stuff being done on the Tracker or a DAW.