Yo man....how's it going? :-)

Well about the second Moskwa...I don't think I'd do it because I have a Elektron Analog Four and I use that to get up to 64 steps.

The Moskwa is awesome but I think it's all I need in my system. Althought I would love if the Rate could be modulated. :-)


The Maths is incredible. I want to say this without sounding like a sales pitch but I heard it said somewhere "every system needs a Maths" and this is totally true!

I was a bit intimidated by the Maths initially because frankly there were a lot of terms, discribing it's functionality that I didn't understand during my reasearch. 

I bought it anyway thinking I'd give it a shot and I'm happy to report that once I got my hands on the Maths and started tweeking knobs and reading the manual

things became very clear. All I can say is that it does so much I would NEVER want to be without it.

Yo, Upright! That's a fine looking system but I wonder how long it's gonna take you to realise that you want/need another Moskwa and an Ostankino sequencer controller to run 'em both.

Have you spent much time with the MakeNoise Maths module yet? I've recently started looking seriously at it and would like a honest opinion without the sales pitch, regarding ease-of-use, value-for-money, fun-factor, etc. I've looked at a number of YouTube clips about the module but remain undecided; it takes up a large amount of rack real-estate and the price is not negligable here in the UK.

Thread: A-100 LCB

This is my EuroRack Modular System as of the end of September 2013, which I'll be expanding with an A-100 LC9 (3 x 84HU) in November.

It is currently supplemented by an Alesis SR-18 Drum Machine, a Doepfer Dark-Time/Energy Seq/Synth-Combo, a Behringer UMX49 Keyboard Controller and a Behringer Xenyx 1002FX Mixing Unit.

I intend to add more modules every month, alternating between Doepfer stuff (from http://www.emismusic.co.uk/) and all other manufaturers (via http://postmodular.co.uk/).

Some of you guys out there in ModularGridLand may think it's a bit too "Old School" for your liking, but that's me! I bought my first synth, a Yamaha CS-30, way back in 1979, but I had to sell it when my kids arrived on the scene in the mid-80's. I've only recently gotten round to buying a replacement nearly thirty years later and feel more comfortable with the traditional VCO - VCF - VCA style of subtractive synthesis. I'll maybe get around to incorporating some wacky new gear such as a Corgasmatron or a Maths module later next year.

In the meantime I'm enjoying making synthesized music again.

Thanks to Solitud for his bloody brilliant website and to all you wigglers out there in the ModularGrid dimension for your inspiration and suggestions. Wiggle on!

Nice setup! I like this.

Nice setup! I like this.

Thread: Broomstick

WOAH... That's a jaw dropper!


Thread: #1

Thread: #1

you wouldn´t need two uzeus, one should be able to power this rack just fine but you might need more busconnectors to connect all modules.

Thread: Current


Thread: wrecker

thoughts or coments on the trigger man module.?


What this rack is intended for? polyphonic FM-synthesis, super-saw, 24-voice strings?

OK.  Is it possible for me to create a different rack theme?

I see. No, it's not possible to display that on MG. All modules of one format have to share the same height.

The magic bus is the row of jacks all the way across each row at the bottom.  It's a series of connections/mults that have interconnects to the other cabinets.  You can see it here:


The jacks with the vertical bars are connected to the other cabinets through a patch panel in the back:



"Edit Rack" -> choose another rack theme. Have no idea what a magic bus is ...

Is there any way to modify the display so that the magic bus can be displayed?  Also, would it be possible to make a dual row cabinet design without wood between the two rows?

Here are some pictures of what I mean:


I don't mind, it would be great if anyone else posted images.  Otherwise, it's just a matter of me making the time to create them...

Can the MOTM crowd help to upload missing images?

Yeah, Larry was awesome!  I'm glad I can help preserve a bit of his legacy.


BTW, thanks for the Klang Werk picture captain, I'm still hoping to upload missing pictures at some point...

Thanks! Larry was a great guy. He was integral to the early MOTM community.

I'm done adding modules.  I'll find (or create) and upload the missing pictures as soon as I can.


Edit: The quad lo pass is indeed a Cyndustries model.  The front panel doesn't say that though.

Documenting Larry Hendry's synth for posterity.  I've added in all of the Synth Tech modules along with the UEG and the Time Machines, but I'll have to create the rest of the modules before I can add them...

Thread: poly trip

Hi. Since you have polyphonic system, my update for ACXSynth MIDI2CV may be interesting for you. Check out my comment for this module.

Thread: My Modules

Read my comment for ACXSynth polyphonic MIDI2CV. It may be interesting for you if you have programming equipment for PIC microcontrollers.

Thread: Låda

Nice setup,

i'm trying to copy deadmau5's modcan synthesizer by looking at a picture of his modcan system on his facebook wall  and then copying it on modular grid i'm also adding a few of my favorite modules of my own ( facebook link https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150961810066806&set=a.10150961809441806.413530.9980651805&type=3&theater

Wow....do you own this beast or are you building it?

@Togodumnus I have actually returned the Cell 48 cases and I'm now going with a Monorocket M6104 which I have already. I'm still waiting for AH to get 2 new modules from Intellijel (Dual ADSR and Dr. Octature II) once AH have the modules I'll drive down and pick them up. I've also decided to go with a 1965 Moskwa sequencer from XAOC Devices. You can have a look at my new system here ModularGrid Rack

You don't need to fill your modular cabinet(s) in one fell swoop (as Shakespeare would have it). I've just ordered my Dark Energy/Time bundle along with an empty A-100 LCB low-cost base cabinet (2x84HP) which I'll be stuffing full of modules over the next few months. This initial setup will be expanded by the addition of an A-100 LC9 (or LC6) at some future date, hopefully resulting in a pretty decent 5x84HP (or 4x84HP) Eurorack system by the middle of next year. The first batch of Doepfer gear should be arriving this Wednesday (4th Sept) with the first row of modules (all Doepfer) planned for the beginning of October.

What have you decided in the end?

@Togodumnus You're right....I'm actually trying to decide if I'm going to ditch this system all together, return the 2 Cell 48 cases that I have and start building the Monorocket case instead. I don't have any modules yet so making the move to go with a larger case would be easy to do at this point. I'll know for sure by Tuesday.

That's a tiny modular system, Upright. I predict that it will not be long before you'll be upgrading to a larger cabinet and adding some more modules. I see that you're already looking at the Moskwa sequencer on your other rack here at Modular Grid.

I can't wait until the new year when I should have enough dosh for my first modular - probably all Doepfer. In the meantime, I'm gonna have to be satisfied with a Doepfer Dark-Energy/Dark-Time combo but all of the modular vendors here in the UK are on holiday until the end of August, so I'm gonna have to wait even for these semi-modular goodies.

Hey Togodumnus, I'm using a dual 48hp case from Pittsburgh Modular. The only down side to the case I have is that it does not support +5v but for my first system it's not a big concern. 

I really like the linear pots on the Dual ADSR module because they give the eye a graphic representation of the generated envelope, unlike rotary pots which require closer examination. The module's single downfall is its 14HP width, but for people like me with poor eyesight, this new offering by Intelligel is a "must buy".

What case/cabinet will you be using?

I don't quite have it yet. I'm waiting on 2 brand new Intellijel modules (Dr Octatrue II and Dual ADSR)  to be delivered to Analogue Haven so I can drive to Santa Monica and pick up all of these modules at once. I should have everything up and running within 2 weeks and I'll be sure to report back on the Rubicon. :-)

How do you like the Rubicon?

Very cool!

Yep, this is it exactly (for the moment).  I swap out some other modules depending on situation, but for now this is it.



Really nice Peff.  I've seen you using the Moskwa in a vid but Is this an exact representation of your system or are you building this one? -Upright

Discussion on Muffs


Thread: The Operator

Interesting setup you got there! 

Thanks FSK an Upright. I copied your copy, FSK. Honestly, I've looked at Maths several times (YouTube) and have seen it do a bunch of neat things, but never saw it do a bunch of things at once. Therefore went for stand alone stuff. Will keep on looking. 

At this point my attention is moving towards a midi/CV controller for my Moog and repair +MIDI for my Roland Jupiter 4. Likely , I'll look at a more abbreviated modular depending on what I see is a need. Those synthesizer outputs could have a nice path to follow through the modular, or the modular could be synth Midi channel #5,6. It'd be input, effects and rhythm heavy for sure. Gotta route the guitar through it too! Guitar is just a backup because of the way I can't play it! 


I can vouch for the new Maths....I've had one for a few days...it's amazing!

Oh. Spock also looks like a cool little too . AND,  Xor OR NOT!

Yah FSK...Thanks.....Being new to modular, the snazzy FX isn't doing it for me. I have somewhat of a Moog/Roland mindset. I like the triggerman and slipped that in.


Also added dual mixers.  It doesn't seem dual multi-channel mixing in one 8 hp box is available, yet. Trying to keep it in stereo, which a few of my keyboards are lacking.

Oh, Upright...you ask the million dollar question. My CFO has her reigns on my wallet. I may slowly start, then finish in a few years. Maybe by the time I am 50?