Check out:
Befaco Oneiroi - synth voice, looper, filter, fxs, reverb, delay, resonator, internal modulation


-a Make Noise Strega? experimental synth voice, delay, lots of magic for soundscapes
-maybe just add something like a MI Beads? gives your granular, delay, reverb .... all in one.
-or a Mimeophon? Delay, Feedback, looper, Reverb. = Fun

but check out the Oneiroi. could be what you are looking for



Removing the BBD and the Sequencer, as you suggest, frees up 20 HP.

A few common ideas for 20 HP modules include, Maths, Doepfer Matrix Mixer A-138m, something spicy like Morphagene, Sealegs, etc. Not sure this would be best use of that space, but it's something to not overlook.

Breaking that 20 HP down into several modules will probably get you more mileage, but that'll be your decision....smaller module ideas that might add something include Pico DSP (erica), some sort of Euclidean Rhythm generator (2hp makes an okay one), noise and/or random voltage sources, and the various Doepfer switches/utilities.

You don't necessarily need to fill all 20 HP right could pick up, e.g., an Euclidean rhythm generator, the pico dsp, and see what you feel is missing after patching for a bit, or until it becomes obvious.

Hope this helps stimulate some ideas! Good luck!

“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

Looking for suggestions about this rig. On the left, control source interfaces, as I use external controllers or a DAW to compose. 5-drum section for rhythm parts, a voice in the top of the rack and a second voice in the Mavis.

I am likely to remove the BBD and Sequencer modules, freeing up some space. I'd like to have possibly add one more drum voice and something that can add some random spice.

So ive been watching tutorials and reading forums like ModWiggler and r/modular, but i still have unanswered questions. So, let me begin by stating that I did get a pretty bad case of shiny new module syndrome and purchased modules without giving a ton of thought about what type of sound i wanted to create. I realize now, that was my first problem. My goal with this whole setup was and still is to create cinematic soundscapes with swelling waveforms, resonation, reverb, and basically create a droning enveloping sound that builds, waxes and wanes. Also, something dark and verging on industrial. Very ambient with little rhythm. I basically want to emulate a lot of the scores that Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross have composed. Now that could change in the future, but thats where i want to start. I should add that I am trying to control my modular synth with the Arturia Microfreak and am considering the Squarp Hermod as my midi interface as it has a lot of functionality built in. Now, knowing all of this and seeing what i already have invested in (in terms of modules), what modules would you suggest I keep, which ones are superfluous or otherwise could be sold/traded out, which ones could be useful to achieving my goal, and finally, which ones are vital to overall sound production? My link that im including is what i currently have (or have on the way in the mail) and I have a budget of about $500 USD more to invest in more modules that will help me attain the sound im searching for. I did recently watch a youtube video where a musician created almost exactly the sound I am looking to create. In his video he listed the modules he was using to get his sound: Qu-Bit's Bloom, Mutable's Peaks, Mutable's Rings clone, and Qu-Bit's Prism. After searching those specific modules on Reverb, they are a tad more than i want to spend. So if any of you modular veterans have suggestions for modules that can produce similar effects as the afforementioned ones for a better price, I'm all ears. I'm also open to any of you building patches using my rack as I am a buge visual learner and that type of input would greatly help me in understanding how sound is routed in a modular system in general. Thank you all in advance for your constructive criticism and helpful suggestions. Those of you that came just to poke fun or leave disparaging comments, well, I cant stop you, but I mean, youre only wasting your own time and energy.

“You’ve got so many machines Richard!”

Are you feeding the A-192-2 already quantized voltages?
Are the bad notes off by just a half step higher or lower?
If so, you'll need something like an A-183-2 offset to tweeze your incoming notes.
Read the technical notes here:

Thread: Side Effect

Love this module...
Just can't figure out what happened. Suddenly it converts incoming CV messages to some other notes that are not in the sequence. Tried out different sequencers, still the same problem.
Then, I tried to reset the A-192-2, but it didn't work.

Any experience on this problem??
Thank you!!!
Cheers, C

Admin, would you consider adding a rackmount section for outboard gear?

Just like modular: pick the case, set the unit height amount and number of columns.

Something like this:

And the presentation (similar to eurorack, 500, etc):

Any interest in this? Would you submit gear?

Rings and noise being the main sound sources, just a little bass from the STO, some Granular acton from Monsoon Clouds too.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

The sun is shining!

-lfo 모드선택
-FM BUS +/- 조절.. ~~~ > !고래소리!

hehe thanks Tenidis ive never of that kind of music b4

Yeah, the mix is a little loose, but that meldoy, its got the Vibes of a Russian Village Boys happy hardcore track.

Clock driven by Sport Modulator "Triple Rhythm Generator" patch.


I want to buy an arcaico Mosè 6 channel mixer used on here. Does anyone have one they might be able to part with in the near future? I have my custom 104 HP 3 row Modular Grid setup the way I want pretty much but the one piece that's missing is the arcaico Mosè. I want one in Good or better condition on Paypal with around $100 shipping at the most to California. Is the Mosè released yet? arcaico's homepage doesn't list it and it didn't turn up on Google or

Thanks for letting me know, I'll try to turn it down next time

different from the last one, what do u guys think honestly of this?
-- skyler

Maybe not bad – but the bass drum is way too loud!
On my sound system, it feels like all the other sounds are at just 10% volume.

different from the last one, what do u guys think honestly of this?

Flying high with Stepwise

Self patching one of the cv outputs into the root is something I'm doing a lot of at the moment because it adds a lot more complexity. I've not yet tried the same with the scale and MMS.

Been putting more effort into this project lately. Something I would like to get off the ground and maybe gig with.

A phaser with “overdrive”.
Very simple kit, mostly surface mount pre-installed only took 1/2 hour or so to solder the pots and jacks on and finish the assembly. I did need to file the switch opening a but, it was tight.

Interesting unit. Doesn’t really start having until you’ve got feedback way up, but when it does it’s good sounding. Adding CV for input volume spices it up quite nicely A fun unit, would be a great first kit.
[Build] ()


Could you tell me more about the possibilities?

What seems attractive to me is, to modulate "scale", "MMS" and "root"

With Clank Chaos, it can sometimes take a bit until you find a sequence you like.
But you can save it, recall it and apply "just a small percent of random" and it mutates with very useful results.
But you have only one (assignable) CV control, to modulate + 1 cv too start / stop looping + 1 cv to apply new random.



Thread: Bug Report

I got a big problem with how PedalGrid's homepage is set for my desktop resolution. Upon first load, it looks like this:
-- Lovely_Listening_Aster

Thanks for reporting, should be fixed.

It seems like the Mutable Instruments Plaits page has disappeard, although the module is still listed in the Module Finder.

-- pawal

Looks good here?

-- modulargrid

It was like that for at least a couple of hours (the only module I discovered it on), but I guess it fixed itself?

This is a really really really great Sequencer.

Funnily enough, I'm in the opposite position. I like the GM as it's fairly simple to use but has some very interestimg possibilities. The scales are a bit limited but running them through a quantiser is easy enough.

Chaos looks like it needs a bit more work to get the desired results but the palette of options is more extensive.

MT2 is a very VERY nice module ! It got updated to 1.2. I did a in depth video :

Thread: Change Log

Manufacturer Index Page

The new manufacturer index page lists all manufacturers per modular universe and answers the question of how many there are. Find it in the main nav.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

This set was played using this setup

-lfo 모드선택
-Freq 1의 sin파 --> Maths 연결 이 두 조정 다이얼로... rings 의 strum(선율 뜯기)의 강도 조정
-Freq 1의 sin파의 다이얼로 현 뜯는 박자의 빠르기 조절!!!

*Pamela's Pro Workout:
-1 out 설정: x1, 사각파, width 65%, level 65%, probability 84%, flex op_HUMAN(amount 25%), Quantize_Minor,
-2 out 설정: x1, 연속계단파, level 90%, Probability 90%, flex op_HUMAN(amoutn 25%), Quantize_Minor

! DPO의 Freq 1 : 박자의 빠르기 조정(현 뜯기)
! RINGS의 Damping의 미세조절바(거의 최대CW)에서 가야금 뜯기 소리 가능
! RINGS의 Frequency 다이얼의 CW방향 중간이상부분에서 가야금 소리 설정가능
그외 Brightness, Position은 미세하게 톤 조절...

Hi :D

Any thoughts or experience on NE Gamut Repetitor vs Clank Chaos - for melodic sequencing?

I have a Clank Chaos and Im tempted to get a Gamut for doing melodic sequences, but I as Im thinking, the Chaos just has it all?

What about the musicallity results of the algorhitms?

I think something like:

like a 6 Channel Turinng Maschine with:
-individual randomisation of each channel
-control of individual channels
-global randomisation
-a few save slots to recall sequences

-4 Channel Turing Maschine
-only global randomisation
-no further control of individual channels
-some controls more accesable on front like "up/down", "root", "spread"
-no save slots



Thanks everyone for your replies! is thebway to go indeed!



Anybody know where I could get a hold of the panel used in the 'Dysonant Edition' of the Piston Honda Mk3?

For reference:

this seems a little strange... module, timing... etc...
its open source... i know... but...

-- Dub007

On request of the collaborators the manufacturer name was now changed to Infinite Digits x Toadstool Tech Ectocore.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

this site is and likely always will be a hugely frustrating experience to use on mobile (*sighs.. christ alive, i hate that fuckin' cat)
-- Audeon_Visual

You can hide the cat in user settings.

Search for miau

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Bug Report

I got a big problem with how PedalGrid's homepage is set for my desktop resolution. Upon first load, it looks like this:
-- Lovely_Listening_Aster

Thanks for reporting, should be fixed.

It seems like the Mutable Instruments Plaits page has disappeard, although the module is still listed in the Module Finder.

-- pawal

Looks good here?

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

-You can not damage your eurorack modules during your basic patching. (like patching a audio module in a modulation module)
but you could crash your audio gear which comes after the eurorack, if you dont use a output-module and go out of your VCA-module without attenuation, with a (hot signal)
But with your Divkid Output-module you should be fine

-Always pay attention to connect the cables on the correct side with the red line. (otherwize damage to modules can happen)

-Be aware of your power consumption: which power your power supply can serve and how much power your modules need.
Some ppl say, its secure to to leave like 1/3 of the power cosumption unused.
Especially digital modules can be very power consuming.
Dont do things like, usinge 900 ma supply for 897 ma - better leave some space.
But as it seems that you might have a rackbrute 6u - that should all be fine.



Hi, I'd say you're quite fine and in line with what farkas wrote. I guess the confusing thing for you (and us with the way you wrote it) was the modulation. As farkas lines out, the sequencing and/or modulation typically starts out separately and the joins the audio path wherever you want to add the modulation. You can add the modulation to the FX (which is what I think you described) or to any other module that can modulate (whether intentially or not ;-).
Your rack seems to cover all bases (and actually more) so go and play. I cannot see anything that could go wron, even if you patch "incorrectly" - if there is such a thing.
...As long as you really take care in connecting the modules to power the right way round, but that's another story...
Play! Ron

A traditional subtractive patch would be something like...
Pitch sequencer > VCO v/oct input > Filter input > VCA input > Effect > Mixer
Gate/Trigger sequencer > Envelope generator > Filter/VCA CV input
LFO/S+H/Random/Noise > Whatever sounds cool

Good luck and have fun!

As the title states, im in need of help. i think i have a general understsnding of how the sound should be routed, but when dealing with an instrument that cost me just under 3 grand, id like to have a little more confidence in what im doing before putting live coltage theough my rack and possibly burning out a module or worse, blowing out my bus board. so im going to link my rack and anyone whos reading this post, feel free to build patches or reply with advice on how best to build a working patch. ill beging by kind of detailing how i think a basic patch is supposed to be routed. Feel free to let me know im wrong. So from all the tutorials ive watched i think the correct pathway should be sound source/VCO out>envelope gen in>env. gen. out>filter in>filter's mix out>modulation/fx/lfo in>mod/fx/lfo mix out/VCA in>VCA out>mixer imixer's stereo out>audio interface line in>interface line out>external mixer channel# in>external mixer stereo out>monitors/phones. am i close? i feel like j need an audio engineering degree to be able to effextively learn this thing lol.

“You’ve got so many machines Richard!”

Haha, Thanks, and Harsh, and I don't care about the video.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Beautiful theatrical patch.
Give more attention to your video that matches your audio. 18 minutes footage from 1 angle is boring.

Cool, ive never seen that module before. I'll have to look into it. :-D

I have the Jomox bass drum module and love it through Mutant Hot Glue compressor/mixer in my 4u case. So good!