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ModularGrid  About this Site. FAQs about the Planner, TrueGrid, Sketch a Patch. Forum Features and HowTos  405
Modules  Module specific threads. We are talking multi-format here!  1840
Racks  Show your Rack, ask for opinions.  3463
Patches  Find comments and discussions about Patches from Sketch a Patch in here.  401
Modular Discussions  Discuss about anything Modular Synthesizer related. Patching ideas, interoperation with DAWs and controllers and how you did this freaking DIY fuzz mod.  632
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Squarp Instruments xp32 I believe the accurate CV outs are expensive hence why the … by in Modules
No reverb no delay ambient Good stuff, guess its a bit like everything sounds better a… by in You
Replacing Octatrack Mk2 Filter Distor... Hi to all :) Not sure this is the right place but... I am… by in Modules
Year of the Wood Snake by in You
vpme ZeroScope display problem Hello. I am having an issue with my ZeroScope display. I … by in Modules
Bug Report Anyone else notice this? Is there a solution? -- AEROCAT… by in ModularGrid
Eowave Quadrantid Swarm (desktop 40hp) Sometimes i experimented static in my fingers to makes craz… by in Modules
Frederick Foxtrott and Carnal Ex Feat... I'm super happy to share that Carnal Ex and I are featured … by in You
Westlicht PER|FORMER Hi, alternative MEBITEK firmware… by in Modules
Westlicht PER|FORMER - 12 shortcuts a... Hi, alternative MEBITEK Firmware… by in Modules
WTB Magerit LANIAKEA Laniakea comes in at 0:18 producing the low frequency bubbl… by in Modules
ADDAC System ADDAC810 can we get a black faceplate version please. by in Modules
2025 Feb Live Setup > Nice work. > -- wishbonebrewery Thanks! by in Racks
Generative ambient through switches a... With Disting EX’s multiswitch algo (6 switches, each with 6… by in Patches
Some twentytwentyfivers Beats & Bikes… by in You
band improv with two modulars and a b... here is my band, deepgrave min og dog or dgmod making sound… by in You
Has Antumbra Ceased trading ?? Hi all does anyone know if Antumbra are still in bussiness … by in Modular Discussions
Murder by Modular Kinda just trying to go hard. Like Modular you could mosh t… by in You
No Light Things // New 10 Track Modul... I made a preview video for a new 10 track album to give a s… by in You
White Eagle by in You