My adoring Buchla thomasmln

My adoring Buchla

A buchla milesmac

A buchla

B ogi


thingy rsfc


Port System 7 (copied from sp198) samwritesmusic

Port System 7 (copied from sp198)

buchla 10u petertrab

buchla 10u

buchla 10u petertrab

buchla 10u

Port System 7 (copied from sp198) zaragolaup

Port System 7 (copied from sp198)

Weird Version of Skylab roartheband

Weird Version of Skylab

Distortion Eq Gain Raucus

Distortion Eq Gain

person-ciani lexicondal


My skinny Buchla mestlick

My skinny Buchla

skylab LIVE emp

skylab LIVE

Keen + Buchla Manti

Keen + Buchla

My modest Buchla Dynastysuitess

My modest Buchla

My errant Buchla Ossicle

My errant Buchla

Port System 7 (copied from sp198) mihaieniu

Port System 7 (copied from sp198)

My Husband thundermouse

My Husband

Buchla 4U Doume

Buchla 4U

My Wife thundermouse

My Wife

oberlin timara buchla Augggh

oberlin timara buchla

My Buchla(2024/11/20) GhostIntheSpace

My Buchla(2024/11/20)

Easel expansion srogers

Easel expansion

Port System 7 (copied from sp198) LS93

Port System 7 (copied from sp198)

My cupric (copy) sockpuppet

My cupric (copy)

little brother (copy) (copy) martin

little brother (copy) (copy)

My 200e 18u (copy) ParliamentLite

My 200e 18u (copy)

My slipshod Eurorack akashi6ix9ine

My slipshod Eurorack

The Easel Geir

The Easel

My after Buchla speedracer

My after Buchla

My 3 row Buchla Ossicle

My 3 row Buchla

My cancrine Buchla sim1no

My cancrine Buchla

My Buchla tower eyeiaye

My Buchla tower

Easel Wheasel theorchidcat

Easel Wheasel

My vying Buchla (copy) analogLAB

My vying Buchla (copy)

My crudest Buchla ground_state

My crudest Buchla

My fugal Buchla Mv2023

My fugal Buchla

My cute Buchla Bingobong

My cute Buchla

NYU MTech Buchla 200e (611) DMSound

NYU MTech Buchla 200e (611)

Buchla urs0polar


Buchla :: Suzanne Ciani Performance Setup mathomas

Buchla :: Suzanne Ciani Performance Setup

the cause v (copy) buzzi

the cause v (copy)

RL's Buchla (Extended) (copied from Adamalthus) Berish86

RL's Buchla (Extended) (copied from Adamalthus)

Buchla Skylab anselmi

Buchla Skylab

Buchla 200e Norito_Koushi

Buchla 200e

Iourzzz Buchla Outsideness

Iourzzz Buchla

Buchla Real exeterdown

Buchla Real

Port System 7 (copied from sp198) GaryAndrews

Port System 7 (copied from sp198)