bought a MI Stages from @AXN_NL
great and trustful seller, well packed and fast shipping!
also bought a MI Blinds from @Squallaz
great seller, very well packed and a fast, fast shipping!
thank you both!
bought a MI Stages from @AXN_NL
great and trustful seller, well packed and fast shipping!
also bought a MI Blinds from @Squallaz
great seller, very well packed and a fast, fast shipping!
thank you both!
The Cosmix is news to me, but it looks like a great set of features. No idea how it sounds, so I'd be interested to hear feedback from anyone who has tried it.
Thanks!! This looks great!
What do you think of the Cosmotronic Cosmix?
Probably too soft?
Thanks for the feedback.
you spent a few hours?!?!?! - hahaha hahaha and you seem to consider that "a lot of effort" hahahahaha and you spent 1200€ or so hahahaha
Well, I'm not claiming this took tons of effort to build, as it is only a minimal beginners eurorack setup to add to an already existing and constantly changing semi-modular setup. I know building a perfect eurorack takes years of research and buying modules to achieve something special, and that it is something that just can not be done in just a few hours. I'm just claiming I didn't go buy some random modules, without know what I'm buying. And I did ask myself first what I want to build and what I needed to buy to do that. I also researched the 'cons' of the rackbrute before buying the case with the wart.
maybe maybe I would have bought the erica wavetable - you need a vco and it's a vco - no opinion on it other than that
I first had the waldorf nw-01 in mind as a VCO. The erica just seemed to sound better to my ears.
why 2 filters?
Most of my favourite synths have 2 filters. I mostly use a first one to modulate the frequency with a lot of resonance, and than a second lowpass to just roll off the access of harshness of the resonance.
why only a dual vca? you can never have enough vcas!!!! obviously you didn't spend enough time on you tube (MylarMelodies video) - well maybe you can have enough (eventually) but as a first vca a quad cascading one like veils or intellijel is a better buy as they are more versatile
I could also use the fieldkit FX as extra VCA's, I think? It's a starter setup. I can always add more later, not?
why adsrs? mostly ads are used in modular - unless you are "playing a keyboard"!
If I'd play it with the keystep ADSR envelopes would be better than AD envelopes, right?do you need attenuators and multiples in the rack yet - probably not
I'd use the attenuators and multiples to split and control modulation sources of the analog 4. Maybe I don't need them yet in this minimal setup, but they were cheap anyway, and I reckon they will become handy later if the setup grows.
why grandpa - wait until clouds 2 arrives check that out first - it will be soon - maybe even this year!!!
why disting mk4 when EX exists?
Will be looking into those as alternatives. Thanks!
to make this more rack more interesting quickly - add a another vco (something cheap and analogue, the doepfer basic one is fine or dreadbox or whatever) - add kinks - add a matrix mixer (doepfer is good but large - so maybe an AISynthesis one) - maths - really add maths and weep at the lack of space in the puny rack with the 5hp rack wart - add a fx aid or better yet fx aid xl or 2 - get a waveshaper - get a sequential switch - get a random modulation source - get a chaotic modulation source - get some sub mixers - or don't - play with what you have and learn it inside out
-- JimHowell1970
Any opinions on marbles?
Here's a three channel mixer/overdrive with mutes from TouellSkouarn. I love my Moffenmix, but it's definitely got a characteristic sound. I usually keep the gain pretty low unless I want to just destroy a sound.
Looks like you kept the modules I suggested. Be sure that's what YOU want. It's your instrument, not mine, so go slowly and don't buy everything at once. Your actual rack will probably end up very different from this plan.
-- farkas
Yes, for sure. I'm working through the modules learning and getting a feel for each one as well as comparing to similar modules. I admit to feeling the urge to buy everything at once but it should grow more organically to give me time with each module.
Hi, i had the Moffenzeef - Moffenmix Mixer, but it didn´t sound good.
I had problems with clipping, of course it is a moffenzeef- module ;-)
but it was too strong.
Is there a mixer with a similar concept? 4 channels, mutes and optional distortion?
Hey Garfield,
I really like es drum sequencer, its simple x0x0 sequencing with some bells&whistles.
Regarding the vector: you can use the 8 triggers for drum sequencing because those are "clock-like" triggers, but I use them mainly to clock other modules. So I understand your concern.
I dont have any experience with the metron, but you can find the manual here I had a quick look into the manual and maybe it can run randomly, but I dont know whether there are other modes (does not seem so).
Lots to take away from this! I've already started to make adjustments after reading your previous response & a lot of it makes so much sense. I had a further look into Links/Kinks & now I see how valuable they can be & even better they fit so many utilities into a small amount of HP! I already scrapped Levit8 & the VC8 - as I had a feeling the amount of VCAs I had planned for this case was overkill & having a mixer with submix capabilities within a rack when I planned to buy an external mixer was quite redundant. In turn, I may add a 2hp mix for how nifty & convenient it is.
I would look at Happy Nerding for a small mixer - much more ergonomic than the 2hp ones!!!
Then, I was led to the realization that an ES-9 can indeed be incorporated into the rack like you had suggested & since it has SPDIF I/O, I can link it up to my Scarlett & BOOM, everything can be recorded into the DAW without the need for an external mixer! And instead of getting a cv.ocd to do my sequencing via MIDI, I added a Mutant Brain since plenty of space was freed up. The Disting got scrapped, as I now don't really know what I would use it for + I don't really want to deal with that tiny screen & its 1 million algorithms. I feel I still have plenty of research to do, but your feedback & suggestions really have cleared a lot of things up & I definitely feel more confident about the end results!
-- cameliamusic
I would read the ES9 manual thoroughly before committing based on SPDIF - I think it will be very (limited 2 channels) - although it can also be set up as a mixer - depending on the daw (and plugins) you are using you can also use it to send v/oct and modulation to the rack - and potentially not need a midi->cv module (which will potentially have higher latency)
Disting - I would get an EX - the whole point is you don't know what to use it for - so you'll have it when you need it - if you spend a short time setting up favourites.txt it's much easier to work with - menu is not deep - it's really useful for working out which modules you need
I would stop doing research (at least temporarily) - just buy a case and a few modules - a sound source, a sound modifier, a modulation source, a way to play and a way to listen - plus a few utilities (quad vca, links, kinks, something like shades maybe) and start patching - learn that inside out and then add a module and repeat
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
I like using VCVRacks to try new modules before spending cash on them as well as learning how different setups work. It is definitely motivating me to get the real physical versions of Plaits+Rings as they sound so lovely and many great options for dark and ambient plucky tones.
Thanks Garfield! Yeah, I learn trial and error and modular world is so crazy experimental compared to traditional hardware synths. Fortunately recreating that lovely drone tone you like is piece of cake. I modulate the NE Cursus Iteritas with LFO from the Kermit and use the Kinks for invert/mixer. Jim and Lugia would be happy to see me making heavy use of the Kinks and Links combo. Thanks to his tip, I bought these affordable smaller support modules and no regrets.
True sound exploration but I love it. I do want more percussion modules and maybe 1-2 voices to finish my setups and of course a clock, sequencer, and support modules like a switch, matrix mixer, etc. All in time. Saving for a much larger case as well.
Hi Ivolvanov,
Wow that's a great nice little track! I don't know why but when I was listening at it I was thinking about acrobatics :-)
Well done, I like it and thanks a lot for sharing this. Kind regards, Garfield.
-- GarfieldModular
Thanks so much for listening!
Lots to take away from this! I've already started to make adjustments after reading your previous response & a lot of it makes so much sense. I had a further look into Links/Kinks & now I see how valuable they can be & even better they fit so many utilities into a small amount of HP! I already scrapped Levit8 & the VC8 - as I had a feeling the amount of VCAs I had planned for this case was overkill & having a mixer with submix capabilities within a rack when I planned to buy an external mixer was quite redundant. In turn, I may add a 2hp mix for how nifty & convenient it is. Then, I was led to the realization that an ES-9 can indeed be incorporated into the rack like you had suggested & since it has SPDIF I/O, I can link it up to my Scarlett & BOOM, everything can be recorded into the DAW without the need for an external mixer! And instead of getting a cv.ocd to do my sequencing via MIDI, I added a Mutant Brain since plenty of space was freed up. The Disting got scrapped, as I now don't really know what I would use it for + I don't really want to deal with that tiny screen & its 1 million algorithms. I feel I still have plenty of research to do, but your feedback & suggestions really have cleared a lot of things up & I definitely feel more confident about the end results!
Hey Jim! Thank you for your input on this!
I added Cara into the rack as a last minute attempt to save space BUT originally, I planned (& will ultimately end up with) to have the actual Marbles in there! I hate how cramped the panel on Cara is. I really love the possibilities of random & probabilistic gates/triggers & voltages that Marbles provides & I would use it, for example, to trigger an Optomix or one of the Doepfer ADSR’s!
I use mine every patch - often these days through a sinfonion and branches (for hihat slip/open/close)
I’m actually so far VERY 50/50 on Clouds or any of its variations. Something about me likes it & wants to LOVE it, but I just can’t fully commit.
I know what you mean - I use mine a lot (mostly as a delay though) but right now I would wait to buy anything like this until after hearing clouds2
As for VCV Rack, in all honesty, I haven’t used it for quite some time now — a few months since I last opened it up.
I'm not a big fan either to be honest - maybe once or twice this year on flights in January - I think it's a great introduction though
As for the buffered mult, I totally agree. It was another thing I was thinking about ditching & since I probably won’t be doubling up on 1 pitch sequence to 2 different oscillators, it can definitely get the boot. Will definitely look into Links/Kinks & all their functions! I have read many posts on here recently & you’ve recommended this combo time & time again, so it must be for a good reason!
yeah but that is something that you may well want to do in the future - 2 vcos -> filter
which is why I recommend replacing it with links which has a buffered mult - just not 3
As for VCA’s, do you think there could be such thing as TOO MANY in this situation?
yes - 15 is too many, definitely not too many in some modular synths but it is in 6u - I'd be happy with a quad cascading vca (veils) and a dual lpg in 6u tbh
I just counted and I have 15 vcas including lpgs and vcas built into other modules like filters or vcos in about 24u - I need more vcas! well yes and no - I keep looking at the wmd performance mixer - and that has a load built in - which would free up the 6 standalone vcas nicely - which would be enough and would add voltage controlled panning - but it's expensive, a power hog and big - which all means I need another case and envelope generators for the vcas
Also, what do you say about Levit8? I like the ability that it can do more than attenuate & it also provides the possibility to create sub mixes before sending out to an external mixer.
but to what point? you probably won't need all that many channels of attenuation (some yes 8 probably not) and you won't need to sub mix before an external mixer if you buy the right external mixer!! which if you are going to buy one it makes sense to do!! if you already had a mixer and needed attenuators for each channel and/or wanted to just record stereo tracks then maybe
if you want sub-mixes before hitting a filter - great get something small - if you want some vc panning get a small module for that - if you want to mix some modulation (do this it is great) get a matrix mixer - but you are just taking up space that could be used for other things and negating the point of getting an external mixer
And as for tracking equipment that I have now into the DAW, I have a Scarlett 8i6 BUT all of its inputs are taken up by the 3 Elektrons so I am running Plaits to an external input on the Analog 4 which allows me to records my experiments & noodles for the moment!
I hate making multiple passes to record multitracks of the same piece on modular - so I would consider upgrading this (or extending with adat, if possible) - maybe with a mixer with proper usb multitrack capabilities and enough channels for everything you have now plus however many voices there are in this rack plus 1/2 as much again - so at least 12 channels, but 16-24 if at all possible, in total (for the
PNW is a module I have been watching very closely with googly eyes since its release & I really love how each of its 8 outputs can be freely assignable & I love that it has LFO’s & Euclidean options. I will definitely look more into Batumi & have a look at Zadar as well! They are both modules I have come across many times in my search, but for some reason, I never gave them much thought beyond a glance. I sincerely appreciate your feedback! It cleared up some things I was flip flopping back & forth about!
Yeah I have none of these modules - they are all very popular - and all have their pros and cons - and I think I want them all - and at the same time I want none of them - more vcas means more envelope generators and these 3 are kind of the top contenders - but then I might just go for a selection of diy envelopes - or a mix
Edit: Also, which matrix mixers would you recommend having a look at? I know Doepfer has one which seems to be popular. Matrix mixers are something I still have to wrap my head around as well but there’s plenty of time for that!
-- cameliamusic
AI Synthesis, doepfer (big), nonlinearcircuits - there aren't really that many to look at - not sure about the instruo one though - if I was even considering it I would also have to consider the 4ms vcamatrix - which is even bigger and more expensive - but I think I would like it more than the pin matrix - I'd loose the pins for starters!!!
they are pretty simple really - and really useful for feedback patching - self modulating modulation!!!
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
The kick is the DFAM oscillator 1 and filter. The hats and snare are the DFAM noise source, modulated by Pam. The filtered synth stabs at the beginning are coming from BIA through the Doepfer LPG. The other synth is oscillator 2 of DFAM, mixed with some noise from Hats909. All pitches from the DFAM sequencer, quantised by Disting. Everything else controlled by Pam. Off-screen there is outboard reverb and delay.
You can probably reconstruct the patch from the video :)
Latest stuff :
Hey Jingo,
Ah, you are using the drum sequencer from... Erica Synths? Happy with that one?
It's a pity that the Vector doesn't support more than 4 drums (I still don't understand why the Jack Expander offers 8 triggers if one only can use up to 4 drums, bit weird in my opinion), that puts me a bit off to be honest. That's really a pity because I thought I found in Five12 the perfect sequencer :-(
Yes you might be right and perhaps I should stay patience about the Ground Control.
Do you have any experience with WMD - Metron? It's the next one I consider (besides the Ground Control). I can't find in the Metron's manual if it can run backwards or randomly too? Do you know perhaps?
Thank you and kind regards, Garfield.
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@Troux, ha, ha, yes, your frog in the pond idea was very good too ;-)
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Thanks again for listening @troux. I figure what I do is such a niche thing with the repetition and lack of traditional song structure that I really do appreciate when someone actually takes time to listen. I love "normal" verse-chorus-verse music as much as the next guy, but I have exactly zero interest in making it. Haha. I have a lot of visual artist friends, so their strange conceptual influence has probably rubbed off on me. Fun fact: Aside from the drums, the entire song Drowning in Positivity is actually the full mix of Squares run through the Panharmonium with some modulation. I thought it would be fun to create two completely different moods from the same source material.
I dig your stuff too. As a matter of fact, I listened to the track you shared yesterday again this morning.
*Edit: Thank you for listening as well @GarfieldModular. I really appreciate your thorough feedback!
Hi Mowse,
Wow, great sounds indeed, I wasn't even aware of this synth, it must have slipped my attention! Therefore a huge thank you to share this with us :-)
Thank you very much and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Sacguy71,
He, he, indeed crazy drones ;-) Just before 1:50 you got a very nice sound there, pity you didn't hold that a bit longer, I loved that!
Around 2:40+ you have there a kind of percussion sound that sounds like a bit of a robot-kind-of-footstep sound, nicely done! :-)
All-in-all a nice experimental jam :-) Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Farkas,
Sorry that it took me so long before I managed to listen at your entire album, long story short: Great album, nicely done and that for your own birthday :-) Nice!
Short story long: Beside what I just wrote, wow, track 3 and 4 are for me the toppers. Squares (#3) is a nice composed high energy track that keeps me active and draws my attention full to your album, full to Squares! Then directly followed by Logos And Pathos (#4) is so different from Squares, yet it fits so well to be followed directly after that third track. It gives the listener time to relax, and gives the listener time to process what just happened at Squares. By the way, before I forget to mention it, in both tracks I love your handclap sound!
Though Logos And Pathos provides the listener a moment of reflection on the Squares track, it draws the listener back to reality and the listener gets sucked up its full attention by Logos And Pathos and though a bit sad to start to forget about Squares, the bonus of listening at Logos And Pathos is it all worth :-)
I do appreciate your huge amount of modulation in the first track Drowning In Positivity as well, he, he, nobody needs to explain to you what modulation is ;-) Followed by some nice and funny sounds, it's an interesting track!
Overall a great album to be proud about! Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
I like it... I am still alive too!!
Anyone else?
@farkas, I've been listening to this again this evening, and wanted to say good work a second time. Really impressive stuff and I like your ear for mixing quite a bit, well done.
Edited to add: fav track, Logos and Pathos 🕺
my tunes:
This is great advice, thank you @GarfieldModular, almost as good as my suggesting you get a frog pond in your backyard 🤣
my tunes:
Hi Troux,
Wow, I do think I would love to hear that long story about you using your kitchen island as your studio
Thus, without knowing your background story about the kitchen island, since you are using your kitchen island already as your "studio", why not f*** the entire kitchen, remove/break out all the unnecessary components like cooking units, fridge (who needs a fridge anyway, hey?), and whatever weird stuff you might have in your kitchen, get rid of it and transform your entire kitchen into a studio. I mean let's be honest here, the kitchen as such is anyway way overvalued, hence get rid of it :-)
Yes but, use take away and delivery services instead and you got plenty space for your studio
So, now you got space for a serious full sized 19" rack, the DRM1 Mk III will fit pretty well into that nicely newly obtained 19" rack ;-)
Ha, ha, all the fun aside, the DRM1 Mk III is surprisingly small, yes okay it's 19" but I do think it's usable if you don't put it in a 19" rack but just leave it as it is. It has (at least for a 19" rack device) a surprisingly small depth, just a few centimetres (one max two inches). Okay I just measured it, 5.5 cm (2+ inch). I also just checked the back side from a 19" rack point of view and it's nice flat, the cables are inserted from the top (behind the rack), so if you would put it flat on your kitchen table the cables wouldn't block it from laying nicely flat on the kitchen table.
Seriously, consider it. Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Glad to hear you are not dead ;-)
Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
Hey Jim! Thank you for your input on this!
I added Cara into the rack as a last minute attempt to save space BUT originally, I planned (& will ultimately end up with) to have the actual Marbles in there! I hate how cramped the panel on Cara is. I really love the possibilities of random & probabilistic gates/triggers & voltages that Marbles provides & I would use it, for example, to trigger an Optomix or one of the Doepfer ADSR’s! I’m actually so far VERY 50/50 on Clouds or any of its variations. Something about me likes it & wants to LOVE it, but I just can’t fully commit. As for VCV Rack, in all honesty, I haven’t used it for quite some time now — a few months since I last opened it up. As for the buffered mult, I totally agree. It was another thing I was thinking about ditching & since I probably won’t be doubling up on 1 pitch sequence to 2 different oscillators, it can definitely get the boot. Will definitely look into Links/Kinks & all their functions! I have read many posts on here recently & you’ve recommended this combo time & time again, so it must be for a good reason! As for VCA’s, do you think there could be such thing as TOO MANY in this situation? Also, what do you say about Levit8? I like the ability that it can do more than attenuate & it also provides the possibility to create sub mixes before sending out to an external mixer. And as for tracking equipment that I have now into the DAW, I have a Scarlett 8i6 BUT all of its inputs are taken up by the 3 Elektrons so I am running Plaits to an external input on the Analog 4 which allows me to records my experiments & noodles for the moment! PNW is a module I have been watching very closely with googly eyes since its release & I really love how each of its 8 outputs can be freely assignable & I love that it has LFO’s & Euclidean options. I will definitely look more into Batumi & have a look at Zadar as well! They are both modules I have come across many times in my search, but for some reason, I never gave them much thought beyond a glance. I sincerely appreciate your feedback! It cleared up some things I was flip flopping back & forth about!
Edit: Also, which matrix mixers would you recommend having a look at? I know Doepfer has one which seems to be popular. Matrix mixers are something I still have to wrap my head around as well but there’s plenty of time for that!
we're not dead yet!!!
at least I'm not - dunno about Lugia, but I hope not!
we were right, we are right and we will continue to be right!!
(at least on the necessity of utility modules in modular synthesis)
but seriously - thanks @sacguy71!!! really appreciate it!!
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
Hi Ivolvanov,
Wow that's a great nice little track! I don't know why but when I was listening at it I was thinking about acrobatics :-)
Well done, I like it and thanks a lot for sharing this. Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads
great idea only plan to fill half the case - then work out what you need - brilliant!! really much better than filling the case totally with junk
a pass but still a low grade due to the ordering of modules before asking and for not including the rack wart (power module) - I think I might have just invented that term "rack wart" I like it... I really hope it takes off - applies particularly to hideous needlessly massive shameless marketing stunt monstrosities - such as that supplied with the arturia rackbrutes
I wouldn't have bought any of these modules or the case - but there you go - it's your modular
at least it's not a palette!!!
So, I'm new to eurorack, but not new to hardware synths. I already own a whole bunch of semi-modular gear and I just ordered a rackbrute 6u to fill up. I wanted to make a wavetable and/or granular synth with eurorack, so I've ordered an Erica synths black wavetable VCO. I also already ordered all the other modules in this setup, except for the Bastle grandpa and the Expert Sleepers disting mk4, which will probably be next modules to order.
get the ex not the mk4 - you have space and it is way more than twice the module
I will be sequencing it with my Elektron analog four mk1 and/or my keystep. I also already own a KOMA elektronik fieldkit and fieldkit FX that I can use as submixers. With my analog 4 and my fieldkit I also already have a lot of modulation sources.
so you would think - probably for now yes - but you will either want more or ways of combining and modifying the modulation sources you do have before filling the rack
I already spend a few hours researching youtube and modular grid, to get to this setup, but it's always nice to hear opinions of experienced eurorack users. So what do you think of this setup in combination with an Elektron analog four, fieldkit and fieldkit FX? Would this make an interesting synth? Would you add anything to make it more interesting?
-- SolNoctis
you spent a few hours?!?!?! - hahaha hahaha and you seem to consider that "a lot of effort" hahahahaha and you spent 1200€ or so hahahaha
again I will point you back to the i wouldn't have bought any of these modules and ask first before parting with cash!!
maybe maybe I would have bought the erica wavetable - you need a vco and it's a vco - no opinion on it other than that
why 2 filters?
why only a dual vca? you can never have enough vcas!!!! obviously you didn't spend enough time on you tube (MylarMelodies video) - well maybe you can have enough (eventually) but as a first vca a quad cascading one like veils or intellijel is a better buy as they are more versatile
why adsrs? mostly ads are used in modular - unless you are "playing a keyboard"!
do you need attenuators and multiples in the rack yet - probably not
why grandpa - wait until clouds 2 arrives check that out first - it will be soon - maybe even this year!!!
why disting mk4 when EX exists?
to make this more rack more interesting quickly - add a another vco (something cheap and analogue, the doepfer basic one is fine or dreadbox or whatever) - add kinks - add a matrix mixer (doepfer is good but large - so maybe an AISynthesis one) - maths - really add maths and weep at the lack of space in the puny rack with the 5hp rack wart - add a fx aid or better yet fx aid xl or 2 - get a waveshaper - get a sequential switch - get a random modulation source - get a chaotic modulation source - get some sub mixers - or don't - play with what you have and learn it inside out
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
ok... snared me in... was on way to the modular...
drop the mutable knock offs
cara because you have a lot of sequencing already - if you want more random sequencing and gates once this case is full - get another case and a real Mutable Marbles
uBurst because clouds2 or whatever Emilie is going to call it is coming soon
if you are using vcv rack a lot why not an expert sleepers es8 or 9 so you can directly interface that both for cv and audio (both ways) - especially early in the journey I can see a lot of use for this
do you really need the triple buffered mult with so much external sequencing? i doubt it - links would be better as then you get 2 utility mixers and a single buff mult - also kinks - just buy it!!
I'm not convinced you have enough vcas... nah really the opposite(I count 15 including plaits and optomix - you almost need another row for the envelope generators) and you may not need the attenuators for the external mixer - spend a bit of time searching and find one that suits your needs - ie can handle modular levels without needing an attenuator they exist - I use an old yamaha (MG10?) - which happily works with modular levels - more in rack mixing would be good though - both sub mixing (audio before filter for example) and modulation - I always like a matrix mixer
you say you will use a daw - but not how you are getting from modular to daw - if you do not have an audio interface make sure to get an external mixer that has multitrack usb connectivity - or direct outs - and make sure you get more channels than you think you need - or at least the ability to expand somehow
for your next module(s) I would get an fx aid, a quad cascading vca (veils is great) and kinks and then the external mixer and a way to interface with vcv rack
after that get the modules you think you want - the shapeshifter, the filter8 and the PNW (if you think feel you need it given all the external sequencing and drums - might be better of with a batumi or a zadar or something else - but you will know when you get there) and then work out what you are missing
buy stackcables or headphone splitters
only get new modules when you feel you are very very comfortable with the ones you already have - how they work individually and together
but before all that google the "maths illustrated manual" and work your way as much through that as you can without more modules - I think one or 2 patches need another module but I might be wrong - and if you've done that already - do it again!!!
"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia
Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!
sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities
Hahaha yes, I am aware of the rabbit hole. That’s why it’s taken me about 2-3 years to plan & start a rack! It was overwhelming at the beginning with all the research & the endless universe of modules that are available! I’ve been reading the forums here a lot lately as well, getting lots of valuable information! I await Jim & Lugia’s thoughts. I know those 2 are held in high regard & they always have plenty of constructive feedback to give
Looks like you kept the modules I suggested. Be sure that's what YOU want. It's your instrument, not mine, so go slowly and don't buy everything at once. Your actual rack will probably end up very different from this plan.
You are welcome and welcome to the dark side. Be careful- modular and eurorack is an even deeper rabbit hole than traditional synths as modules are very addicting! I am sure that both Jim and Lugia have suggestions as well. I need to get a switch and more support modules as well for my setups.
Thank you! Yes, I have to look more into sequential switches! I’ve been researching them a bit these last days but I still haven’t been able to wrap my head around how they work just yet
Hi Garymon,
I'm also doing the "groove box" thing, but with some non-modular assistance. You can do a lot with not very much. 6u should be enough for anyone, eh? For example if you listen to the first minute of :
Except the hihats, every sound is BIA, with a bunch of modulation, and some outboard delay. The sequencer and modulation source is Pam's New Workout. This is my rack, though at the time I didn't have Font. (The bass that comes in after 30s is a DFAM.)
Nice track!
That's one of the the things I am still getting used to. I was watching a video for, I think, the WMD Crater and they were using the trigger CV for the bass drum and then pitch cv for a bass line. No need for individual modules.
I have basically decided that what I need to take this setup forward is a Beatstep Pro to make it more playable. It can do more than most Euro sequencers in the x0x style at a much lower price, and the buttons are nice and big :) Pam can do Euclidean rhythms and random pitch/mod sequences when those are needed.
I've noticed those seem quite popular. Seem to offer a lot of utility.
Anyway, coming back to your rack, it looks super fun. The only thing that looks off is you've only got one "normal" oscillator for the Percall to chew on; I feel like you want another to justify its hp. By count you have 22 potential trigger/gate sources, before you start making more out of kinks, which is plenty :) A switchable OR bus is very useful thing to combine rhythmic sequences
The percall was removed here is the latest incarnation:
p.s. Sorry for hijacking your thread to rant about mixers. I think I meant to post in a different thread :-/
It was helpful for me. Since I am thinking of this as a groovebox and my initial need was just to get the collection of sounds to some headphones I just assumed slap a mixer in to mix down to stereo. I didn't consider the big gap in price and value between a module and outboard. Nor was I giving much thought to the needs of live performance mixing or keeping things separate when recording until the last moment. I still have a mixer in there for my immediate need of simple monitoring but now I know down the road I will eventually need an outboard mixer.
-- the-erc
Looks pretty solid to me. You may want to add a sequential switch and FX module for taste.
Yeah the ochd seems great for adding instant movement to any patch but I’m too finicky with my LFO rates & shapes haha. Although for ambient stuff it seems almost a no brainer to snag up an ochd for endless moving pads & soundscapes! The Filter 8 was the last piece of the puzzle. I think the hardest part of all this was finding the right filter
Yeah, you don't really need the Ochd. I was just patching away on mine here, and it's just so easy to use every single output to get some movement. I feel like I'm cheating. Haha.
Looks like this rack will be a fun addition to your existing gear. The Filter 8 looks awesome.
Ah thanks! It’s good to hear I seem to be on track then! I’ve been contemplating adding an ochd but on the other hand, I don’t want to go overboard on the LFO’s. Hmm
Nice one @mowse, my only complaint is that it should be longer, let's say 30 minutes ;p
my tunes:
Research the Roland TR8S instead of the older TR8. The TR8S is a vastly improved drum machine that includes faithful emulations of every legendary Roland drum machine, sample playback capability, and with their recent firmware update even an FM synthesizer.
Have fun.
-- farkas
Thank you for clarifying. And of course my local shop has an open box sale on just this item. I'm like a squirrel in a nut shop.
This looks pretty darn good to me with all of the external gear you mentioned. Ochd might be a fun addition, but you don't really need it here.
Have fun and good luck!
Thanks for the tip. :)
Hey everyone! So recently, I have finally dipped my toes into the modular waters & bought myself a Mantis case, Plaits & a Maths. Before getting into starting my case, I had already been planning for about 2-3 years, doing an insane amount of research, playing around on VCV rack & making hundreds of revisions to so many case sketches. Recently, I think I’ve finally managed to solidify (or at least put together something cohesive) my rack plan! My goal is to make an instrument that is geared towards sound design with lots of modulation, some controllable random, & some rhythmic capabilities. As you can see, there are no dedicated sequencers in the rack. However, outside of the rack I have 3 sequencers already. I am currently using one of the Elektron Analog 4’s CV channels to sequence Plaits, with the 3 other CV channels free for any other duties once I start getting more modules. I also have a Machinedrum & a Digitakt (so I’m covered on drums) which I will use for sequencing duties as well via a cv.ocd box. As for a full featured stereo mixer, I am looking to add a desktop mixer, as I never do any type of panning or actual mixing until everything is recorded into the DAW. The Levit8 is there as a way of giving everything its own I/O within the rack so that I can then route them externally but it’s also a plus that it can be used to attenuate/polarize signals & has submixes available. I am not totally married to anything in this plan except for the Shapeshifter (I have compared it to the E352 & the wavetables are too smooth for my taste), Filter 8 & PNW (the expander is an optional thought but I can always just sync it via a pulse from one of the Machinedrum’s various outputs). I am having trouble with the next steps as to which modules I should look to add with Plaits & Maths. Are there enough VCA’s? Is anything redundant? I would like to hear your thoughts, feedback, & different angles of approaching things! Sorry for such a long post but I wanted to give everyone a thorough background & insight into my plans & what I have going on currently! Thank you, I can’t wait to discuss!
PS. I know there is only a uBurst in the rack as far as effects go, but I have a 3U 104HP rack planned solely for effects! I would just like to tackle the meat & potatoes first!
Hi Garymon,
I'm also doing the "groove box" thing, but with some non-modular assistance. You can do a lot with not very much. 6u should be enough for anyone, eh? For example if you listen to the first minute of :
Except the hihats, every sound is BIA, with a bunch of modulation, and some outboard delay. The sequencer and modulation source is Pam's New Workout. This is my rack, though at the time I didn't have Font. (The bass that comes in after 30s is a DFAM.)
I have basically decided that what I need to take this setup forward is a Beatstep Pro to make it more playable. It can do more than most Euro sequencers in the x0x style at a much lower price, and the buttons are nice and big :) Pam can do Euclidean rhythms and random pitch/mod sequences when those are needed.
Anyway, coming back to your rack, it looks super fun. The only thing that looks off is you've only got one "normal" oscillator for the Percall to chew on; I feel like you want another to justify its hp. By count you have 22 potential trigger/gate sources, before you start making more out of kinks, which is plenty :) A switchable OR bus is very useful thing to combine rhythmic sequences
p.s. Sorry for hijacking your thread to rant about mixers. I think I meant to post in a different thread :-/
Latest stuff :
Hey Garfield,
I cant comment on those chord and drum parts because I did not use them yet. For drums I got the techno system with its excellent drum sequencer and for chords I use the sinfonion. The subsequencers are really dope and lift the movement to another level! They are an excellent feature because they can change your sequence in many ways. There are to mod inputs which take this concept further. You can modulate several parameters of your sequence from outside which can lead to many interesting results!
I know, its a difficult decision. Maybe its worth the wait for you, wait for or for erica synths...
Just a heads up that the Bastl Grandpa has an expander module called Spa if you want to get the most out of it. You can use CV to control extra parameters that aren't easily accessible on the main module.