Yes it does.

Somebody knows if this module saves the midi learned messages, then powered off-on again? Thanks!

This here is to compliment my Moog Grandmother and Arturia MatrixBrute, I wanted other features that do not come with the afore mentioned. I am just building my 1st case and have no idea about what to start with. I am into Drones and soft Melodic Randomness. I started here with a synth of some sort but want stuff that will pulse, clock , trigger and modulate (generative). It does not matter how many videos I research because quite quickly it (patch lingo)becomes a foreign language.

Hi, I am new to modular synths and trying to build my first one.
Since my synths follow the “east coast” model (vco, filter, eg, vca), I’d like to attempt a different approach, adding 2 VCOs, one LPG, some wave shaping and modulations and an EQ to experiment with white noise (I have seen it on internet and sounds cool).
Clock and sequences are all handled via midi, so I can integrate the synth in my setup (Behringer crave, nord rack 2x, volca beats and bass).
Also I have only 60hp to start with, but I will build another 60hp case for future expansions, so maybe I should avoid large modules (just a thought)
Any suggestion? Does the rack I have put together make sense?

Thanks a lot for your help
EDIT: added a complex vco (feedback two59) and removed the doepfer and the EQ. Not sure it works better? I also have 4hp free...any idea please, I am not sure I know what I am doing

using favourites.txt for disting is a massive help

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I'm with you on menu diving and O_C. I try to shy away from menus as much as possible. I definitely lean towards knobs over screens. On the other hand, I do like screens over weird unmarked and hidden button combinations. There's always a trade-off.
O_C looks really useful but I haven't found the need to pick one up yet. It looks like it might be a little frustrating. Pam's, on the other hand, is the glue that holds everything together for me. The menu system is shallow and easy to use. I have several different things that I synchronize using Pam's and its expander mainly as a master clock (Eloquencer, Moffenzeef Mito, Voltage Block, Prophet, RD8, etc.). I don't think I could live without it now. I'd say it's the best value in Eurorack-land.
Disting is a weird one. I begrudgingly picked one up earlier in the process of putting my rack together and just used one or two of its algorithms for a while, but now I find myself using quite a few different functions. It's an imperfect but incredibly useful module. While the EX is probably a better buy at this point, I'm keeping my MK4. It just does so much, and every time I need something, it's there waiting and only requires a quick reference to the manual.
Take care and have fun.

Hi Garfield,

Hermod, aside from being a powerful sequencer on its own, can be an extension of Vector, adding more pitch and gate outputs. You can apply Hermod‘s effects to Vector‘s parts and add interesting variations this way.
Hermod has a nice arpeggiator that I like to use with an external keyboard or simply with a chord part from Vector. Soon Vector will have its own arpeggiator function, though.
Hermod is also great to bring external sequencers such as iPad apps into the rack.

The aluminium board is a Grid from Monome, which is basically a controller whose function changes depending on the program/app/sequencer it is connected to.
I use it with the Monome Ansible (the module between Hermod and Sinfonion) which has several immensely inspiring sequencers built in and can also be used as a simple midi to CV interface.

Do check out Monome! They are also the makers of Norns.

this user has left ModularGrid

Hi and welcome @BreadTruck28.
The first few things I notice are that you have too much sequencing power for a rack this size, the "workflow" of the rack is jumbled up, and you have multiple modules that do similar functions. I would recommend just starting out with the Eloquencer for sequencing. It has probability and quantization, so you can get some randomization. If that's not enough, maybe add the Ornament and Crime for its more esoteric functions, but Eloquencer will probably be plenty starting out (8 channels of gate/CV). You can get rid of the Rene and Scales. I would get rid of Pressure Points and Brains too. I thought I was going to love PP, but mine ended up collecting dust, so I sold it.
I would bypass the mini-Mutables. The ergonomics of the original MI versions are excellent, and you can find them at fair prices. Those little mini-knobs aren't very fun to work with. Same goes for the 2hp modules, and I think you can cover the territory of the Pluck module with Rings. You don't really need two output modules, so I would get rid of XOH and keep the 4ms mixer/output if you don't already have an external mixer.
I added a Zadar, Happy Nerding 3xMIA for attenuverters/mixing duties (so you can free up Maths for other stuff), an FX Aid XL (because it's awesome), and Links and Kinks (because they're handy). As far as oscillator and filter choices, that's kind of a personal choice so I'll let others chime in on that. I'm not sure exactly what sound you are going for. You probably have too many "feature modules," and will change your approach and oscillator/filter preferences after getting a few modules in your case.
I would recommend that you consider the TipTop Mantis cases instead of the RackBrutes. They are 2x104hp each with excellent internal power supplies, so you don't take up valuable rack space with the 5hp Arturia psu.
Finally, I organized the rack by function to make the workflow/signal flow easier to follow. Everyone is different, so you can take or leave my suggestions, but this would offer a good starting point in my opinion. Others in this forum will probably have different ideas for you to consider.
ModularGrid Rack

Have fun and good luck!
-- farkas

Time for a proper reply. All of the stuff in the first case are modules and the two cases I own now. I've upgraded some items along the way and left the replaced module in the case also, thus some of the duplication.

My goal is to have a case, easily transported (thus the handle on two RackBrutes), that contains all (mixing and even recording if desired). I want to be able to set up for 30 minutes or so and play noisy rhythmic melodic sounds with a lot of electric guitar type sounds that service as a standout voice.

I've pulled the Rene, XOH, and most of the clones. I like or think I like the PP. I like to feel like I'm still mechanically involved, perhaps there is another model or way that does this better? I think I'll get a Clouds 2 to replace the Typhoon once available and pick up a DATA when they are available again.

I like the Scales because it seems like the easiest to use / modify Quantizer.

I guess it's hypocrisy, but I'm not sure I need PNW anymore since getting the Eloquencer (love it by the way). I'm not a big fan of O_C also, think I might like something like a Turing machine module. Feels like I only use references right now. Also, not sure the Disting Mk4 is a keeper for me. I think maybe it's the menu diving of all 3 of these modules. I'm trying to separate from the computer and that might be tainting my view.

Thanks for your feedback and look forward to someone telling me I'm crazy about the 3 modules I'm thinking of losing above :)


Chiming in too to send some good vibes @Lugia, feel better soon!

Thread: experiment3

I bought the pyramid prior to diving into modular for all my external gear, really love how easy it is to program, but wouldn’t get a hermod as primary for modular. All the modular options are interesting and I may pick up a metron or nerdseq to compliment.

Thread: experiment3

Hi Mog00,

Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation! How are you getting along with the Squarp - Pyramid? Now with just releasing the Pyramid Mk 3, would you say that's worth the investment and better than Hermod?

Thank you very much and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

+1 on Jim's notes, plus...there's really not a lot of modulation sources here, nor modules with which to manipulate them. Lots of noisemakers, sure...but without adequate modulation, all your sounds are going to be really boring. Also, that tile row is a mess...there are far better ways to implement that.

I'm in full agreement with Jim on this point: tear it down, start over. See if you can implement the same functions with smaller footprints, which will give you SOME room for the modulation and utilities you need here. There are definitely far better ways to do this. Look for third-party stuff for the Clouds unless you're willing to wait for Mutable's revision of it. don't actually HAVE eight sequencer destinations here, so why have a Varigate 8+? And take the Erica Drums out...for one thing, unless you're willing to do a PURELY rhythmic build, Eurorack isn't the best environment for drums. Plus, these days, there's ample drum machine options (or even software) that will achieve better results, and all you'll need is a single clock out from the Pam's.

Also, if you've not messed with it, do so: There's a LOT about these instruments that don't necessarily translate into words, so if there's classes of modules you're unfamiliar with, VCV Rack is a primo and FREE way to learn what they do and how to use them. That way, you can avoid a lot of mistakes and pitfalls, and when you get back to hardware, you'll have a clearer idea of what you need and what you need to SPEND.

Hi Mikeleebirds,

Wow, nice setup! I recognise a few things I consider or have already: the ALC - Sinfonion, nice one :-) (the only one I got so far). The Five12, which I reconsider again and the Hermod. Where do you mainly use the Hermod for, if I may ask?

By the way, what's that aluminium... "control board" with those 16*8 buttons or pads? Looks kind of interesting, self-made sequencer or a DAW controller?

Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Sorry to hear that Lugia, hope you have a swift recovery and glad that you are ok. You've been so encouraging as I started my journey into modular recently and after I dipped my toes into it with a small Make Noise 0-ctrl semi-modular unit. I am trying not to buy too much at one time...
-- sacguy71

Really? You oughta pick up the 0-Coast as well. Several people have, and the combo has been dubbed the "0-Easel" (as in the Buchla Sound Easel) for VERY good reasons! Just put 'em in the same stand and treat the pair just like you would the venerable old original.

there is a reason that they call it eurocrack
-- JimHowell1970

I just thought it was because "Euroheroin" doesn't trip off the tongue as nicely... ;-)

Not...quite. Remember, the ARP 2500 used matrix switches for patching, and Mme. Radigue frequently would take advantage of the multipling this offers to send control signals to different places simultaneously. It's quasi-admirable that Uli (a very "quasi" guy) opted to put these out, but unless you have a basket of inline mults, you can't get there from here.

Also, Uli's still got some key modules missing from this lineup, as you've probably noticed. Given the source for these, it's also quite possible that he'll never put those out because B. seems to have the attention span of a gnat these days.

Hi EroGumby,

Looks (or more accurate: it heard) like you had a great jam day today ;-) You got a lot of funny and interesting sounds in your both jams; I like that, gives me that kind of happy and feel good feeling. The topper for me is the first jam!

Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

There's going to be a problem right off with this build, and it's a very typical one: Sexy Module Syndrome.

There's plenty of extra modules, to be sure...but you've not put anything in to manipulate THEIR signals. No attenuverters, submixers, extra VCAs dedicated to modulation use, ring mod (no ring mod!?), etc. Part of this is directly attributable to the case scheme, WILL have to sacrifice some of what's there because you've painted yourself into a corner by using these little 60 hp things. There are ways to make good use of them...but this isn't quite it.

Now, as for those power supplies...first up, they're listed as in "prototype" stage, and as of late, they've been missing production date marks. They're also a BAD IDEA...because a lot of your heat dissipation is done by the front panel, and the larger that can be, the more effectively the module can cool itself. And this is no joke; heat issues are the single worst, most self-damaging things in electronics. My suggestion would be to change the order, and instead go with a pair of 4ms Row Power 25s...same general specs, but with a larger panel for improved heat dissipation AND barrel-jack daisychaining between supplies so that only one suitable external P/S is needed. And they're $31 less.

One other thing, too...there's two sequencers here, but nothing with which to manipulate their timing. No Boolean logic, divider/multipliers, comparators, and the like.

What I would suggest is to stop purchasing IMMEDIATELY. This isn't headed in an optimal direction. Then you might consider rethinking this cab idea; sure, a 4 x 60 Moog tier set might LOOK cool...but in the end, "cool" isn't what you want or need. You need FUNCTION. And the only way to ensure that is to have room to spread out. Sure, leave the Moogs in their cabs, get a 2-tier (or, I would suggest, a 3-tier + one more Subharmonicon. They're useful things.) for the Moogs, and pick up a more sensible Eurorack case such as a Mantis, et al. It won't be quite as unitized as you're envisioning, but it will WORK. And if you're spending $$ on this stuff, "work" is what you want.


I was having a good time jamming today, so I decided to do an afternoon jam. :)
Here is a link to the jam:

It is using the same patch setup as here:

Goals of this jam: Keep working on how I can bring rhythms in and out while working with filters.
I feel it was better in some parts over my morning jam. 😊 But, I keep learning and it’s a great time.

All feedback is greatly appreciated!

there is a reason that they call it eurocrack

it's because it's gonna be a near-constant drain (however small) for the rest of your life if you get into it

it has advantages over lots of other similar endeavours in that you may actually have something left to show for it and it probably won't kill you, but never the less it always ends up as - what's the next module (or modules) and where is the next case coming from, often at the same time - unless you have near unlimited funds

your maths is way out with buying a second case!!! I kinda knew EU prices - but I just checked sweetwater for US - they are about the same

2 * Nifty case $538 168hp = $3.20/hp
1 * tiptop Mantis $335 204hp = $1.64/hp

with the left over you can buy a better midi->cv converter - everything else in the nifty case is superfluous and can easily be replaced for under $30 - a passive mult and a 1/4"->1/8" cable (and you may still have money left over)

so buy the bigger case - you will need it - imo 84hp is ok for 1 voice, once you add in the support modules you need to get it to do anything interesting, you may be able to fit 3-4 in to a mantis, if you choose wisely

as for the 'bundle' - why would you waste even $60 on modules you probably will not want in 2-3 months time

put the money towards something you do want - such as a better case or modules

once you have about $1000 to spend at once get the case and a couple of modules

as starter modules -

Rings - get an OG - pay some respect to Emilie for designing it and it has a massive advantage that you don't need a filter or vca after it

Maths - how to learn modular synthesis in a single module - well not quite, but as patch-programmable analog computers go - it's a great module!!

if you want midi sequencing get a midi->cv module (mutant brain if you can find one is a good buy) or maybe a korg sq-1 - I think it can do midi->cv too, but don't quote me on that - they are inexpensive and handy to have around

and that's it - work your way through the illustrated maths manual a few times, try all the easter egg modes of rings, next module should be a quad cascading vca - veils for example - then you might want to think about exploring disting (I'd try to get the EX if possible)

every week / month throw a bit in a kitty and when you have enough for the next module buy it - then patch it with everything else and work out what's missing and repeat!!!

or as @farkas suggested get a crave

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities


I'm a sound designer working in Film and TV, as well as a music producer.
During the recent corona lockdown I bought a Mother 32 to play with, followed by a Subharmonicon and I've seen the attraction of modular. I'd love to build a 4 tier 60hp rack with the two Moog units in to have in my studio at work, so I can experiment with sound design on project - easily sending audio out of my DAW or from field recordings etc and creating interesting sounds to use.

I'd also love to be able to use the rack to write music with - more on the techy house side of things - but I love a wide range of sounds and I'd love to play some cello into the granular units.

This is what I've put together but I keep fiddling and thinking I've missed something so though I'd put this up here to see what people though & look for any advice. Not sure I need all three effects units on the top row but I recently ordered the Endorphin power and the Microcell unit, and was looking to the Maths next.

Thanks for your help!

(Some reason the rack above doesn't look complete like the one once you click through?)

I mean, there's a reason you see this advice a lot.
The truth is, you could probably get a more useful synth by starting with a $180 used Behringer Crave. It's a semi-modular monosynth with a decent filter, sequencer, envelopes, LFOs, I/O mixer, VCA, and patch points so you can expand into Eurorack later. You're going to need a lot of functions at the same time to get anything out of modular. If you stick to your original plan, you will need that extra Nifty Case before you can even blink. It's not a cheap hobby, unfortunately, and getting the sounds in your head out from this format likely isn't going to happen without a sizable investment (whether upfront or long term).
Your proposed plan has an oscillator, a resonator with tiny knobs, a filter/VCA combo, a sequencer, and a menu-divey multi-function module. How will you control pitch AND amplitude over time? How will you clock your sequencer if you want to use the Chips LFO for one of those other tasks? How will you introduce randomness? How will you modulate the frequency and resonance of your filter at the same time as opening and closing your VCAs? Will you need effects like reverb and delay? Simply put, there's a lot of functions in a good synthesizer, and until you have those functions (and usually more than one of each), you won't be able to synthesize a wide range of sounds.
I'd like you to see your ideas come to life, so I'm helping you set expectations about what you might be able to get out of a tiny rack. You will almost instantly see the limitations of something this size.
Have fun and good luck.


Welcome to my new case setup.
I'm working on building a travel case and this is my first round of putting one together.
It took a bit to get it all going, but today I am back to recording some of my "morning jams"

You can find the jam here:

You can find the patch for the modular setup here:

Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated and encouraged.

Thanks for stopping by!

I just setup this new case and i'm working through getting some fun sounds out of it.
You can find the jam here:

Notes on the patch:
the O&C is running hemispheres and the right-hand side is running the Enigma Jr.
The drums and hats are coming from Octatrak MKII

In this particular setup i'm working on three things:
1) managing the rhythm through the Euclidian Circles and adjusting the A/R envelope on the HexMix/HexVCA
2) working with the two filters to shape the sound
3) I as adjusting the MCO and the Godspeed once and a while to change up the sounds.

As always, i'm learning and enjoying learning.
Any and all feedback are greatly encourage.


A few things to consider: Disting does a lot, but not all at once. To get anything out of the modular format, you're going to want a lot more modulation capabilities and utilities. Envelopes, LFOs, mixers, mults, quantizers, sample and hold, etc. All the stuff that Disting can do, but dedicated modules for those functions.
-- farkas

Yep. My thinking was having many functions in a small unit would help me figure out my next steps for expansion.

I have read and heard, um, "mixed" reviews on Cellz and Chipz. I haven't used them and don't plan to, so someone else here may be able to comment on their usefulness, durability, and sound quality in practice.
-- farkas

I've heard the same, but given the bundle itself is only $60 more than the case alone, I think it's worth trying out the modules.

I don't know what your total budget is, but I would REALLY recommend saving up a little more and investing in a system that is a bit larger if you really want to get into modular. What exactly do you want this system to contribute to your music that can't be accomplished with a different format? Tiny systems like the one you are proposing aren't all that useful unless it's targeted towards a very specific sound or process. What kind of music are you playing?
-- farkas

I see this advice a lot and it makes sense. I think it's important for me to start focused, though, and not overwhelm myself at the beginning. Also, it's frankly cheaper to just buy a second nifty case down the line than get a 6U case now it would take me years to fill. Please tell me this is misguided if you think so, though!

At the risk of sounding like IDK what I want to do, I'm genre agnostic. I like to make IDM, techno, hip hop...kind of depends on my mood. I want to start with modular because I like the idea of really shaping the sounds I'm getting out of my synth so I can get that much closer to producing the music I hear in my head. I'm also not tied down to keyboards since I can barely play one and I'm want to explore new ways to create melodies, surprise myself with new sounds, and find new inspiration.

Just wanted to throw some ideas and food for thought out there. Let us know if we can answer any further questions.
Have fun and good luck!
-- farkas
I appreciate it!

Ah, thanks, sacguy71. I had a close call with Our Pal Covid this week, but both my test and the one another person in my "line of contagion" had came back negative, so everything's golden for the time being. Can't play with that virus, though; I've got a pair of cardiac stents, which puts me in one of the riskier groups.

Still, not feeling so hot, so I'm not exactly back in overdrive just yet. Gimme a few...
-- Lugia

hope you are feeling better soon Lugia!!!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

1 clouds is out of production - only knock offs and used available - but clouds2 is imminent (and smaller) I would await this
2 far too much sequencing - I would throw everything out and decide between midi or in rack - and then start again from scratch - huge amounts of redundancy and space wasting!!!
3 quantizer is completely redundant - all the sequencing methods are already quantized
4 replace the erica dual fx with 2 fx aids - possibly xl
5 replace intellijel quad vca with new veils - 2 hp smaller
6 mixing appears to be an after thought - once you have ripped out half the sequencing and have space this is where a lot of it should go - sub-mixing before effects and mixing cv to create more interesting modulation are powerful techniques that should be learnt as early as possible
7 do you need a buffered mult? - probably not - but if you do get links instead as it adds a couple of small mixers (which are always useful)

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Hey Ronin, thanks for replying, sorry I missed it until just now! I have indeed mostly been using the Noise Tools pulse or the Function's EOC/R as clocks depending on my patch.

For what it's worth, here is the system I've ended up with so far:
ModularGrid Rack
I went with René mk1 since I found it used for a very nice price and the Bloom was less appealing to me after I found out about some of the bugs and limitations of the sequencer. I figured René mk1 is still a good module even after all these years.

I also went with Tides + the Doepfer A145-4 instead of Batumi. I just got Tides yesterday so we shall see how that works out.

I've also really been enjoying Function especially as a control center for some patches, so I've been thinking of getting Maths to get the full experience. No surprise there I suppose.

Other things on my list include another attenuverting/offset utility like the SPO, 3xMIA, Triplatt, or the O/A/x2 as well. Also thinking about a small mixer. If anyone has suggestions for further growth I'm all ears!

1) ARP 1023 double VCO
2) ARP 1004T VCO
3) ARP 1023 double VCO
4) ARP 1047 multimode filter / resonator
5) ARP 1005 ModAmp
6) ARP 1046 Quad Exponential Envelope Generator
7) ARP 1016 Dual Noise/Random Voltaqe Generator
8) ARP 1006 FiltAmp
g) ARP 1005 ModAmp
10) ARP 1047 multimode filter / resonator
11) ARP 1050 mix sequencer
12) ARP 1027 Clocked Sequential Controller

Hi and welcome.
What kind of music are you planning to create with this?
It looks like you have most of the bases covered. I wonder if Bloom and Scales might be redundant with the power and features of the Varigate 8 though. I'm not that familiar with the 1u modules you have chosen, but that looks like a Steppy at the top and if so, it's probably redundant too.
My only other recommendation is to rearrange your modules for a more logical signal flow (and cable management). Think of the panel design of a vintage synth and try to arrange your modules logically like a MiniMoog, or Lugia always mentions the Arp 2600 panel design: Oscillators - Filter - Mixer - VCA - Effects, (sequencing and modulation on bottom row, maybe?). In the long run, grouping modules in this way will make your life easier.
Have fun and good luck.

ModularGrid Rack

Out of all these modules so far I've only got the Intellijel Headphones 1U and the Pico VCO. Maths is next.

My setup after having checked, bought and sold tons of sequencers!

Thread: experiment3

Squarp Pyramid is my main sequencer and clock.

Blackbox 1010 for drum loops and sample trigger (I have a ton of samples collected over the years and little sound machines great for clouds textures).

One gated sample is fed to clouds.
BIA doing industrial distorted mayhem fed through LXd (love the low pass gate)
Modulation duties handled by Maths and Clep Diaz.
Should add intellijel quad vca providing some overdrive.

this user has left ModularGrid

Sorry to hear that Lugia, hope you have a swift recovery and glad that you are ok. You've been so encouraging as I started my journey into modular recently and after I dipped my toes into it with a small Make Noise 0-ctrl semi-modular unit. I am trying not to buy too much at one time and give time to learn, apply and make use of what I currently have. I did order more patch cables and 1/4 inch to 3.5 cables so I don't run out of cables and can also connect my two Elektrons to my two 6U setups. Probably will add a portable MIDI to CV box for connecting my Octatrack to modular and clock, trigger sequencer and more utility modules when black friday sales arrive. Want the Piston Honda MK3 and Hertz Donut MK3 but need bigger case for those and also they are sold out of most shops now.

Ah, thanks, sacguy71. I had a close call with Our Pal Covid this week, but both my test and the one another person in my "line of contagion" had came back negative, so everything's golden for the time being. Can't play with that virus, though; I've got a pair of cardiac stents, which puts me in one of the riskier groups.

Still, not feeling so hot, so I'm not exactly back in overdrive just yet. Gimme a few...

this user has left ModularGrid
Thread: Friday Jam

Thanks Garfield!

I find that squeezing out the most from my current starter two setups key before buying any more gear. It helps me maximize the most of limits and figure out what I really need in my setups.

Thread: experiment3

Hi Mog00,

I agree here with The-Erc, very nice track and it makes me curious too, in how did you made this?

Ha, ha, that "rough" sound near the end is cool, lots of distortion? :-)

Thanks a lot for sharing this with us and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Thread: Friday Jam

Hi Sacguy71,

Nice jam and interesting video. I love that main sound you have in there!

Sounds like a good start of the weekend ;-) Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

this user has left ModularGrid

Ace. I am using Kinks/Links a lot now in my second rack. Probably add a matrix mixer, sequential switch, another attenuator/offset like MI Shades, logic module like Intellijel Plog as well as one more voice plus more modulation source and an FX module. Splitting and re-combining 1-2 oscillators and submixing is very powerful.

Here is how I used Kinks/Links recently:

Hi and welcome.
A few things to consider: Disting does a lot, but not all at once. To get anything out of the modular format, you're going to want a lot more modulation capabilities and utilities. Envelopes, LFOs, mixers, mults, quantizers, sample and hold, etc. All the stuff that Disting can do, but dedicated modules for those functions.
I have read and heard, um, "mixed" reviews on Cellz and Chipz. I haven't used them and don't plan to, so someone else here may be able to comment on their usefulness, durability, and sound quality in practice.
I don't know what your total budget is, but I would REALLY recommend saving up a little more and investing in a system that is a bit larger if you really want to get into modular. What exactly do you want this system to contribute to your music that can't be accomplished with a different format? Tiny systems like the one you are proposing aren't all that useful unless it's targeted towards a very specific sound or process. What kind of music are you playing?
Just wanted to throw some ideas and food for thought out there. Let us know if we can answer any further questions.
Have fun and good luck!

I've been tentatively trying get started in modular for awhile now, but I think it's time. I plan on using the rig with my Digitakt as controller/drums/samples, and eventually hope to incorporate the modular rig into my full setup where Digitakt controls several keyboard synths.

I'm planning on getting the nifty bundle (with cellz and chipz) and adding Dreadbox Eudemonia, Expert Sleeper Disting, and nanoRings. My thinking is I'll try to fill up about half the empty space now and leave about 30hp to expand when I get a better sense of where to go next. That means I have another 8hp left after those modules (maybe some reverb? another filter?).

My question: Am I overlooking some sort of utility (or simply useful) module I will regret not having from the start?

Thread: Patch #1

Thank you so much! I appreciate your time!!

Ah, @GarfieldModular you are too kind. Thank you.

I shall try maintain the quality and convert you into a techno fan :)

Thread: experiment3

Very nice! How did you do it?

Thread: Patch #1

Too many modules I don't know here to give any useful suggestions I fear.

Since you haven't changed the voice architecture much I think the audio path from my previous suggestion still works. You just want to insert the Timber somewhere. The BI has a very sonically rich output anyway, so there's not much value in adding it there, but I guess you just have to experiment.

For modulation you have a lot of possibilities -- and still the main target is the Basimilus. So try some different patches and see what you get!


nope, wasn't me, my nick across forums is usually jingo and also on muffs.

I once eyeballed the Deluge, but didn't pull the trigger. So I have no experience on that one.


This module seems to be out of production. Someone please prove me wrong.

this user has left ModularGrid
Thread: Friday Jam

Thanks yeah Kermit is a beast. I want the IME Hertz Donut MK3 and Piston Honda MK3 as well as MI Plaits and Rings but will need to wait on getting a much larger third case. Half of a case is for support modules otherwise you cannot get decent self generative patterns or functionality. I use the 1/3 support modules, 1/3 modulation modules, and 1/3 voice/oscillator rule of thumb. It is really easy to quickly run out of patch cables, attenuators, logic, mixer, and mults when doing complex patches! I think that is why if you look at prebuilt modular systems, most of the case is support module based. Take Erica Synths, most of that 6U case is that stuff with maybe 1-2 oscillators out of 10-12 modules!

Thread: Patch #1

Dear @the-erc Thank you I've been enjoying so much.

It helped a lot. I have added and changed things up a bit. This is my current set up.

how would you patch this? If you are able to provide any direction I greatly appreciate it.

Million Thanks!!!