I have not bought any new gear in 2 years. I bought tons of modular synths during the pandemic but now have everything needed and actually need to sell off stuff not being used. What are best places to sell used synth gear? I have several modular synths and a dozen modules that I want to sell off.

pretty standard but a good start to get you goining.

consider to add;
a nice lfo
a filter
mult, clock divider, switch
maybe another soundsource

Marbles and o_C do do the job to play 'itself'

Pams is always nice for everything



Hey everyone, I'm a newbie to modular and I've just gotten an Arturia Rackbrute 6u to pair with my MiniBrute 2S. From playing around in VCVRack and looking at tutorials, I think I've identified a solid set of modules to get my toes wet. My ultimate goal is to build something that can play itself.

The Erica Synths pico modules, doepfer envelope generator and nanorings came with the rack.

What do you think?

Any suggestions for other modules?

I'm also wondering about whether I should get a Pamela's new workout, what do you all think?

ModularGrid Rack

Thank you for looking at my rack!

powered by 2 Clicks&clocks power supply 1200mA each for +12 /-12

read any decent guide to compression - the parameters are always the same! what specifically are you having trouble with?

Recently I acquired Dual dagger by Shakmat. A bueatiful stereo filter in only 6 hp. It completed my ambient signal path with Rings into Dual dagger into a vca into Beads into the mixer with Sealegs in the send and return. I wanted to highlight this signal path with this video and create some ambient textures and lush arps. So enjoy the music and if you like this video please consider to like and subscribe to my channel. Thank you so much!


i need a manual for the l1 microcompressor.
can somebody help please?

One big button that says "Push here for Talent"
-- wishbonebrewery

I believe they call this "generative music".
-- Zacksname

Yeah, experimentation, experience and luck = Talent (Maybe!)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


One big button that says "Push here for Talent"
-- wishbonebrewery

I believe they call this "generative music".

Thanks for this quick reply. I will go completely modular and skip the semimodular synths

Circadian Rhythms is a gate/trigger sequencer. I don't believe it has either pitch CV outputs or MIDI outs. The Wasp is very limited in its eurorack connectivity, so you will need a MIDI sequencer of some sort, like a Keystep or something to get gate and pitch sequences happening since it doesn't have gate and pitch inputs.

I have a "Tiptop audio circadian rhythms" and a "Erica Synths Black VC Clock V2" to generate rhythms.
After Later Audio - Resonate (Rings), Typhoon, MVMNT, Tiptop audio Z5000 as fx to start with.

What sequencer are you using? What modules are you trying to integrate with the Wasp?

I am starting with modular synth and trying to understand bit by bit.
What puzzles modular me now is how to "play" Behringer Wasp Deluxe with eurorack.
I cannot trigger a rhythm or a pitch, I don't find out how to send sequencer gate to Wasp or even pitch it.
Trs to midi does fail on me also.
Any tips?

Behold! My not-so-compact live performance eurorack rig.

Top row: IO to and from an analog line level mixer. The Hapax comes into the system via the FH2 and its two exapnders modules in the centre. Also connected to the Hapax is a midi footswitch used for hands-free control of various things whilst shredding on other instruments :-P

Middle row: everything to the right of Exchange is a monophonic voice. Everything to the left of Exchange is a paraphonic voice (sort of). Exchange acts as a router/mute for x3 aux sends from the external mixer to the three effects modules top right. It also patches between a small number of modulation sources and destinations. The Dimension Mk3 is controlled via midi from the Hapax. Bolted to the side of the case is an Expert Sleepers Tiny Midi Breakout module for connection from the FH-2 to the Dimension Mk3. This allows FH-2 to simaltaniously convert midi to CV for the A-140, Happy Nerding x3 VCA and pass polyphonic note-on/note-off data to the Dimension.

Bottom row - starting from the left: the Waver is for the monophonic voice above. Stardust = my looper pedal for Eurorack - controlled from my midi footswitch. Everything from Assimil8or to the Prism is a voice - intended for percussion (only four channels of audio are utilised at present. The Assimil8or's midi expander is bolted onto the side of the case for midi connection to the Hapax.

In my journey to create a midi/CV hybrid system I've discovered that midi in Eurorack is somewhat under developed. Where midi is implemented, it's often fundamentally compromised in one way or another. For Example: the FH-2 does support USB hubs but doesn't do midi thru of any sort, ever, anywhere; the Dimension has no midi CC implementation whatsoever; Hapax does have great midi routing and thru options but doesn't support USB hubs at all. Why?! [face-palm]

Midi has a way to go in Eurorack land.

Done. Pre CR.
And I'm going to use it to overdrive my Geosync TB-0 / TB-EFA.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Research HRTF (Head-Related Transfer Function). I don't have the module, but it is on my list. You must use headphones to explore this module.

Hello, i have bought a Neuzeit Quasar and noticed there are not a lot of videos on it or about it. Does anyone here also own one and if yes what is your experience like with it. Do you happen to know where i can find more content focused on this modules strengths. Also is there a place to share patches that can be uploaded to the Quasar? If yes feel free to drop the link below.

Planning to do a deep dive into my Quasar and wondering if i should document the process and share patches i come up with.

Thanks for reading.

***** STOLEN GEAR ALERT *******
Indianapolis Area/Midwest
Ok musics friends I have an APB.. My storage unit was robbed .. and most of my life is gone ..
Be on the look out for :
Avalon baseline green LEDs with all carts
Mono rocket case 2 row
Goike skiff 2 rows
Monome grids and single row isms case
Koma komplex sequencer
Analog rytm and octotrack in company of quail buchla style aluminum case.
Eventide Space
RML electron fuzz
Some pics … thankfully I’ve got my enclave 12u and the x32.

Hey i made this youtube playlist with sample packs for the Pocket operator. Not sure if anyone has already done this. I only put in four because their respective youtube channels have more packs to offer feel free to look into each youtube channel listed for more. Feel free to also add backup audio files in the description of your videos.


Also, feel free to use the collaboration link to add other sample packs to the playlist.

Collaboration Link:

One big button that says "Push here for Talent"
Have to wait for the ChatGPT Eurorack module!

I definitely need just one more case, 84hp 6U should do me!

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


I'm about 99.5% happy with my rig now, and I still come to see what's new every day. I'm still waiting for someone to make a voltage controlled "Talent" module. I'd pre-order one of those. Haha.

Even when you've got no money to spend!

I must find more stuff to sell on ebay to fill the Synth-Piggybank!

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Hello everyone,

I would like to get into the world of modular synthesis and would like to get some feedback. So far I've only used classic desktop synthesizers (Access Virus TI2, Korg Minilogue XD, Behringer Pro 800, Behringer TD3 and Mega FM). These devices are all wonderful for getting quick results. I really like the powerful modulation matrix of the Virus TI2, but I miss the haptic feedback of connecting modulation sources to destinations. The other synthesizers here are rather limited in terms of modulation options, even if they are all great devices that I will never sell.

To approach the topic of modular synthesizers, I've been using "The Grid" within Bitwig a lot lately. It's a lot of fun, but again, I just miss the haptic feedback.

To make the transition between classic synthesizers and the modular world a little easier, I'd like to start with a semi-modular synthesizer. I had the Neutron in mind for a long time due to its large number of features, but I would like to use the Moog DFAM as a starting point. Why not a Mother32? I would like to use an analog sequencer (sometimes with a pitch quantizer) and not another "normal" one like the Mother32 has. Mother32 would be too close to my previous devices again.

I would like to build an upgraded modular drum machine and a "normal" synthesizer from the parts - depending on my mood. I would expand it with a powered Moog 60HP case. Why? The combination simply looks sexy in the Moog stand and fits into my living room. Yes, other cases would be cheaper and offer more HP.

Here is my explanation of why I decided to choose these modules:

  • Pamela's Pro Workout: as a main clock and triggered modulation source. I think Euclidean rhythms are extremely exciting. Cross modulation of CVs and integrated attenuators are definitely useful in such a small case. I could also make great use of the device as a clock divider.
  • PPEXP2: I would like to easily sync the rack with my Maschine Plus, for example, when I'm on the road.
  • Buff Mult Intellijel: You can always use a multiplier
  • Ornament & Crime + USB Extender 3U Intellijel: I would like to use the OC for logic operations. I also think it's exciting that there has recently been an implementation of "Tides" and that I can use it as an oscillator. I would also like to use the pitch quantizer and the Turing machine. Since OC also provides applets for USB-Midi, I could control the rack via Maschine Plus.
  • Noise Engineering Vice Virga: I think a control-voltage-controlled switch is a good idea for creating interesting rhythms in combination with the Moog DFAM. The price is high, but I think the concept is exciting.
  • Warps: I would like to use the device as a crossfader and as a ring modulator. Cross-folding could also create exciting sounds. I think it's cool that Warps can also be used as an oscillator.
  • Happy Nerding 3x MIA: I would use MIA as an attenuator, polarizer and mixer for control voltages and audio signals.
  • Doepfer A-140-2V: ADSR envelopes (and the inverted ones) are always useful, even if the trigger signals of the DFAM would rather lead to AR envelopes. With MIDI triggering, the situation would be different.
  • MI Veils 2020: You can never have enough VCAs, right? The advantage of the Veils is that I can also use it as a mixer with subgroups.

What do you think? I am grateful for any feedback! :)

What I notice myself: I only have the filter of the DFAM itself. I also haven't included any effects. This is somewhat due to the fact that I want to continue using effects from the PC or the Maschine Plus for the time being. I rarely modulate effects and tend to use them at the end of the signal chain rather than in between. Something like "Melotus Versio" could perhaps be exciting. I still have to leave ideas for the next rack. :D

ModularGrid Rack

Contact @RTFM
Pierpaolo Cimino has built dozens of modules for people on MG.

Hey, I was in similar situation for this module as didn't want to do something with surface mount & contacted these who provide a service:

I highly recommend the Catalyst Controller. At its most basic, it's an 8 knob cv or gate controller, but it goes deep!—8 banks of 8 scenes (64 total scenes set along pathways), you can easily use it as a set-and-forget module with a linear pathway (like a typical fader or static macro controller) ORRRR you can randomize the knob positions and physically play the pathway by hand or by cv. It's so deep in fact, you can flip the faceplate and use it as a sequencer. Two modules in one!

Another controller-modulator I have is the Tetragrid. You can play it with your fingers or like a board game. How cool is that! It's a fun way to explore the whole generative-experimental vibe:

I am not a handy guy, does somebody wants to assemble a Sebsongs Odds for me?

Thread: Say Again?

Patch notes in the youtube link


This is not a module to convert mono to stereo. There's plenty of good modules for that: filters (Ikarie), effects (FX Aid, Versios), ...

With this module, you need two signals to start. If you have L+R, then it splits them into the middle (shared) signal and the sides (not shared between left an. right). If you have two mono signals, you can plug one into mid and the other into side. This works well with a signal where you take the unprocessed one into mid and a processed copy (e.g. filtered or passed through a mono delay) into the side. Or vice versa. Make sure to check the LEDs that they're not in the red or it'll sound wonky on speakers.

NOTE: The version 1 (this build) board labeled MAIN1 has a misprint on the orientation of transistor Q5. I spoke with Feedback Mods and he sent me the correction, I point out what needs to be done twice in this video, or ho to the chapter marker listed below.

I also pasted the calibration instructions under the chapter list.
A multi-wave, multi output LFO. A somewhat involved build, since it’s a stack of three circuit boards, but not too difficult, just a lot to do.

And with the transistor in the right orientation it works just fine. A handy expansion LFO.


Please add Tear Apart Tapes; there are currently 15 modules in "other/unknown" by the manufacturer, the modules are not Mutable Instruments clones, and the manufacturer has a storefront on Etsy.

Thanks in advance.

CV to MIDI is probably more valuable to me. I'm gonna dig into this module and a few others like it. Thanks again for the recommendation.

I should say that I double-checked and the Sweet Sixteen does not have MIDI in, so I was incorrect about MIDI to CV conversion. However, you seem to have that covered already, and this would allow you to go the other way - convert CV to MIDI to control CCs on your other stuff with your modules (might be good for some of the stuff on the TR-8S that's in menus). I just wanted to correct myself and not have you make a decision based on my mistake.

edit: turns out I mentioned MIDI to CV conversion somewhere else. Still good to point out.

I like this option a lot. Thanks for the input. I have a MIDI keyboard, BassStation 2 and TR8S that I didn't mention. The faders seem like a pretty versatile approach. I had been stuck looking at joysticks and this is a cool option to have.

What you want is the Sweet Sixteen fader bank (which I seem to be bringing up a lot lately). It's an adaptation of this open source module concept, but it also has inputs in addition to outputs, allowing it to do the purely CV-based attenuation you want.

A Sweet Sixteen might be good. 16 faders that can be used for attenuation, offset generation, MIDI control or I2C connection. I do not have one, but it's what I want to fill the space in my rack.

Even if you just see it as 16 attenuators/offset generators, it's a pretty useful tool for centralizing control in a big rack like this. You could then throw in something like a DistingEX, which is normally not very hands-on but has lots of useful effects algorithms and utilities (among other things like sample playback and polyphonic synths), and control the EX with I2C/MIDI to have hands-on access to multiple parameters without menu-diving.

I'm not sure if you wanted that kind of control or maybe a different kind like a touch keyboard, but for the space we're talking about I think this kind of control will be more usable in the rack, whereas that problem is better solved externally so you have space for your fingers to actually do stuff.


My understanding of this module is that it only outputs fixed voltages from each of the 16 channels based on the position of the corresponding slider and the mode that it's respective switch is in. It is meant to be used as an ergonomic/hands-on/easily-accessible/performance controller of other modules.

It does not process external voltages. Based on what you've posted, I believe that's what you are asking about. It does not work like an attenuator/attenuverter, VCA, or mixer. You could, however, use this module's voltages to control a VCA level or channel levels in a voltage controllable mixer, for example.

I hope that info is helpful and answers your questions!

I'm pretty happy with this setup. I'm mainly making acid and (generativly deficient) ambient drones. I'd like to free up 32hp by removing the Herbs & Stones Liquid Foam. I feel like I could use more utilities and a good controller/interface. I have an external Source Audio Collider and a Hologram Microcosm. I'm also entertaining the idea of other onboard effects. How would you fill this 32hp? ModularGrid Rack

hi, I presume you can fade in and out different cv from eurorack with this faderbank.
can anybody explain to this newbie how to output the slider info back to eurorack?

-- FileTransferProtocol
THat was me! - Looking forward to it

-- Traxam
Very cool! I hope you enjoy it!

Very nice, sounds very inspiring. Any plans for distributors in Europe? :-)
-- Sarguiboy
Thank you! And thanks for asking. I am all for it, and I'm currently shipping to the EU from my shop. I'm happy to work with distributors, but to date the few that i have reached out to didn't bother responding. (These were in the U.S. and in their defense, I suspect that i am too small and unknown as of yet), but if you Know of any I should reach out to in the EU, I'm all for it! I just shipped an Arp Of Darkness to Ireland today.

-- FileTransferProtocol
THat was me! - Looking forward to it

This is my small setup, build into a retro suitcase.

It contains 4 synth voices and 6 drums. Within 2x84 HP!!

Kick: Shakmat - Battering ram - providing a inverted enveloppe to the Joranalogue Mix3
Hat: 2HP - Hat - OH and CH
Snare and percussion: Modbap Trinity
All drums into Frap Tools 321 into Modbap Hue voor Filter, Drive and Lofi FX's

Synth voices:
Polysynth: Knobula - Pianophonic - midi
Mono Synth 1: Klavis Twin Waves MKII + Granity Filter
Mono Synth 2: Modbap Osiris + Meridian Filter
Mono Synth 3: Doepfer A-111-6
All mod and env by: Klavis Quadigy and Joranalogue Contour 1

Out of modular grid picture:
Sequencer: OXI One, using 1 multi sequencer for 5 drum channels, 1 poly sequencer for midi / chord, 1 mono sequencers for lead, 2 matriacal sequencers for basses.
Mixer and FX : Teenage engineering TX-6 (12 channels mono mixer or 6 channle stereo) with 2 Bubblesound reducers to transform eurorack into line-level.

Very nice, sounds very inspiring. Any plans for distributors in Europe? :-)
-- Sarguiboy
Thank you! And thanks for asking. I am all for it, and I'm currently shipping to the EU from my shop. I'm happy to work with distributors, but to date the few that i have reached out to didn't bother responding. (These were in the U.S. and in their defense, I suspect that i am too small and unknown as of yet), but if you Know of any I should reach out to in the EU, I'm all for it! I just shipped an Arp Of Darkness to Ireland today.

Hello, made this short but curious how the mix sounds on other people's speakers. For me the overall mix sounds low for me and i fear there may be some clarity issues between the frequencies. Would love some feedback, thanks in advance.

Very nice, sounds very inspiring. Any plans for distributors in Europe? :-)