@damir501 sold me a broken module then refused to give me a refund or even look at a video of the fault.

im looking for 1 maybe 2 buffered mult modules.whats the best value for money out there??


Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me

Thank you very much, I'm thrilled you enjoyed it! Not sure I'll go through the mixing and matering process again given the cost, but it was so worth it to do it at least once. I can now cross this off my bucket list.

I can't recommend Hugo Paris for mixing enough, and of course, Nathan Moody at Obsidian Sound for mastering.

Inscrumental music for prickly pears.

Adjustment procedure can be found in the technical manual. Can be intimidating if you never done that before so maybe someone who build modules in your area can calibrate it for you.

Thank you, GarfieldModular. I appreciate you taking the time to give some solid advice. I will be checking back in soon...

Hey! Quick question. I am having trouble matching my pitch of my A-111-2 VCO to other oscillators that I have. I am using a Beats Step Pro to sequence it, and it is not follow pitch very well! Does anyone have any advice for me getting the pitch to follow a typical 1V/oct? My Rings Modular follows the Beats Step Pro fine, so I know the problem lies with the A-111-2 VCO. I am going straight from BSP to the VCO to out. Tested with different VCOs and only this one has the problem.

Thread: New Thing

Some abrasive improvised modular drums with an accompanying analog glitch video I put together today. Should have mixed the bass a little higher, but whatever... It was recorded on the fly.

Hi Aphew Goodman,

Wow, that's super cool! I love the percussions in this track, however beside your nice percussions, the other sounds, those make me smile and here and there I had to laugh :-) It doesn't happen many times that I have to laugh during listening music (which I do see positively) but you can make that happen! So many nice and happy sonic surprises in your music!

Well done and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Thread: Patch cables

@lugia thanks for your response. Good to know you are sticking with Hosa.


Thread: fun stuff :)

Hi Sunchylde,

Holy smoke! You got tons of albums already released with fantastic music! I am listening now at your Modular Synth Jams, lovely music. The next time when you do a concert please let me know, if I can make it, I will try to be there. Not a promise but I will give it a try.

Thanks a lot for sharing that link on bandcamp! Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Thread: Patch cables

Hi Lugia,

Since you took care of your speaker cables, I am already less worried :-)

And of course spending hundreds or thousands for cables or certain equipment but still having somewhere a "weak" device in the loop, then that doesn't make sense indeed. But something tells me that you took care of that too ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Frenchili,

You are welcome.

It's difficult to advice you on "is it not worth it to expand on the o-coast"... For one, I don't know you well enough and your current setup though you gave me already a good idea of it, on the other hand... of course Eurorack is a lot of fun but before the fun comes you need to really go deep into it with reading, checking, investigating the pros and cons, just a lot of home work to do. Since you actually already got such a nice equipment, is that really want you need and/or want? I think you should ask yourself that very honestly.

Don't get me wrong here, I don't want you to move away from Eurorack but with your current nice setup you really need to be sure that you want to go into Eurorack because it just doesn't come cheap and I don't want that you spent several thousands on Eurorack and after a year or so being frustrated with what it provided you. It might not go that way, you might love it like hell like I do. So there is, to copy someone's phrase here, no right or no wrong, either way will work out.

I don't know how good you know the Zoia already? With the Zoia you can do a lot what you can do in Eurorack as well but in a much smaller device, much, much cheaper than Eurorack. So why not diving a bit deeper in Zoia first (in case you haven't yet) and then ask yourself again: "Okay I love the Zoia, I like what I can do with it but here and there it might have limitations, so am I now ready for Eurorack?" And if then the answer is yes, yeah go for it :-)

Sorry, can't advice you much here, you need to figure that out for yourself and answer yourself that question.

Above all, take your sweet time for that, don't force yourself, at the end the most important part is that we enjoy it :-)

Good luck with the decision and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Jeff,

Yeah fully understand your point 1 now. Point 2, yes, control centre might be still right here and indeed the MiniBrute 2S can be used for that. Point 3, ok, understood; as well as point 4.

Okay fair enough, you use the MiniBrute 2S in a way I used the Neutron (from Behringer) and it's similar like your situation that it has 2 VCOs, a filter, 2 EGs and (only) 1 LFO but please keep in mind that once you go for your Eurorack that you usually not using everything from that Hybrid Modular system (i.e. your MiniBrute or mine Neutron). I still use once and a while the LFO and the two VCOs, but that's usually it.

So your plan is clearer now and from that point of view it's okay. I still do think that 2 * 88 - 5 HP = 171 HP in total is going to be a bit too less on the medium/long run, on the other hand I have seen a beautiful setup here who does the same as you the Minibrute connected to an empty rack of Aturia. It goes quite nice together indeed and it looks pretty nice, so from that point totally understood. But please don't be surprised that after a year or so you will start considering a second rack ;-)

Still my advice stands to not buy everything in one go, instead do it step by step, a few modules in one-go as a maximum, get some experience and understand the modules you bought and then add some more, etcetera.

Yeah go for it, have fun with it and if you have particular questions about modules or other stuff just shout.

Good luck, Garfield.

Edit: removed typo.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Thread: Patch cables

Actually, I went through all of that decades ago back in Nashville, when the whole "super-premium wire" thing got up to steam. Like a lot of other engineers down there, I did those A/B tests...and like a lot of other engineers down there, I didn't see a qualitative difference that would translate into something that would justify the prices. The problem is this: no matter how high-end your own stuff is, what you're creating will be pumped through lowest-common-denominator playback gear 99% of the time. So if you get a small incremental benefit, this then gets wiped out at the consumer end, or when it gets uploaded to a content aggregator that uses mediocre compression algorithms.

But with speaker cables, there IS a major difference that you gain from stepping up your wire gauges, having a higher amount of conductors in the cable, etc. Big wire = less resistance, which lets your amp loaf a little better, which means it's not being overtaxed by big transients. And lots of little conductors in the wire means that the higher frequencies have more "skin" to move along, since "skin effect" is gradually more important the higher you go in frequency. And this one is something you DO benefit from, since monitor clarity is critical to knowing what you're doing. But there's a BIG difference between a line level or synth level signal and the output of a power amp...higher voltages, more current, etc, so reducing the resistance has a payoff at the amplifier levels, but you lose some of that benefit at lower signal levels as you're not trying to pump a massive signal through a tiny wire there.

So while I do advocate cheaper cables for line level signals, I use 14 and 12ga fine-stranded speaker lines here, with the gauge depending on the amp power (the Crest FA601 gets the 12s...it has a VERY high slewing rate, and clearly prefers driving a load with the bigger conductors). No voodoo or hype there, though...just good ol' basic EE at work.

Drums by Disting Ex (SD Multisample algo.), wailing synth by Mangrove. Also starring were: Rossum Morpheus, Divkid-Instruo ochd, Instruo Céis, Mimeophon, Erbe-Verb, Pam's NWO, o_C, Wogglebug, Maths...

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.


Hi Garfield !

Thank you very much for your honest opinion and for the advises !

So if I understood you correctly you think it is not worth it to expand on the 0-coast ? Of course I want to go full modular at some point and get a nice case with VCOs, VCAs, etc. but as you said I would like to start simple. That's why I thought adding some extra functions to the 0-coast like an additional voice such as plaits that I could mix into the balance section of the 0-coast or getting stages for modulations could be a nice introduction and learning experience.

Thank you very much for your insights.

Thread: fun stuff :)

Yes, it's rather old school indeed ;) The early Jarre is a big number in my books for sure...

If you want here's a lot more on my bandcamp: https://suryakrispeters.bandcamp.com

There's one modular EP for free DL (or donation). More in the future ...

Cheers :)

Absolutely spot on!!! I had it hooked up like this initially, but hadn't heard the envelope properly as I had it too open! Thanks again!

The CV Ins on the TQ is the Level input of each channel.

Gate goes to ADSR Gate Input,
ADSR Env out goes to TQ Level of ChX
Audio Goes to TQ In of ChX
ChX (or Mix) Out is the result

Hey folks,

I am trying to create a simple synth voice...I have these modules sitting in a Niftycase with a Din Sync RE303 sending MIDI (which the Nifty converts to CV and gate), while I can play notes no problem, I just cannot get the ADSR to work...I am assuming the Tangle Quartet is the issue as it does not have a CV in?


Any assistance greatly appreciated!!!



Thanks for replying (and the welcome), GarfieldModular - I really do appreciate it.

A few things:
1. The Minibrute would be in it's original case with the RackBrute 6u attached. That is just for display purposes.
2. What I mean by control center is keyboard and sequencer - maybe control center isn't the right word.
3. The RackBrute is 88hp, though one row needs a 5 hp power unit leaving 83 hp in that row...
4. I agree about the oscilloscope (and speaker). While they are somewhat important to my final vision, space will be too high of a commodity with only 6u.

What I like about the MiniBrute is that for $450, it gives me not only a nice sequencer and a mediocre keyboard, but also 2 vco's, a vcf, 2 EGs (AD & ADSR), and 2 LFOs. I also like that it is attached to the 6u system so it's one cohesive unit.
I think my new plan is to start with this set-up (MiniBrute 2s attached to RackBrute 6U with shuttle system), but to be prepared down the road to expand to two 6u Rack brutes for a total of 12u (that attach together) (342 hp after power units). What do you think of that plan?

Hi Baltergeist,

That's great, one complete album! The Tides you let us start with is a nice kind of ambient track I like but then I peak at Automata and what you deliver there is one big impressive piece of music, wow! I like that song the most I think.

Calling is pretty nice too, I like the effects there. Having said that, Cuttlefish is for me the track with the most pleasant and interesting sound surprises and you finishing off the album with the more experimental Rounding a Digital Cape.

Nice work you got there! I look forward in hearing more from you and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Thread: fun stuff :)

Hi Sunchylde,

Wow, this is some serious fantastic stuff! It's so nice :-)

At the beginning I heard some JM Jarre stuff then you moved over to Tangerine Dream kind of sequencing stuff and at the end I had a bit of a Klaus Schulze feeling, all my favourites :-)

I could easily listen to many more of such material, so keep it coming and thank you very much for sharing this with us.

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

Oh, that's a beautiful demo! Thank you very much for that, so nice to hear the 103 in action here!

Now you have played a few times with the 103, do you miss those CV inputs (hence 104) or are you happy with your choice because of the easier user interface?

I look forward in hearing your next demo :-) Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

For me it's a test function module. If the function is cool I will buy a dedicated module. Actually its' my tuner.

Great, thank you for the advice.
This module is like a Swiss army knife.
I guess I'll buy a two or double version.
I suspect you can build the whole setup only with these modules.

Hi Mowse,

Yeah, that's good, that's nice :-)

I don't get it... when I receive a new module I read the manual first, one day gone ;-) Then try to install it in the rack another day gone because I blow the fuse because the red strip was connected wrong, so the next days I spend on buying a new rack and new modules that I manage to blow up. Then after perhaps a month or so, I would be happy if I get one tone out of a new module...
Okay, I am overdoing this here "a little bit" ;-) But you get the point I guess.

But you? You get the module the evening before and the next day you got already a video with a fantastic sound ready for us! That's great! I am just jealous ;-)

Keep up the nice demos and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Thread: Patch cables

Hi Lugia,

I don't know the brands Mogami and Gotham Audio stuff but if you take for example Audio Quest and you go to a HiFi shop and ask them to demo the cheapest audio cable of Audio Quest for you and the most expensive one of also Audio Quest; perhaps add a mid range cable from the same brand too. Just to get an idea of the difference between them then you seriously wouldn't believe your ears. I just recently (Autumn 2019) heard a demo for power cables for audio devices, not even the usual audio speaker cables, no just the power cables, just the standard strip that's packed with the device (amplifier for example) and the top line of Audio Quest (I think that cable costed Euro 60+k for just one cable! I know totally ridiculous) and a few of their (Audio Quest) mid line cables.

The funny thing was when they started to demo with the cheapest cable and after that the next (low) range power cable, you didn't hear much of a difference and you thought: "What a nonsense, I don't hear much difference and pay a few hundred for just a cable?" BS (bullshit)! Same for that next level from low level to medium level cable (around thousand plus), still didn't hear much difference and people started to walk away because they felt that was so much BS they couldn't believe it. I decide to stay a bit longer and took one of the places in the middle of the stereo spot where just a few people left (because where I stand before wasn't very good but the room was full, the demo's of that person are well known here in Germany from Stereo magazine). Then up to the top level cable, yes you could here a bit but of course that's not worth that 60k.

But now it comes... then they went back from the 60k cable to that "cheap" included cable that came with the device, suddenly the difference was so huge, you had to puke to listen to that standard cable. Technically almost can't be explained but there can be a huge difference. That 60k cable was a kind of fun but of course not realistic for most of the people so they went back to a mid range cable and then back to the standard cable and going back in quality you can hear the difference much better than the other way round.

Hence the same for audio cables.

The problem is that like me, you and billions of other people, you just don't want to believe it, it's technically difficult to explain (well one of the explanations is the copper quality, it's close to 100% copper that is ridiculous expensive and the insulation is complicated and expensive too) and you just can't understand it. But please do yourself a favour and go to a HiFi shop and ask for a Audio Quest cable demo (or any audio top brand but Audio Quest most HiFi shops have) and after that, I am sure, you will update your above comment :-) No, please don't be stubborn, just go to a HiFi shop and follow a demo ;-)

But for your wallet it's better to keep believing this is all BS and don't do that demo, because once you have heard that it can be better, you also want that few hundred or few thousands cable and you are seriously thinking of selling your house... so... yeah better don't do that demo ;-) It's better for your wallet!

But of course for a patch cable that's not all worth it, I agree. However for your speaker cables you might want to check this out.

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Buy a disting. It can do side chain compression, envelope follower and 88 more functions. It's a must have if you want to test different functions before buying dedicated modules.

Side chain compression

Envelope follower

I was thinking about the compression module with the sidechain option.
I also miss envelop follower, it's probably useful with drums.
Probably also maths but as I said I am at the beginning of the road in the modular world

Here is new screen shot with updated modules

Hi Frenchili,

If you are in "My Modular" in the rack that you want to share with us, copy the URL of that rack you are editing in My Modular, paste that URL in a link here in a post, that should work. With preview option (before you submit your post) you can check if it works.

Since you are in "My Modular" anyway, you can directly delete this rack ;-) Sorry for being so frank but that's far too small.

Yes you got already the 0-coast, Zoia and the Octatrack, a fantastic combination by the way, I know already someone who got this and you almost have everything already, perhaps an additional 0-cntrl and then you actually not really need any more a Eurorack... :-)

But if you want to go into Eurorack, even if you have already the above, then do it at least good and take at least a 3 times 84 HP rack or that Intellijel 7U rack (2 times 3U and one 1U row; each 104 HP). Consider a classic setup of at least 2 VCOs, EGs + LFOs, 2 filters, 2 VCAs to get started. Don't forget at least one mixer and an audio input/output module (can take the 1U for that). Leave some space free (half till at least one third) for future extensions/modules because you are going to need it if you are really going seriously into Eurorack.

Effects modules and sequencer you can use your current setup for that first so you can wait with those modules, get the basics right first, play around with it. Missing functionality you can do that (temporarily) with the Zoia till you know what module you want and then add such module but take it easy and slowly; start simple first and build up some experience is my advice.

Good luck, have fun with Eurorack if you decide to go that road and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

Edit: removed typo.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

What do you think is missing actually?

Hi Bananagab,

Why you don't buy a Neutron next to the Model D and these two together with your computer? Might be good enough? It saves you a lot of money and efforts for Eurorack "trouble" :-)

Or if you "insist" :-) going for Eurorack, consider a bit the classical setup of VCOs, LFOs, EGs, filters and VCAs, at the very least. Here and there I see you got something already but getting at least each two of them would give you a bit more variation that you might need on the longer run.

Consider a bigger rack too and remove the Model D (and keep that in it's original housing) to save on space. You will need the additional space!

Good luck and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Jeff,

Not sure what you exactly mean (and think what you want to do) with the Arturia Minibrute 2s as a control centre for your Eurorack? Personally I would rather use the Eurorack itself as being the "control centre", but that might be just me.

I am also not so sure if the combination of the Shuttle System of Endorphin.es and the Arturia Minibrute 2s is such a good idea? I am not convinced about it, which doesn't mean it wouldn't work together, I do think it does... it's just the combination of these two that puzzles me a bit. I would go for either one of them first, get some experience with the rack and then consider if you still want to add the other.

I think I only would go for just one of them and then focus a bit more on classic but single components like VCOs, filters, LFOs, EGs, VCAs and that kind of stuff.

You also can keep the Minibrute 2s in it's original casing. Just had a look at it, are you sure you want to put that top part of the Minibrute 2s in a Eurorack or is it just here for display purposes? In the latter case, 2 rows of... 88 HP(?, does a 88 HP case exist?) is too less, I would recommend to start at least with 3 rows.

The oscilloscope is definitely a nice module but for such a small rack I wonder if you should wait with it till you buy your second rack to give some space for more essential modules.

Good luck with the planning, welcome into modular synthesizers and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Still looking good there! As long as you maintain that "zoned" aspect to the rig, it'll keep a lot of "build discipline" in place. It's definitely the right way to build!

Thread: Patch cables

What does everyone think of Hosa patch cables?
-- SynthTalk

I have a huge amount of Hosa cables in my studio. As in most of the snakes, a bunch of the 1/4" patchcables, and so on. And while I keep getting pushed toward expensive AF Mogami and Gotham Audio stuff, I stick with Hosa. I've never noticed any sonic issues that would lead me to believe that they're inferior...but then, I think the "exotic gluten-free artisanal pure praesodymium with static-free hi-capacitance silk manufactured in low-G ISO5 clean containment" nonsense in cables is...well, nonsense. At audio frequencies, wire is wire. And while there ARE some differences, these really only manifest at RF frequencies, from my experience. Like, over 30 MHz frequencies...that sort of thing.

Now, one point where they're not 100% is in shielding. But this really only emerges as a problem in high-noise environments, like if your studio is located a few hundred yards from a 10 kW broadcast transmitter. Most ambient "electronic smog" issues encountered by the average user don't rise to that level of induced signal on a cable, and certainly not on a patchcable.

Hi Mowse,

Wow, you got yourself a nice rack there! :-)

The bottom row are presented by the "strong boys" (VCOs), looks pretty serious ;-) Are you happy with the Odessa module from Xaoc Devices? Is it worth the investment?

Looks like you are pretty much fan of Mutable Instruments :-D

Enjoy your new rack layout and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Thank you for feedback and advice.
This case is not a virtual project on a modular grid. This is the current state of my setup.
I forgot to add that I still have two semi-modular synthesizers: Behringer Neutron and 0coast. I updated the project with missing semi-modules and added the necessary utility modules
I planned to add another filter, LFO and MI warps.
Thank you for the advice and comments regarding the necessary utility module.
Do I miss other important modules in the system?

Thread: Patch cables

What does everyone think of Hosa patch cables? In my experience, they seem to be great quality for the price but I'd like to hear opinions. I'm experimenting with selling a box of accessories and have gone with Hosa for the first rev. Where do you rank Hosa patch cables in the market? https://www.synthtalk.net/shop/modular-box


Bought a Pittsburgh Modular - Lifeforms Primary Oscillator from @dombles, fast dispatch, module is in perfect condition. Many thanks

Bought a Phonogene from @goutemouassa, fast dispatch, module is in good condition. Many thanks

Bought a BLCK_NOIR from @fumarole, dispatch within one week, module is in perfect condition. Many thanks


Hi everybody ! (I am sorry I don't know how to insert the image of the rack you have the link above)

I am currently using the 0-coast as a bass sound in a setup with the octatrack and my guitar. The octatrack is controlling the 0-coast via midi and I run then the output of the 0-coast to my zoia pedal for effects.

So far I really like the sound I get but I have to sample them in order to play live and it is a shame because I really like the feeling of playing it live.

Therefore I was thinking expanding it with a 4u - 64 hp intellijel case with Polyend as a preset to be able to use it live and to get a "controlled" modular system. I also like to add a second voice for a bit more texture and plaits sounds great IMO. I also added a stages module. For the 1U, I thought a clock generator, the duatt and the FSR could be usefull utilities.

I am left with 18 hp in 1U and 16hp in 3U.

Would you have any recommendations for the remaining modules? Should I replace some of the modules ? I don't need any effects as it is taken care of with the zoia pedal.

Thank you very much in advance !

Thread: Patch cables

I do use a lot of BlackMarket cables: inexpensive, wide range of colors, easy to plug, never had a problem.
On the other hand Tiptop stackables: great quality, some helpful long length (up to 350cm), but regularly a bit hard to plug/unplug.

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Sure...you're missing a lot of modules that you can easily work with in amongst a thicket of patchcords.

Yeah, you can build a system out of narrow modules, but the minute you try to use this live (unless you have fingers the diameter of toothpicks), you're going to find yourself getting VERY frustrated. Which gets to the principle of "start with a case that's too large" when building on MG; don't try and begin with a tiny case and then expect that to be capable of being filled with every necessary module. This is what results.

Trash this. Start over with a MUCH larger generic cab...then work backwards. Populate that with larger versions (when possible) of what you see here, then start scaling things down to a point where it's becoming obvious that the ergonomics of the build are starting to suffer. Also, be VERY careful to make sure and include necessary utility modules such as attenuverters, etc because those are what make the snazzier modules capable of doing things to their max potential. Thus far, you've done that here, but you need to be asking "are these going to see a lot of action?"...and if the answer is "yes", then don't have those controls on a 3 hp panel.

Thanks for sharing @baltergeist, looking forward to giving it a listen.

Handmade replica of classic Moog's filter, enjoy:

I'm trying to slowly build a modular system to help with my Sound Design venture. I'm looking to generate sound and modify foley type sounds from my computer with the modular.

I already have the Model D, hence it is there.

Any tips and suggestions welcome!

Thank you!

ModularGrid Rack

Hi all, my album Tides is now available. Thanks for checking it out!


Inscrumental music for prickly pears.

Thread: fun stuff :)

Hi, it's been a while :) I finished my new setup, but am still waiting for new patch cables, so a little VCV wouldn't hurt ;) ... sometimes I also prefer the lesser harsh digital sounds.