Hi Lugia,

Thank you for your input. I agree a better sequencer would be a good idea. I love the idea of getting the SMmkii. I had no idea the ms-20 did not communicate well with eurorack. Getting the English Tear would be an easy fix for that to help trigger it. And with the Juno, if I could just sync the arpeggiator I would be happy, no need to trigger it right now. Could the SMmkii act as the central clock? I would love to get something with an actual digital bpm display to help with accurate tempo!

I had good experiences with @BrokenBo who I bought a Wavetable VCO from a while ago and recently with @hallmar who sold me his Ears ;) (excellent condition and shipping and very friendly communication)! Cheers

@fernmelder is a good buyer, paid on time and everything went smoothly.

All the best,

Thanks to @Jefz for the cwejman spatial phaser, nice and safe trade.

The Expert Sleeper is a great sampler plate of audio and CV functionality. It's super clunky to use and requires a cheat-sheet print out or an iPhone open to the manual to adjust anything. For the sub $200US, it's worth the hassle for features you're willing to take a few minutes to set-n-forget.

For simple sequencing, have you looked at a micro Ornaments & Crime? The sequencer, Sequins, is VERY useful and offers a LOT of features for a basic sequencer. Plus you have all of the other modes available (like a dual quantizer, etc.). You're looking at $250-300 for the micro version (8HP). Some functions overlap with the Disting. But that gives you a lot more options between the two modules.

So after a lot of hand-wringing, I ordered some more Eurorack modules. I had been debating more and more over the mixer... whether to add a 1010 Music Bitbox at this point and a bunch of other modules. I settled for a Blue Lantern STEREO mixer. It has the most ins and outs and TWO aux sends and returns.

I added a switch, some mutes, an attenuverter, some nice Tiptop ADSRs, and a Joranalogue Filter 8. I took a step back and thought about where I was hitting roadblocks in patches rather than thinking about gear lust. I'm trying to get into the undiscovered aspects of my set-up more and more rather than adding new gear, but I just didn't feel like I was at a point where ideas could develop to the point that I was comfortable taking them into a DAW.

There's more modules planned and probably another 4U Intellijel rack that will become "master-control" with sequencing, interfaces and anything else that was hands on.

Thread: Patch #1


Thread: Patch #1

Overall, this patch was just ok, and the recording leaves much to be desired. Some ways it could have been better:
- periodic changes in direction, length, scale, and clock rates fed into Micro Sequence
- Filter Cutoff Modulation
- BIA Morph, Harmonic, Spread, and/or Fold Modulation
- Could have added Plaits
- Peaks Drumsynth was somewhat unnecessary


Thread: Patch #1

Colour Scheme

- MS Pitch to Buff Mult and both Buff Mult Outs
- any cable whose voltage originates from Micro Sequence

- everything from Polyend Poly
- Maths Channel 1 out

- BIA out to Quad VCA and both Cinnamon cables
- any cable whose voltage originates from BIA

- Rings ODD and Quad VCA to Mix 3
- any cable whose voltage originates from Rings

- Peaks OUT1

- Mix3 to Kompressor

- MIDI OUT 1 on Seq to MIDI In on Polyend Poly


Thread: Patch #1

Polyend Seq Settings

Tempo 118.5
MIDI Out 1
Each track has a different numbered midi channel out to Poly
Tracks 2, 4, and 8 are off
Frequently using the Roll knob on Track 7 (kick drum) as well as Track 6 (Rings)
Step configuration: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsdkBRIREHjWiroi4G3OsSZ6w3utUQ


First up, the sequencer. If you're trying to do heavily-sequenced pattern-based stuff (Berlin school-ish), that little 8-stepper won't cut it. You need something that you can directly work with while it's in action, like how Chris Franke would literally play his banks of Moog 960s. I'd suggest something that internally quantizes, also. My inclination would be toward The Harvestman's Stillson Hammer mk II, but with that 8-step and some other trigger sequencing to increase the possible complexity by crosspatching them with the SHmkII. This wouldn't bring the MS20 into the mix, though.

Another possibility would be to go outboard, which is what I do with a pair of Arturia Beatstep Pros and a Keystep at present. This would then open your system up to some external control. The most extreme thing of this sort that comes to mind immediately would be the Koma Komplex. It's worth noting that the BSPs as well as the Komplex can be programmed to deal with the Korg's Hz/V scaling and inverse triggering...the BSPs require this be done in their PC software utility, while the Koma can be changed directly. Plus, if you use a Keystep or any other USB controller, Expert Sleepers' FH-2 can function in MIDI Host mode over USB, so those can be plugged directly into the modular there.

As for the Juno...that's more problematic. I assume you know that this requires either one of Roland's DCB-MIDI adapters or the JSQ-60 sequencer to link it in for pitches. However, you can send a clock pulse to the external trigger input to sync the arpeggiator, which would be a much simpler fix than hunting down esoteric Roland accessories and allow you to 'play' the arpeggiator as another sequencer channel.

As far as clocking goes, any modular trigger pulse will work on everything BUT the MS20. In that case, you need something like The Harvestman's English Tear, which is a bidirectional converter for Euro MS-20 signals. With that, though, you can then run the MS-20 alongside anything in the modular and it'll respond properly to Eurorack CV/gate/trig signals.

Hey everyone! New to eurorack modular synth so I am looking for some advice! This is the setup I have right now to learn some of the basics without having had to spend too much money on it!


In looking towards making some sequenced ambient music, what does it look like I am missing? Is there an essential module that you think I should get? Additionally, I have a Juno 60 and a Korg ms20 mini. In looking to connect this system with those synths, what should I get. Is there a cv hub/clock that could help with that?

Thank you!

Thanks Lugia that's very helpful and thanks also for the module recommendations.

After speaking with the shop I bought the modules from it turns out that my Ripples filter has a VCA output on it, so I got it working by patching my gate CV into the Gain on the Ripples, and then patching out from the Ripples VCA :)

Where's the Grayscale Supercell? It's basically Clouds on steroids.

You need the VCA. That, in fact, is exactly why they exist. For audio, use an exponential so that the response behavior works in line with what we psychoacoustically expect as a "loudness curve". Or better still, plan ahead by adding something like an Intellijel Quad VCA, which not only gives you four to work with, but tailorable response curves as well, plus mixing capabilities. As your system grows, you WILL need more VCAs, both for audio as well as linear ones that're DC-coupled (which the Quad VCA ones are) for CV/modulation level control.

Also, if the VCO and EG are all you have at present, you're going to need a VCF so that you can use the EG to also vary the timbre. One I'd suggest as a great starter would be TipTop's Forbidden Planet, which is a clone of the Steiner Synthacon multimode VCF...and I can tell you from experience with the actual thing that that's a VCF with character for days. Plus, for what it is, it's quite cost and space-effective.

Thanks for your thoughts. The level control thing was particularly helpful. I had seen the functionality playing with it in VCV rack (I was very excited to see it released just recently in the preview build), but hadn't made the connection to using it in audio mode. I've been stuck on the excitement of chords mode and just like "wait, where do I send all these voices".

For whatever reason I'm really drawn to the module, thought I cant articulate exactly why...

This is (roughly) my current setup (KOMA units are both stand alone modules IRL) At first I'd thought I jumped the gun on Blinds, but it has proven invaluable really for shaping CV, I was glad to see it as a recommend.
Ontiphon full Rack

Anywho, thanks again for weighing in.

You can find micro versions of Plaits and Tides. That will save you some HP to add in other modules. I would get the Poti expander for the Batumi. Being able to access the additional LFO waveforms as well as sync and reset functions without pulling the module and moving jumpers is a MUST in my opinion.

I would also look at the 2HP line and think about logic modules and switches after you get the core of your system up and running and start thinking about more complex patching.

So what's going in case #2? They don't call it Eurocrack for no reason. :)

So my request of a feature is to have better communication with the module companies
-- Raccoonboy

On modules which have the green Manufacturer Approved stamp you can message the manufacturers easily. There is a button below the stamp Message the Manufacturer.

It could also be a way to collate data for private sales here on the ModularGrid Marketplace in order to inform the buyers automatically when the discontinued module they want comes up for sale. If this functionality already exists and I've missed it (which is possible, considering how powerful ModularGrid already is), then please ignore this.
-- deftinwulf

Not sure if you mean that:
On the module detail pages below ModularGrid Marketplace section is a button with Notify me if someone offers this Module for sale. That works for discontinued modules too.

...but in truth, the manufacturers need to be more diligent about listing updates, also.
-- Lugia

I agree with Lugia, it's in the main interest of the manufacturers that they should take care about their listings. They get all the tools they need. There is no technical solution for them being lazy ...
I get specially annoyed if they lock their outdated entries ...

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

This is part of why the 2018 Tides is a little more useful in a smaller system - the addition of attenuverters and the extension of the level control to cover a few different functions helps cut out some other modules for certain tasks. For example, in it's audio mode, the level control can act as a pseudo-vca (like the original, but it only affects the bipolar output).

You'll still need a mixer and a VCA for things like chords mode, or gating CV's. As for mixing multiple outputs, in the default audio mode, you git a bipolar, unipolar, pulse, and sub output. Generally, I find myself only using two of those, maybe three (I rarely use audio output as an audio signal on its own - but it's really useful as the modulation frequency for AM).

I've found Tides to be extremely compatible with pretty much anything. If you're starting out, and you don't want to expand too quickly, Maths acts as a great source of modulation and mixing, though you'll probably still want a simple VCA to play around with as well. And if you're getting a second oscillator at some point, checkout something like Blinds - the sine output of Tides is fantastic for ring modulation, and that ability to invert the phase of a modulation source is useful in some circumstances.

many thanks to @brhmh

nice person to deal with, fast shipping and well packed : glad to know that we can still found gentlemans on the web !


Total modular newbie here - got my first setup at the weekend!

I have a Boomstar Slim-O oscillator and a Frequency Central CEMvelope connected to my midi keyboard controller through a CV.OCD midi-cv box.

I can change the pitch of the Slim-O by passing the Channel-1 note pitch into the 1 v/o input but I can’t figure out how to get the note on/off when I press a key on my keyboard.

Can I achieve this using just the CEMvelope which has gate and trigger inputs as well as normal/inverse outputs, or do I need to add an additional VCA module to my setup?



I appreciate the input so far. Please check out my "Sweet Cecilia 2" build. That is the one I have gone with. The FH1 will be getting sold. Any interest? I have an expander for it, too. With regard to setting up a larger rack check out my "Current System". It is, indeed, current. Minus the modules in Sweet Cecilia 2. As for the mults, I don't have anything else I would like to put into the 104hp case that will fit. The point is to stay small. Not big. I'm just experimenting. While I would like to have all my modules at the ready (because I'm lucky enough to have quite a few nice ones!), I have lately been spending a lot of time sitting on the floor or my bed playing with the Pro-2. So, it is nice to have a small rack that is easily moved and sits beside or behind the keyboard without a lot of fuss. My full sized rack is not so easy to move. In fact, the last time I plugged it in the lights flickered around the neighborhood and the trolley stopped moving. :-)

Hey there, Not sure if this is the best place to ask...
Anyone have recommendations for Envelope Generators / VCA's / Mixers to pair with Tides 2018 for its audio mode?

I'm super interested in the module for its multiple uses. The modulation source seems like a no brainer. It seems like to get the most out of the 4 audio outs, you need some serious utilities. I've browsed around a bit using "quad" in the search, but I'm a little lost. Seems like you'd need envelopes AND a vca's to really get moving.

It seems like another Tides 2018 for envelopes and a MI Veils would be solid pals... anything else?

If it were me working on a build this small, I'd never put a mult module in. You need to pack function into that 4 hp (which is too big anyway), not just a jackfield. Use inline mults instead, and pull the mult to get those hp back. And then, you can implement what Ronin's talking about with a couple of 2hp's modules...filter (of whatever type looks tasty) and their dual linear VCA so you can have those to mess with CV/modulation levels.

Better still, scrap the idea of putting this into a 3U x 104 cab and go with a 6U or perhaps even a 7U instead. That way, you'd have ample room to meaningfully expand around some of the honkin' big modules that're in this build.

I think one at a time is your only option. You could try removing one at a time instead, but it may not help find the outlier your looking for. It felt a little silly to limit my case because of a power supply so I ended up with Trogotronic power. Its not a fancy linear system or anything, but it sounds better and can power a system with tube modules. I think the less % of total draw your system is for its power supply the better.

I believe the FH1 to be out of production. The FH2 will serve you better. The FH2's browser based interface can't be accessed once your DAW has taken ahold of the FH2. So it's a good idea to know how you'd like it configured before wiggling any knobs. Else you can make adjustments via the front panel... but the menuing is a little clunky on the front panel.

I take it that your DPO and BAI are going to be routed back into the Pro2? I didn't see any dedicated filters or VCAs.

There is an 8HP version of the original module, which may be a tougher call vs the new module.

Thank you! That helps. Yes, its a fairly small rack so I like the idea of being able to use the Tides to modulate multiple things simultaneously and sounds like the new version is more capable of that.

The chords mode seemed to be what people focused on since that's completely new, but not as likely for me to use.

This is a great module.
Stereo image is really nice !

I have two of the original Tides, and now a 2018 Tides I received as a gift in my system. Personally, I love the original Tides and still use them constantly. The new Tides has a lot of useful tricks up its sleeves that I haven't entirely explored yet, like being able to take four identical LFO's at different phases, or pan the same LFO across four different outputs, or clocking envelopes at four different speeds. The chords mode, is really pretty if you have a four channel mixer to mix it all down.

I'd suggest that if you're working with a small rack (or a rack that will stay small for a while), you may want to save up for the newer model. Don't get me wrong, the original Tides was maybe the third module I ever bought, and it was extremely useful even without all the bells and whistles that the new Tides has, but Tides 2018 will buy you some really cool functionality that you would need other modules for, especially when it comes to attenuating CV to the three waveshape inputs - that was my biggest frustration with the original Tides, and one of the reasons I had to buy an additional mixer/attenuation module.

Nobody? bump


I am having the same problem with a case power from synthrotek. I use a case power blue(which is their most powerful one) + 4 low noise distribution bus boards. When i start plug in around 10 modules they start flickering and the +12 v rail light is slightly visible. Is there any efficient way to test which module draws too much?

christophe bruynseels


Have a look at this, particularly beginning on Page 31. Look familiar? Yep...3U Eurorack format, albeit with the lower fastener being taken up by a drop-in lipped rail instead of screw-in attachment points. These are rather fascinating, as they're part of a series of desks which would also allow for ample space for controllers, external effects, etc. And they can be stacked on vertical rails incorporated into said desks. Depth is 91 mm, plus you'll notice there's internal rails that can be used for attaching power supplies, distros, etc.

So...are you ready for 385 hp? Mind you, I'm betting they're not exactly bargain priced...but the possibilities for those looking to create genuinely MASSIVE builds do seem to point right there. If anyone can locate pricing data on these and their related components, do please post it.

I don’t want to run afoul of good manners, given that I’m a member for less than 3 months and cannot sell on the Marketplace, but perhaps I may at least plug an eBay offering I placed. I’ve got a tiny rig and need to make room for other modules.


I bought a module from @jayndoodle recently with no trouble at all :) Thanks!

brilliant idea!

(January 12, 2019) The purpose of this rack is to augment my Dave Smith Instruments Pro-2 keyboard synthesizer. I don't have any feedback on this setup yet. But if anyone is interested to hear what I accomplish, let me know on this thread and I will do my best to get back to you.

I have good experience with these buyers: @freespace @dukeysasa @japanhill @mineralwasser @Gnapp @9beats @Ceglarek and sellers @lilkim @Ceglarek @lucoli @tverscho @Virgil


bump :)
i would like to get one,
any news?

As I am putting my existing rack through it’s paces I’m realizing aspects that work really well and some gaps and some modules that either don’t do it for me or have yet to reveal their purpose.

Current setup:

ModularGrid Rack

I think I’d like to add CV controllable matrix mixer and more attenuverters and signal processors. Any thoughts on the additions below? Especially the 4ms CV matrix VCA, o_&_C?

ModularGrid Rack

Modular City is developing. As I have hurt my hand I can´t take part in constructing our new kind of case for modular synths at the moment (but will continue with it soon). So I´m writing some new lectures for our university here in Modular City right now. One of them is called “From Idea to Patch – or from Random Chaos to Random Order”.
But there is a lot of building work going on even at other places in our town. The building, that houses “Modules Incorporated” has been finished. The rooms are being equipped at the moment and the first hardware has been ordered.
24 videos have been installed in our “Soft and Loud” building. A (very huge) lot more are getting prepared for installation.
Our “Hardware Workshop” has ordered the first pieces of gear to test and to explain. Two performances have arrived to be shown in the “Festival Hall”. One of them has already been istalled, the other one is getting prepared for installation.
In the “Townhall” our mayor is negotiating with companies (hardware as well as software) to get some extra advantages for our citizens here in Modular City.
And (poor) Rolf (that´s me) is getting up early in the morning around 4 a.m. each day to get it all done and managed (additionally to my regular day job – no, no! There aren´t any tears needed nor wanted. I LOVE it – as long as my body can stand that wonderful situation :-))
In case you´ve forgotten about the details of Modular City: here you can refresh your knowledge about it:

Getting acquainted with my modules.

Patch created using a Piston Honda sequenced via Rene and running through a series of filters (Three Sisters, Polivoks, Morgasmatron) to create some rhythmic elements. Added a call and response element using an additional ring modulated output from OSC B of the Piston and a high pitched audio from the DPO fed into a ModDemix, sequenced by Rene and mixed into the Polivoks. Drums are provided by a Deluge sampler and modular audio is run through an Octatrack with a bit of FX added.

Probably best VCO I ever used in eurorack modular. once got it and will never sell it.
If you re into Oberheim-like sound, this one is for you!

You make a valid point, thanks for sharing your thoughts on that subject.

I'm still working on this rack. Tried some other configurations.

Compared to the previous concept I removed the stillson hammer, the pamela NEW workout and the fourbricks rook and replaced them with the Eloquencer. It's less performance/hands on oriented but has 8 cv outs and plenty of features.

I also got rid of the two 4xVCA and the panmix to replace it with the wmd permormance due to come out this year I believe. One thing I'm not sure of if this can replace the VCA's I had. My thinking is that the WMD performance mixer has CV control over level and pan over 8 channel . So it can act as a proper VCA I asssume?

The two Pico Drums were replaced by 2 x 2HP play.
With the space I won I also put back in the Maths.

One thing I'm not sure of if I should keep it is the comparator. I still fail to see how I can use it. I understand the way it works (generating a gate or a trigger as a result of comparing two signals) but cannot think of any practical uses I might have with it. So far I didn't find a demo online making use of a comparator in patch.

Any suggestions or ideas about this build?

ModularGrid Rack

Recently had positive transactions with @Bohler and @LeSlow, thanks both!

Disting Parameters

Disting #1: B5 LFO, using all default settings with 50% Pulse from Output B and 1v/oct (Z Knob) approx. 75%

Disting #2: G8 CV-to-MIDI Converter, all default parameters


Peaks: set to expert mode 4-step sequence whose pitch is sent to the Dising #2 @ G8 CV-to-MIDI conversion


2 Distings: one to advance a pitch sequence on Peaks' expert mode 4-step sequence as well as to gate a Waldorf Blofeld Desktop synth
Use Blofeld H001 (saved), or A28 in the worst case scenario (same sound)
Variable Parameters: Peaks Knob Values, Blofeld Cutoff, Blofeld Filter Envelope Parameters
