Thread: Bug Report

Firstly, on this latest rack of mine, any new module I add gets placed directly over another module in the top row.

Indeed that is not what it should look like. Have to check that.

Secondly, occasionally I click on a modules's info button instead of the add (+) button. I use a track pad on my laptop and I'm kinda clumsy. Often times when I press back to go back to my rack the rack itself is not how I left it. It's often in some other, earlier configuration from the same rack. I would suggest some sort of save feature. Even if I could manually save the configuration to ensure it stays as it is. I think this would reduce frustrations.

The whole rack is saved on any movement of a module. If something looks strange, in most cases it is some kind of browser cache issue: just reloading the page will fix most issues.
Btw. the Rack Lock function is there to prevent the accidental movement of modules which often happens on mobile devices. Turn that on to prevent changes of your rack.

Thirdly, no big deal, I notice that the size (HP) of modules aren't listed on their individual info page.

They are in a grey label beside the function tags.

I love modular grid! I couldn't do without it. I love how it helps me arrange things before I commit to moving it all around.

Thanks a bunch!

-- meatbot


Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Bug Report

I've been experiencing a couple of bugs. I'll go into detail.

Firstly, on this latest rack of mine, any new module I add gets placed directly over another module in the top row. While this isn't a big deal, I was sure the intended functionality was to have the module placed in the first available (large enough) slot. See the screenshot here:

Secondly, occasionally I click on a modules's info button instead of the add (+) button. I use a track pad on my laptop and I'm kinda clumsy. Often times when I press back to go back to my rack the rack itself is not how I left it. It's often in some other, earlier configuration from the same rack. I would suggest some sort of save feature. Even if I could manually save the configuration to ensure it stays as it is. I think this would reduce frustrations.

Thirdly, no big deal, I notice that the size (HP) of modules aren't listed on their individual info page.

I love modular grid! I couldn't do without it. I love how it helps me arrange things before I commit to moving it all around.

Thanks a bunch!


Jumping Flash, as cool as a looping delay with control over CV module is..... you can get a lot of mileage out of guitar stompbox delays for a lot less money and also save space in the rack. I've owned many, and use a Source Audio Nemesis at the moment, but there are dozen affordable ones I could make use of just the same. Analog delays (EHX Memory Man and Memory Boy for example) are great and can be a bit more organic sounding, but I find digital emulations are less noisy.

Hi guys,

I have the same problem, its highest at 114hz almost -7db, using uZeus, did anyone find the solution in the meantime?

Uhh, that's A LOT of VERy useful comments right there! I don't even know where to start picking up the right suggestions, but I guess some more time spent here, reading and learning can take me somewhere.

I am going thru all your suggestions, trying to reference what I don't know, and it's a real masterful set of advices! :-)

Let me read it all, understand it all, and I will be back with more questions :-) :-).

Thank you!

Thread: Vibe.5


Thread: Vibe.5

Rings Parameters

Sympathetic Strings

  • Movement of Position from the Tri-Saw out of Dixie II affects the pitches output by Rings in interesting ways


Thread: Vibe.5

Maze Parameters

  • SLCT Input sequences in a forward-backward movement between routings 0-15 (16-steps)
  • SLCT Input is fed by a fairly pure sine wave coming from Peaks OUT2
  • SLCT Input is in Fade Mode, and Morphing Multiplier is set to Slow Morphing (Magenta)
  • Routings 4-15 are all blank, which leaves "space" between note and parameter changes


Thread: Vibe.5

- First patch involving Livestock Electronics Maze
- First patch where Dixie II uses multiple waveform outputs + 1st time it is self-patched (Saw into Linear FM Input)
- Very fast sequencer speeds + Run/Stop behaviour coming from Output 3 of Maze sends rapid clusters of notes to the 1v/oct of Rings, while it receives audio input from the Bandpass output of Cinnamon
- Since most of the routings favour the relationship between Input 1 and Output 1 in Maze, the behaviour and oscillation speed of the Dixie II affects many different parameters at once, and also has its own audible results in Quad VCA Output 1


I really want to make sound effects but I don’t know where to start if someone can tell me if this is good for what I want to do

This is a rather smallish build, for starters. In addition to the above advice, I would add that you should try for maximum functional density. If there's a 20 hp module whose functions could be found in 16 hp, then go for the smaller size. If you find a VCO module that has two VCOs in the same panel space that currently houses one, then go for the two. As noted, Clouds, Braids, and Z-DSP are all either discontinued or superceded, so you can start by yanking those out if you don't have them already. But here's an example of what I'm talking about...

A Braids module occupies 16 hp of space. Mutable's upgraded version is the Plaits, which fits into 12 hp. But if you look at Codex Modulex's "shrunk" third-party versions of the Braids and Plaits (their uOsc-I and uOsc-II respectively), you'll notice that these are 8 hp, so this means you can effectively fit two of these (or one of each) into the space the Braids currently fits in and, in the process, double your oscillator compliment. Similarly, while Intellijel's uMIDI occupies 6 hp, it only gives you one channel of voice CV/gates. But if you went up 2 more hp, this allows you to use an Expert Sleepers FH-2, which gives you eight assignable CV/gate outputs and two inputs so that you could use clocking on the modular to control DAW tempi, allow a CV to change parameters in the DAW, and so on. Plus, you can expand it if needed, and it has a lot of functions the uMIDI doesn't but which you'll probably find useful.

A couple of other things to consider: first of all, if you're tempted to add mults, don't. Use inline mult devices or stackcables instead of losing functional HP to multiples. Second, if you can find a powered cab to use instead of one that requires the power supply to be placed on the patchpanel, go with that and free up four more hp. Lastly, consider what you're missing here, VCAs being the obvious one. Sure, they're not sexy...but they're essential as they allow level control for both audio AND modulation/CV. Perhaps look at a case with a 1U tile row? Intelljel has these, but they're formatted for their special tile format. Or you could simply try putting everything in a bigger 3U cab...many of us tend to recommend "going big" while doing initial builds on MG, then paring things down from that. Case in point (pun intended), have a look here: Now, this is not only powered, it also has a depth that will allow pretty much anything to be mounted in it, and if/when you're ready to enlarge your system, you can add a second one of these with Erica's dual-case sidepanels and still have everything in one handy unit.

There's LOTS of options here; don't try and get everything right in your first build, because no one ever does. Use MG as the modular building sandbox that it is, and work out possibilities to the point where you're sure there's no more possibilities to work out...THEN spend the money, as you'll be spending it a lot more sensibly that way!

I am no expert at all but can't agree more with Dinorrific.
I play ambient modular. Just my two cents here.
I use Maths a lot, same with Marbles and Tides mk2.
Morphagene is ace for weirdness, textures, loops.
Ambient loves looping delays as well, you got one in Clouds but maybe check out 4ms DLD or Magneto.
I loop lots of stuff into the DLD, with sound on sound technique, great for long evolving pads for instance.
Magneto has this wow and flutter thing that I absolutely love, it can loop and sample, pichtshift, there's even some shimmer into it.
You need VCA's as well. And a mixer.
Have you some examples of modular artists that you like ? Some YT links ? It might help.

Download VCV Rack. It's free. It's basically a Eurorack simulator. Many of the Mutable Instruments modules are available in it. The more you play the more you'll learn about making Eurorack patches and what gear you need and what gear you gravitate towards.

You will also find that many Mutable Instrument designs are available via third-party as micro-versions. This will save you a ton of space in your rack. You almost ALWAYS want the ability to add future modules to your set-up.

The other thing is that at least one of your modules is outdated. The Z-DSP unit has been revised. Mutable doesn't make Clouds anymore. You can find modules second-hand. But you're taking a chance on used modules.

I would recommend you consider what each module's core functionality is, and how they'll interact. True, modular is a very mutable interface, but you're going to need to look into a few different types of modules to help smooth over the way different modules interact - namely, smaller mixers, attenuators/attenuverters, and VCA's. This allows you to group and adjust control voltage on the fly, and there are some modules that will check off some of this list in one module (like Mutable's Blinds or Befaco's A*B+C).

You'll also want dedicated envelope and/or LFO modules. True, you do get that out of Tides, but Rings, Warps, Braids, and the Telharmonic aren't necessarily the best for something like audio-rate modulation, which Tides will give you in spades. I think you'll find yourself using it at audio rate more often than as a dedicated envelope generator or LFO.

I'd suggest taking a step back and start a little smaller. Pick out one of each:
* one of those main sound sources (look into Plaits - it's the next gen Braids)
* a modulator (like Tides)
* a dedicated envelope generator
* something that provides mixing and attenuversion and VCA, if possible
* a dedicated output module (which Pittsburgh's interface can provide)
* a sequencer, random module (e.g. Marbles), or Midi control module (unless you have something like the Arturia Keystep that gives you CV out)

This would give you a wealth of possibilities to work with while giving you space to explore and master control voltage. When you choose to expand and pick up more of the modules on your list, you'll be better prepared to use them. But you'll find that, after a bit of playing around, that that alone will give you a pretty wide palette of possibilities.

My EuroRack

Hi all,

this is what I ended up loooking for something to make some nice sounds for Ambient + general purpose music (in fact, I never compose for one genre...), experiment, create textures and even sparkling sounds...

I am not sure if I have all I need, or if you can suggest better (I am sure you can, so please do).

Of course i don't know all modules, I have heard nearly all I have added, but I may need a filter or an additional LFO, or...

It's your turn :-).

Thank you.

@Schroeder a pleasure to deal with, fast shipping well packaged, no complaints! Thank you!

Right ! I really feel the need to modulate modulations or level modulations. AM is obvious as well. Thanks again !

Sounds right...the thing that a lot of people starting in modular forget are those, and they're pretty essential. Using them on audio is the obvious thing, but the fact is that when you start using VCAs to control things such as modulation levels, or use them as modulation tools to impose a second modulation onto a first, that's when the voodoo that modular has starts to get really apparent. Plus, they have audio uses that aren't so obvious, such as crossmodulating one audio signal with another via AM using a VCA, resulting in some rich ring-modulation-type timbres. They just look boring, that's all.

Thank you very much for your advices ! Let's dive into vca's then ...

Yep, VCAs are the missing things here. Consider adding some for audio and CV/modulation, given that you want that sense of gradual shift/flow with that sort of music. I'd suggest something that can break up the two different functions while also providing mixing, such as Happy Nerding's 3xVCAs. At 6 hp, they're small enough to fit in nicely, and they allow you to separate two mixed VCAs from a separate one in case you need to split up the VCAs' functions even further like that.

No list suggestions, but one technical one: try and keep things dealing with audio away from the power supply. That area is fine for modulation sources, CVs, etc, but if there's a bit of noise on your DC that creeps into the P/S, it can also sneak into the audio paths. The MScale, buffered mult, and MIDI interface are fine, but you might want a little more distance for the In/Out and the A-119, especially since both have preamps that can boost low-level audio. Otherwise, this is looking pretty damn good!

Leaving 1hp left and right does help with those narrow modules. I figure with bigger knobs you will def need extra space...

If you can handle the small knobs --- the Złob is treating me well.
Lots of vca in a small package.

-- wiggler55550

The Zlob is very tempting indeed, especially since my system is very small(3u 104hp). I was thinking I could 3D print some knobs to place over the stock ones to make them a little bigger. I did this with my Korg Volcas for volume, filter cutoff and few other controls I wanted a little bigger and it made a huge difference in usage. There looks to be a lot of room on the panel to allow for this on the Zlob.

I'm also looking at VCA/Mixers and I'm down to these:
-- chuckleone

If you can handle the small knobs --- the Złob is treating me well.
Lots of vca in a small package.

It's getting there, yep...I still think the Maths would be preferable to just the single VC Slope of the Contour because of all of the internal routings you can do with it to reconfigure it in some very complex ways. Why not pull the Contour in favor of a Doepfer A-140-2 or an A-141-4 for some additional "proper" ADSR EGs? Also, you might consider a comparator or two, since adding those plus a Maths would give you a decent compliment of modulation sources on which you could use the comparator(s) to fire gates when the modulation curves pass given voltage points. Put this together with some logic to work with the Varigate, and you'll have lots of rhythmic mayhem possibilities.
-- Lugia

Thank you very much Lugia for taking the time to provide, from the beginning of this thread, all your detailed and expert advices.

You convinced me about Maths, and I adopted your suggestions about the A-140-2, the comparator (I was totally unaware of that kind of module), and a logic to work with the Varigate.

All your comments have been a valuable input for me in this phase of discovery and understanding. I'm not completely a newbie in synthesizers (I began with an Arp Axxe in the 70's...) but the modular word is a lot different, and there are so many devices and options.
So thanks again.

A last question if it doesn't bother you. I already bought the RackBrute but I'am planning to order the modules in two steps for reasons of budget. If you have any suggestion, two lists, it will be very welcome.
ModularGrid Rack

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

Hi !

Here is Francois from Shakmat writing - if you have problems with your build, you can contact us at We can also try to resolve the problem here ! Your problem seems quite strange did you check if the biggest chip at the back of the module is correctly inserted ?

Thread: Chinese Spam

Yes, a lot of spam was captured, sadly some valid posts, too. Today I have deployed a new update which hopefully improves the situation a bit more. I don't let the spammers win!

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

ModularGrid Rack


what would you add to this case ?
I make ambient/droney/melodic music.
I use external gear, MN 0 Coast, Strymon and Eventide reverbs, and the Analog Heat for drive/distorsion/filtering purposes.
And the Keystep for sequencing/arpeggios/play...
I record mostly in Protools, multitracking with light editing and some plugins for compression.

I guess I need some VCA's ...
What do you think ?
Cheers !

  • env follower
  • 2-pole 12db filter
  • saturation circuits
  • final filter

  • modulation

  • VCA(s)

Yeah, if you're a routine user of Scala, you'll really like the FH-2. Plus, since it understands USB hubs, you can have both a controller and computer connected via that so that you can have your performance setup intact without having to yank everything to "blow" new Scala tables into the FH-2. And since you're going bigger, you might also look at Expert Sleepers' Disting...sort of a Swiss army knife of DSP-type functions hiding behind a 4 hp faceplate.

Haha yes I was trying to cram in all the bare essentials, much to my own detriment in terms of space for future modules/upgrades. I checked out the FH-2, seems perfect for my needs as I use scala a lot! Plus you're right, having the 1U intellijel format is a idea so ill go for the 4U x 104 hp cab. Thanks for all the help!

Actually, you managed to nail the architecture as best as you could in this tiny a space, which is pretty impressive. However, if you plan to use this with a Beatstep, you might also look at Expert Sleepers' FH-2. This will need a 4 hp expander for 5-pin MIDI use...but if you went with a Beatstep Pro, then you could directly link to the FH-2 via USB, freeing up 4 hp for other uses. The FH-2 uses standard Scala format scale tables for microtunings, and offers a bit more freedom in configuration as the eight outputs are user-configurable. Plus, since it has four inputs for CV or gate, you can get the modular to "talk back" to the BSP depending on how the FH-2's been configured.

A better idea, though, would not only be to use the FH-2 instead of the Yarns, but to move up a bit more in size. An Intellijel 4U x 104 hp cab would not only let you use more than double the present 3U space for standard modules, you'd also have the 1U Intellijel-format tile row in which some other basic functions can be placed, such as I/O, a basic mixer, noise + S&H, mults and so on. The form factor would work nicely with the BSP if you went that route, also. Plus, you can put a 1U Zeroscope in that row, which has a tuner that displays in Hz...which, if you're doing tuning-critical stuff, would be majorly useful!

Thread: Chinese Spam

It did slow them way down, though. I saw this after they apparently gave up last night, and they'd been reduced from several posts per minute to about one per minute, and when I hit the site they'd seemingly given up about ten minutes previously. So, it might not be blocking them but it appears to be discouraging their efforts.

Just looking for a small eurorack modular to hook up with my microbrute as well as my beatstep. I Chose the yards module for its ability to use alternative tunings, translating the beatstep's midi notes to new (user) tuned CV. I have a fairly good grasp on synthesis but have never actually built a modular. Should I just buy a proper semi-modular (as opposed to the lacking microbrute matrix) or just get my feet wet with this basic set-up? Thats if I a have done it correctly? As microtonality and retuning is important to me could I just buy the yards module and possibly maybe a mother-32 (instead of plaits + VCA's, filters, lfo etc.) to get the same functionality and for a lesser price?

Basic Modular

Thread: Chinese Spam

Seems that this reCaptcha3 likes to block everyone but not the bots ... sigh.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Bought a module from @Bohler. All went as planned. Thanks!

Thank you for the help

Thanks Lugia! I see you posting in tons of threads, was hoping you would make a suggestion! I agree I need more modulation, and that ring mod looks cool in only 2hp.


I'd yank the USB power ports, for starters. In a small rig like this, anything you can do outboard needs to be done outboard. This would give 15 hp, so...Xaoc Batumi + Poti = 13 hp, and a Circuit Abbey Twiggy dual ringmod/quadrant multiplier to use both for ring modulation or as a spare VCA or polarizer. That's where I'd go, fwiw...

No, cases aren't usually included with proper modulars. While the complement above isn't bad, what I'd suggest is to perhaps look at something along the lines of a patchable synth first to get your feet wet and get some understanding about how synthesis architecture works first. By doing that, you'd have a firmer grasp on what needs to be in a proper system and you'd have the system's fundamental building blocks in the form of the patchable, onto which you can expand as needs be. Something like a Moog Mother32/DFAM pair, Soundmachines Modulor114, Plankton Ants!, Kilpatrick Phenol, Pittsburgh Microvolt or Blackbox, or Arturia MiniBrute2 and 2s pair might make a lot more sense from a learning standpoint for right now than trying to build up a complete system.

It's getting there, yep...I still think the Maths would be preferable to just the single VC Slope of the Contour because of all of the internal routings you can do with it to reconfigure it in some very complex ways. Why not pull the Contour in favor of a Doepfer A-140-2 or an A-141-4 for some additional "proper" ADSR EGs? Also, you might consider a comparator or two, since adding those plus a Maths would give you a decent compliment of modulation sources on which you could use the comparator(s) to fire gates when the modulation curves pass given voltage points. Put this together with some logic to work with the Varigate, and you'll have lots of rhythmic mayhem possibilities.

Maybe Plaits?

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

my 4u

Hi there,

Would anyone suggest a module or three to fill my remaining 12hp in this tight setup? Externally I'm using an Arturia Keystep for melodies/bass lines & an Arturia Beatstep Pro for general sequencing.. Thats a small plaits on the left and a small clouds on the right next to the pico dsp effects (delay/reverb)

Another voice maybe? VCO like the mangrove? I have some analysis paralysis.

- Forrest

I need help.

I really have no idea what I am getting into and really need advice. Here is a stupid question, does the case come with the synthesizer

Here is my rack ModularGrid Rack

any feedback would be great

Well, well... Things are moving. A RackBrute 6U has been ordered this week.
Starting from a first approach and your expert advices, then after watching some Youtube videos (as you guess... ;-) I have led with this set (to be linked with Mother-32, DFAM, 0-Coast, System-1m, KeyStep, BeatStep pro, SQ-1).

My piggy bank is shaking.

It would be great to read your opinion.
ModularGrid Rack

'On ne devrait jamais quitter Montauban' (Fernand Naudin).

And also a shout out to @Slocap for getting this Cs-L away to me very quickly indeed. Lovely stuff and, oh boy, does it sound magnificent! Thanks!