Moreover, I think we need a system to discourage retaliatory rating, although I recognise that that will involve more work for the site managers.
-- phinland

It's also not easy to settle on a fair system. Every automatized system will have its flaws, and they would inevitably get exploited by some, and/or favor one party over the other. In the end, sites relying heavily on ratings (eBay, etc.) all offer the possibility to appeal to Human arbitration, which is something modulargrid's staff might not want to spend time on - and I may not want to pay for their extra work.

Besides all that, I just bought @klodifokan 's Nutella Tsunami and it's great.

Excellent - thank you to everyone again!!

I have no use for this at the current time, I am working 100% in modular and always recording live performances, but I know some people who might be very interested, especially at that price point - very cool!!

Hi all,

I'm wondering if there's any reason to pursue an Intellijel Duatt+1U VCA combination over the After Later DVCA. Same amount of rack space, but what might I gain or lose by choosing either of those options? I definitely want to pursue the SWN/Mimeophon/Arbhar combination, and O+C seems like fun with that. With the headphone out 1U, that leaves 22hp in the 1U row if anyone thinks it'd be better to pursue a Noise Tools or something. Would love to hear ideas!

Again, thats way too complimentary!! Thanks :)

I enjoyed this patch.

All being well my next two modules will be a fairly standard oscillator and some more modulation, the Electrosmith 3340 VCO and the DivKid/Instruo ochd.
Then I need to start thinking about a bit more rack space and looking at some in-rack percussion.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

I play ambient music and am interested in granular synthesis. I have an idea of what I want -- see my sketch below for reference (1U row just added to demonstrate the nifty case, this will just be 3U). I'm looking for advice on a couple cheaper utilities to round the system out. I think the gaping holes in my planned system are VCA's and mod sources, so suggestions on bang-for-buck compact options are appreciated! I'm happy to invest in a VCF and an EG later given what I want out of Plaits.

I'm thinking about getting a Cre8Audio Nifty Bundle, and I was initially inspired by the way Nick Batt was using it in this sonicstate fun friday jam. I'm mostly just interested in a simple, minimal monosynth for plucky ambient sequences and drones.
I can definitely see myself outgrowing the system in the not too distant future, but I am prepared for that and am interested in keeping it small and simple with very limited functionality. I'm eager to learn more about granular synthesis with Clouds and I love its use as a delay and reverb machine. Plaits is incredibly versatile and provides enough of the plucky resonator goodness that I like in Rings, which was my other top contender for a digital sound source. I'm looking at getting both Plaits and Clouds from Momo Modular (unless you can suggest a better budget option!).

I understand that the cre8audio modules are mediocre, but I do think Cellz seems fun, and I can use the Chips LFO to advance the sequencer for now and use its other out as a mod source. I should also be able to use its oscillators to modulate Clouds at audio rate. If I get $30 for Chips in the future it will have paid for itself.

At this point a Maths or a Rampage seems like the sane choice, but I hate the aesthetic of both and I don't think they'll fit into my starter budget. I'd like to get enough utility to make this a considerably fun system from the start. Is there a multi-function LFO or VCA or some combo I can get for cheaper?

I have the entire starting point thus far for this system priced out at around $625, and I have roughly 175 left to spend. I know that's hardly anything in this realm, so I'd love it if there was something from Doepfer or a maybe couple things from 2hp that folks could recommend. I figure a used Disting MK3 could be an option, or maybe an Ornament & Crime if I can find a good deal?

What do you think? What am I missing? I've owned a few semi-modular synths but this is my first shot at a standalone eurorack system, so I'm sure there are glaring issues with my design. Any input appreciated!

Yes it should resolve the latency, so you record a track to Live or Protools and when you want to add a track it does not line up with the first track. With Usamo, you actually have a plugin on a spare instrument track converting midi to audo and sending the audio to the usamo box. There the audio is converted to midi which is sample accurate. From there you hook up a beatstep or some other sequencer. Note that the DAW will be the master. Beatstep for example jitters alot. I am only going to use Usamo to send clock.

I am waiting for mine and I should receive it in a few days. There is another solution if you are using more midi channels which uses 3 modules from Expert Sleepers:

This is more expensive but this is the solution recommended by Expert Sleepers. Usamo actually uses the technique from the ESX 8MD MK2

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

I had to listen your track straight away for a second time, just to make sure... that I was right... and yes I was, again a fantastic track from you :-) Lots of nice sounds and fun to listen at. First I thought I was being at home listening at your music but a bit after 7:30 you hyper-spaced me in somewhere far galaxy horizons!

What just one filter can do with your creativity! Amazing :-)

I really mean this. I recently started to try to record myself some stuff. While playing (and recording it), I seriously enjoyed it, it's a lot of fun to make music. But once I was ready and listening at it in my "listening chair" at what I just recorded, it was just flat boredom, nothing exciting about it... :-(

So that's why I am amazed and I am jealous that you can make so fun sounds and music that's so interesting to listen at! :-)

Well done and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

That's cool!!

Thank you for the explanation :)

So... given this, the biggest issue for me trying to integrate computers and modular was that I would have something playing in the DAW, I would gave something else playing on the modular, the clock sync would be fine, but the recording of the audio would be off and on playback I would hear everything falling apart and would have to manually realign everything - not fun!

I tried the hardware latency compensation thing, but could never really get it to work properly, as you say it would be early at one point and then late at another point - a nightmare basically.

Does the Usamo resolve this problem?

USAMO is excellent. MIDI generated by PC or even most MIDI sequencers is too jittery. I guess depends on what kind of music you make but after a while things will sound "off" compared to analog sequencers or built in sequencers etc.

You need to utilize an audio out for this. The USAMO box has a MIDI out and an audio in. It has a VST plugin too. You drop the VST plugin on a channel, and set its output (or in case of Ableton, use the "external audio effect" thing) to the audio out which goes into the USAMO box. Now you can add MIDI channels inside Ableton which can output to the Ableton channel with the USAMO plugin.

With the box, hook up the MIDI out to any MIDI to CV converter. I'm using a Mutant Brain and a Tram8, both are very good, I prefer the Tram 8 actually (8 gate outs, 8 MIDI CC outs) because of the MIDI CC options. There is 0 jitter this way, its really good, much tighter beats.

Not the usual sound I experiment with, but I'm enjoying the results.

I have a few things to suggest.

If you get a Doepfer 6u 84HP case, you won't need that 4MS row power module. Also, if you get some of the tiptop 'stackcables,' you won't need to use that multiple module. The only mult modules that do anything past what the tiptop cables do, are buffered multiples which fix issues in 1v/oct tracking of multiple oscillators. However, for a case this small, I don't think that will be an issue, and I wouldn't bother with any multiple modules.

Brains adds a lot of functionality to the pressure points module. Add a sequential switch, and a clock source and the touch module can act as a sequencer.

I would suggest a single quantizer such as the Instruo Harmonaig or ADDAC quad intuitive quantizer. They each have four channels which can be used for CV/gate notes in a chord (which this rack looks like it's trying to accomplish).

Quadra is being replaced by Quadrax and has more functionality. It also has an expander module which allows for more complex envelope patches.

Nothing wrong with that Noise Engineering rhythm generator modules, but you should know where are many other modules which do the same thing. I would research each before choosing one.
That linear mixer is mostly used for CV mixing, and not audio mixing, so you probably want one that does at least exponential mixing. I might suggest the Intellijel quad VCA since it allows you to pick either input curve for each of four channels.

The delay module will just delay 1 cv or audio signal, so if you want a delay for stereo, you would need a different one as well as a stereo mixer (like Happy Nerding Pan Mix).

Stumbled over this too, might be helpful:

Good luck!!

Let us know how you get on and what you decide to do in the end and how it works :))

I am thinking back to when I used to use MIDI gear with my modular and I remembered the only setup I ever managed to get together that worked properly and kept everything in proper time. I don't know if it was sale accurate, but it sounded right.

It's a bit leftfield, it was connecting several setups together for live jam sessions with multiple people, iOS devices, so might be overkill and finally it is from memory so I might not remember all the steps, oh and it is based on Mac, but here goes:

1) Setup Ableton with Ableton LINK - the LINK part is crucial - this is the magic sauce that ties everything together!

2) Your computer needs WIFI - I always created an 'ad hoc' network from my Apple Mac computer - better than a router it seemed!? YMMV and it might be bette through a dedicated router. In which case I would recommend manually configuring your network rather than relying on DHCP.

3) A module that can convert MIDI to a clock pulse - I used Mutable Instruments Yarns

4) an iPhone with a CCK and a USB > MIDI converter (the M-Audio UNO I think) connected to Yarns (you will need to work out the config for Yarns)

5) The wonderful free MIDI LINK SYNC APP >

6) WIFI on on your iPhone connected to the MAC synced using MIDI LINK SYNC via the iOS app to Ableton!

7) Enjoy centralised STOP/START/RESET and rock solid SYNC on as many devices and setups as you like.

It was excellent - unfortunately it's a lot of work to set up and configure correctly - but because of the compensation and decoupling of the clocks and the reliance on LINK it really did work very well indeed.


Alternative approach using audio out:

This Make Noise video explains it perfectly and provides a modular pulse sample:

I wish I'd remembered about this before I typed all that out above but hey ho - both there now :)))

Usamo by Expert Sleepers should give you sample accurate sync, check it out, costs 100 euros.
-- GunnarWaage

I am probably being really slow here, would you be so kind as to explain the setup please because I just don't see it.

How does the MIDI output from Usamo get into the modular?

Thank you :)

Ok so this is my first VCF, the Happy Nerding HN VCF, this is just one sound source the Makenoise STO with all 3 outputs mixed before going through the WMD SSF ADSRVCA then onto the HNVCF. Multiple filter outputs tapped and routed to either Monsoon Clouds, Erica DSP or 2hp Verb. There is also a little 2hp Pluck at the start and finish going through clouds. Cheers for listening :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Hi all,

I really appreciate your help. I'm a budding producer having written quite a few melodic house tracks in Ableton ... bought a few hardware synths, etc ... rapidly getting addicted. I love Sebastian Leger and have been watching his modular videos... such a legend.

He recently posted a modular tutorial and I tried to replicate the setup here:

ModularGrid Rack

I hope you can see what i posted. Anyhow, I'm keen to buy it and try to do some stuff on my own... but ideally it would be pretty versatile for other melodic house type of music. Any suggestions on changes / what else to look at ?

Really appreciate all your expertise.

Best regards,

Oh thank you for listening/watching :)))

I am very happy - wanted to make this video for years - such an amazing feeling to see it come to life - not exactly how I imagined, but the idea is definitely made real!!

alt text

I think about starting by adding a full voice, a Lifeforms SV1. (my first idea was a Plaits but i like classical osc sounds and i want it to have its own enveloppe and filter which would mean adding others modules instead of using the EXT IN of the MB2S, ..... so a flexible full synth looks better for me.... at first)
And a multitap delay (i don't know which one. Magneto seems to be the best but it takes a lot of space.) I've seen several people combining 2 Milky Ways (?) I want "stereo" outs, mixing, ping pong, etc.
And a Mutable Links because of its precision adder : my goal would be to add a Sequencer which primary function would be to transpose the MB2s sequencer. But i don't know which one. Probably a simple and not too wide one.

(At first the Quad VCA may be a little useless but i think it will be later)

(and maybe a sampler, i've always been fascinated by the Emax EMU and Depeche Mode early area)

Hi there-- I think you have some good choices here, but here are some suggestions:

  1. Replace the 1u effects module with something like Erica Synths Pico DSP.
  2. Replace the current VCA with the Intellijel 1u dual VCA.
  3. Add in a 1u Sloths from Nonlinearcircuits. It's a fantastic modulation source, and it's tiny and cheap.
  4. Replace the MI attenuator/mixer with a 1u version. Transient Modules makes one that is 1u and Intellijel format.
  5. There are tons of ring modulators out there in 3 or 4 hp... so I'd replace the Pittsburgh module with a smaller version.
  6. If you make those swaps, you should still have somewhere between 4-7 hp left to play with. Use that space to add a Disting. It just barely fits into the Palette case, and it basically does whatever you need it to do.... extra VCO, ring modulator, filter, reverb, LFO, etc. etc.

Cool track and video. I'm digging it!

Usamo by Expert Sleepers should give you sample accurate sync, check it out, costs 100 euros.

I made a video for 'dark hole'

Enjoy :)

I never ever sync to the computer or my recorder - I use Presonus Capture which does not even have a sync option I am aware of - because why?!

It is more trouble than it is worth unless you plan on working in the time domain in Reaper after you have recorded!

Thread: GERMZ

we have unleashed GERMZ>

when im done building my Eurorack i want to record the modular into Reaper.what is a good way to sync the modular to Reapers BPM?is there any cheap modules that will let me do that?

Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me

im in the middle of building my Eurorack for my Dark Ambient proect.i would like to record the modular into Reaper.would this module help me sync the modular to the BPM in Reaper?

Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me

Thread: BUY BUY

send pam away

Or module for PAM square wave sequencing combined sequencing ( mixer would work )

unity mixer for combing telharmoic or re-110 filter or CV

a142 -2 side chain VCA & adsr for telharmonic sidechain

Just out of curiosity:
What is the estimate for the number of people using modulars?
Who are the largest manufacturers of Eurorack modules?
How many units are sold of the most popular modules?

with the new firmware out : thinking out of the box : how to create 8 s & h with 8 random triggers and 1 noise source?

Hi all,

First post here. I am planning a system focused around two DFAMs. I have the Moogerfooger line (yes, including the 104M!) as well OTO BAM, so I would like some way to incorporate those into this system. I am focusing on a pumping, industrial sound with poly metric sensibility with this system. The other synth voices that I use outside this system are: Vermona PerFourmer + Sub37. I also use a Vermona DRM Mk III driven hard through the Analog Heat. I also use an Octatrack for live looping and sampling, as well as polyrhythmic sample triggering.

I love the sound of the Manis Interitas, and felt that would go really well here.

I am planning to use the Intellijel 7u case, as you’ll see from all the Intellijel 1u’s here!

Am I missing anything serious from this planned system? Any major redundancies? Would love any input! It will be built slowly over time, but just checking to see what others think about the vision.

alt text

$1440.00 for a Filter module?


May the electrons always flow in your favor, and may the voltages remain under your control!

HI Hedgemunkees,

Thanks a lot for the additional information. It's interesting to see how one comes to certain sounds and realisations!

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Migdzio,

Welcome to modular! Since you bought already a case, it's useless for me to say that it's a too small case but never mind since you got that already, you will discover that soon enough for yourself ;-)

I have myself the Waldorf NW1, it certainly is a nice module and worth the money since it's at a special offer for quite some while already. But ehm... are you sure about it's MIDI capacities? I haven't come across that. I just checked the manual again and I only could find this:

USB for custom / text wavetables transfer and firmware update
USB interface with galvanic isolation

Again, I can't find anything about MIDI, but please let me know where in the manual I can find that, because that would make that module even much better as it already is. Anyway, I don't believe it has MIDI but even without MIDI, yes this is a fantastic module however... considering your available space as well as, and that you start into modular, so for starters I wouldn't recommend to start with the NW1. It isn't the easiest module as a starter to start with. I would indeed advice you then to take a "plain" VCO from Doepfer or any other brand with a plain VCO, like for example Make Noise, the STO. Yes, the STO looks plain, easy and simple and indeed it is but don't under estimate the possibilities of this little powerful VCO that can produce some fantastic nice sounds! It's currently one of my most favourite VCOs.

For Doepfer, the A-111-2 is a nice one to start with, single VCO but with quite a few patching possibilities and you straight away got a VCO with 6 different (parallel) wave shape outputs. Not that that is so important (to have 6 outputs, for example 3 or 4 would be usually fine too) but it's sometimes nice to have and to play with that and experiment.

It's good anyway to have at least two VCOs, preferable a ring modulator too, so you can start doing already a few nice things there!

The Doepfer Wasp filter is bang on! It's so far one of my best filters, if not the best. The "best" as in, most nice filter to play with and to get easily some nice effects. You might want to consider a second filter, just for the necessary variation. A low pass filter might be an idea. Doepfer (for example A-120) or any other brand.

Since you want to control everything by MIDI, consider a MIDI module as well (no, again, NW1 is not a MIDI module ;-) ). There are many brands but in my opinion not too many that gives you an easy to use module that has enough possibilities at the same time. Brands you might want to check are Doepfer, Expert Sleepers and Vermona (of course there are other good brands that have MIDI modules too). I am actually a quite big Doepfer fan however with the exception of their MIDI module(s), I wasn't happy with my Doepfer A-190-5, I exchanged that one with Vermona qMI 2 and wow, Vermona is so nice and easy to use, no struggles there. It has four channels, so if that's too much for you to start with, look into smaller MIDI modules, then there is more choice too.

Oh yes, since you have very limited HP space in your casing, another advice is to look into not too big modules, so another reason to look for another VCO than that NW1.

The Behringer 911 EG hasn't been released yet, most likely end of May is the current availability date indicator of my local dealer but it's pretty common with new announced stuff that the real time-to-market date keeps postponing. Since one can't have enough EGs and LFOs anyway, consider for the meantime another EG. Two EGs to start with if you would ask me. At least one LFO, if possible two LFOs as well.

Teasing you here but... are you already start to realise that one row Eurocase is getting (too) small? ;-)

I don't have myself Equinox equipment so I can't comment on that. But consider at least another LFO if you like to stick with that Equinox LFO. Since you are into Doepfer anyway then consider the A-145-1 LFO, I am quite happy with that one and I use it in many of my patches.

Generally for most modules it's advisable to look into their CV input possibilities, it's nice to have a module that has some CV input so you can modulate such CV parameters. It gives an additional "fun factor" to such a module and in general.

Let's stay with Doepfer and look at "your" Doepfer VCA A-130-1, yes that's a VCA but it's a linear VCA, nothing against that fact but it's usually (so it isn't a must!) used for CVs not for audio. Usually (so again... it isn't a must) one uses an exponential VCA for audio signals, so consider the VCA A-131-1 instead or even better take both.

Oh yes and how are you going to get your "sound out of the Eurorack" to your mixer and/or to your DAW? So you need an audio interface as well, since you don't have much space, the Befaco Out might be just doing the suitable trick here for you. There are other audio interfaces that have more options like the ACL Audio Interface or the Intellijel Audio I/O, both nice modules (using them myself ;-) ) but they are far too large for your current available space. Though... the Intellijel is space wise actually quite good for the possibilities it gives you.

You also might want to consider a mixer, preferable one that can handle CVs and audio or split that into two mixers (one for CVs and another one for audio), up to you but look at your limited space, so be careful to take not too large modules.

Did I mention already that you need more space? ;-) Just joking... though... you really have to be careful planning your space, lucky you got already some existing other gear so you should use that as much as possible to keep the modules here at a minimum for your limited space available...

So, that's for starters, then you just can start but you still haven't looked into utility modules like attenuators, switches, sequencers (you might want to use your existing gear for that), effects, etcetera but I guess quite a bit you can use your existing gear for that plus whatever can be done nowadays with the computer. I know it's a lot but I am using modular to not use the computer :-)

Anyway, this should give you enough food for thought to start with. Good luck with your planning and checking a lot of modules should be your homework before buying any modules at all. Read reviews, download manuals and if possible, test the modules you are interested in at your local dealer to make sure it delivers what you expect or at least that the module doesn't disappoint you.

Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hello there,

Big fan of the site. I am noticing that when there are modules with alternate panel colors—say a Mimetic Digitalis that comes in silver and in black panels—there are sometimes different ratings, ie:

Black: 5.0 with 4 reviews

Silver: 4.18 with 11 reviews

Make Noise STO:
Black & Gold: 3.44 with 9 reviews

White Knobs: 4.0 with 1 review

Silver: 4.41 with 118 reviews

AFAIK these are generally the same models/specs, just different panel color. It makes it more challenging to get aggregate rating for users. Does it also hinder a company's efforts to rise in the ranks on the top/popular modules list? Those need 30 ratings to appear on the list, so if there is a module that is popular in silver and black (or similar), it is possible that the ratings get split across both module entries, keeping it from making it on the list for awhile. This may (potentially) hurt a manufacturer's sales that otherwise has a popular module.

I am sometimes seeing that there are duplicate modules where there isn't a rating field—is this intentional? I am wondering if this is just difficult territory because modules are being submitted all the time by different folks and it is cumbersome to organize them in one unified way.

Is there the possibility of adding a class to the taxonomy of modules, where one module becomes the 'parent' module, and alternate/variant versions are contained as 'child' entries, otherwise sharing the same stats/specs, info etc?

Discogs' model of having one master release works well, with all of the variants contained within. Like Nirvana's Nevermind has one parent entry, with each add'l version having a sub entry.

Thanks for your consideration, and keep up the great work.

And pamela has now a quantiszer and a similar function similar to marbel's dejavu.
-- flolu5


I thought PNW firmware was finished, no more space - this is fantastic news - thank you for sharing :))

And pamela has now a quantiszer and a similar function similar to marbel's dejavu.


Iam just starting with modular synths - but I had a nice experience with synths. About six years I was working on a lots of synths and DAW. In this moment I have a Yamaha reface DX, Microkorg and Electribe sampler 2. Everything controlled by midi from my DAW by Focusrite 18i8.
In this moment I bought a 104hp case and power supply by Doepfer to soldering.
For get practice in soldering I bought DIY multiple as well (to check how skill I have in that’s works).
I thing to build something like this:
Waldorf NW1
Doepfer WASP filter A 124
Doepfer VCA 130
Behringer Envelope 911
Equinox LFO

It’s a good idea for start?
Iam struggle with a decision about VCO, to maybe choose a analog Doepfer , but Waldorf looks very powerful and has a MIDI connections.
Cheers for advice!


Iam just starting with modular synths - but I had a nice experience with synths. About six years I was working on a lots of synths and DAW. In this moment I have a Yamaha reface DX, Microkorg and Electribe sampler 2. Everything controlled by midi from my DAW by Focusrite 18i8.
In this moment I bought a 104hp case and power supply by Doepfer to soldering.
For get practice in soldering I bought DIY multiple as well (to check how skill I have in that’s works).
I thing to build something like this:
Waldorf NW1
Doepfer WASP filter A 124
Doepfer VCA 130
Behringer Envelope 911
Equinox LFO

It’s a good idea for start?
Iam struggle with a decision about VCO, to maybe choose a analog Doepfer , but Waldorf looks very powerful and has a MIDI connections.
Cheers for advice!

My first oscillator was Mutable Instruments Tides - the original version!

I still have it now - fantastic design and wonderful sounds - infinitely useful as both a VCO and an LFO :)

There are soooo many!!!

My current favourite is Bastl Waver - really lovely mixer with a wave folder built in - cv inputs for everything - it sounds glorious!!

My very good friend, someone with a good heart and the person who would help anyone even their worst enemy has precisely this experience with Steve from Thonk too, it is uncanny how similar the stories are. My friend even reached out and apologised a good 6 months later and said look mistakes happen, it's a small community, can't we just get along or at least just do business and there was a flat out rejection and a lot of nastiness - my friend ended up in hospital having panic attacks because of it :(((

There's yet another story on Trust Pilot that also sounds very similar, maybe it's the same one, I don't know!

I have no axe to grind here other than I was upset that my friend was upset, seems there's something going on though - where there is smoke there is fire!!

A move to another rack button on each module in a rack would be super useful.

This thing is awesome for the Digitakt and for PC too:

Yes, I'm quite familiar with how compression gets used in production. I'm also aware that, of all of the types of processing I've used over the years, compression is the one you shouldn't print to multitrack with. When doing your initial gainstaging, you need ALL of the tracks to have a similar dynamic going into the mixing/rendering stage so that it makes it easier to determine the general levels of elements within the mix. At that point is where you'd want to compress...on a strip insert, going into the mixbus. If you've compressed to the multitrack, you then have no dynamic leeway and the resultant track(s) won't "breathe".

About the only times I've ever compressed to multitrack were on randomly-peaky sources, mainly vocals. And invariably, I was pushed into that by the vocalist's incompetence with performing for a mic. Vocals that swing between -20 and blasto dB really don't make for fun mixing work.

If you're trying to do "loudness wars"-type tracks, then I could see the point of repetitively mashing, mashing, mashing the dynamic range. But keep in mind, also, that people are REALLY tired of that squashed sound. It might make radio happy, because they always shoot for having the "loudest signal" in any market, but it winds up sounding mashed and crummy...mainly because, like in the first paragraph, the music isn't "breathing".

I have the Doepfer A-106-5 in my rack and am actually pretty happy with it, but there is a bunch of SEM type filters out there, and maybe the grass is greener ... Which SEM type filters do you know of? Which are good? Which are poor? Please enlighten me. Thanks.

I've just installed mine in a brand new Intellijel 7u case today and it also has this noise problem when turned all the way to wet. Also from Thomann!

Pulling them out of their boxes and into a rack makes the most sense for my live setup, and I'm straddling between hardware and modular, so would prefer to start with some semi-modular units at the outset. Maybe pull them out if things grow from there.

Idea behind the compression is similar to how the sound sources would run on a digital mixer or DAW. I was sort of considering the MB2, SV-1, and DFAM as their "own" soundsources that are coming together to make some kind of performance. So mentally I have them each on some kind of "channel" that has compression and eq to have them sit together nicely. There's also the ability to sidechain. In the bass example you give, sure, there's a hard hitting bass that goes from -80 to 0, but anything else that comes at the same time is going to clip it -- particularly a bass drum. I use compression for evenness and gain control.

The master, stereo compressor is a glue compressor that can also add some saturation and take out any stray peaks. This sort of gainstaging is pretty common in production setups. I just don't know how it translates to modular. I'm trying to imaging what I'd be doing if I had something like the MB/SV-1/DFAM running their final outputs into Ableton.

Does that make sense?

Thank you again! I will check that all out and go playing in my sandbox! Sure a lot of fun and this is important in those frightening times. Stay healthy and thanks for you tipps!

Current status: SteveLate provided me with tracking which says my package was sent to Lithuania...

Well the problem is I don't live in Lithuania. Hopefully its the wrong tracking number...