🔥🔥🔥 stuff @farkas, I think we need a whole minimal techno album from you...

Thank you! Got it fixed!

Dear Irish mate,

Thanks for posting this, I had no idea, so buying from Belfast is now a nope situation but Dublin and most of the island is still good. Very nice, I for one am glad to still have you with us
-- toodee

I have to admit I do not know the situation when buying from RoI to Northern Ireland and vice-versa.

Dear Irish mate,

Thanks for posting this, I had no idea, so buying from Belfast is now a nope situation but Dublin and most of the island is still good. Very nice, I for one am glad to still have you with us

--- Voltage control all the things ---

Hello my European fellow.

Since the start of the year I have noticed that I've been receiving much less messages re. my modules for sale. And in the few I have received, one of the questions is always "will I have to pay custom fees?".
This makes me realise there is a lot of confusion regarding Brexit across the continent, and this is affecting us Irish people. So I wanted to clear things out:
- The Republic of Ireland is an independent country which is not part of the UK.
- It is still a member of the EU, and we use the same Euro currency as most EU countries. There is NO custom fees when buying from RoI.
- Northern Ireland, however, is separate from RoI and IS part of the UK, therefore you'd probably have to pay custom fees.

On a side note, all this is explained on every single of my ads, which means that people do not read ads properly before getting in touch. So please, RTFA people! :D

great advice, perhaps - but don't take them as set in stone! more vague guidelines! do what works for you in the long term...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

copy and paste the url of your public rack into the thread

this will allow click through etc

I tried to do it for you but your only public rack is not the same as the jpg!

I'll have a look back later and comment once you have fixed the link..

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

This patch is starring Just Friends and the AD APC Theremin. Details in the video.

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.


Thread: Catz in Hatz

Cheers dude :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


It has been a while since I have done an Evening Modular Experiment, so I wanted to cover my favorite new module: WORNG Vector Space.

In this simple patch, WORNG Vector Space is the brain providing nine modulated outputs, some fed through Joranalogue Select 2 and Instruo Tain, and provides modulation to Make Noise QPAS, Mimeophon, Desmodus Versio, and Telharmonic as a musical sequence is fed to Telharmonic by Make Noise Rene. Vector Space is fed by three unclocked, phased LFOs from Batumi. This patch offers a lot of exploration and I'm just scratching the surface.

WORNG Vector Space is an immediately approachable giant for modulation possibilities. It is simply incredible and can act as both modulation brain and force multiplier for other strong utilities.

This is just a thought experiment (tempting as it may be) to shift my current setup into 12U. I feel like I probably have too many voices right now, and probably would swap the SWN for effects or more LFOs or something else interesting... Any suggestions?

ModularGrid Rack

I haven't used Beads or Desmodus, but I do have the Mimeophon, and I totally love it. As a noob I had no problem coming to terms with how it works. It can do straight delay effects or go totally off the wall. I originally bought the Erica Black DSP multi effects but sent it back to get the Mimeophon.


There's a link to the picture of it-I'm not sure how to post it on this forum. Again, please excuse my ignorance. And thanks a ton!

ModularGrid Rack

i am extremely new to all of this honestly. maximum 2 months of researching or just watching youtube videos on the subject. i'm still very much new and inexperienced with patching and signal flow/control flow, but i find it fascinating. I got really excited and ordered a case /power supply and a few modules, which I am now thinking was probably too fast. I should have waited, and learned more first but either way I am super excited to try and begin patching. I would absolutely love any and all opinions about what modules I choose to purchase. I think what I purchased should produce sound? I'd love to know what else you'll think I could use or need for my basic system. I'm sorry about how new I am to this and I apologize if I am butchering any phrasing or information. Any help would be super helpful and greatly appreciated. I'm glad to be apart a cool community that really dig into and love electronic/modular music.

Arturia 2x88HP Eurorack Case
Tiptop Audio 808 Bass Drum module
Erica Synths Black Wavetable VCO
Make Noise Maths Complex Function Generator
Intellijel Quad VCA & Mixer
Doepfer A-190-4 USB/MIDI-to-CV/Gate/Sync
Intellijel Dual ADSR
Make Noise Rosie Cue System with FX
Patch Cables
Midi Controller Keyboard

I've been building this rack for a couple of months now and I finally got the Midi 1U on Friday, so I could sync it directly with the DAW and do some recording. I threw together this patch and hit the record button. I did a lot of manual modulating while it was running. I added a drum track in the DAW, a Taurus Pedal bass line, and because it wasn't busy enough already I layered in a short sequence from my Rev 2 as well in the middle.

The goal was more about process, technicals and logistics than it was about musicality, but I hope there some of that to be found here.

Here's the tune, the rack and the patch notes. Feedback welcome. Cheers.

ModularGrid Rack

Modular Jam Feb 27, 2021 Patch Notes

Master Clock from DAW (Studio One 5)

Voice 1 Routing
• Tempo from PNW into Arturia Keystep
• Keystep Sequence Pitch Out into Erica Black VCO 2 1v/Oct
• Saw out into QPAS Left
• Pulse out into QPAS Right
• QPAS LPF Left and Right into Quad VCA
• Envelopes from Quadrax
• Quad VCA into Mixer
• Mixer channels panned hard left and right
• Mixer into Mimeophon
• Mimeophon to Main Outs

Voice 1 Modulation:
• PNW LFO into QPAS Frequency
• Quadrax LFO into QPAS Radiate Left
• Quadrax LFO into QPAS Radiate Right

Voice 2 Routing
• Tempo from PNW
• Mother 32 Sequencer to internal saw wave
• M32 VCO Pulse out into External input
• Mix at 50%
• M32 VCA out into Quad VCA
• Quad VCA to Mixer
• Mixer to Mimeophon
• Mimeophon to Main Outs

Voice 2 Modulation:
• M32 Internal LFO triangle on PWM and Cutoff
• PNW LFO into M32 VCO Mod Amount
• Maths into M32 LFO Rate

Voice 3 Routing
• Mother 32 Sequencer KB out to Plaits
• Plaits into Ripples
• Ripples into Quad VCA
• Envelope from Maths Ch 1
• Quad VCA into Mixer
• Mixer into Mimeophon
• Mimeophon to Main Outs

Voice 3 Modulation:
• PNW LFO into Plaits Timbre
• PNW LFO into Ripples Frequency
• Maths Ch 4 into Rise of Ch 1
• PNW tempo into Maths Ch 1 trig

Mimeophon Tempo sync from PNW
Mimeophon in Ping Pong mode


Do you have the "Double Hard Prolapse DHP" tube module?



Thread: Catz in Hatz

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

Oh lovely track! For me the bass is okay, perhaps it could be a slightly touch more present but the way it is now will do for me too. By having the bass not too present, makes this a very lovely subtle track and the listener is more attracted to the other sounds you have to offer here!

I love that kind of ping-pong sound, nicely done! Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mowse,

Oh yes, that's that kind of track that just can't be long enough ;-)

Great work again, thanks a lot for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Brunomolteni,

Wow, this is a great jam, I love it! Nice (input) play with your modular. Lovely video to watch you at work too!

This is great stuff, I wouldn't mind more of this. Thanks a lot for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Thank you for the feedback.

Thread: Catz in Hatz

Sweet! I forgot to mention the artwork is great too.

Thread: Catz in Hatz

Thanks, I'm sure i can do better :)

Percussion sequencing from Roboux LL8 and Euclidean from DNi Pro DOT, one out on the LL8 also pings a filter with some noise going into it, then the bass line comes from the 2hp Turing machine via 2hp Tune.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Jim, thanks for your ideas above, those are super helpful and interesting! Good food for thought, I will mull this over some more.

I find particularly interesting and useful your comments i) "modulation and utility should take up about 50% of the rack" ii) "matrix mixers are a great way of expanding modulation sources" and iii) "I'm in the use fewer modulation sources and more utilities to get more, complex modulation camp" -- great advice for a newbie like me!

Any additional folks from the forum want to add to the thread? (Hope so!)

Thanks all! Nicholas

Another nice one @mowse, I always love the West Coast vibes in your tunes. Speaking of, I recently discovered Pauline Anna Strom whose music you might dig, check it out:


Very nice @EroGumby, the flow is great here and each "piece" seems to last just the right amount of time. Well done!

Thread: Catz in Hatz

I know that feeling @wishbonebrewery when you've got something that sounds good, but want it to sound just a little bit better... That said I think this is pretty dang good, Hatz sound great and I'd love to know what you're using for your sequencer here. Keep em coming!

I've just read that a sequencer is essential. I am guessing that using the sequencer on my midi controller will work when plugged into the Neutrons Midi in port?.

Wow! Thank you for the input! Part of the reason I love this website!

The numbers below are for organization purposes only.
1 This system is meant for small live performances/drum and base line recording for vocaliod songs hopefully also background noise as I work/play games. So a quarter inch output is important to me, I think I can manage without stereo output. Given your feed back I found the Rosie output modular that includes a cue! I believe this would be a reasonable upgrade.
2 I did not realize blooms was pre quantized. So that was an easy swap. I might just be a simp for the turing machine and rainmaker but I think it would be too difficult to play live or get anything descent to record. I wish Bloom had the loop feature but I’m sure I just need to read the manual.
3 Veils looks great!! Love the LED indicators and the slides over the dials – Thank you for helping me think about ergonomics I imagined it to be all controlled by LFOs from Pamela’s so I didn’t think about the space for my hands.
4 For modulation I’m looking for clockable LFOs, at the moment I am debating between Maths and a second Clep Dias, I know Math’s can do so much more but other than an envelope generator and pingable envelope (LFO) I would likely use it as a Side chain compressor if I get a second voice so the base drum will be easy to dance to. I am also not sure how to clock an LFO other than by ear if it doesn’t have a clock input, can maths be a clocked LFO?
5 I love the Logic part of kinks, the minimum function this would be useful. Is the Sample and Hold portion droopy for melodies? I was thinking RND by Div Kid for the S&H. I believe Lapsis Oz and Shades may overlap-let me know if I need more than 4 attenuverters. Links is just cool, and I don’t think Maths can be a precision adder while being an envelope generator/LFO/sidechain compressor so that was an add. For a filter would love the forbidden planet mmf – just great for creating wild things and taming equally wild things things (I believe its pingable, but I may be mistake). Hoping to get the Erbverd or the Desmodus Versio latter on!
6 I haven’t updated the dream rack with the changes here yet and it is equally overbalanced with gate makers/sequencers, but it has a ton of logic to help it create new things.
7 Great advise, I really am looking for a small number of great modules that will last as genres move and shift with the listening base.

Yeah, the digitalis is too much, I was putting it in for the notes scale changes on the quantizer and because it can save 8 to 16 sets I thought it would be easy to prepare good sounding things while spicing it up with the Turing machine, but Blooms is capable of that with Links and an LFO/pamela’s (like a presicion adder) but looking back It’s like I was using it a worse pamela’s new workout. And the price is more realistic.

Thread: Mine

I hear that. The Mother takes up a lot room but I enjoy it racked sentimentally and for traveling patched up. This rig used to travel quite a bit, so with that slowed down putting the M32 back in the case would open up some room:)
I appreciate a fresh perspective!

Thread: Catz in Hatz

This turned out kinda ok, bit of a boring bass line though.

I'm basically just playing around with the Patching Panda Hatz kit I soldered the other day.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Hi Nicholas

some thoughts that might help!!!

keep percussion out of the rack - ie use a drum machine

for a 9u 84hp consider 3 or 4 voices as a decent target - and in that size case I find it hard to justify more than 1 type of sequencing - pick midi-cv, a dc coupled audio interface (cv direct from computer, eg expert sleepers es8 or 9), a traditional sequencer (metropolis or the like) or generative (something like bloom or marbles) - if you must have more than 1 then consider 1 of them being outside the rack - a beatstep pro for example, or an sq1, or cv.ocd

in 252hp you have enough space to ignore small modules as much as possible and go for ergonomics over trying to cram stuff in

a single voice may be made up of some vcos - if more than one (or more than 1 output on a single vco) then a sub mixer will probably also be needed, some audio modifiers (filters, delays, reverbs, wavefolders etc etc) and the modulation and utility modules that are needed to support those modules

NB you can also get some modules that are complete voices - for example plaits can be used as a complete voice as it has an internal lpg (combination of vca and filter) or you can choose to bypass those and use external ones

then there are the modules that are needed to support these voices together - more mixers and other utility modules - possibly more effects - end of chain reverb is nice as a minimum to bring everything together

vcas are probably one of the most important types of utility module - get more than you think you need - make sure you have both linear and exponential (possibly in the same module) - linear is good for cv, exponential is good for audio - and audio can easily eat up 2 vcas per voice - one to open and close it and one to increase gain over time, perhaps - modulation can eat up a lot of vcas too - say you decide to use 2 modulation sources - you may want to modulate both of these modulation sources so that they do not happen all the time - another 2 vcas are needed for that - want to patch an auto-panner so that a mono signal is panned across the stereo field over time - mult the audio signal to 2 vcas (one outputs to L, one outputs to R) and use an lfo and an inversion of that lfo to open and close them - vcas can also be used with other utility modules to patch compressors

matrix mixers are a great way of expanding modulation sources - take mults of modulation sources and patch to modulation mixer, you now have 4 more related modulation sources (that can be mixed to your taste) - I'm in the use fewer modulation sources and more utilities to get more, complex modulation camp, as opposed to the more modulation sources and less utilities for the same thing camp - modulation and utility should take up about 50% of the rack (if you want a balanced rack imo)

a good starter set is - a sound source (a vco), a sound modifier (a filter or delay), a modulation source (I really like maths as a starter modulation source - as it is a great learning tool - see illustrated manual for more details), a way to play (see above) and a way to listen (I would use a quad cascading vca for this - and whatever adapter cables you need to take to the output from that to whatever you want to listen with - to a mixer, headphones, audio interface etc etc basically whatever you have already!) - and a basic starter set of utilities - I like links, kinks and shades as a relatively inexpensive and fully functional start - although any combination of modules with their functions will do nicely

I'd recommend starting slowly and then growing organically from there - ie some of what you want/some of what you need and only getting new modules after learning what you already have - experiment with and reesearch the modules you have and are thinking of buying - maybe a second filter before a second vco - because some filters can self-oscillate and so be used as a vco

after that I would look to adding a second voice (you can integrate one piece at time easily using mults and mixers)

at this point I strongly recommend getting a tuner - either on your phone or a guitar pedal or in rack - so that the 2 voices can be in tune with each other - instead of discordant - unless that is what you want - you may want this earlier if for example you are playing with other instruments - or have perfect pitch and find out of tune notes jarring

and then an end of chain mixer (possibly out of the rack) and some more effects - before adding any more sound generation options

I would also consider buying the book Patch and Tweak - as it is a good starting resource for learning about modular (and modules)

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I couldn't agree more with Jim's point #7. Get the module that does the thing(s) you need it to do. The only bad purchases I've made are the ones where I thought I could get by with half of the features I knew I actually needed. I thought, "Oh, I can make this work for now..." Instant buyer's remorse, AND I delayed getting the right module for weeks while I tried to learn and incorporate the wrong one.

1 what is your use case for an output module? most people do not need these - if you need balanced output or a headphone output - then get something that specifically does that - otherwise simple attenuators and adapter cables work perfectly in most cases - and are always a better starting point than an output module - worst case is you end up with an output module and some attneuators - which is no bad thing - attenuators are always useful

2 if you are intending to expand the number of voices - it may be an idea to look at either bloom or marbles instead of a turing machine - both have more channels and have built in quantizers - marbles also has a lot of gate features and a random source -all useful in a small system and this would mean you can put off a separate quantizer, potentially indefinitely - if you intend to use the mimetic digetalis to record tracks and replay them then the

3 I would go with veils or intellijel over the doepfer vca - because they are slightly less cramped and offer more features

4 I would start with a more fully featured modulation source - by that I really mean less cramped and more easily controllable - personally I recommend Maths as a good first modulation source - not only because it is a classic and is reasonably well laid out, but also because the unofficial illustrated manual elevates it to being one of the best documented modules and it is an excellent resource for learning about how modular synthesizers function and techniques such as patch programming - invaluable

5 I feel this system is quite unbalanced - way too much sequencing and not enough of everything else - I would start with 1 sequencing/modulation option - pnw or marbles - the bia - veils and then add maths and some sort of effect - either an anaolg filter or something like an fx aid xl and then the utilities that are needed to make the most of these modules - I always suggest links, kinks, shades as a good starter utility package - and then another voice - and then whichever of pnw or marbles I hadn't bought eearlier

6 if you have a more expanded 'dream' rack that this is a stepping stone towards - then I would share that as well - it may be that a better path is possible to it

7 don't buy modules just because they are cheap - or affordable - buy them because they are the modules that you need - if the quantizer that fits all your requirements is 2 times the price of the cheap quantizer that fits 80% of you requirements - then save for the more expensive one (or dig deeper in your pocket) - because you probably will end up with it down the line after getting frustrated because feature x is missing

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Thank you @Lugia for your detailed answer.

Just so that I understood everything correctly:
It is normal that the "Inject" button produces this noise at the output when turning it?!?

Because if there is an input signal at the "in" (e.g. a simple sine wave) the identical noise is also produced at the output (when turning the "Inject" button).

Thanks in advance.

Hi all,
It's been a crazy day of just jamming away and making some music.
Here is the latest:

Things I want to work on:
1) better transitions (had a few early ones that were not as good as i'd like)
2) smoother in/out with the drums/hats
3) leaving more space in the lower energy parts

Any all feedback is greatly appreciated!

Thank you for the feedback, greatly appreciated!

Haven't had much time lately, but here's a quick jam on the Moog stack with support from the modular synthesizer.

Took the modular out to the rooftop for this one... ran into the red at parts, but a bit of clipping never killed anyone, right?

Patch Notes:
Instruo Ts-l into Serpens Sirius as bassline
Calsynth Rangoon as melody
Eowave titan as kick drum
Erica Pico Drums as high hat
Dreadbox Splash as reverb
Mutable Instruments Stages as envelope generator and LFOs
Doboz XIIO as arpeggiator and note controller.
Robaux LL8 as gate sequencer
Super Vcas as vca, inverter and sidechain.
Synthrotek MIXIV as mixer
Music Thing Startup as mixer and clock generator.
Takaab LPG as low pass gates.
XODES TP8 as manual modulation

Hello, I want to get the most out of the BIA. I hope to build this out but was wondering if I would be making a mistake starting with only the BIA, Pamela's new work out, and outs intellijel. With Pamela's euclidian and LFO menu diving nature I believe I will be able to both trigger and modulate the BIA.

The next step would be either be the (Mimetic Digitalis)[https://www.modulargrid.net/e/noise-engineering-mimetic-digitalis-black-] or the (Clep Diaz)[https://www.modulargrid.net/e/noise-engineering-clep-diaz-black-w-jacks-leds] leading up to the (turning machine and the expanders)[https://www.modulargrid.net/e/music-thing-modular-turing-machine-mk-ii] and a quantizer. But I am waiting for an affordable quad quantizer so I don't need to buy more as I get another voice/drone. however, I am not sure what order to get the (A-135-2 Quad VCA / VC Mixer)[https://www.modulargrid.net/e/doepfer-a-135-2-quad-vca-vc-mixer] or the (Lapsus Os)[https://www.modulargrid.net/e/noise-engineering-lapsus-os-black]. I almost think it would be better and get the remaining 5(7 with expanders) modules all at the same time. In my goal system, I planned on including a multi-modular with stackable cables and other off rack mults, sample and hold module, quad (cv) attenuverter, disting, and other utilities.

Hi folks,

I'm new to modular and ModularGrid, but I'm a longtime musician, and familiar with VST-based synthesis.

I have a couple questions I would love to hear advice on from you experienced modular synthesists!

My near-term goal with modular is to have a system that will be deep and fun to use for making interesting EDM bass and lead sounds -- sounds with a lot of intrinsic appeal and interest AND subtle change to them over time that can keep interest or be used structurally in a song (as in the case of an evolving lead that reaches its "fullest" version at the "drop"). As a musical example, think of some of Deadmau5's feature sounds.

***Questions: what types of modules would you recommend for a system like this? What is a good ratio of modules (e.g. OSC vs. filters vs. control signals vs. VCAs, etc.) in this type of system? (And last, less importantly but I'm still curious about this) are there favorite modules that you might recommend for a system like this?

For reference, we can imagine a 9U 84HP rig (~252 total HP) as a likely case setup.

I'm asking these questions because as a modular newbie:
-- I'm concerned I may wayyyyyy over-index on certain module types, especially oscillators and filters
-- I'm concerned I may miss certain important module types (things important to modular but that I wouldn't immediately think of, having come from software synthesis)
-- more broadly, I don't want my approach and experience with modular to be dominated (and limited) by my prior experience with soft-synths; I want to get into what makes modular great

My base-case assumptions are I would need:
-- 1 or more interesting Oscillator module
-- 1 or more interesting filter
-- CV sources including envelope, LFO, and random
-- a reasonable # of VCAs, mixers, and mults
-- modules for MIDI in (or sequencer) and audio out

To me, this thread is an interesting question: what module types and #s to include to get the most sound-design depth and power out of a total ~252HP rig for EDM bass and leads? I hope you also find this interesting and look forward to reading your replies.



Interesting...it's worth noting that Serge offered (and still sort of does) several sequencers of various lengths...including some odd-numbered lengths like 7 or 5. Most of the time, these come in handy for making sequenced transpositions, with the sequencer being clocked by a divided clock signal to slow the "odd" sequencer down for that purpose. However, they can also provide things such as envelope timing variations to change articulations, sequence-specific modulation, and so forth.

Not when pairing stuff with Maths. That module is a modulation Swiss Army Knife...does everything, works anywhere with anything. It's truly one of the most important and useful modules to have come along in ANY format.

Yeah, it's a glitch. Some browsers don't exactly "speak" what MG gives them to work with, so you get glitches like that. It seems like Firefox (Mozilla) based browsers have this the worst...but as Jim notes, just refresh the page, and everything should snap back to where it belongs.

Normal, actually. When you turn the "Inject" control up, you're adding a DC offset to whatever signal is there. And if there's no signal present, the wavefolder is trying to make something out of the DC offset...which is what you're hearing. The key to avoiding this is to keep the "Inject" down for most uses, unless you're trying to shift the waveform above or below the zero-crossing line. In those cases, that would be when you'll use the DC offset to "push" the waveform to where it needs to go.

Also, some fairly aggressive wavefolders can create waveform deformation to such a degree that it would SEEM as if there's noise present in the signal, but the issue really stems from some sort of very tight and very high-amplitude "scrunch" that's going on in part of the waveform. Ultimately, the "fix" is to simply note where the "don't" position is on the "Inject", then don't put the knob there...unless you WANT the noise, in which case...

Hi Farkas,

Good that you mentioned it (again), Future Sound Systems I mean, wasn't on my watchlist yet, now it is :-)

Thank you and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Thanks for checking it out. Yes, if you’re referring to the weird “vocal” sound a few minutes in, I just had to do something with it. I haven’t mastered the Future Sound Systems modules yet, so when I stumble across an interesting sound I try to record it. Those modules are unpredictable and deceptively deep. Such an underrated company.
Have a great weekend.

Hi Farkas,

He, he, I love those funny sounds you use as the kind of lead-voice, great stuff :-)

Yes indeed, David Sylvian seems to be concentrated in looking at your jam, he's watching over you ;-)

Thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Listening now. Great work, Brett. Your melodic transitions and layering are really fun to listen to.
Keep sharing!

Hi all,

I decided to see if I could just do a longer jam today as it is something i'm trying to achieve.
There are some good parts, and parts to improve, but all up - I wanted to do a longer jam and share it:

Any/all feedback is welcome!

Was messing with the FSS Recombination Engine last night and decided to record a little live improv jam. Took me a minute to find a groove but I was digging the hypnotic (to me at least, haha), four on the floor, dark, dub techno vibes as David Sylvian looks on.
Enjoy. Thanks for your time.