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PedalGrid is a database for fx guitar pedals with an integrated pedalboard planner.

Everyone loves Pedals. Not a modular synthesizer format but a modular companion.

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Chance music: from dice to Addac's St... Good stuff. by in You
Help me complete my minimalist techno... Thanks Zacksname, I could fit this matrix mixer :) http… by in Racks
Vocoder, Guitar, and Eurorack Hi, this is my set from Modular World Ep. 48. So much fun. … by in You
System 01 Could be someone be so kind to help me if this system make… by in Racks
Doepfer A155 Sequencer - Power Hi, Does anyone has a clue how to connect this to the… by in Modules
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Top Pedals rated by users

  1. EarthQuaker Devices Plumes Ø 5.00 (5)
  2. SOMA Laboratory Cosmos Ø 5.00 (4)
  3. Chase Bliss Audio Meris CXM 1978 Automatone Ø 5.00 (3)
  4. Death By Audio Echo Dream 2 Ø 5.00 (3)
  5. Elektron Octatrack MKII Ø 5.00 (3)
  6. Morningstar MC6 MKII Ø 5.00 (3)
  7. DOD DOD Carcosa Ø 5.00 (3)
  8. Boredbrain Music Transmutron Ø 5.00 (3)
  9. Squarp Instruments Hapax Ø 5.00 (3)
  10. Montreal Assembly Count to 5 Ø 4.91 (11)
  11. Moog Music Inc. MF-103 12-stage Phaser Ø 4.89 (9)
  12. Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man Ø 4.86 (7)
  13. Fairfield Circuitry Shallow Water Ø 4.83 (12)
  14. SOMA Laboratory Pulsar 23 Ø 4.83 (6)
  15. SOMA Laboratory Lyra-8 Ø 4.83 (6)
  16. Eventide Space Ø 4.83 (6)
  17. Walrus Audio Julianna Ø 4.80 (5)
  18. Boss DD-7 Ø 4.80 (5)
  19. Dr Scientist BitQuest Ø 4.80 (5)
  20. Moog Music Inc. MF-102 Ring Modulator Ø 4.75 (8)
  21. Moog Music Inc. MF Drive Ø 4.75 (4)
  22. MXR M290 Mini Phase 95 Ø 4.75 (4)
  23. Electro-Harmonix Green Russian Big Muff Ø 4.75 (4)
  24. Moog Music Inc. MF-104M Ø 4.75 (4)
  25. Fairfield Circuitry Meet Maude Ø 4.75 (4)

Pedals have to be rated at least 3 times to appear in this list. Any pedal with a rating better than Ø 4.35 is considered to be above average.

Show the Top 100 evaluation lists

Popular Pedals in pedalboards

  1. Bastl Instruments Thyme+ in 19 Pedalboards
  2. Meris Enzo X in 19 Pedalboards
  3. Walrus Audio Qi Etherealizer in 16 Pedalboards
  4. Polyend Polyend Synth in 13 Pedalboards
  5. Strymon EC-1 in 11 Pedalboards
  6. Darkglass Electronics kaamos in 8 Pedalboards
  7. MXR Rockman X100 in 7 Pedalboards
  8. Wettmar Electric Instruments Harmonic Refrigerator in 6 Pedalboards
  9. Other/unknown Mask Audio Electronics Civil Math Lucky Green in 5 Pedalboards
  10. Walrus Audio Canvas Clock in 5 Pedalboards
  11. Eventide H9000 in 5 Pedalboards
  12. Other/unknown Dirge Expression Slowly Melting in 5 Pedalboards
  13. Zoom H6 in 5 Pedalboards
  14. Disaster Area DMC.micro Gen4 in 4 Pedalboards
  15. Valeton VLP-200 in 4 Pedalboards
  16. Wampler Phenom in 4 Pedalboards
  17. Polyend Step in 4 Pedalboards
  18. Lovepedal Bonetender in 4 Pedalboards
  19. Other/unknown Drunk Beaver XR OD-1 in 4 Pedalboards
  20. Harley Benton MiniStomp 5-Band in 4 Pedalboards
  21. Other/unknown Discomfort Designs Phantom Limb in 4 Pedalboards
  22. Gamechanger Audio Auto Delay in 4 Pedalboards
  23. Other/unknown Melbourne Instruments ROTO Control in 4 Pedalboards
  24. Collision Devices Singularity in 4 Pedalboards
  25. Keeley Halo Core in 3 Pedalboards

The list of Popular Pedals is generated from Pedals that have been added to Pedalboards AND have been released in the specified time period.

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