I think I’m missing inspiration around modulation. I have plenty of sources (clep diaz being the most recent addition) but struggle to get great results out of them. Any tips / learnings / changes / additions?

Maybe try a mixer to create complex modulation signals (mixing several envelopes, or envelopes and the sequence of voltages that Clep Diaz gives you, LFO's, or maybe some feedback signal.
Clep diaz is also very useful for sequencing the CV of a filter.
For these cases the ideal would be a matrix mixer, since it allows you more than one different output, but if not with a simple mixer you have it too.

I’m not really clicking with Bloom at the moment. I bought it for the evolving / fractal nature of it, but on reflection I think I’m missing a sequencer that gives me more hands on / immediate control. Of course I can use Ableton for this (and I have a Keystep Pro too) but having something else in the rack might open things up for me and means I won’t need to break from the patch to change / modify sequences. Thoughts?

A sequencer that I personally like, relatively small and usable, is the NE Mimetic Digitalis https://www.modulargrid.net/e/noise-engineering-mimetic-digitalis-black



At first I would think about including an effects module. Minimum FX Aid https://www.modulargrid.net/e/happy-nerding-fx-aid-black-gold but I would recommend a clone of MI Clouds, for example https://www.modulargrid.net/e/after-later -audio-monsoon and to semi-randomly sequence gates and cv a clone of MI Marbles, for example https://www.modulargrid.net/e/after-later-audio-antumbra-cara. I think these two modules would perfectly complement your voices.
In the utilities field, better 4 than 2 vcas, with a contained price you have NANO MODULES ALT https://www.modulargrid.net/e/nano-modules-alt and a somewhat more expensive classic, but easily found in the second-hand market Intellijel quad vca https://www.modulargrid.net/e/intellijel-quad-vca.
You could remove the 2HP Tune and the Doepfer A-160-5.
I would add a filter perhaps, but you only have 4Hp left free...
Without jumping to the second case, it would remain like this.
That is my modest suggestion.
ModularGrid Rack

IMO I think you need something to make a bass base and some drums. A module I see in almost every Techno oriented rack is BIAS, very versatile as it can give you all kinds of aggressive percussion and bass lines. It incorporates its own envelope.
https://www.modulargrid.net/e/noise-engineering-basimilus-iteritas-alter-black. What I will say is not going to be very popular, but due to the size of the case you have, I would change the MOSKWA for a NE Mimetic https://www.modulargrid.net/e/noise-engineering-mimetic-digitalis-black, half of size, 4 CV outputs. And with the space freed up, I would add either a small VCO feeding one of the Percall inputs for a bass base, thus freeing up the BIA for percussion, or a percussion module with CV control, for example https://www. modulargrid.net/e/befaco-kickall
(reduced size)
or https://www.modulargrid.net/e/patching-panda-bd-z

I ordered a Doepfer A138B to @symbiosis and everything fine.
Well packaged and a Module in very good condition.
Highly recommended seller.

Please paste a link to your rack. It is easier to see the function of each module and to be able to comment on it.
ModularGrid Rack

As you will read in most posts, a bigger box. Maybe a 6U or 7U, if you like 1U modules.
It all depends on what kind of sound you are looking for.
At first glance, from what I see, all your pitch sources are random, coming from Chance, think maybe include a small pitch sequencer, to have more melodic control.
For example https://www.modulargrid.net/e/noise-engineering-mimetic-digitalis-black takes up little space.
It would not be a bad idea to also add an LFO with CV and resettable additional to Maths, they are affordable modules, they consume few HP.

I've been using modular hardware for a while, and I'm experimenting with this NE filter/distortion.
My question comes with the Mod (modulation) switch.
I have read the manual but I don't quite understand it.
The manual says:
//Mod: The audio is routed back to the filter cutoff frequency for
input-dependent FM. Down position is off, middle is mild, high is
I'm intrigued, because if I output the audio through the filter output, without going through the distortion circuit (Mangle) I get the oscillator signal (SQR) very attenuated and low in volume.
I am modulating the cutoff frequency with an attenuated EG via a triatt, since the CV input of the filter accepts 0 to 5V.
I have also deactivated the automatic frequency envelope, so that only the cv that I send it from my EG affects the cut.
I already knew that this is a rather "special" filter, but I'm afraid I'm not knowing how to get its good side out.
If anyone has used it, and can help me....
Thank you

First of all, let me tell you that I've only been using modular hardware for 3 months, and I've started with a tight budget, so I've looked a lot at the price-performance ratio.
You could take a look at the Instruo Harmonaig https://www.modulargrid.net/e/instruo-harmonaig
It is a bit more expensive than the intellijel scales and bigger, but they have a lot more functions, for example chord progressions.
I've only used the virtual version in VCV rack, and it's amazing and very powerful.
I always recommend the same, I have it and I am very happy.
There are 4 mono channels with CV, send and return, mutes and pan. They are also chainable, so you can grow using the same output. 4 channels plus master are 18HP, but the ergonomics are quite good, at least for me. The price-quality ratio is great.
There is also the Befaco option https://www.modulargrid.net/e/befaco-hexmix but it is much more expensive and bigger, 6 channels 28 HP.
I would stick with the Pico DSP, it is very versatile, takes up little space and you can always even use the granular algorithm, or the exclusive reverb or delay for some percussion.
A good option to consider is also https://www.modulargrid.net/e/erica-synths-black-hole-dsp.
What I do miss in your case is an MI rings or clone
Best regards,
I would stick with the Pico DSP, it is very versatile, takes up little space and you can always even use the granular algorithm, or the exclusive reverb or delay for some percussion.
A good option to consider is also https://www.modulargrid.net/e/erica-synths-black-hole-dsp.

I knew from the beginning that I wanted to build my own case.
Regarding the power supply, emphatically yes, you have to buy a reliable source with plenty of energy.

When I started researching ahead of my own leap into modular four months ago, the repeat guidance in countless threads to start with a Mantis case was clear and convincing - four months later and over half full, I think it remains the best tip I took on board. It might not be the most exciting part of the journey, but with so many other things to learn and navigate, keeping the case and power supply simple, reliable and reasonably cost effective would be my advice too.
-- alexandershawkins

That's true, but if we compare modular synths to an instrument, it's like you have to build your guitar every time before you start composing. Surely for each song you had in mind, you would choose one type of wood or another, more or less strings, etc... This is the theme, you have a sound in mind, and you are looking for how to achieve and you end up acquiring new gear.
There are sounds that can be achieved with your current equipment, but especially at the beginning, there are sounds that you can only get with a specific setup.

Stories of a novice.
3 months ago I decided to start in the world of modular, after several years with VCV.
First of all, I watched videos, read forums, etc.
At first, ignoring opinions from some forums, I decided to build myself a 3U 104HP case.
I decided on the "cheap" option for the power supply. The famous Meanwell RT-65B with 2 buses.
At the last moment, I decided to listen to what I read and built a 6U 104HP case.
What I want to tell you is what just happened to me with the power supply. Run works fine. No problems so far, but I've run out of power on the -12v rail (it only has 500mA). Well, I had to decide to put another meanwell, one for each bus. I had to disassemble all the modules, the cover of the box (luckily I made a removable cover) and redo the wiring. A great mess!!!!.
I hope this helps other newbies like me to keep in mind that:
-3U 104HP is NEVER enough, not even at first.
-Better an external source, type 4ms or Modulaire maritime for example
Maybe it costs a little more than what I have spent but it is worth it. (€80 option 2 x meanwell plus accessories vs €120-150 external option, with power brick), without taking into account the boring work that it has cost me.
As @JimHowell1970 rightly says, Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine. And the utility modules draw negative current, and in the end the source becomes obsolete.
Greetings to all and sorry if I have bored you.

NB I think Noise Reap closed
-- JimHowell1970
Yes, unfortunately. My idea was to get a second hand Paradox.

For ambient music, as a second oscillator in addition to the versatile Plaits you can perhaps start with a double oscillator and a waveshaper
A serious cheap option
https://www.modulargrid.net/e/noise-reap-paradox-- (oscillator)
https://www.modulargrid.net/e/modulaire-maritime-tarot (waveshaper).
They are the ones I have in mind for my next case extension.

I ordered a TipTop Audio SD808 to @Ashel1985 and everything fine.
Well packaged and a fast delivery.
Highly recommended seller.

There is an offer on the marketplace

Anyone know where to get one of these? Or anything similar?
-- Vbsmusic

Thread: fluid state

Very large modules for a very small box.
As a newbie I have started with a 6U x 104HP DIY case two months ago and I almost have it full.
Och is a very good module, and they can be modulated between them through the CV input. Another option, with more wave types and synchronizable would be, for example, the double LFO of NLC, it also occupies 8HP, the same as the two och
In addition to the lfo's,A compact TILT-type function generator would be nice, for example.
Totally agree with @JimHowell1970, you need a sequencer with pitch output, not just gates.
And some VCA's, attenuverters and a mixer for the audio output.
If you change the Starlab for a
you can save space for everything else, although I think you should go for a bigger case, even if you don't fill it up at the moment, blind panels are cheap.

How would you define a sequential switch as opposed to a sequencer?
I will often use stages as cv sequencers
-- fretless19
A sequential switch is used, for example, to channel the modulation signal from a source to several destinations dynamically by means of a trigger. You can also send a sequenced trigger to different destinations.
It is a basic module, for example
You can watch this video where they explain it very clearly with a lot of options.


If you plan to put Pamela I don't think you need any more clock modulator.
I agree with @JimHowell1970, a sequential switch and maybe a matrix mixer and an attenuator/attenuverter could be good options.

An attenuator/attenuverter module would be a good option.
For example https://www.modulargrid.net/e/addac-system-addac218
Regarding LFO, Doepfer 145-4, they are 4 simple lfos without VC, but suitable for modulating.
If you want to go one step further, ochd https://www.modulargrid.net/e/divkid-ochd
Best regards,

I ordered a OmsInSerial LINKEE 3U to @OmsInSerial and everything perfect.
Well packaged and a fast delivery.
Highly recommended seller.
Very useful module to reduce the number of cables that go from my Arturia BST pro to my case.

2HP modules.
They are a good option for small spaces, but do not put them together, it becomes impossible to control the knobs.

Thread: Prototype

Thanks for the feedback everyone!

At first I would add some VCA's and a mixer for the different voices. Maybe also an attenuverter to mix/manipulate the different CV's.

Definitely. I intended to use veils as a mixer but as we know we never have too many vca's. I will update this.
Yes, Veils is a mixer, yes, but if you use it to control the sound output of the different voices, you lose its functionality as a VCA and modulation source. For Audio I recommend a mixer dedicated to it, with its mutes, pan controls, its main output and its headphone connection, your neighbors and family will thank you.
-- Oroboros
Yes, Veils is a mixer, yes, but if you use it to control the sound output for the different voices, you lose its functionality as a VCA and modulation source. For Audio I recommend a mixer dedicated to it, with its mutes, pan controls, its main output and its headphone connection, your neighbors and family will thank you.
I have it installed, but it's my personal choice, good price, but there are many more options.

Thread: Prototype

At first I would add some VCA's and a mixer for the different voices. Maybe also an attenuverter to mix/manipulate the different CV's.

OK. I will look. Black Output is too expensive, so I'm looking for another output/mixer.
-- timtoum93
Take a look to Tesseract Modular modules.
I have these combination
-4 mono channels with pan, mutes, cv and two send/return controls for each channel.
-Phones output and send /return section.
-Chainable modules

If you have you have enough space, an "extra" oscillator is never superfluous, and the STO is a very good module. I would remove the Fold 6, one of the strengths of the Piston Honda is the wavefolder circuit.
I would add some mutes before the mixer, but that's because I really like "mutes".
Here you have some without "clicks", with vactrols.
Perhaps I would also add another Triplatt, it is quite cheap and you have a lot of modulation signal, sometimes it is interesting to mix them.

Ladik also has the Composer N which is one of my favourite modules. I can heartily recommend it. I do think Sebsongs will also offer prebuilt units at some point in the future, if I am not mistaken.
-- ParanormalPatroler
I didn't know it, very interesting, and cheap.

This one is the good one :
My humble newbie observations:
-Mixer. I would change Rosie and 2HP mixer for an output/mixer module, with returns and mutes. An affordable option could be:
https://www.modulargrid.net/e/tesseract-modular-tex-mix-master-section --Master
https://www.modulargrid.net/e/tesseract-modular-tex-mix-4-mono-channels --4 channels mixer
-Another filter, a multimode filter, more or less aggressive depending on the type of music you want to make.
-More and more ergonomic VCA's, you have room for them. A cheap option.
-A sequential switch is a very useful basic to route signals.
and a matrix mixer, for example

Hi, it would be helpful if you could tell us what kind of music you intend to do.
IMO, I would set up a mixer with at least 4 channels just for audio, and I would leave the triplatt for modulation. I don't see any percussion, are you going to use any external equipment for rhythms? Are you going to use rhythms? ;-)

I ordered a Intellijel TRIATT to @timoka and everything as described.
Well packaged and a fast delivery.
Highly recommended seller.

I ordered a NONLINEARCIRCUITS Dual LFO/VCO to @RTFM and everything went perfectly.
Well packaged and a fast delivery.
Highly recommended seller.

Another option is users here who assemble any diy kit for you. I have already bought two from the user @RTFM and I am very happy. You can ask him how much it would cost you assembled, and if he doesn't have what you're looking for, he can always assemble a Music Thing Modular module (Turing machine) that can give you similar performance.

I ordered a ZLOB Skew fade LFO to @RTFM and everything went perfectly. New module, well packaged and with a fast delivery.
He has a large number of DIY modules, perfect for those of us who are not good enough with a soldering iron.
Highly recommended seller.

Bought a TipTop BD808 from @alex974 and everything has been perfect. The module as described. Perfect packaging.
Good seller.

Bought a Takaab 2LPG v2 from @39tutu and everything has been perfect. The module better than described. Perfect packaging. Good seller.

Each voice you have has its own envelope, so imo I don't think you need an LPG, unless you want to use it to deal with some noise source you have.
Maybe a quantized CV source. Maybe you could change your sequencer to Euclidean circles for example, or Maleko Varigate 4+.
Imo you have a lot of gate sources to feed two voices.
But hey, I'm a beginner, there are people here with much more experience who will surely be able to help you better than me.

Bought a Erica Synths Pico VCO from @Slim and everything has been perfect. The module as described. Perfect packaging. Good seller

I bought a NE Viol Ruina from @Thingue and everything was perfect. Very good communication and fantastic module.

I am a beginner, but imo:
-I would change the 3 modules 2hp of clock modulation from a Pamela's New workout, more functions, similar money, similar size.
-You will need an audio output, a mixer or at least something that attenuates the outputs of your voices (vca's), this means at least 6 hps more.
-You are dedicating more than 50 percent of your case space to 3 modules.
-I would move to a larger case, or, I would sacrifice cellz and chipz modules.
-A couple of envelope generators would be nice too.
-Find in Youtube some demos of rides-in-the-strom DMO module, versatile, affordable and "in your music scope"
Best regards,
sorry for my English.

After weeks of looking up just about every video out there, this is what I've come up with ModularGrid Rack

Yes, I do want to play some sick techno.

Is there anything missing? Do I have too many utility modules? is not having a dedicated VCA something I will deeply regret? Is having only one proper voice going to hold me back? No S&H?

I chose the Metropolix because I really wanted something that I could play as if it were an instrument, does that make sense?
-- ruciferno
I'm also a beginner, and at first I thought that with a 3u case I had enough, luckily I paid attention to the messages on the forum and started with a 6U and it's already filling up.....I think it's the minimum for this kind of setups is a 6U or 7U case.

Hi all,

I am going to acquire this module and I would like to know if anyone around here uses it or has used it, to know their impressions.
Thank you,

What are the sliders like on the CalSynth clone? Ie the degree of resistance... I truly despise sliders without a decent bit of torque needed to move them (I'm looking at you, Grandmother sustain slider).
I don't know, I have never tried any CalSynth module and I don't like sliders, of any kind, I prefer knobs

You can find some "clones", but most of them are "half veils":
If you are going to have 4 VCA's, definitely choose a "in cascade" module like Intellijel quad vca
-- ferranadsr

-- tailwindproductions

"I’m trying to decide between a couple options I think will serve my needs here well: the IntelliJ quad VcA at 12p and a PAIR of Doepfer A-132-3v modules that would consume 16hp."
it's a pity that veils is out of stock.
You can find some "clones", but most of them are "half veils":
If you are going to have 4 VCA's, definitely choose a "in cascade" module like Intellijel quad vca

A mixer with stereo output, with its pan controls, would partially solve this problem.
I have a Tesseract unit Mixer+Master Out
Good quality-price ratio.
This module has send-return outs, mute switches and it's expandable.

The module seems to have many functionalities, but it seems that cv modulation is not one of them.
Maybe a lot of digital effects in 14HP at a ridiculous price.

I think it's a combination of quality issues and distaste with some of their business practices. I don't really have a dog in the fight (aside from just generally not liking large corporations), as I'm not really up on their history and far from an expert on all the issues involved. I started my modular journey with 4 neutrons which I still own and use to some degree, they are great bang for the buck and a great way to get started in modular IMO. But I've never tried any of their eurorack modules, and haven't read particularly great things about them. I imagine some of them are probably good value, while some of them probably suck haha.
-- adaris

Ho, I'm new in modular, well, very new, just finished my empty case and I'm starting to design and find modules for my first patch.
I've noticed that Behringer has a lot of modules, plenty of functions, but people seems not be interested in them.
Poor quality reasons maybe?
I'll wait your opinions.
Sorry for my English....thanks

I'd recommend the After later audio Tilt as a small function / envelope generator,
-- Sythic
I was looking at it initially, maybe if I can do without exclusive LFOs and opt for a slightly more complex LFO/envelope module.

Maybe the ochd is worth considering for a boat load of LFO in a small space.
-- Sythic
For now, if I add TILT and DMO I don't consider adding more LFO's

Add filter flavour to your own tastes, I recently fell in love with the ritual electronics altar and it's made me appreciate all of my filters more ☺️
-- Sythic
I have been listening to both viola ruina and WASP and I like its possibilities, for now, with these filters it would be useful.

I would strongly consider FX Aid XL...would obviously recommend FX Aid Pro but with a smaller case like this, HP is at a premium.
-- jb61264
Good point, but at the moment I don't want effects inside the rack, just a delay that gives me many possibilities, to get some glitchy sounds. That is why I have selected the Dual PT delay from 333modules.
Thank you very much for your comment.

I'm new with modular.I just built my diy case (6U104)
I already have the modules of the upper row, bought from an Instagram's contact at a very good price.
The second row modules are options that I have in mind to continue with my rack, I would like your opinions, I would develop this first voice more, adding for example another filter (Wasp, Viol Ruina or Anomaly) and the generator of functions/LFO of riders, or I would add another voice (perhaps Plaits)?
The idea is to use my Arturia Beatstep pro for clock and sequencer functions.
My budget at the moment is tight, and the idea is to gradually add the modules.
ModularGrid Rack