Hi Farkas,
Thanks. They looks interesting.
Do you know if they are available somewhere online? Thanks
Hi Farkas,
Thanks. They looks interesting.
Do you know if they are available somewhere online? Thanks
I am building up a dedicated case for the drum modules. It hosts the drums, effects and a 6 ch mixer. I drive it via an 8 track sequencer.
Now, i was wondering what could be the best solution to patch everything so that i can just switch some cables if i want to swap some sounds or effects without having to unpatch/repatch everything.
Usually, in the past, i would have used some patchbays to do that.
The only module i come with is https://www.modulargrid.net/e/addac-system-addac911 but it's 1u and i don't have a case to host it.
Anyone has some suggestions?
If you would nominate some modules whit a 'Roland' sound, which ones you would go for?
I really like the Roland sound and in the past i've been owning many of their synths, sh*, jupiter 4/6/8, system 100, few junos and jx's.
I now own only a few modules of the system 500 series, which i like.
I was wondering, any other modules which could have the characteristic Roland sound? If so, which ones?
I've playing around with Rings and the sound i am looking for when i think at "strings" is the one which Ring does while it's in easter eggs mode.
Any other modules which sound close to this? maybe Chord? Or the 4ms ensamble oscillators?
Thanks in advance
I realized that the CV output of the gate was set to 5v. I've now switched it back to 10v and the sq64 triggers the SD808.
Now, the question is, is the sq64 triggering the tiptop drum modules correctly or i am not getting the the best out from them (e.g. gate too short, voltage right).
Anyone else use the sq64 with the tiptop drum modules? Experiences?
Had the same issue. The noise is due to the fact you are using the USB to power it. I am now using the power adapter and the noise is gone.
Now, litteraly 20 minutes ago i found an issue with my sq64. It cannot trigger the tiptop sd808. It works fine with the bd808 and hats808 but no way to have the sd808 working.
I just got the module and i tought something was wrong with it but i have manually triggered it using a MI ears and it works.
Anyone had the same issue? Ideas on how to solve it?
I just realized that the length was on. Apparently it does not light up when the length button is pressed.
Is that normal?
I just received an MI Marbles but the voltage range button is not lighting up. I think it might be broken.
Is there any other possible other reason why it's not responding (and lighting up).
I was wondering if there are any differences in the tip top audio versions of their drum modules.
Any differences other then the aesthetics ones?
My question is valid for all the modules within the serie
Anyone knows where i can buy 4ms pods in europe (not UK) ?
I am looking for an hardware solution to record my modulars.
I am tempted to buy a 4ms WAV recorder. I've read quite a good amount of reviews and it does what i need.
Anyway, i've also come across a few articles/reviews which suggests the ZOOM (h series) to record modulars. At the same price of the 4ms, you can have the zoom 5h (or even 6h second hand).
Any of you is recording modular with hardware device? If yes, any suggestions?
Have been searching the forum for this topic but no real luck, hence the question, what are your favorite modules for ambient music?
I personally think that a bunch of modules from MI works great, those are, Elements, Rings, Clouds and Beads.
If you are into ambient, what are the modules you like more to produce it?
Thanks. Sounds like it's what i am looking for at the moment.
Will have a further look now
Thanks for the suggestion
It's time to for me to get some effects on my rack. At the moment, there are no effect modules in my rack, so, I might think to start with some classic.
I would stay in the price range of 200-300 and i am keen to get a multi-effect (was thinking at the tip top audio z5000).
Do you have any suggestions on what could be a good one to start?
Is there any polyphonic string module available somewhere?
The only one i was able to find is the String Theory from Make synth not war: https://makesynthsnotwar.com/modules/stringtheory/
I can't even find it for sale anywhere.
I know it's weird to go poly on modular but i really miss poly strings and i am wondering if something is available on the market.
Plaits is already in my rack.
I might try the others.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Hi All,
I really like how Rings sounds. I was wondering if anyone could suggest any other modules which sound smilar to Rings.
(I already have a MI Elements)
Thanks in advance,
Hi Lugia,
This is perfect indeed. I will contact him.
Thanks for the suggestion,
Thanks a lot for your suggestions.
Actually i am very bad at DIY hence i don't feel like going that route.
I will contact MDLR to ask for a quote of the case i am looking for.
Thanks a lot,
Hi all,
Due to lack of space in my studio i need a custom build eurocase case which could fit in the small space left on my desk.
I was not able to find any cases which would fit in there hence i think i have to go custom.
Any advices on some good cases producer located in Europe?
Thanks in advance,
Anyone using a korg sq64 with cv/gate?
I am noticing a strange noise on the line when i plug the pitch/gate.
The noise disappears if i enter the control mode on the sq64.
If any of you is using that sequencer i would like to know if you are having the same issue (or potentially know why this is happening)
Thanks in advance,
Ok, it's working now. After playing a bit with the manual trigger. Weird.
Thanks a lot for your help
To add a bit of info,
Looks like the cv into the vco works fine as i can hear the different notes if i play the scale on the keyboard.
Looks like the issue is with the gate not triggering not opening the VCA.
I am starting to think the 540 is somehow broken.
Any idea on out to debug further?
Hello Lugia,
Thanks for the help.
Unfortunatly, still not luck.
The only sound i can still hear is the oscillator when i turn up the vca initial level.
If the initial vca level is turned off (or turned up until i can hear the oscillator) i can't get any sounds of it it via external sources.
Is there something broken?
Any ideas?
Thanks a lot in advance,
Thanks farkas. Apologies. My previous post was inaccurare. This is indeed what i am doing. Gate from sequencer/keyboad into the 540 ext. (Top left corner).
I am really wondering why it's not woking.
This is my very first post, thanks everyone in advance.
I recently bought a basic system 500 setup, it's comprised by 512, 521, 530, 540 and 572.
I am encourring two issues which i hope someone could give his/her advice one.
I can't get any sound out of it if the VCA Initial knob is not turned on. If i increse the initial level, everthing is fine but i can't get any sound from external source if the initial parameter is set to zero. I've tried with an arturia keystep and a korg sq64. The connection i use are:
Arturia/Korg Pitch into the 512 VCO Key
Arturia/Korg Gate into the 530 Ext
If i increse the initial VCA level and play on the arturia, i can hear the different notes but if i put the initial VCA to 0, no sounds come out. Any ideas? Looks like the gate does not work.
I noticed that the sound the two Oscillator (512) is not the same. If i use the same parameter on the first section and second section, the sound i can hear is very different, with the second part being much more calm and lower then the frist. I am wondering if this is by design and hence exepceted or if the module is somehow broken.
Thanks in advance for the help,