Does anyone has a clue how to connect this to the case? there's apparently no socket for the power and the manual does not say any. I've tried seraching aroud but i've not found anything usefull.
Does anyone has a clue how to connect this to the case? there's apparently no socket for the power and the manual does not say any. I've tried seraching aroud but i've not found anything usefull.
hi - is the es6 also audio? I thought there are cv only? thanks
I use an Expert S ES9 and ableton and i was thinking to add another sound card (es9 or 8) to add more inputs. Is anyone currently using 2 ES in parallel? is so, how is it going?
I am having issues with the MIDI ports on the Poly2 and ableton.
The poly2 is connected to a midi mac via USB. Ableton sees the Poly2 and i can send MIDI message to it and play external gears via cv/gate. However, Ableton completely ignore the incoming MIDI i am sending from my keystep into the Poly2 MIDI IN (e.g. i can't record any MIDI)
Everything looks fine in Abeleton and indeed if i swap to another interface (e.g. expert sleepes ES9) keeping the same configuration, everything works fine.
I am wondering if someone had the same experience. I wrote and email to Polyend but no luck so asking here.
Thanks in advance,
I've recently change the way I work with my system. PAM used to be my master clock but i've now switched to use Ableton as a master clock and sync the rack with PAM using an ES9 and Silentway. The ES9 starts and clocks PAM and everything works as expected in this regards, but there's something weird/wrong on PAM. As i am using different sequencers running at different ppq i have to set some multipliers on PAM (x2 io channel 1, x4 on channel 2 and so on). Now, when sometimes i stop the clock, PAM resets all the multiplier to 1x. I've played around in the menu to see if there's a sort of Reset upon restart but i've not find any. Also, it's very random as sometimes it does not make this reset when i stop Ableton and sometimes it only does it after 3 4 times i run and stop it.
Anyone have a clue about what it might be?
Ehy D,
Yes, i was thinking to get the es9 but i am not sure i really need it (and the module is not cheap).
I currently use a wmd performer as mixer but i am thinking to make some room in the studio and get a proper deck.
ES9 might be a good solution to record multitrack in ableton even if i am not a great fan of working with software (i don't think i will use any of those sw compressors, etc) and i have quite a few modules for processing.
What i think i need it's a good soundcard to record a single stereo signal and something which allow me to send MIDI message from the computer to the external synth. eurorack is preferred but i apprecciate that desktop gears might be cheaper in that scenario.
It's very long time i don't use a computer (pc or mac) in my setup. I don't use any software for sound generation and i use hardware sequencers and a 4ms wav record to record. Now, i am thinking to bring an apple back in my setup for two main reasons:
So i am thinking to buy a:
Any suggestions for point 2. and 3. - eurorack format has priority unless it's much more expansive then a desktop solution.
My WMD channels expand is acting weird. it looks like no sounds came out until the slider reach a position between 18 and 12 DB.
It's like it's muted until the slider goes to that level.
Anyone has experienced something like this before? Any ideas?
Yes, i was thinking to get the latest from sounfroces
In your view, what are the best drum modules to recreate the classic late 80's early 90's chicago house drum sounds (beyond the 808 and 909 clone).
E.g. Lots of records on Nu Groove Records are not on x0x beats.
Any idea/suggestions?
It's not triggered by the gate output of the sq64 in the gate in of the tiptop module.
Anyone using the 6m0d6 via midi?
I am having not luck it. Manual says it should be on channel 10 but no luck, i have also tried with all the other channels. No luck.
Also, manual says it accepts trs standard a and b. I've tried with both, no luck.
Any ideas?
Thanks a lot, will try.
I am bulding a midi chain with 1 kenton merge 4, 1 arturia keystep, 2 korg sq64 and a polyend poly 2. I am actually 1 step only away from the goal.
Last step is from one from midi out of one of the korg into midi in of the other. They both away trs only so i need that cable. Will try with a standard cable. Curious to see if it works.
I need a TRS to TRS Type A midi cable as i have to build a midi chain and i have that need.
Now, i am not able to find it anywhere so wondering if it exists.
The only one i am able to find is: https://www.thomann.de/it/boss_bcc_2_3535_trs_trs_midi_cable.htm
Does anyone knows if this is a type A and would actually work with gears other then boss pedals?
Thinking to sell some large hp modules and so the circadian could potentially go (even if it's a great module).
I am doing some test with an old korg sq 64 i got in the 2021 but never really used that much. It's kind ok for what i want to do now but there's an issue which i have to solve.
Apparently the tiptop audio sd08 is not triggered by the korg sq. I know this might happens when the trigger signal voltage is not high enough but it's actually working with any other tiptop audio drum module i have (all the 808 and 909 kick, clap and hats).
Anyone had the same issue? Any idea how to solve?
I am thinking to start including Ableton into my setup (which i've never done before to be honest).
Now, i still want to use Pamela New Workout as master clock driving my eurorack sequencers, so i need to find a way to slave ableton to Pamela.
The modules/gears which i have are:
Now, i am wondering how can i send PAM's clock to Abeleton. Not sure if the Poly 2 can pass the clock to Ableton using one of the gate and the midi out.
Anyone has experience whit does modules and this setup?
Hi Jim,
PAM clock is on 120 BPM. I am currently sending triggers to 3 sequencers (stepper acid, metropolix, cyrcadian ryhthm)
Output multipler are set a 1x.
The sequencers are running very very slow (30 bpm to my ears). If i want them to run at 120 BPM i need to set the PAM modifiers at 4x.
I don't quite understand why i have to set the modifiers at 4x to get the actual BPM. If i set the modifiers to 1x i just get the BPM/4.
PPQN looks ok.
What it could be? thanks
Hi Jim
Indeed i was wondering if the poly2 would be able to do so but apparently it won't.
I will have a look at shifty.
Lately I am having some fun with my arturia keystep arpeggiating atlantis in a very electro fashion style (some 808 and 909 on the background).
I've never really had a think about getting an arpeggiator in eurorack but I am now wondering if there are any good on the market.
Another option would be to pick up a Polyend Poly 2 to route the Arturia arpeggiator signal on different modules.
Anyone having fun with arpeggiators have any suggestions?
I am slowly moving away from digital effects with the look to replace them with analog ones.
I was wondering, what are your favorite eurorack analog effects?
I am particularly interested in:
1. Delay
2. Reverb
3. Flanger / Phaser
Hi @tubbutec,
Any updates on the release date?
Do you already know the frist shops which will have it?
Anyone knows when this will be available on the market?
I am trying to understand which is the right card for flangers/phasers on the tiptop z-dsp series. it could be me but i can't really understand which one is the right one. Do they have a card with flangers/phaser? is the time-fabric the only one with pitch-shifter?
Anyone knows how to contact @medicineman? - We had a bit of chat last week and agreed for an Akemie's Castle. Payment sent but i've not received any messages in the last 8 days (sent him 2/3 messages, no luck).
He has very good feedbacks but i am wondering what's going on.
If someone knows him personally and/or knows how to reach him out, could you please send me a DM?
Bought an AJH Synth VCO here in MG and when it arrived i noticed a strange behavior. The VCO was completely unstable in terms of pitch.
I've started to make some test plugging it into different cases (doepfer psu3 and erica synth). Nothing changed. I've tried to send CV from different sources (3 or 4 sequencers), same story.
I've come across this last night, it's exactly my case: https://modwiggler.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=220598
Anyone had the same issue?
I think this module is defected.
I was wondering what filter would pair nice with the Qu-bit chords. I've tried to use both a roland vcf 512 and a system80 860 but the results where rather poor.
Anyone has experience with this module through filters?
Have been looking for a thread like this but have not found any (surprisingly - i might have missed it)
What are your preferred modules for a 303 sound? Modules can either be single component (VCO, VCF) or a synthvoice (e.g. Acidlab M303).
At the moment i am using an M303 but i am looking to get something to add, so wondering what would be a good choice.
Anyone knows if the stepper acid will be back in stock? TSL does not reply to emails, wondering if they will build it again
Ok- I've had both Seek and Stepper. I also live in Chicago and grew up on ACID House since the age of 8. Always have been seeking Acid and somehow ended up playing live shows with my Euroracks at 41. I use the Stepper and M303 for that sound after trying countless sequencers. The Stepper hands-down is the show killer. Its got "live", "song" and "detach" modes! The Seek is fun but lacks these. Do the Stepper. The slide is adjustable as well.
-- robotmanmachine
I now have a Stepper and my very first impression is super positive. it's so easy to use and there are plenty of useful features.
I'll place it next to my 2 seeks, lets see what happens.
Yes, noticed that.
Any suggestions? I was looking at the WMD Volt. Any other?
Got two seeks which i am using with m303 and other roland-ish filters.
I am actually having fun but as you said the seek has some limitations.
I would love to buy a stepper but it's sold out everywhere and i was not able to find one.
I mailed a couple of time Transistor to know if they are planning to restock but i got no answers.
Anyone know if they will restock at some stage?
I am looking for a tuner to tune oscillators in my system. I currently have a bunch of analog and digital oscillators and i am struggling to get them all well tuned.
At the moment, i don't need functionalities other then the tuner, so i am more on the side to buy something cheaper then Data or O'Tool Plus (as i am not interested in the oscilloscope at the moment).
The below look like what i am looking for
L-1 Digital Tuner: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/l-1-digital-tuner
Antumbra Tune: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/antumbra-tune
Any feedback on those?
Anything similar in the same price range to consider?
Thanks a lot,
No, i was not aware of it.
Looks like no accent out tho.
Thanks for the suggestion anyway
I am thinking to buy an acidlab m303 to have some fun on acid lines.
I am actually thinking about what could be the best sequencer to pair with it.
I think that one of the most important element of acid lines is the sequencer. I don't think my actual sequencers (e.g. varigate 4+) are the right ones to sequence a '303'.
The below are the ones i am actually thinking of:
They both have accent out.
Any suggestions?
Hi m01c,
thanks a lot for your suggestions.
Those are indeed very good advices, i was not aware of the feedback modules chorus 106 which looks very interesting.
If you have any specific suggestions on the flangers and phasers modules, those will be very much welcome :)
thanks a lot
It would be also very good to be able to search for power consumption. It could be very handy for small cases where where it's important to put an eye on the power consumption
I can only see modules on the right.
The Poly2 is a nice module which I also have on my list. As it's not that cheap, question is, do you really need it from the very beginning? What MIDI capabilities are you looking for?
The maestro is also a very nice module. What is the main purpose are you going for it? What do you want to achieve with it?
I remember i saw some videos in the past of a circadian r triggering tiptop drum modules without using cables. At the time i tought it was done via syncbus but i can't find this in the manual.
Anyone is connecting the CR to tiptop drum modules via syncbus? It this supported?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Radtron,
Yes, i solved it by using a power adapter.
It looks like the problem appears when you run it over usb.
Hope this helps,
Hi Lugia,
Yes, i am aware of the presence of FM (yamaha) sounds in their works.
I still believe that also a good amount of juno and jx (mostly 3) is there too.
I might give a try to the dx7 reface even if i am little bit scared of the programming part, which can be very time consuming.
If you have any other suggestions other then the humble audio quad operator, this would be very welcome.
Hi Farkas,
Thanks for your reply.
Actually i got a few roland boutique (jp, juno, sh) but i feel like i want to keep all mysetup in modules. I am actually selling them and replace with modules. For the juno i will try the soundforce whereas for the sh, i am not sure yet. I own few system500 modules and i can use it for now.
For the FM, humble audio quad operator is on my list at the moment.
I am not really interested in play poly chords on keyboard. I play the piano and i can have fun with them on my digital piano.
Modular poly are fine, as long as i get get the typical drexciya (rolandish) sounds. I will keep expoloring and see if somethgnice will came.
I am actually also thinking at what effects/compressori i could get for the drums (808). Typical drexcyia's 808 is very effcted/compressed. I am using a pico dsp at the moment. Thinking to go for happy nerding aid fax and a wmd mscl compressor.
As a big fan of Drexciya i've always been looking after their sounds. Back in the days, i had tr808, sh101, various other sh*, system 100, junos and jx3p which i think was a good setup to get a kind of their typical sounds.
Now that i moved into eurorack i am traying to build a setup which would allow me to stay on the same line.
For the tr808, i am using the tiptop modules, for same baselines i am using the system500. I am still missing their "string" sounds which at the moment i can only get close to with MI Rings in 'organ' mode.
Altought the sh101 is technically derived by the system100 one, i still don't have any filter like it in my case. I am thinking also to get the soundforce juno DCO e VCF for some of the junos sounds.
Also thinking to give a try to the g-force sh2/101 vcf along with the jp6 vcf.
Anyone has some suggeations on some modules which would help here? Any Drexciya fan?
Hi Garfield,
Thanks for the tip. This is can help, yes. I guess i can use this in combination with some passive multiple to build the final solution i am looking after. Thanks. Matteo