Had great transactions recently with:

@Salamanda (sold Clouds)
@Bosco (bought Kermit)
@Kanou (bought Harmonic Oscillator)
@Jbaptiste (sold Double Andore)
@Distone (sold A118)
@Daniele (sold Multi-Envelope)
@St0rMl0rD (sold Rosie)
@mgla (sold Sloth)
@denosx (sold Warps)
@bjorne4224 (sold A138d)

Smooth trade with @teohc whom bought me my Woogglebug MK2. Quick payment and email answering.

second rack: ModularGrid Rack
conjunction with ModularGrid Rack
and ModularGrid Rack
+3Mother32s, 0-Coast

Hi Mt3
TrulyThanks for help.
Today i buy Function.
What do you think to put Turing machine v2?
And make some techno loops.
At the moment i have
Clouds+function+ears+errorNOISE ! secret handshake nr 1
Only 62 hp case



Hi, I think you will get more responses at the https://www.muffwiggler.com/ forums.

What modules you will put here¿
For modulating mungling envelope randomize clocking¿.
I dont have much space in my rack.
I want to put some external sounds and freeze them...drone concrete music and noise.
Totally new here.
Thanks in advance

Totally new here.
I need the quad attenuator here?
What cheap modules for moving this samplers you will choose¿
I have a waldorf filter out side... No reverbs no filters.

A multi-tracked yet 'naked' demo - E350 is the sole sound source for this piece, no filtering/EQ or compression/limiting

-- Fastus

So amazing!!!You give me a lot of inspiration,谢谢!

Errr ma gerrrrd this is so elite...

modulargrid description says
"1000ma at +12v, 500ma at -12v and 170ma at +5v"
whereas tiptop webiste http://www.tiptopaudio.com/zeusmicro.php states:
"(...) up to 2000mA at +12V, 500mA at -12V and 170mA at 5V"

so...? which is right?

Thread: E370


What is the deal, is this still going ahead, has it happened already?

Really interested by this faceplate. Count me in.

For Parisian people, I'll be there:
Sunday afternoon.
I hope to see some of you there for a live demo!

Si, this is dead straight... 1 Midi unit (with glide so no need for a slew generator) it has loads of DV functions and 1 gate out... I've added a mulitple so you can spread your signals out & 1 ADSR. - The doepfer boxes are available from Thomann. This will give you loads more control and smoothness over your Werkstatt.

Also, Look at the Oscillator to the left. Not needed but if you do get any get this! Sounds like an ARP. They also do a DCO (Digital) one which will stay in tune better.

Very nice example from @NickT
I personally was amazed by erica synths fusion drone system, very power hungy, tube based:

Depends really what kind of "drone" you want, also like mentioned, cv control is essential(I think)...

Honestly, I wouldn't go with the drone bank - it has no CV control at all, so you'll be doing everything manually. You can get drones out of anything, but modulation is the key to keeping it interesting. Check this drone out using only Make Noise Telharmonic, Mutable Clouds and Qu-Bit Nano Rand -

Hi guys,

It's my first modular build on here and I'd love to get some input from the community about how my rack is looking (and going to sound!)


I have a Beatstep Pro to control this all and a microbrute to add some other options but what I'm hoping to achieve is a basic synth setup with plenty of sequencing control. I like the idea of messing with the sequences and clock divisions so I can hopefully get some percussion seq's running on this too.

I'm looking to fill those gaps with some dirty processing modules (Metasonix etc) to get some really distorted / noisy sounds.

Any advice you can give would be very much appreciated!


Good Sale To SynthDaddy :)

electricity comes from other planets

Hey friends.
I'm new on here, but i'm not new to music/sound or synthesizers so much. In my time I've played with a fair wack of different gear, but only a few modular systems of various design (mostly Buchla/Roland/Moog). I've been thinking about Eurorack for a while and recently bought a Mother-32 as a gateway to getting something started. I'm really not sure as to what I want to achieve, I'm a bit West coast in my tastes, probably a bit wack in my approach, but I like what I can do straight out of the box with the Mother none the less. Building on this as an interesting improvisational tool would be where I'd probably start. I've spent a long time watching module demo videos over recent weeks and today tried putting together something functional, that might give me a variety of creative options.

alt text

alt text

The above racks are a sketch of things that I've found that interested me as additions but I'm still a bit of a n00b as to the mundane necessities/utilities, and I'm still to learn about all the brands or get to the really cool depths of options. Any advice as to what I might really need to get the most out of what's already there, or what might be cool to fit in the extra space? There's an extra 40HP on the second version for something, but maybe this is already a disaster/masterpiece.

There's also the possibility of keeping the Mother-32 in its original case and keeping the rack separate. Does anyone have experience using the M-32 like this? Do you feel one way or another about said options?

I'll probably go for the Maths straight up as the next tool, and was thinking possibly the LxD at the same time. Not sure yet as to what's gonna be the right order of acquisition. Ultimately I guess it would be optimum if each purchase/addition was a way of adding a new flavour/compositional possibility so that the beast grows and I can learn to tame it as it does over time.

Thoughts/help on all the above appreciated.
Takk fyrir.


I would like some input on a planned percussion rack. My goals are a nice selection of different drum sounds and some modulation for the parameters on the sequencers. I am considering either the 4MS QCD or the Batumi. I welcome your feedback and insights.

Thank you,


ModularGrid Rack

I hope I am doing this right. Any pointers for a noob?

Favorite modular folks:
* flohr on modulargrid here
* dsquintz on modulargrid here
* kedromelon on modulargrid here

I actually super like this layout.
Leaning away from ER-301 even though it is a gorgeous and capable machine.
Now pondering Varigate-8/E350 or Voltage Block/Triatt/E350. Going Varigate.

Oubliette has 7 offsets/attenuverters and 5 VCAs not counting the internal VCAs in the dual Mangroves and Tides.
Nostalgia for Infinity has 4 offsets/attenuverters/VCAs from Frames and 3 VCAs from Optomix/Ripples.
Lots of sequencing options and plenty of attenuation built in on Akemie's Castle/URA but that's still on the soft side.

Something awkward about having SVVCF and Ripples. But Ripples acts as a VCA and SVVCF as a mixer.
Would love to ditch Ripples but don't want SVVCF droning and want both channels of Optomix for Akemie's.
This suggests I want more VCAs. Could automate with Frames? I might like the idea of Frames more than using it though.
Sidelining Ripples (and maybe URA or Frames) could be reasonable if it lets me swap in some alternative modulation + VCAs.

* Get unpowered Submodular 208 to replace the Move 208?
* Get Malekko Power Supply. Or Intellijel TPS80?
* Voltage Block
* 6hp Dual VCA. New Xaoc one/Moddemix/uVCA?

Maybe get my hands on:
* Arpitecht
* Loquelic Iteritas
* Morphagene? Or 4ms Sampler? Or Enso?
* Audio Damage Eos? (Swap for Erbe Verb?)

Less likely:
* Pamela's New Workout?
* Beast's Chalkboard?
* Blinds?
* SSF Spectrum?

Pretty boops I will not buy:
* Xaoc Praga
* Intellijel Triatt
* Synth Tech E102/E330
* Mutable Links
* Manhattan Analog Mix
* Ultrafold
* Toppobrillo Stereomixer
* Argos Bleak
* Eloquencer

This leaves out:

  • Mini Slew
  • Ripples
  • Earthsea
  • Disting
  • Morphing Terrarium

But gets better mixing and filtering from SVVCF and multiple envelopes from Quadra. Shame to lose Earthsea and E350 though.

It was very nice doing business with @mineralwasser and @Rada909 this week. Both were very communicative, fast to ship, and believers in sturdy packaging. Thanks again guys!

ModularGrid Rack

Hi modular people!

Any feedback on this rack would be hugely appreciated. I am familiar with analogue synths and modular synthesis in software (Reaktor Blocks). Zero experience with Eurorack but I am looking to dive in. I produce techno and have put out a few releases on minor independent labels.

My aims for this rack are:
1. Use it to produce actual music, not just messing around or "collecting" modules.
2. Make phat analogue sounds and sequences; hence the analogue VCO, multimode and Minimoog style filters.
3. Get creative/complex/unpredictable sequences; René seems to be at the top of many people's lists for this.
4. Make unique, weird and wonderful sounds; I saw some videos of the Shapeshifter and was blown away by the sound and possibilities.
5. Modulating FX and "playing" them live; the Blackhole DSP looks good but I am very much open to suggestions.
6. Syncing with and recording into DAW (Ableton).

So I am wondering:
Am I missing any essential modules given the above?
Are there any duplicates or non essential modules that I could (for now) do without?

Thank you and happy noise making to all!


Thread: 2hp Mix

Mounting it upside down doesn't eliminate the separated outputs. I actually already mount most of the modules in the bottom and middle rows of my 9U upside down to group jacks.

Thread: 2hp Mix

You could always just mount it upside down in your case? ;-)


Hey all,
I'm just dipping my toe into the modular synth pond, or ocean.
Would appreciate any feedback or suggestions of the rack I've built.

My approach was to create a rack that can interface with my Drumbrute, Microbrute and DAW while also acting as a standalone instrument.
Most of my decisions were made by watching Youtube videos to find sounds that I like.

One big question too, how does the power work with the different rack options? Would I need a power supply with the shelf? How about the Doepfer?


Hey guys, as promised here is the first example that maybe shows a hint of what I had in mind. My current setup is a Steinway Grand built 1907, a condenser mic and then a modular setup mainly built around a 4ms DLD, an Erbe Verb and Clouds. Comments are more than welcome...

Not a bad idea, to start at 3U 104hp I guess...

I am convinced that 6U/84HP is a good size but you have to be a pro planner to make it count.
9U is the gold standard and everything larger 9U gets to a compulsive problem.


Do you have experience Doepfer A-188-1 BBD Series modules?
If you want to make the best Flanger effects, so what Doepfer-188 series module is the right choice?
128, 256, 512 or 1024 stages BBD module?
I know that 1024 can make a flanger effect, but would it be 512, 256, 128 better, deeper, prettier etc.?

(Note. I know that better options are available to make the flanger effect, but if you limit the discussion, however, only Doepher A-188 series.)


How to deal with dubious traders? Please discuss in this thread.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

The marketplace exists for 2 years now. It's a place where strangers buy and sell stuff over the internet and so I am somewhat amazed that I am hearing very little complains about dubious transactions.

But there are people who had problems. For them it is worth nothing, that it's working pretty fine for everyone else.

In most cases people complain about defective modules, but there are cases where users reported that they never received anything. When two parties are involved there are always two opinions. One shouting fraud, the other shouting liar.

I have no idea how to deal with these situations and I cannot decide who is right and who is not.
I have a bad feeling about banning people on the call of others. I am also not sure if a bad trader thread won't lead to even more drama when users find themselves wrongfully on a list.
I like to hear some opinion.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

Great doing business with @nnop.
Good pricing, fast shipping and packed with care!

Can an audio sample be used instead of a VCO to initiate a patch and if so what module would be needed to to convert the line level signal into one loud enough to be used in a modular setting?

Amen. I have found out about the HP size thing. It doesn't matter as long as it fits, and yes, how soon will it be. I fear for GAS taking over.

Well, collected modular wisdom says whatever your rack size, it will be too small soon. Only question is how soon.

Can someone please help me.. Im looking to build myself this exact rack. Already got the mother 32. I was looking to build my own case with the doepfer DIY kit. Will this Kit supply enough power for the modules I want? I think I already know the answer and its yes but please can someone correct me if I am going to come across any problems with these modules and the DIY kit. Thanks!!

Hi you modular pros,

I have an idea in my mind, but I'm not sure how to build it into reality. But maybe you could help me. I drafted my current setup (only the relevant modules) in the picture below.

I want to play an audio signal into my modular system, this should be recorded at channel 1 of the DLD for let's say 16 bars, then I want the DLD to play these 16 bars (modulated through the Clouds) and at the same time record the incoming audio signal into channel 2. After another 16 bars the channels should be switched, so that channel 1 is recording again and channel 2 is on playback (modulated through the Erbe-Verb).

What do I need to do/change/add to make this using the current setup?
Any hint is appreciated!



I'm new to Eurorack and i'm planning to buy a 6U case 84HP, however all the planned modules that I've put here in the grid have exceeded 84hp already, so i was just wondering if that would be a problem if were to do it for real. Thanks.

Thanks for the proposition,
send me a private mail (http://nozoid.com/contact/), so we can discuss.

Just send me an OCS-2 for testing to Germany and I will do some sound files for you. Seriously...

Hello Marc,
Unfortunately, I did not have this kind of example.
I add it to my TODO list...

Hey Cyrille,
interesting thingy that you built! Are there any sound examples online where you use an external audio input (maybe some piano playing) and modulated it through the OCS-2 signal path? This would be very interesting to hear.


I'm glad to announce the OCS-2 synthesizer!

OCS-2 is a digital, semi-modular, analogue style synthesizer.
It is more design as a stand alone synth, but it is also eurorack compatible (50HP).
I think it can be a good way to start a modular setup, or to have a small hardware for performance if you can't move your big eurorack box.
Or even to add 1 synth voice to an already existing setup.

This synth is composed with :

2 VCO providing 15 different waveforms (including few atypical one)
1 VCF : multi-mode, including a 24db/octave low pass resonant filter
3 LFO : 2 with configurable waveform, 1 with CV frequency control
1 custom CV generator with 4 algorithms : Attack Release, dual LFO, Random, Step
1 audio effects processor with 4 effects : Distortion, Delay, Bitcrush, Waveshaper
1 ring modulator
1 CV controlled mixer for VCO1 and VCO2
2 octaves keyboard with portamento
1 digital matrix to connect signals to modulation faders
1 stereo line-IN with envelope follower and gate control
1 MIDI input : note / velocity / pitch bend / modulation wheel / control change
3 analogue CV IN and 1 GATE IN
1 light sensor

It provide a digital connection matrix, so you don't need cable, it's very compact and even comes with it's own box!!!

Ok, I know, it's digital and many don't like that.
but let's listen to its sound, watch videos and talk about it later.

Find more informations the website:

Cyrille Henry / Nozoïd