I tried to make a little jam based on a dance electronic music classic from the 1977 with my eurorack modular synthetizer, Supernature by Cerrone, after I recenlty watched Climax, a great 2018 movie directed by Gaspar Noé.
The video has been recorded in one take with a GoPro cam and edited with some parts of the Climax movie as a little tribute to both movie and music.
never stop modular experimentation
Patch notes:
- Drums: Telharmonic N out (snare), Pico Drum (kick & hit-hats)
- Sequencer: beatstep (lead), rené (bass)
- Main Voice: Loquelic Iteritas through QPAS
- Second Voice: DPO final out
- FX: morphagene custom reel through Antumbra SMOG
- reverb: Erb-verb
- additional modulations: Maths, Zone BF, Function, Wooglebug, micro o_C
feedbacks and comments welcome

Electronic music/video producer and composer.
Dark Ambient Cinematic atmospheres from Sardinia.

Correct me if I'm wrong, could you take an ALM S.B.G. with it's expression output, and then connect that to a boost pedal with expression in, say, the Supro boost, and create a VCA by sending an envelope through the S.B.G. into the pedal?

Rookie. Learning Guitar. Will one day build a rack.

If you're still considering mixers, I recommend you check the ADDAC802. It is a VCA mixer with great utility in a compact space. Sounds great. 6 VCAs. Independent outs on each channel, two independent/assignable mix outputs. I'll be honest, I don't love the red color, but you can order any color you like for extra $.

Noise Engineering stuff, although I should note that I'm not a fan of their obtuse/eye-wrecking panel marking scheme

:-) Agree. The NE Modules are one of the worst out there when it comes to Design. I really don't understand what People think when they make these "Designs"

Thread: fun stuff :)

One more before I'll take a little break also because I'm changing cases ;) ...

Thread: fun stuff :)

Regarding family and job, yes that's the point why I have all that time I guess ...

If you like Krautrock there's much to discover in my albums and EPs, tho not all strictly modular synthesizer.

My next album will be exclusively synthwave/Jean-michel-Jarre influenced... to be released next month and I always record stuff anyways ;)

Will post a bit more here in the future too...

Have a nice time!

I ordered a HEXa(s)r from Perfect Circuit and can confirm that it is 10 HP, not 9 HP.

Thread: fun stuff :)

Hi Sunchylde,

Oh my Lord! That above link of your video a few weeks ago, yes! That's really cool.

I love your "live Krautrock jam session style", though me as a "Grobschnitt" fan, it can't be Krautrock enough for me ;-)

So how about your next challenge? Make an instrumental-hard-core-Krautrock album? ;-) Just teasing (but.... would be nice if you still did, he, he)

Regarding your bandcamp link, I will check that another time: you do realise I have a family to attend to (at least once and a while) and I got a job I have to take care off, right? ;-)

Thanks a lot for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

Edit: Removed typo.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

I did not have this problem (sold it anyway). It was powered by my Pittsburgh EP-360. So i guess I was lucky with a functional unit or the Power supply is exceptionally good (got no noise floor at all and my case is nearly full)...

Have a look into 4ms ensemble osc and xaoc odessa, they are the osc i bought in a while und they are very versatile, for ambient anyway!

Hi Mowse,

I like the way you steal a few minutes in the studio before your dinner ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Looks like a fun rack to me!
Just to weigh in on the drum discussion. It's definitely cheaper to do percussion externally. I tried that and found I liked the modular approach better for my workflow. It cost a small fortune, and it's a lot more limited than an external or software approach, but I just didn't enjoy working that way. I kind of appreciate the limitations to keep me creative.
The Moffenzeef Mito (sadly discontinued) is an amazing hands-on sequencing tool that I am using with the Buck Modular DrumF*ck (criminally overlooked glitchy drum module, but sadly no individual outputs per drum), Basimilus Iteritas Alter, and Endorphin.es Blck_Noir (for CR78 style post-punk and synthpop sounds). I may pick up a Bastl Noise Square and Skis to dedicate to even more percussion sounds. There are cons to this approach for sure, like Lugia mentioned, but we all find what works for us as individuals. I'm finding that drums are probably my favorite parts of my rack.
Let us know how your new investment works out.

Note to self:

This may be the best option. Kinks allows for multiple useful functions simultaneously, while the Disting offers more, but only one at a time. I don't think the Disting provides much in the way of things I don't have that I need.

The remaining potential issue is the insufficient gain for my audio recordings (and possibly radio input). Maybe this can be solved by routing through both Arbhar and Morphagene input gain, if this doesn't cause too much noise. Otherwise, I may need to switch Kinks out for Ears.

Lugia, I cannot express enough how much I value your input. I learn so much from your responses. Both your time and effort you put in crafting your replies are not in vain. Thank you!

I tried to incorporate many of your and farkas' advice and make my future setup better without losing too much of my 'ideas'. While you'd suggest 'externalizing' the drums - and even talked about the :cycles - I tend towards using my :samples as external gear and Akemie's Taiko as a Jack-of-all-trades-FM-drum-voice. This way I can manipulate the incoming external audio in my rack. So I could even get rid of the BIA as well as the Lo-Fi-Junky. I added the expander for both Batumi and Zadar as well as a designated mixer, another triple VCA and the Fold Processor. What an amazing module!! I didn't know it, it seems to be so versatile and it produces the sound I want! So thanks for bringing it to my attention! I'm leaning towards the Varigate-Voltage Block-combo for major sequencing duties.
Am I getting 'there'?

alt text

My instinct would be to remove the drum parts, actually, and not the BitBox. You can use the BitBox to store textural loops very easily, which fits nicely with the soundscape aspect. But with the way drum machines are going at present, it might be a better move to go with a NON-modular solution.

This'll probably cause a big shock for some users, but I'm going to actually suggest getting some...yep...Behringer stuff. Namely, an RD-8. Yep, Uli actually managed to get this fairly right. Each track has an individual output for discrete processing of drum sounds, there are three trig-out tracks, and the sequencer works pretty much as one would expect for an 808, with some added conveniences. Now, in addition to this, I would ALSO suggest adding a Doepfer A-119 to the modular, as this is an external input preamp that also has an envelope follower and level comparator, meaning that you can feed individual outputs or even the entire machine through the modular to screw with them there. It also has a decent onboard filter on its own.

Then to that, I'd suggest adding Elektron's new Model: Cycles, which is an FM-based "groovebox". Ignore that stupid term, though...what it would be here is a source for metallics, percussive weirdness, etc. And yes, BOTH of these are easily locked to the modular's clock; the Elektron will want to see a MIDI clock which will require the PEXP-2 expander for the Pam's, but the RD-8 can take an analog sync directly, meaning you can mess with the RD-8's clocking via a direct connection to a Pam's channel. And by putting all of this under a DAW clock, everything locks up nicely, even if you're (ab)using the Pam's to mangle the timing.

Then, to put the cherry on the cake here, get some cheap (Rowin, Donner, Caline, Cuvave, Azor, Mugig, et al) effects pedals. Sprinkle liberally amongst the individual RD-8 outputs...fuzzes, overdrives, bitcrushers, delays, etc.

This is actually a better solution for drums, from my experience. What I use is definitely not identical to this, but there's very much aspects of this in my own studio that allow me to get really busy with percussives. But the fact is that electronic percussion is actually STILL something of a "weak link" in modular synths. Either you don't get enough functionality out of rather spendy modules, or they just don't sound all that hot in the first place. However, one manufacturer there stands out for creating a bunch of totally wrongheaded modules that are EXCELLENT for bangers 'n' clangers, and that would be Moffenzeef. And yep, you can fire those off of the RD-8's trigger channels. But again, I'd suggest putting these in something like a Palette skiff...keep your functions separate. This not only frees space in the main cab for synth-centric modules, but it gives you space for a bit of logic to mess with timings, as well as a small mixer and something "evil" for drum-specific processing, such as a Schlappi Interstellar Radio which is designed to make everything sound utterly, totally trashed, very early Aphex-ish.

And while it might sound like having all of these separate devices would get confusing, the opposite is usually the case...since you know that "X" noises are coming from this box, "Y" out of this other one, and so on. No need to chase down your mingled patchcord signal paths in a single cab. Having done live techno sets this way back in the 1990s, with NO laptop, NO software, and NO MIDI save for a TR-909 sequencer signal to a CZ-101 (yep...all CV/gate and onboard sequencers!), I can assure you that this methodology DOES WORK...and it's a lot more streamlined than you'd suspect!

I made changes my rack, but anyone with the old image cached will need to force-reload. When people update their racks to discuss here, is it typical for people to update the existing rack? Or make a new one? Since I updated my rack, some of the comments above will now be confusing since the image will show the changes for new viewers.

Thank you @wishbonebrewery and @dinorrific!

@wishbonebrewery: thanks for the reminder about a goal. I am finding it hard to choose a goal partly because I don't know what's possible, and I think my mindset is stuck in "subtractive synth" mode and the more I learn about modular the more I realize that's a really limited view. I think what drew me to modular is seeing people's sequencing setups, but also the more dreamy ambient/atmospheric sounds that I've seen some people create. I don't know whether this build would be especially good for that, but I think that's what drew me to the Plaits.

@dinorrific: are you referring to this? https://www.modulargrid.net/e/synthrotek-1u-unity-gain-mixer

Every time I think about what could be missing from the case, I catch myself and realize that it's already there. I think you're going to find that you'll want either more modulation sources, a filter, or another mixer. I'd recommend looking into the latter as a replacement for the uStep or Branches - you won't always want to use Tides as a chord generator, but when you do, it'll allow you to squeeze all three voices out of your system instead of just one.

You may also want to look into a unity mix in 1u if it fits - in small systems, it'll let you change the base note and have a couple of sequences moving in the same key (if your sequencer doesn't already allow for that). It could also serve as a down and dirty mixer for multiple voices.

I hope this helps - I think, even if you bought this today as is, you'd have a wonderfully capable machine.

Like when I joined here and started my Eurorack Journey, everyone is going to tell you to have a Goal in mind before you start.
It will stop you spending a load of money on something you find you don't use or didn't need
Figure out what you want your Rack to do.... for me the initial goal was to fill in the gaps around the other gear I had so that the combo of other gear + Eurorack didn't have any crossover.
My goals have slewed a bit and I now want to bring in some of the capability of the external gear into the rack but not fully.

I don't think I followed the advice given here, but that's not to say that it wasn't helpful ;-)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


nice :)

Thread: fun stuff :)

...btw I also have a bandcamp, just in case you're interested :)


Thread: fun stuff :)

And thanks for your kind words, here's a video I made a few weeks ago ...


Thread: fun stuff :)

HAHA -- well tbh I could do a new track almost every day, but sometimes I feel like I better slow down and let people digest first. I also recorded like nine albums in the last four years ... let's just say I really love synthesizers and music, this helps a lot ;)

Yes I built that case myself, but actually I am downsizing a bit and decided to sell it.

Actually I think simplicity is very important as you can get lost easily, or be over-excited with all the possibilities (modules you could buy).

Hi all,

I would love feedback on this Intellijel Palette case build. I am new to modular, but not to synthesis in general. I have loved the things I've seen about the Mutable Instruments line, so I tried making a build with a handful of those to cover sound sources, shaping, modulation, and some VCAs. I am still unsure of what my goal for my modular system would be and I am hoping that the feedback I get will help me figure that out! I am interested in having sequencing ability, lots of modulation, and interesting sound sources. I would love to hear thoughts on alternative modules to the ones I've selected as well as ways to max out this small case to get the most out of the space. Let me know what you think!

ModularGrid Rack

Stole a few minutes in the studio before dinner. Here's another example of STO and Dixie II+ playing well together.

This entire patch is driven by Rene and a clock shifter. There's a sprinkling of Trident and a Moog Mother 32 for accents, but STO and Dixie are the main voices. Both are run through QPAS for cutoff and resonance, then on to Mimeophon to add space and repeats. Really simple patch.

Hi Mowse,

Nice one again :-) At the end of the track I realised you made this track too short, I wanted more!

Thanks for the explanation how you build up/create your sounds, interesting reading material.

Thank you very much for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Thread: fun stuff :)

Hi Sunchylde,

Oh yes! Nice one again, how do you do that? You can produce faster a new track + video (and a good one by the way) than I can eat a full plate of pasta! ;-)

Compliments on the video too! I now clearly can see what you are doing, very nice! I love to watch you being busy with your modular system. Nice casing by the way, did you made that yourself? Simple but yet nice to look at and to use, top!

I guess I had some disturbance on my Internet connection but other than that a nice and fantastic video! ;-)

Keep up to good work and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Modsquadbaba2020,

Did you check if the power-flat-cable -12V was connected on the correct side of the module plug/connector and the same for the power supply side? If you are sure about that, then that's strange indeed. Any more details on what exactly happened and what you did?

Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Just a simple patch today. Settling into Rene v2 as my main sequencer.

What's going on here?

Odessa as the main sequence, FM and Warp modulation from Marbles.
Marbles expands precisely the octave range of Odessa through frequency modulation.
Telharmonic as a drone, Centroid and Flux modulated with sine waves from PNW.
Plaits as a pulsing bass line, triggered by a square wave from PNW.
Simple bass kick provided by BIA.

Well, I chose Telharmonic over DPO. I saw Telharmonic as a challenging VCO that required focus and attention to control in a musical way. Honestly, I sometimes struggle with it. If I invest time and focus then I am rewarded. If I hurry to include it in a patch then I am likely punished. I wanted confrontation and frustration as drivers to improve.

I have not owned DPO, so I know only what I've gathered via demonstrations and videos. Since I own two other large, complex oscillators, I can't justify adding it to my current layout. It presents as a very capable and versatile tool clearly designed as a complex sound for the Make Noise system. Down the line, if DPO v2 is released then I'll likely give it a serious look. I'm a big fan of Make Noise and most everything they do, but HP is prime real estate.


Geez, Lugia!
You should make money with this stuff ;)
Thanks a lot!

Let's go on:
What if we got rid of the Bitbox and focus on drums and soundscaping? I'd be amazed if we couldn't put anything decent together on 208HP in total. What would you do with at least 18HP of real estate?

Hi Mowse,

Thanks a lot for your additional information and explanation. The way you described how you use your STO, that's exactly the way I use it as well, I love the STO. Yes, it is indeed a more simplified VCO but somehow I love the thing.

From a point of view of using a module (love to use it or not), which one would you prefer the DPO or the Telharmonic? I know, that are two different things but if you had to made a choice? Which one gives you the most "fun to play with" value?

Thank you and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Cool! I've got everything contributing to a patch now. Using the Delaydelus as a delay and triggering samples from it with OctoCon and the Bastl. All quite ergonomic right now, so I'll persevere with this setup for a bit.

In this track, it's probably difficult to distinguish STO from Dixie since they are playing together, tuned about 1/5th apart, and run through Mimeophon for repeats and 'reverb.' The Dixie is sending out a saw wave and STO a variable wave shape (triangle/sin) with modulation to 'SHAPE' cv by way of a slow LFO. Dixie isn't showing off here. It's part of the weave.

These two VCO's run contrary to my main body of oscillators: Odessa (FPGA, additive, complex), Trident (3xVCO, complex timbral), and Telharmonic (additive harmonic, noise, phase modulation), and Plaits (4x(8x8) wavetable). They were my first two VCO's for good reason: They are simple but powerful oscillators. Small packages with gentle learning curves, capable of big things.

Since I'm currently doing deep, weaving ambient stuff, my 'complex' oscillators are useful in creating sounds with a lot of depth, width, fringe, and texture. When I want to back off of that and keep things simple or clean, I reach for STO and Dixie. Not to say that they can't do it all, but you get the idea. Oh, Dixie also goes into LFO range at the flick of a switch. Often super useful.

So, why does all of this matter? If you're going to purchase a Dixie II+, just know that you're getting into a very small, simple, capable VCO that can tie really nicely into a system with purpose. Personally, I wouldn't be without 2 VCO's like STO/Dixie/Plaits/etc, but: What basic waveforms does it generate? What CV does it eat? What can be modulated? What's the base character and personality of the VCO? How does it sound when filtered/fm'd? How does it track (lin/exp/thru-0)? How does it settle into my design plan?

Here's an example of someone scoping and test-driving Dixie II+ in their rack.


Bit by bit here...

How does MI's Links compare to the 2hp mixer?

It doesn't. The unity-gain on the Links can mix...but you have zero control over the input levels unless they're attenuated from outside, which means yet another module would be needed. Part of the key to using a mixer is to make those little tweaks to the levels...either adding a little bit of a fast LFO to your pitch CV for a touch of vibrato, or backing down an audio level that's coming in too hot versus the other sources.

What are your experience with XAOC's Zadar as a quad EG - that would even double the number of available envelopes, wouldn't it?

Yes...BUT. The Zadar really works best with its expander, unlike the Batumi which can work well enough without its expander. If you can cram both in, though, that would make for a better solution. But the A-140-2 wound up in there because it physically fit; to get a Zadar and its expander in, you'd have to either expand the cab or lose something else.

Wavefolding: Is this a function that would be non-negotiable for my setup?

No, but it's worth noting that wavefolding and what the Zvex module does are similar processes. ANY sort of distortion affects the behavior of the incoming waveform. But this is key here: Zvex Lo-fi Junky= $299, Tiptop Fold = $135. The Zvex also doesn't allow mixing/crossfolding.

One other point: while the Zvex can do compression, there's not that much use for that in a modular unless you're either using it to...yep...waveshape via clipping OR you're using it like a typical compressor to control levels on an external signal. Unless you're talking about something brainshatteringly-expensive such as the Cwejman modular compressors, you're far better off using an EXTERNAL comp/limiter to control your modular's dynamics. You'll have more/better control that way...and, if you get a unit that has sidechain keying, you can send a modular trigger to that to "pump" the comp/limiter in rhythm with ease. You could even run that off of a trigger sequencer, making the entire modular work like a percussion instrument that way.

Also, did you come across Malekko's Quad VCA? If I'd get the Varigate-Voltage Block-Combo, it supposes to pair well with both

Sure. They're just large. You'd have to do some major reworking to fit those. However, I like the "variable curve" VCAs that Intellijel and Mutable both have, since you can alter the VCA's response on the fly to mess with dynamic range, CV/mod influence, etc.

Finally, I believe the 4ms Listen4 (Quarters) should work as both a stereo mixer AND Line Out. Am I right?
-- dance_a_little

Yes. However, the Listen Four offers no VCAs over any functions. It's purely manual. By using the Quad VCA as the primary mixer, though, you then can control the mixing via its VCAs, then use the Black Hole DSP as your "stereoizer" to widen the mono output from the Quad VCA. In fact, since you have CV over so many of the BHDSP's functions, you can actually make rather complex and constantly-shifting stereo imaging by sending modulation signals to its control inputs. This also saves space for expansion. Which gets me to...

This is not a large build. You have limited space here. It's not a good idea to do redundant modules in this sort of circumstance, because you'll quickly wind up in a situation where you have to leave something necessary out, or you'll need to go with a larger cab. And I see this problem all the time, where users are trying to cram ALL of their desired functions into a single small case. It doesn't work. Instead, you need to find function-dense modules that can cram lots of capability into a small footprint. But this ALSO has a diminishing return problem, as farkas notes above. Yeah, you could build the whole thing out of 6 hp and smaller modules...but it would totally SUCK to try and play an instrument that's laid out that tightly. Ultimately, there's a balance that has to be struck to make the build ergonomically suitable, otherwise you'll wind up with a boxful of uncontrollable and expensive nonsense.

mowse's "What is that thing behind you?" thread here in the forum gives a better solution. Instead of trying to smash an entire studio's functionality into a little case like this, you might want to think about their plan, which breaks up functions into different "zones" and even different cabs. This makes for a much easier work environment, because you know intuitively which part of the rig to turn to for the functionality you need. Yes, in the end this approach tends to cost more...but what you lose in $$$, you GAIN in usability, and that makes all the difference between a rig you'll work with for many years, and a pile of crap that's destined for eBay.

I love all of the artists and styles you mentioned. In fact, the ability to build an insanely versatile instrument is why I went down the modular rabbit hole. I was just experimenting with some Cocteau Twins-ish sounds the other day.
Have fun and good luck!

Thank you for your reply. That's the question I was dreading! It's quite open. Electro/jungle-ish dream pop, with plenty of soundscape possibilities but that can sound good when really minimal too? Think Kate Bush, Caterina Barbieri, Lee Scratch Perry, Cocteau Twins, Portishead, A Guy Called Gerald, Quasimoto, Jane Siberry, object blue, 90s pirate radio jungle... I also want the modular to be able to surprise me, a capacity I've always liked about the sampler as an instrument. I want to experiment with things like using loads of Erthenvar outputs simultaneously; using my Delaydelus to sample the rack's output then feeding it back in, and whatever else I can think of. I improvise and play around a lot. My previous musical background is making music with samplers/bass-station/effects and singing in an improvising group. I will be wanting to use vocals, both sampled and recorded separately. But I just love playing with musical boxes.

The whole rack outputs into the Delaydelus 2, which as well as being a fun sampler has a really great delay on it, and that goes into my speakers. Waiting for a TASCAM 8-track, then I'll be able to record.

I realised I've probably posted this thread too soon and should spend at least a few weeks with my setup as is so I can identify what works and what doesn't. I ordered another Takaab SMIX, so two of them can take up to 14 outputs from Erthenvar, and also a MI Links which just looks really useful, so that will be the first two rows filled and when Disting EX arrives I'll either have to swap something out or start a third row. This is what it looks like right now (bottom row doesn't physically exist, it's there to hold my DFAM and modules on order).

ModularGrid Rack

hi there i just wanted to know how come when attach the module to the power supply it all go hay wire

One thing I have learned about my own workflow is that I mostly prefer larger modules with single knob-per-function. I have a 4hp Peaks clone that packs a ton of functionality into a small space, but man is it a pain to use. I kind of wish I had bought the 8hp version and sacrificed the space. Smaller is rarely better for me. I'm a tall guy with big hands, and getting my fingers into those little spaces when there are 50 patch cables plugged in... ugh.
Everyone works differently though, so you will have to get some modules in your rack and decide what you like best. Some people love menu-diving and button combinations and changing knob functions, but that's mostly something I avoid when I can.

I'm not very familiar with many of the modules here, so I can't really comment on the capabilities of the setup as a whole. I would recommend grouping your modules by type to make signal flow more intuitive (e.g. sound sources together, filters together, modulation sources together, sequencers together, etc.). I have a Void Modular VCA, and it's not too bad for the extremely low price. I may pick up the Entropy Cannon someday.
What kind of music are you making?

Unless you think you really need the ability to recall a lot of presets that the Malekko VCA provides, the Intellijel offers more control.
-- farkas

It definitely facilitates the workflow and it might also come handy in a performance setting - something I don't think about at the moment. But what's also important: Malekko's VCA is 4HP smaller

I think I would prefer the Intellijel VCA with switchable linear/exponential response and knobs for each channel. Unless you think you really need the ability to recall a lot of presets that the Malekko VCA provides, the Intellijel offers more control.

Hy @Lugia!
Thrilled about your response. Thanks, man! I especially like your focus on the richness of the sound!

Can I follow up on a few things?
(everyone else: feel free to join in, too!)
How does MI's Links compare to the 2hp mixer? As far as I understood, the Links provides also a 3:1 mixer - on top of a buffered mult and an adder.
What are your experience with XAOC's Zadar as a quad EG - that would even double the number of available envelopes, wouldn't it?
Wavefolding: Is this a function that would be non-negotiable for my setup?
Also, did you come across Malekko's Quad VCA? If I'd get the Varigate-Voltage Block-Combo, it supposes to pair well with both (@farkas What are your thoughts?)
Finally, I believe the 4ms Listen4 (Quarters) should work as both a stereo mixer AND Line Out. Am I right?

In any case: Thank you all so far already for your invaluable support.

2 doepfer a110 -- all analog, never a wrong choice ;)

Thread: fun stuff :)

Hi guys, here's more... have a fun day...

Thread: fun stuff :)

Hi Sunchylde,

That's definitely "Fun stuff" :-D Nicely done, it nicely and especially it slowly changes here and there a bit but never too much. Yes, this can go on and on for me!

Looks like you got yourself a nice setup... is it too much asked for a future video from you to record it a bit clearer so the viewer can see more details of your rack? :-) I know a bit of joking, I know you do this video-style on purpose but for me, being a curious person, I love to see details on people's setup, it's interesting to see how you are busy with your modular system while making music.

Well done and I look forward in hearing/seeing a new one from you :-) Kind regards, Garfield Modular.

-- GarfieldModular

hey thanks, you can always check out my setup here :) or in the next videos. Sometimes I record at night, like in the first video... so it's a bit dark I know. I will upload more for sure :)

Thread: fun stuff :)

This is great. Thanks for sharing.
-- farkas


Hi Mowse,

That's a great other video and track from you, nicely done! Thank you very much for sharing! Also thank you for sharing the demo track of Make Noise - Mimeophon.

It's nice to hear you use a mixure of STO and Dixie II+, I am considering the Dixie II+ and your track... I think it confirms to me that I need to get that Dixie II+ :-)

Thank you very much and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

@Lugia Thank you for this awesome input. Funny you mention DJ work. Most of my audio gear prior to modular was geared towards live shows, spinning records at clubs in Boston. That was back in 1998-2003. It's time for me to dive deep again and apply some fundamental concepts to modular vs dj booth gear. I'm going to chew on what you've shared, including recommendations for more appropriate monitors, and do some homework. Much appreciated.

Yesterday, I installed Make Noise René v2 into the top row of my 4x104hp tower. René has a quantizer function that I wanted to learn and so I threw together this quick patch. Two oscillators, STO and Dixie II+, are tuned about 1/5th apart. I'm playing Trident over the sequence using an Arturia Keystep while also playing René to affect changes to the sequence.

This video helped me to figure out a few things:
