I find that the longer I play modular, the more I’m longing for expression - something to touch and actually play. Tetra offers a lot in that regard, it can really make you play the system like an instrument. The built in quantization sure offers a lot of fun. And you can always get some random stuff out of the fh2!

If you are in the States, make sure you check out Juno Records (in the UK) before buying any XAOC. Their prices are great, and their shipping is cheap too.
-- Shakespeare

I'm in Asia, but you're right, their prices are actually the best I've seen! I'll keep them in mind when I order, thank you.

Also: you're probably going to want the 3hp expander for Odessa. I use it every time I use the module. So I'd suggest adding that in from the start.
-- Shakespeare

Thanks, that looks a like a must-buy for Odessa. I guess I need to add more VCFs and VCAs now though. :)

Which system would you choose out of the two's?
I am interested in function covering and flexibility
Option1: Tetrapad/Tete combo + Dixie2
Option2: Shapeshifter(offers vavefolding, maybe useful for the other voice) + TTz20240+2hp Rnd
or...what would you use instead of these modules
alt text
alt text

Hi Gabor,

It's nice to see you playing with your modular synth. The Athru sounds good indeed, pity, as you mentioned yourself already, that it's not easily to spot in the video; so I can't wait for your next demo :-)

The sound effects are pretty nice too, which sound effect module or pedal did you used for this patch?

Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

I am so glad for you that you managed to get your A4 working with your Doepfer system! :-)

So what was the problem? How did you solve it?

I actually do like/love Doepfer modules with the exception of the A-190-5, the MIDI module I had from Doepfer for a short while, it was the only module so far from Doepfer that I really disliked, not nice to use and partly illogically too, so I managed to swap the that Doepfer module for a Vermona qMI2 MIDI-to-CV module, so much easier and logically to use.

Good luck with the A4 & Doepfer systems and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Thanks a lot Garfield and Defragmenteur!

My aim was to use the power of A4 CV capabilities to control Plaits without having to spend on additional modules to do the Enveloping, Filtering, etc. Yes, I want more, need more, but i came to a point where i said to myself that's it! Just play with what you have and make the best out of it :) Yes, I need to learn how to use Plaits and my other modules on my rack. To be honest my modular journey started during the lockdown desperation/depression times.

After a lot of searching i stumbled upon this video:

Which finally gave the direction i wanted :)



Obi Wan style: You don't need to add this filter - this is the one you are looking for: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/steady-state-fate-mmf

Jedi, janitor, moderator

Looks pretty nice @Realactualme! I'm curious, how do you like the Fold Processor?

Ohhhhhhh thank you so much Lugia !! new buil new life !! you gave me a lot of work for the next few months !! it is difficult to part with some things: i would like to keep e440 e355, but now it works much better i am sure ...
wow tanks!

My new favourite module manufacturer is Instruo. Just received the Athru wave folder and I'm blown away by how awesome this module is (I also have the Céis EG + Ochd in my rack, Ts-L and Vinca will be added soon). This piece is a short, drony improvisation with Benjolin and Noisewasp (4ms Noise Swash clone) running thru Athru. More details in the video description.
(It was only after recording the video that I noticed that Athru is barely visible - sorry about that. Will do a more demo-like something later.)

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.


That's a good start

I would save this dream rack and forget about it for a while!!

When you actually fill your rack you can compare and see how close you were!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Then save for an entire year and buy a larger case and new build.
-- sacguy71

or maybe better - start saving, buy a new case, grow organically as and when you can

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

this user has left ModularGrid

Thanks, exactly one can never have enough cables! I really love the longer 3' Hosa Eurorack 3.5 inch cables- so colorful and easy to use. I hate the Doepfer 3.5 eurorack cables that came with my system- complete junk. Fortunately I bought a bunch of the Hosa cables and also some Tiptop Audio stackable cables which are great backup to passive mults for routing CV across the system. Really happy about the Intellijel Quad VCA that thing is a fantastic CV mixer, quad VCA and quad attenuator all in one module and so easy to use and an essential utility module. The buffered mult that I picked up from Noise Engineering- Extra Mullet is also a fantastic utility module. I probably will return the Malekko Quad Envelope and Intellijel Mixup modules for a refund- would rather get a function generator module like Maths for envelopes and the additional goodies and possible a quantizer and more voices so that I can work out of box without the Elektron gear. Thinking of the Noise Engineering BASIMILUS ITERITAS ALTER module would complement Maths nicely to fill my case out. That should cover my needs for industrial and techno setup. Paired with the two Elektrons, I have that well sorted.

Then save for an entire year and buy a larger case and new build.


always buy more cables/mixer channels/vcas than you think you need!! don't buy 2 cables buy 4 - you then you have them if you need them!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

this user has left ModularGrid

Finally got most of the modular working with my Elektron Analog 4 MK2. So fun! Here is a quick jam that I put together this evening with everything:

Now I still need to sort a few things out and get a couple more 3.5 to 1/4 inch cables to use the other 2 CV outs from the Elektron Analog 4 to manage more of the modular system but its great fun to layer FX and sequence the modular with the Analog 4. Octatrack is another can of worms that the Doepfer A-190-4 MIDI to CV module is making it tricky to work well with modular stuff. I have yet to see a video of anyone showing how to get an Octatrack to work correctly with that Doepfer A190-4 MIDI CV module! Most folks use another way with it. I will try to see if I can get that stinking crappy module to work with Ableton and via the USB port on it! In any case, I may just use the Analog 4 for modular and feed that into the Octatrack to sample both the A4 and modular and then record to Ableton.

Hmmm...probably better if I show you. Lemme bang on this for a hot minute...

EDIT: OK, here we go...
ModularGrid Rack
First off, I deleted the discontinued modules...notably Braids and the Stillson Hammer. Removed the drum voices, also, then I restructured the signal flow so that your "voice" is on top, "modulators" in the middle, and the sequencers, effects, and performance mixer on the bottom. Left to right flow, also. These tweaks make the general environment of the instrument a LOT easier to navigate.

Top row: buffered mult added, since we've got four oscillators here, plus the potential of VCF CV routing. Next to this is a little Doepfer multimodule that contains a sample and hold or track and hold, slew limiter, and a ring modulator. Oscillators next, with the Braids subbed out with a CalSynth clone. Then a four-in mixer with dual outs, which lets you sum the oscillators down...then you can feed them into the Tiptop Fold. Or you can send some oscillators into one of the Fold's inputs, and send another down to the #2 input on the Fold for extra wavespliced craziness. Lastly, Morgasmatron...why have two separate VCFs when you can jam 'em into the same module and make them cross-feed, right?

Middle row: Noise and random pulse gen, then the WMD/SSF Toolbox, which is one of the best jam-things-in-tiny-space utility modules I can think of. After that, a Stages...which can be either a multistage envelope gen OR a 6-step sequencer, depending on what you need. Maths next, then the Batumi and Zadar with their expanders. The Tiptop MISO then provides plenty of ways to screw around with the modulation signals, and next to that is a Happy Nerding 3x VCA, primarily for the use of the modulation row BUT since the module allows you to "split out" individual VCAs, you could also press them into service for audio.

Bottom row: Stillson's gone, so I put in a Squarp Hermod. Internal quantizing, MIDI interface (including a host connection for directly connecting USB devices, such as keyboards, etc), all the bells 'n' whistles across eight channels. Then for kicks, next to that is a Hikari Eucrhythm sequencer for creating crossrhythmic patterns with a touch of statistical randomness. It's also useful for doing random gate/trigs for other devices in the build. Mimeophon after that, then next to it is a Frequency Central module for reverb, tap delay, and chorus. The performance mixer here is Toppobrillo's revised 4-channel Stereomix mkii, which gives you your audio VCAs (four, one per channel) plus VC panning, VC AUX send, cue send, mutes, metering, and your phones preamp. This then connects to the Happy Nerding Isolator to convert synth to line level and to isolate the modular from any crud coming back thru the audio out lines, plus it has the master stereo level control, allowing you to kill the audio feed without having to change any mixer settings...very handy!

Yes, this IS different from your start point. But at the same time, it still has the same sound generation capabilities as the original version, the same modulation source, and a beefy sequencer like before. But in this case, this is what you get when you drop all of the "boring" modules in, which then tunes up the build and makes it into a ready-to-rip modular. Without these tweaks, synthesis is a big PITA...but WITH them, you wind up with a boxful of sonic trouble that I doubt you'll ever hit the bottom of. And yeah, no drums...trust me, you're much better off using the safety of a quality drum machine, because even if everything on the modular goes bonkers, you've still got that groove going and you can turn the modular catastrophe into a trippy and gnarly "improv" while you're busy fixing shit! And believe me...that happens more than you think!

Hey @defragmenteur - thanks for the pro tip.

Much appreciation to y'all for the input. Here is how the plan is looking now. Definitely realizing that it's 100% going to change, drastically most likely.

I'm kicking this off with BIA, NerdSEQ, and Ensemble Oscillator! With the modules I'm carrying over from my starter rack (Maths, Disting, O_c, DPO, VnIcursal), I foresee much wiggling in my future. (;

Cheers all.

ModularGrid Rack

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A couple of months ago I came here and blindly started building racks. I got a lot of advice from helpful users and now I want to show off what I made. This is the system I actually have and it’s awesome. Pamela’s New Workout and Zadar are amazing modules. I nixed the uMIDI 1u because they’re impossible to find and PNW handles all the clock stuff anyway.

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Hi GarfieldModular,

I completely agree. If I can get the clock and sequencer working right from the Elektron Octatrack and Analog 4 then I have my
bases covered on sequencers, FX, gates and envelopes covered without buying another module for my setup. That space can be used for another voice or two in the modular rather than on envelopes and so forth. I probably will return the Intellijel Mixup and Malekko Quad Envelope Generator modules as these don't really make sense since I already have mixer and many VCAs in the current case and an external mixer for everything.

Really loving the Malekko Richter Anti-Oscillator, Richter Dual Borg Filter and Batumi Quad LFO so these kinds of modules are what are super fun to me. Oh the Intellijel Quad VCA is brilliant as well and love the Make Noise Extra Mullet- I needed a good buffered mult.

Hi Sacguy71,

Great to hear that your new modules have arrived and are installed and working, luckily without smoking them up into thin air :-) Nice demo by the way, it's clearly you enjoying your modules :-D !

Regarding the Elektron, I have myself the Analogue Four (A4) and I had MIDI issues as well, till I discovered...

The opening in the Elektron housing for the MIDI plugs isn't very large, so you might "think" you had plugged in the MIDI plug into your Elektron but though it fits "half-way" it doesn't really necessarily makes electrical contact... I had to buy a cheap MIDI cable with a cheap plug (hence as thin as possible) so the MIDI plug would fit into my A4 and then it worked.

I am not saying you have the same issue but since you mentioned: "and then no dice!" I thought perhaps you have a similar issue, at least it might be worth it to have this checked.

I like Elektron stuff but I do hate them for creating ridiculous small openings for the MIDI plugs :-(

Have fun with your modular system and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Yes guys you are useful and for this I asked for an opinion !! explain yourself better lugia: taking off the mutants what would you wear?

Somehow I totally missed this here and only ever used the "thumbs up" feature. So belated props for the following sellers that I had a great experience with in the last months:
@A.S. (very thoughtful packaging)
@patr (super fast and nice)
@kosmixx (great!)
@EkoC (was really great and helpful)
@zfrucht (kickstarted DIY for me)
@wavecircle (nice and understanding)

I guess I miss a whole bunch more from which I already deleted messages, but will try and post here too if I meet more great sellers like these.

Hi Ambrish,

Do you need an ADSR? At the end that's up to you :-) That's the beauty of a modular synth, you don't have to do anything you don't want ;-) So, you could follow up on Defragmenteur's advice, that saves you for the moment an ADSR however, I do think that sooner or later you need an ADSR but then again, looking at your rack you might need other things as well like a filter, LFO, another VCO, etcetera. But that it easy on that since your limited space and follow Defragmenteur's advice. Once you have build up more experience with the A4 and your rack then it will become clearer to you what you are still missing and then go for that.

Good luck and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

My advice is to not fill it up at all for the moment :-) You just got your system, so build up more experience first, see how your own thoughts will develop parallel to your build up experience and then slowly take it from there.

Once this space is filled up your rack is full and you need a new case, so again, I would take it easy first :-) Enjoy the system as it is now, it's pretty nice to start and play around with as you did already, looking at your sonic contributions here!

Have fun with your rack and kind regards, Garfield.

Edit: Removed typo.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

lots of people appear to get elektron gear working very well with modular - I would spend some time searching forums - particularly muffwiggler and reddit - it can't be that difficult to get it working - you are probably only a button press or 2 away - music tech companies are not the best at help unless it's only their products, which is kind of understandable!

if you still can't get it working then you should consider dumping the midi->cv module and getting a varigate and pams etc - at least that way you have some more space for utilities

utilities should not be an afterthought - they are an essential part of the plumbing of your modular (along with patch cables) - kinks and a matrix mixer (AISynthesis do one in 10hp) would be great additions NB this is not for mixing audio - it is for extending your modulation sources massively - these 2 combined can give you an extra 10 interesting and related modulation sources

I would re-read the Pams manual/advertising blurb - it can kind of do what you think it can but probably not in the way you think it does - for example the quantizer will only work on internally generated cv, not externally (afaiak) and it's not really a programmable sequencer - it is a great module and very good at what it does though!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

you have mixed up 1u tiles - either pulp logic or intellijel style not both - if you are buying an intellijel case (which I suspect you are) then only intellijel sized 1u modules will fit - if anything else it'll probably be pulp logic - intellijel sized 1u will fit but not properly! - if you are DIYing it depends on the rails you buy, but in this case the rails etc will cost the same as for a 3u row - I'd go for the 3u personally - there's nothing particularly special about any 1u module that can't be done in way less hp in 3u, of course space may be a concern, but it's 10cm or so!!

your goals - my thoughts

SUMMARY: trying to do too much in too small a space with too many big feature modules and not enough support modules

  • it should work in cooperation with a daw for further processing and control but also standalone

es9 ok - generative only standalone ok - I'd want at least some sort of programmable sequencer - something like a BeatStep Pro is always useful - or better yet - pick one to start and maybe save the others for case 2 or 3

  • it should have tools for generative and random sound creation (but with control over the musicality)

ok - you've got some random (Bloom) and a function generator (falistri) but no real way of combining and altering them so they are more interesting (kinks and matrix mixer) - and only 1 vca (I bet you didn't realise that they are useful if not near essential for modulation as well as audio!)

  • it should be able to create complete tracks (drums, bassline, synth, percussive stuff, .. )

you can't really do that all at once with this, can you? possibly everything separately, but definitely not at once - if you want to do this get smaller oscillators or get a bigger case

drums/percussive - modules or patch from scratch? patch from scratch is more modular, modules are smaller - neither is cheaper than a drum machine!!! - add a sub mixer (panning) for drums - get some low pass gates (buchla bongos)

maybe you are thinking of using the disting for this - I would buy this module early so that it leads you towards modules that you need, by exploring it's functionality - I usually want a kick, a snare and open/closed hats as a minimal drum/percussion system - probably won't get that from a single disting (even an EX)

bassline/lead/pad - yeah you can do 2 out of 3 - unless disting - see above

  • it should be flexible and make fun for as long as possible, so that there is no quick reason to expand :)

that is a question only you can really answer and only when the case is full!

Other thoughts

Rainmaker is huge - there are plenty of other delay modules that are a lot smaller and just as good, if a little different - I would replace this so that you have room for a few more modules - Chronoblob2, Magneto etc all worth looking at

consider replacing the 2hp logic and s&h with a kinks - you get a rectifier as well - very useful!!

I think data is also quite big in a case this size! maybe for case no2 - also consider a smaller osc module - o'tool+ for example - or use the es9 to send whatever so you can use say vcvracks oscilloscopes when attached to the computer - if you need something to tune with get a pedal or use the disting!

(for a beginner) I would always recommend Maths over falistri - check out the maths illustrated manual online to see why

you don't need a buffered mult - really only needed for copying pitch?

consider the expander for the odessa

Mixing - do you want to have mono or stereo final mix output to the intellijel built in outputs via the 1u module?
if you want stereo and you want to mix in the rack - you need to take another look at your mixing solution - maybe you can use the es9 when standalone - would prefer a mixer with knobs on myself!

good to go slow!!!!

I would strongly suggest a minimum viable synth (a sound source, a sound modifier, a modulation source, a way to play, a way to listen) maybe 2 or 3 other modules (one of which should be a disting!!!!) at most and learn each module and how to play with them together - when you find yourself reaching for something that you don't have - or disting is stuck on buchla converter mode, for example, then is the time to buy the module you need not necessarily the one you want!

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

this user has left ModularGrid

Hi @JimHowell1970,

Yes, I am having technical difficulties getting my Elektron Octatrack to work with the Doepfer A-190-4 MIDI to CV module and both Doepfer and Elektron technical help have not been able to help me resolve the issue. I connect the Elektron gear to the Doepfer MIDI CV A-190-4 Module which by the way is the most obtuse user interface ever! and then no dice. I patch the CV1 on the Doepfer A190-4 to 1v/oct on the VCO and even setup MIDI channels and clock on the Elektron Octatrack and no luck. I have similar issue with CV to the Doepfer on the Elektron Analog 4 via CV outputs. Plus I read from the Malekko Quad Envelope manual that it needs clock and an extra bonus is that if you have the Malekko Varigate 4+ or 8+ on same modular bus power board, you can clock the Malekko Quad Envelope and create dozens of presets! Very cool!

So here are my thoughts moving forward:

Option #1:
Keep the Malekko Quad Envelope module and buy the Malekko Varigate 4+ sequencer and a small 1-2HP utility module

Option #2:
Keep Malekko Quad Envelope module and buy ALM Pamela's New Workout module that has clock, sequencer, quantizer and utility small 1-2HP module

Option #3:
Keep Malekko Quad Envelope module and buy Expert Sleepers Disting EX when it comes out and small 1-2 HP module

Option #4:
Keep Malekko Quad Envelope module and buy other modules?

Getting Elektron gear to work with modular is a pain so far or I am just stupid lol. I probably will return or keep the Intellijel Mixup module as I don't really need another audio mixer as I have the Doepfer mixer, Doepfer DVCA,and Intellijel Quad VCA modules.

Incredible that I managed to fill up my first row of 84HP so quickly but it is fun addiction. Need to save for larger case and more modules. But will focus on using this setup for next 1-2 years.

you say you could benefit from:
a clock? (this also applies to the quantizer) - ok aren't you using midi? you have a midi->cv converter!
- sequencing from a computer? use midi clock and notes should be quantized straight out of a midi -> cv
- playing from a keyboard - again quantized output - could use a midi merge and clock from a computer
- don't like the midi->cv module/sequencing midi in computer - take it out and get a sequencer - that has a clock out!
a quantizer - see clock
utility modules? - yes... everyone needs more utilities, even me! see below

Always best to get dc coupled everything if you can! - But not a lot of stereo mixers are dc coupled

What didn't you like about the Malekko Quad EG?

Intellijel dual adsr - do you really need more ADSRs? - I keep thinking about getting one and then looking at stages and realizing I have one and another 2 in peaks! - and then thinking about getting one - as those are always used for something else but most of the time I just use D or AD envelopes - this seems to be 'normal'ish for a lot of modular synthesis - unless you specifically want to play with a keyboard, then I can see the benefit or want really long - if you really do feel the need for more adsrs - then I would consider a pair of the 2hp ones - especially if you are a set and forget type - or at least get rid of the doepfer!

Maths - yes - brilliant module - worth way more than the sum of it's parts - a veritable patch programmable analog computer of a module - BUT I don't personally class this as utilities - whilst it has a slew (hehe) of utilities in it, I think it's more useful to see it as a feature module - so that you can patch program it - and not just use it for basic utilities - so I always recommend getting at least an lfo, attenuverters, etc as well... but you already have a function generator - do you need another?

Pam's - yeah it's useful - but do you need it? you already have a few envelopes/lfo and can get clock from midi - I'm not saying don't get it - I'm saying think long and hard before buying (as about everything else, really) - more triggers -> more envelopes -> more modules -> another/bigger case!

I'd look more towards variation of what you have rather than new modulation sources - kinks and a matrix mixer (dc coupled) and some stackcables, for combining and modifying the modulation you already have an d maybe think about replacing the clock divider with something that can give more than just straight divisions - 4ms Rotating Clock Divider or the nonlinearcircuits divide and conquer or 1/n or something altogether weirder

another module I would look at is disting - at least a mk4 or an EX - they are super useful as a learning tool (what does this do?), a way to show you what module you should buy next (I almost always use mine as a tape delay - and somewhere in the middle of my list of modules I want is - a Magneto!) and a great "in an emergency" module (I need another vca/vcf/lfo etc or a buchla converter for when your friend visits with his buchla, maybe!)

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

this user has left ModularGrid

Thanks yeah the system is tons of more fun now for me.
I can easily get lost just with the crazy modulation in Batumi. Now I know why it is a popular LFO!
Borg filter is wicked fun for industrial to smooth filter action. I like the larger knobs on these modules.

I probably could benefit from a clock, quantizer and utility modules as well as another EG of some type. The mistake I made was getting another audio mixer module (Intellijel Mixup) and the wrong EG with the Malekko Quad EG. Thinking of sending those two modules back for a refund and getting the missing utilities. Thoughts? Perhaps something like an Intellijel dual ADSR, Make Noise Maths or Pamela's New Workout to clock my setup?

I am new to Eurorack but create (electronic) music since 15 years, so I am not new to music creation.

The last weeks I started to think about a modular system that could be a long term goal for me.
Of course I will not buy all the listed modules at once. All I would like to know is, if this system could work out well in this composition or if it is unbalanced and important parts are missing.

The goals of the system are:
- it should work in cooperation with a daw for further processing and control but also standalone
- it should have tools for generative and random sound creation (but with control over the musicality)
- it should be able to create complete tracks (drums, bassline, synth, percussive stuff, .. )
- it should be flexible and make fun for as long as possible, so that there is no quick reason to expand :)

I would really appreciate your advice on my first attempt.
Thanks in advance!

If you decide to buy the loquelic iteritas make sure to tune it following the instructions on this NE blog post. Also using negative CV in modulation inputs will make both oscillators sound untuned.

If you connect the gate output to the trigger input of plaits the internal LPG will be strike and an external ADSR will not be necessary. Work fine for short percussive sounds. For other sounds shapes you will need an external module.

From the manual:

Trigger input. Serves four percussive purposes:
Triggers the internal decaying envelope generator.
Excites the physical and percussive models.
Strikes the internal low-pass gate (unless the LEVEL CV input [4] is patched).
Samples and holds the value of the MODEL CV input.

Adjusting the internal LPG and envelope
Hold the first button (A) and:
Turn the TIMBRE knob to adjust the response of the LPG, from VCFA to VCA.
Turn the MORPH knob to adjust the ringing time of the LPG and the decay time of the internal envelope.

Hi Garfield Modular,

Thanks a lot for your reply.

I have made my rack public so i hope it's visible to all.

So what you say "Connect your CV A (gate) from the A4 to indeed the gate input of an (ADSR) envelope, the output of that envelope to a VCA (CV input)" - I do need a ADSR module?

As for the output of plaits, it goes into MI Veils which eventually goes into Clouds or my external mixer (depending on what sound i am getting out of it) and finally record everything in abelton.



Thread: Patch #7

PAM settings [these are saved at bank p]
ch1: EStep=17 ETrig=cv02 ERot=cv01
ch2: EStep=16 ETrig=cv02 ERot=cv01
ch3: EStep=15 ETrig=cv02 ERot=cv01
ch4: EStep=12 ETrig=cv02 ERot=cv01
CH1-4 are x2 and RSkip is set to 5%

CH5 /4
CH6 /2
CH7 x4

CH8 x1 : Wave=rand , Width=28%, Rskip=23%, Loop=03

DUDE is the gate mixer for CIP
inputs 1, 2, and 3 are from gate section of BPS
input4 from Numeric repititor output 4

input5 from RCD first output

the two DIVKID modules are my DIY mutes module

$$ DUDE output goes to Integra Funkitus input2

Disting algorithm is F6 [quantized shift register]

BPS Seq2 Gate output goes to Integra Funkitu input4
BPS Seq2 Pitch goes to Neutron OSC1

Thanks everyone,

I figured it out with help from the good folks at Noisebug and Malekko support. It is to match the red strip side to the -12v spot on the Doepfer A100 basic case. Worked like a charm, no smoke, nice green blinky lights and hours of fun exploring the new modules this evening. Yowzer, the Malekko Richter Anti-Oscillator, Dual Borg Filter and Batumi LFO are pure insanity. Incredible modulation choices. Plus nice sequenced melody flute like tones with my Korg SQ-1 or brutal industrial mayhem if pushed that way. Now to figure out what else to add to the setup to finish my first case? What would you recommend that would add spice and be helpful? By the way here is my current setup and test run of the new modules after I installed them this evening:

-- sacguy71

Glad to hear it - take your time - enjoy what you have and learn it inside out - don't buy anything else until you know. everything well and find yourself reaching for something that isn't there a good few times and repeat

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Might consider dropping a System 100, not sure you'll really need two? This would let you fit in an STO and a Dixie II+ both of which both bring nice features to the table.

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Hi all,

I added a few new modules to spice up my Doepfer A100 Basic system. Here is what I have now:

ModularGrid Rack

What would you recommend to fill up the final HP for a complete build?

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Thanks everyone,

I figured it out with help from the good folks at Noisebug and Malekko support. It is to match the red strip side to the -12v spot on the Doepfer A100 basic case. Worked like a charm, no smoke, nice green blinky lights and hours of fun exploring the new modules this evening. Yowzer, the Malekko Richter Anti-Oscillator, Dual Borg Filter and Batumi LFO are pure insanity. Incredible modulation choices. Plus nice sequenced melody flute like tones with my Korg SQ-1 or brutal industrial mayhem if pushed that way. Now to figure out what else to add to the setup to finish my first case? What would you recommend that would add spice and be helpful? By the way here is my current setup and test run of the new modules after I installed them this evening:

Personally, I would pull out the Surface and the Manis Iteritas. I love NE stuff, but something about the Manis becomes tiresome very quickly to me. You would have a much broader pallet of sounds by adding a Dixie or something similar to the DPO.

Y'all rule.

@Shakespeare & @JimHowell1970 - I will undoubtedly go too fast and make poor choices. (;

@farkas - Pam looks really nice, and I didn't know she has an expander! That's a lot of clocks, and a solid point. Tempi is cool, I just under utilize it I think. ... drooling at your Prophet.

@troux - killer points. I actually have René v2 as my sequencer in my small rig, but I find that a) I want more control b) I want to have a sequencer built for multiple voices. I kind of love programming (thus NerdSEQ). I'm hoping that Eloquencer will be subtle enough for accidentals and being more playable, though honestly that's still way up in the air. I haven't really looked into Metropolis yet. Also DUSG and Falistri are new words to me as well!

Pretty sold on adding more pure analog thoughh. What would you swap in this lineup for a dixie or similar? I freaking love the Noise Engineering sound and would be hard pressed to drop those. Maybe pull out Surface?

You're not going to be able to use that external mixer for CVs and mod signals, though...and you NEED that functionality here.

This build has lots of sources, to be sure. BUUUUUUUUT...

...as usual, there's lots of utility stuff that should be here...which isn't. You got the "sexy" part...and ran a bit too far with it, seems like. Jim's advice is very good. I would also suggest removing the drum modules; fact is, you can probably get more cohesive results with a present-day drum machine than by trying to work with this in what's actually a rather sonically-crowded and not all that big build. You would be in a far better position and have a much better build if you did this, then reallocated the space as Jim (and I!) suggest.

I'd forego the Lofi Junky altogether and go with a Fairfield Circuitry Shallow Water (for my money it's pretty much the most musical effects pedal on the market). You can also combine delay and reverb in one pedal with the EQD Avalanche Run and save some room on your pedal board. For a small case, the suggestion of Pamela's New Workout is excellent. My $0.02, which is probably worth more like 1/2 a penny.
-- baltergeist

I came here to say exactly this re: Shallow Water and Pam's. Very solid advice.

If you are in the States, make sure you check out Juno Records (in the UK) before buying any XAOC. Their prices are great, and their shipping is cheap too.

Also: you're probably going to want the 3hp expander for Odessa. I use it every time I use the module. So I'd suggest adding that in from the start.

This one definitely won't be everyone's cup of tea, but as always I appreciate the kind words @GarfieldModular!

Looks sweet!

Since you're new to this, my suggestion would be to start with one row's worth of modules... cover the remaining blank space with blank panels (or make some out of thin wood or even cardboard). Take your time, get to know that row of modules, then after a few months add a couple more toys... it's easy to go too fast, especially with a large, empty case begging to be filled.

Hi Steve,

Interesting way of doing the dishes ;-) Lot's of interesting and experimental sounds, never finishing listening, so many interesting stuff to discover.

Thanks a lot for sharing and if you don't mind, I continue listening at your art work! Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mowse,

I love your evening jams, always something good comes out of that :-)

Nicely done, good night and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Which Doepfer case do you have? Anyway, most (if not all) of the Doepfer cases, as far as I am aware, do have the -12 V (the red stripe) at the bottom of the busboard connector. So if you look straight at the power connector in the Doepfer case, then the -12 V should be at the bottom of the connector.

Then on the module, on the backside on the PCB there is usually also somewhere a -12 V marker, make sure that there is the red stripe connected too.

I came across a few modules though where one couldn't see the -12 V marker (there wasn't one). In those cases I had that, luckily the power cable was already connected by the manufacturer. To make sure I wouldn't screw up, I documented those modules how the -12 V had to be connected, just in case I would remove the power cable and forgot how to connect it again... so you might want to do something similar when you receive those modules. Check if the manufacturer pre-plugged that power cable already, if yes, write down somewhere how it's connected, for future references.

Good luck and please let us know how things go once you receive the modules. I want to see pictures of the smoke coming out of your modular once you switch on the power :-D

Ha, ha, I am just teasing you, just be careful and check on both sides (module-PCB and the Doepfer case) where and how the -12 V (the red stripe) needs to be connected.

I hope you enjoy your new anti-VCO (quite curious how that works out... anti-VCO... hmm interesting that "anti") and the filter, kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

What kinds of sounds are you producing?? Playing live, or mainly studio use?
-- vectrospectre
Like you, I am interested in a wide variety of music so I wanted something flexible. I just wrapped up a raw, glitchy, post-punkish art project thing, but I also love Boards of Canada, Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream, Autechre, Depeche Mode, Brian Eno, Tortoise, Richie Hawtin, Japan, Cocteau Twins, harsh noise... you name it. I basically love any and all synth and sample based music. I may decide to play some minimal techno live, but I mostly just have fun creating at home. I just added a Sequential Prophet Rev2 to my rig, so I'm working towards a more polished and focused sound now.
I'm not that familiar with Tempi, so I can't comment on it specifically, but with all of the percussion modules you have planned, you are going to want a way to program each of them at individual meters/rhythms. A single multed clock won't really do that. The Eloquencer has eight CV/gate channels, but you will eat those up pretty quick with all of the voices/envelopes/VCAs, so with Pam's 8 (or 12 w/ the expander) additional clocks you can program more complex rhythms. That's how I use it, anyway. Ornament & Crime may be able to do some of that too, but I've shied away from that module's user interface. I don't enjoy complex menus, but you may work better that way.
The Performance Mixer is definitely overkill if you are mainly just using the ES9 and Ableton.
Let us know how you progress in this journey!


Very long, and pretty crazy, but I was listening to this as a generative patch for about 4 hours while working today and figured: Why not just make it an album? So here we are. If you are into drone and noise, check it out!

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ModularGrid Rack