Clearly a very sad appeal for attention from a sad lonely loser... very sad!!

-- Kel_

  • Triptych of Earthly Vanity and Divine Salvation by Hans Memling (1480's)
  • Judith Beheading Holofernes by Caravaggio (1590's)
  • Heads Severed by Théodore Géricault (1810's)
  • Saturn Devouring His Son by Francisco Goya (1820's)
  • Deterioration of Mind Over Matter by Otto Rapp (1970's)

Sad lonely losers, the whole lot of them ?
Also, did you just make a link between blank panels and the rise of modern feudalism ? I'll printscreen this to show to the people who ask me why I don't interact with others much on the internet...

--- Voltage control all the things ---

It looks like the transfer went well!

I am still fighting with some compatibility issues of the new database software but it should be quite stable soon.

I do have one hiccup to report; may or may not be related. I've been using the Pedal section as much as the Eurorack lately but I can't seem to create new pedalboards now. Once I enter the specs and click "Save", I get the message "An internal error has occured".

No doubt you'll get it sorted, just wanted to let you know! Keep up the great work!
-- homeslice1479

Thanks for reporting, should be fixed!
Cheers, Knut

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Thread: Midsommar

Thanks for your feedback, Garfield. I came upon several insects during filming ( "filming" sounds like an overstatement here - I made the clips with my iPhone SE when I took the dog out for walks to the forest near our home :) ) and three of them made it to the final cut. I call them "the living", "the stuck" and "the dying". Go figure. Weeks ago I stumbled upon a baby forest snake who was squirming away into the shadows, I made a short clip and have forgotten about it - too bad, a snake has some many meanings. She could have had a part in this forest-short. Anyways, maybe I'll make a "snake-only" piece. next time :)
Thanks again and all the best,

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

Hey Garfield,

I'm glad you shared this. The track has air and space in it and yes, it breathes, in a good way. As for recommendations, I have none and I don't think you need any. Just do your thing, with our without percussion. No rules here or if there are, you, we shouldn't care. As long as you create something, you're good, we're good. Takes one year to create something? That's OK. Takes only 10 ten minutes? That's just as OK. All in all, keep them tracks coming, is all I wanted to say. :)


I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

It looks like the transfer went well! I do have one hiccup to report; may or may not be related. I've been using the Pedal section as much as the Eurorack lately but I can't seem to create new pedalboards now. Once I enter the specs and click "Save", I get the message "An internal error has occured".

No doubt you'll get it sorted, just wanted to let you know! Keep up the great work!

Thread: Midsommar

Hi Gabor,

Wow, that's a nice experiment of which I would say was very successful! I like that beetle, especially in the beginning, pity it got eaten though at the end of the film by ants; was that the same beetle or a different one?

The greenery of the forest is just one big feast for the eyes and soul. The music completes your experiment very well.

I wouldn't mind if you come up with more of these kind of experiments! Well done and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Thread: Midsommar

My first attempt at an experimental short with ambient music composed on eurorack. I apologize for the standard youtube quality.

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

Hi Jingo,

Thank you very much for your kind words. Ha, ha, and interesting remark about twin peaks :-)

Well you kind of invited me and encouraged me to publish something, well, voila ;-)

Ha, ha, well the next thing to share might take yet another year, at least a track from an album that is. Perhaps if I got an interesting patch that's so funny or interesting that I might share it, let's see. For the moment I have other stuff in mind to do with my modular rack, not 100% sure about that though. Once I made up my mind about that, I will let everyone know here about it, but that's rather (far) future stuff, at least till it makes sense in practical terms, but let's see.

I also want to work on my percussion with my rack, I am waiting for a decent sequencer to be released (aiming at the - Ground Control), then need to build up experience with that, so before any music, ehm sorry, any noise comes out of my rack, a year is a quite good estimate I think. While I am waiting for that Ground Control to be released I try to work on that above mentioned idea.

Thank you and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

I wish you all good luck ;-)


For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

This is twin peaks in its purest form!

Very touched that you released on your tunes!

Keep it coming! :)

Hey Garfield,

i like your positive attitude and thank you again for your kind comments.

Still hope that you suprise us with some of your tunes/noise! :)

Stay healthy :),

Keep us updated!

It's here, yep...although, the final design is dependent on a couple of modules that AE hasn't put out just yet. Which is fine, as the studio is also still not 100%, either. With luck, I'll hit both marks at the same time...

I almost bought the AJH Gemini 2412 a few months ago, but ended up just getting their ladder filter for now. The Gemini is a killer filter and I may still get one at some point.

Today 29.06 ModularGrid will move to a new server. I set the site to "read only mode" so people can read data but not write into the database to prevent any data corruption during migration.
IP address will change so it might take up to a day depending on DNS cache to see the new site.
I try my best to not screw it up. Wish us all luck.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

Hi Klciuum,

Nice video as well as nice background music :-) Modular synth music?

Pity you didn't mention the costs for this casing, would be interesting to know (including power supply specifications).

Thank you very much for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.
-- GarfieldModular

hey! :)
you're absolutely right,
I'm going to check this and specify in video description very soon.
Thank a bunch!

The Phenol looks pretty cool @Lugia, I'll have to dig in and watch some videos. BTW, did you ever get that monster box you'd ordered? I wanna hear some tunes \m/,(> .

Happy with the studio electronics one so far.

Hi Jingo,

Thanks the weekend was good. Looking or better: hearing at your track, then your weekend was good too! ;-)

Just one word: Beautiful!

Loved the track and thanks a lot for closing the weekend just as fantastic as this. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Klciuum,

Nice video as well as nice background music :-) Modular synth music?

Pity you didn't mention the costs for this casing, would be interesting to know (including power supply specifications).

Thank you very much for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Well, before pulling the trigger on some of RS's stuff, you might consider snagging a Kilpatrick Phenol. Less expensive, to start the working paradigm there is right out of the Serge playbook: all bananas, no separate signal paths, and it'll connect perfectly to actual Serge, RS, Elby, etc, in addition to Eurorack provided you use an adapter module/box and establish that ground. Bananaland is a bit of a different take from "typical" modular, and the Phenol would be a perfect it's got plenty of useful features that'll play nice with any Serge-ish additions.

I apologize for wasting everyone's time, and for being a jerk. I am indeed very sad, and very much a loser.

This modules graphic just reminds me of some corny skull t-shirt at K-mart in the early 2000's, or some Screamo band artwork sourced from

Mods please delete and move on

I think this panel is in very poor taste, yes this happened in history, but I came here to relax and have a nice time, not to see horrors like this.

I would happily see it removed so I never have to see it again!

Haha you got so emotional

Awesome. Just started listening. I dig some ambient drones.
Glad you are making the most of your new instrument!


hope you enjoyed your weekend :)!

Just listen to this to let the time fade away ;)...


Only yuppies pay $16 to fill a 18hp void
-- superunfrontable

Just realized that modular grid has user ratings. I don't use this site for buying or selling but apparently I have 1 "thumbs down" from a supermanchild [edit: for the record he changed his name to HersheyHighway after saying I was "emotional". lol.] I apologize that my comment made you soil yourself and you had to retaliate with a game changing thumbs-down. My life will never be the same after this.

User reviews and user rating systems on the Internet are all fairly useless because of people like you.

I would also really like to be able to exclude clones from searches. Mutable Instruments is the most common, but there are others like Ornament and Crime.

Being able to exclude specific manufacturers would also be useful. There are some manufacturers I’m simply not interested in seeing, it would be useful to keep them out of my search results.


Hi Mowse,

Wow, yes! Amazing, no agenda and then this kind of demo :-) Ha, ha, that LFO-Filter kind of duo (I guess that's what it is) starting at 0:50 is a nice starter but then talking about transitions ;-) At 1:03 adding that sound there, yes, nice! And that naughty bass that's kicking in at 1:27, wow, ha, ha, yeah, impressive I would say. At 2:27 another nice sounds kicks in (what sound & effect is that?), I love those kind of moments, that are the nice surprises for the listeners! You practically keep doing that over the entire track, so well done :-)

You think that a DFAM would be a nice way to tie off your Moog rack, well yes, I guess so. Then again, I am not worried at all, I think anyone (or yourself) can give you whatever module, it doesn't really matter what module and I am certain and very confident that you will make something fantastic out of that! So don't worry about that, follow your guts, and if that's to add a DFAM, then that's it, just do it, I am sure you will come up with something good out of that :-)

I can't wait for your next demo (while listening yet another time to this demo), kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Troux, Mowse and Farkas,

Thank you all for your kind words, that's really comforting me :-)

Troux: Ha, ha, interesting to read that you feel bits of 20th century classical at times, didn't expect that but on the other hand I have been grown up in the 20th century, so that might explain :-) As you noticed, I love to use the frozen-reverb of the Ventris of Audio Source, I just couldn't stop using it, it gives kind of ambient accents to the whole thing. Perhaps I used it a bit too much that frozen option?

Mowse: Thanks a lot for the details on your focus on transition and progression. At 03:45 the arpeggio of the Sinfonion kicks in, the voice of that arpeggio is done by the STO of Make Noise (using the Ventris reverb effect pedal). At 07:45 or just before you hear the effects of the Erica Synth - Black Hole DSP2, around 07:45 I kind of "cut off" that effect at 07:42 the first "cut off" and at 07:47 the second "cut off", by just reducing those effects parameter knobs on the Black Hole DSP2. The voice used there is the Intellijel - Rubicon2. Before 11:20 that cloudy-voice is the E330 (voices 11 & 12), after 11:20 mixture of sounds of voices 1, 2 & 3.

Farkas: Thank you for pointing out the room each sound has to breath, I actually hadn't really thought about that until you pointed that out here, so thanks a lot for that marker point :-) Yes, ACL modules are nice. In this track you can here the Sinfonion at full action at certain times. The voices 9 up till 12 went through the ACL - Audio Interface (via the Grand Canyon effects pedal) to the external mixer. The big con of ACL are their prices :-( So there are still plenty of ACL modules on my wish list ;-)

Thank you all and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Let me show you this acrylic modular case build. If you have any question about, let me know! Enjoy.
This is the first part of some other videos will be publish soon. Stay tuned on my Youtube page.

Awesome. I like how every sound has room to breathe. That's something I am trying to work on in my music, but I have a tendency to always add more and more until all of the space is gone. You have given each instrument plenty of space.
I need to invest in some of the ACL modules. I'm always impressed with them.
Thanks for sharing!

Goes to check his Hyperdrive


Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Nice transition and progression at about 3:45. 7:45 really got my attention. Same with 11:20. My kind of ambient jam.

I really enjoyed listening to this a few times. Nicely done!

Nice to see you share some work @GarfieldModular! I really appreciate the density and voice breadth here (well explained by your patch notes), and the ebb and flow from clusters of notes to reverb-y sustain. It feels a bit 20th century classical at times, and at others the modular part of synthesis really comes through. Well done on an interesting and varied piece ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ ♪♬

Sat down this evening for a little jam on my Mother 32's. No agenda. Just started poking and patching. Found myself here. I'm thinking that a DFAM would be a nice way to tie off this little Moog rack that lives next to the modular system.

A little kick from BIA and light reverb from Clouds.

Hello All,

After a lot of doubt and still not sure ;-) I kind of decided to publish one track of my test album "Netherlands - A", the last track called Azewijn (Conclusion). It's a kind of a "small" summary of the rest of the album.

I have been for more than one year now member of this forum and I have now almost exactly one year my modular system but so far never published here anything, so let this be the first publication ;-)

This kind of test album I did, was for me a test to see how difficult it is to create an album, pretty difficult I would say, especially then when you like to have it all perfect like me, being a perfectionist, realising that it's no-way near any kind of perfection, far from it, I would say :-) But it was good that I did it, I guess. Most of it is really just test material but this track above here is the one I would like to share with you.

I would appreciate your feedback on it, especially if you see (rather hear) which parts I could improve to increase the quality of: recording, mastering, stereo effects, well and whatever you can come with and I have no clue about ;-)

I have to apologise to everyone I have commented about the stereo effects I was mentioning in my feedbacks over the last half year or so. When I did record this album, only then I realised how difficult it is to get some decent stereo effects in your tracks. It's so difficult to get that properly done, so my huge respect to those who are able to do so! As well as a lesson learnt for myself...

The track has no percussion at all other than the Tea Kick from Bastl Instruments. I had the percussion parts not really ready within my rack and still wanted to record something. So one of the reasons why my track is rather boring, it's the lacking of percussion.

Since I am always begging you for details on how you did create that sound or that track, etcetera, I can't withhold such information for my own publication I guess ;-) So here are the details on this track, it exists of 12 voices:

Voice 1 - Mutable Instruments - Plaits
Voice 2 - Doepfer - A-110-4 QZVCO
Voice 3 - ACL - Variable Sync VCO
Voice 4 - Doepfer - A-111-4 Quad VCO
Voice 5 - Make Noise - STO
Voice 6 - Make Noise - Wogglebug
Voice 7 - L.E.P. - Lumanoise, 808 Cymbal Drone Generator
Voice 8 - Intelllijel - Rubicon2
Voice 9 - Doepfer A-111-2 VCO
Voice 10 - Bastl Instruments - Tea Kick
Voice 11 & 12 - Synthesis Technology - E330 (voice 11 through LP+HP filter, voice 12 through BP filter)

Beside the above voices of course used several other modules, the main central component for most of the sounds (not all though) is the ACL - Sinfonion.

I didn't use any input device for playing tones or something, my name is still Garfield, hence lazy, hence not putting any notes into the system ;-) So everything was produced somehow by the modules themselves.

All the "noise" has been produced by my modular system with the exception of two effect pedals: the Ventris Dual Reverb from Source Audio (beautiful reverb effects pedal) and the Grand Canyon from Electro-Harmonix. Other than these two components, everything else was done by modular. Other effects, i.e. by modular, were: Erica Synths - Black Hole DSP2 and Intellijel - Springray2.

Recording was done with the Zoom - H5 recorder at 24 bit/96 kHz, reduced it here for publication to MPG3, sorry about that...

Thank you very much in advance for listening, have a nice Sunday and kind regards, Garfield.

Edit: Removed typo.

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I'm definitely looking forward to it!

You will enjoy the Serge stuff a lot more than Rings, for sure. :)

I've been thinking to get a Rings but I just dropped literally a zillion dollars on Random*Source Serge, so maybe not lol. I should move it up the list though.

Thank you troux. That was Rings in the Roland RS09 string synth Easter Egg mode. I use that mode more than the standard Rings sound.

Really digging the synths around the 40 second mark ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ nice work here.

Thanks as always for checking it out!
Just about anything I share here is just a single live take with only my modular setup. I rarely do any overdubs and usually just use GarageBand as a tape recorder with very little post-processing. I'm not averse to doing things more professionally, but I'm just having fun with this limited lo-fi approach right now as a way to challenge myself and learn.
It seems Ochd is turning out to be one of those "must-have" modules. In some way or another, it has made its way into every patch I've done since I got it. Best $190 I've spent in a long time.

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

Oh yes! After Troux (see his post here in the You section as well) let me travel with "my spaceship" (I wish that was true) into space at an undefined destination. I was just about to arrive at my space-destination when Troux album was finished. Luckily I took your track with me on this space journey as well. So I hit the button and wow, I am now beyond our galaxy, not really knowing where I am to be honest, but enjoying your music while travelling here in the dark with here and there a star-light at the horizon ;-)

At about 3:00 you kind of hyper-spaced me even further, that hand-clap rhythm is nicely done! And further down the track that's getting nicer and nicer.

You bring me so far into the outer space that the Internet connection is getting weak here, so I must hurry sending this post before you even hyper-space me where no longer Internet is possible ;-)

Thanks a lot for sharing this, enjoying this a lot and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Farkas,

Wow that's impressive, all modular :-) Interesting how you "processed" the vocals with Plaits and via the Ochd. Looks like this Ochd I am going to put that module on my wish list :-)

Thanks a lot for sharing the details and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Garfield. Yes, all modular. The glitchy vocals were actually from the speech algorithm on Plaits with modulation from Ochd. No samples on this one.
Have a great weekend.

Hi Troux,

Yeah! Nice long tracks, if you let your mind go, I could imagine being in a spaceship (not too big one) with glass all around looking at the "space" passing by, while listening at your music.

Not just one track, no-ooh, a complete album! :-)

So I continue listening at your music and once I arrived at my destination in space and if I got Internet there too, I will let you know ;-)

Well done, thanks a lot for sharing and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Farkas,

He, he, very creative and interesting visual effects :-) Good that you warned us ;-)

From a music point of view everything done by modular? If yes, those samples by Disting?

I am curious to see what you come up with next :-) Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

I thought I'd share some of my recent work after putting together my rack maybe a month ago:

Lots of drone, in particular this track that I made today and a little bit of stupid dance with an acid influence thrown in:

All best on headphones I think, as the caveat goes!

Everything was made on this rack ModularGrid Rack and thanks to everyone for their help and perspective on putting it together, especially you @farkas (^-^)/

Lots of helpful info there @Lugia, thanks for sharing. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with a couple RS panels and see how that turns out, no magic expected per se but I'd like to supplement my excessively digital main rack with something a little more old school and that rewards reflection and understanding of synthesis.