If it’s not required to be racked, I would consider the beat step pro. Affordable, two melodic sequencers (pitch, gate, and velocity) plus 8 drum triggers. Patterns up to 64 steps and a couple of different options for pattern chaining, muting, etc. Hard to beat for the price.

Hi Steve,

Wow, that's very nice and subtle at the same time! That's a serious cool and nice sound you got there, with the Pressure Point + Brain combination I guess?

What can I say? We need more of these beautiful Tuesdays Steve!

Thanks a lot of sharing this with us and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Troux,

Ha, ha, I didn't know (but could have guessed) that frogs where big mosquito munchers, good to know and my appreciation towards them suddenly increased a lot! :-D

Now calling frogs my friends... that goes pretty far because other than using them for some good frog-sound-samples and getting rid of mosquitoes, I do appreciate if they kept their mouth shut! ;-) Bloody noisy bastards, if you would ask me...

It's still an interesting idea, I need to talk with my wife about a pond in our (small) backyard... not daring to ask our neighbours, they will see (rather hear) this "brilliant idea" fast enough...

Cheers, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hello Pricto,

Thank you very much for your feedback and I am sorry for you that your VCA doesn't meet your expectations :-( Good luck with the search for a VCA without bleeding. It would be nice to know once you have found "your VCA", which one that would be :-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hello, I've just got an answer from Erica Synths and they say it is normal for this VCA to leak a little bit.
Guess I'll have to get myself something different, thanks for everything.



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Nope and you are correct, I would need a quantizer with enough channels. Thanks for the heads up.

Fortunately I am in no rush and hence planning right now. Just installed the new VPME.de oscilloscope and having fun with them to see how the wave shapes change on different modulation patterns.

Hi EroGumby,

Did you made this entire track with just the above small rack only? That's amazing! I like the variation in sounds you got in there too.

Since I am myself not much into techno, I am not sure if the following feedback is right or not, I think techno experts here can give you a better feedback, however I feel that heavy bass/kick sound, yes that's nice but I do miss over those 7 minutes a bit of variation on that kick sound. Yes at around 3:45 you stop that kick sound and a bit after 4:00 you continue it, but in the same "variation" as you did before. As I said, I have no clue about techno music, so perhaps it's a must to do it this way :-) For my opinion, I could use a bit of variation in that kick sound, however other than that, all the creations of the other sounds are A) Amazing and B) variation enough there, so those I really like a lot! Especially since you are able to do that with such a small rack!

Well done, thanks a lot for sharing and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

A flute sampled in Disting mk4 and 2hp Pluck processed by Monsoon Parasite Granular mode.
All sequenced with Marbles.
Modulation with Marbles, four LFO:s, Maths and Synthorek Sequence 8.

regarding quantizers - does the pico quantizer have enough channels?

I see 5 vcos (not counting BIA) and only a 3 way buffered mult... so max 4 in tune at once... given the sequencers you mentioned

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

haha - that's why I always try to plan at least a few modules ahead

This would be the beginning of a very expensive Journey and I was successful to avoid that yet ;)

you already started the journey - and remember it's not like going down the pub

I think getting a decent sized case to start with, though, is a big help in the not getting a second case (and once there is a second...) I have wondered what would have happened if I'd started with a bigger case...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

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Agree same here which is why something basic like Shakmat Clock O'Pawn and Erica Synths pico quantizer along with 2hp trims would be easier to use and better for me to have options to route to different modules. I have the triggable envelopes covered with Quadra and expander but like simpler modules that don't require a PhD in electronics engineering to learn. I will have my hands full learning modular as well as the two very complex IME modules: Kermit and Bionic Lester to deal with anything else complex. Plus the smaller focused modules cost less money.

I use Marbles as both a (generative) sequencer and a clock

the 'problem' with Marbles (and I think Pams) is that the quantizer is internal = ie you can't quantize external sources with either module - so neither may be what you want

both Marbles and Pams can produce random melodies and quantize them on output - Marbles has the advantage that you can play a new scale in and use that to quantize to - the so called re-mix feature - but Pams has more scales...

I'm considering Pams as a module myself - seems really useful - but I need actual triggerable envelopes more than I need any of the Pams functions and I massively prefer simpler modules

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

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Ah cool I need to check out Marbles then as potential module. I swapped it out using Pamela's new workout since it has a clock and quantizer. Then added 2hp trim for an additional attenuator:

ModularGrid Rack

personally I would get rid of the dual adsr and replace it with a smaller module - there are plenty of dual adsrs in 10hp or less - this would with the 4hp that is free allow enough space to add batumi> -- JimHowell1970

That's funny because I got my Intellijel Dual ADSR today :)
I like Maths for Inversion, Slew Limiting, as an Enevelope Follower, etc. but I wanted a full and classic Envelope Generator like in my normal Synthesizer (Novation Peak for example).

the other option would be to just get another case... which would probably be my solution
-- JimHowell1970

This would be the beginning of a very expensive Journey and I was successful to avoid that yet ;)

Thread: PerCrack

then maybe a good idea to tick private! otherwise it shows up in new posts etc...

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

well I generally use Marbles!!!

otherwise I use a BSP or the computer (audio sample) for clock

the only quantizers I have are the 2hp tune (which is ok) and the sinfonion which is way more than ok - but it is pricey

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Thread: PerCrack

Hey - more a note to myself than a public one.

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Hi Jim,

Correct, for some reason the images do not get updated in post right away due to lag after changes are made. Thank you for the suggestion to swap out MIA with the 2hp trims. For a clock and quantizer module, what would you recommend?

Thread: PerCrack

it may help if you explain a bit more - is this a starter rack or something aimed at filling a specific purpose? a percussion rack perhaps? how are you intending to sequence it? and listen to it?

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I take it the rack with the overhang and disting mk2 is the one not the picture!

personally I would rather have basic 2hp trims than the MIA in this case - you already have a 6 way vca/mixer - this way you get 6 attenuators, instead of 3 for about the same price

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Maths Without Maths
-- defragmenteur

Thx, this Video was very informative (and funny). A Make Noise Function or SSF Mini Slew could be a good choice for a Slew Limiter.

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Thanks guys and understand. I made some changes to my planned second rack below to add an Expert Sleepers Disting that has quantizer and many features. I also added a Happy Nerding 3xMIA that has attenuators/mixer:

ModularGrid Rack

Do you think that this is a solid build or would you offer any changes and improvements? I plan to use sequencers outside of the rack to conserve space for utilities, sound and modulation sources. I can get a Mantis case for the sequencers, FX, and other things.

Goal is a portable jam box without using my Elektron gear.

I always suggest people work their way through the Maths Illustrated manual if they are considering getting rid of Maths - it shows that the sum of the parts is far greater than the value of the parts - if you are only using it for basic utility functions it is a waste, but you should ensure that you are aware of everything else it can do before removing it

this stands even if they have already gone through the illustrated manual once or twice...

in your case not only would I work through the illustrated manual a couple of times with Maths, I would also suggest that you work through it with the modules that you would be left with too...

personally I would get rid of the dual adsr and replace it with a smaller module - there are plenty of dual adsrs in 10hp or less - this would with the 4hp that is free allow enough space to add batumi

the other option would be to just get another case... which would probably be my solution

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Details in the description.

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.


sacguy71 - I didn't actually suggest you buy any attenuators - I just pointed out why you might want some, instead of using vcas - a 2hp trim module is a good idea for example - they are small and cheap - I have one either side of clouds for example

remember attenuators are utility modules too...

in general anything that's not a VCO, LFO, Filter, Effect, Sequencer is an utility

Shakespeare is correct though to a large extent - a lot of the micro case advocates are pulling modules from larger cases to focus on particular modules

these micro racks are great for what they do - but what they do is incredibly limited - what's the point of buying a modular you can realistically only patch 1 or 2 ways? and possibly can't be played in tune with anyone else (see the mylarmelodies micro techno video - no quantizer, no space)

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

Hi there,

i need some space in my small Rack to buy the Xaoc Batumi and my idea is to replace my Make Noise Maths with other Modules. Some of my current Modules have the same Features than Maths:

Envelope Generator:
Intellijel Dual ADSR

Intellijel Quadratt 1U

Malekko Quad LFO

Intellijel Quadratt 1U & Intellijel Quad VCA

The only things that's missing is a Slew Limiter right? Does someone have an idea which Modules are needed to completely replace Maths in my Rack without a loss of Features?

Thanks in Advance

ModularGrid Rack

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Maybe just sell the two cases, modules and buy 2-3 prebuilt systems that have everything like these?



I don't see lots of attenuators in these systems built by two professional modular companies unless I am missing something? Plus no guess work for a beginner!

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Ok guys I am confused. First you say I need more utilities with Links, Kinks and Matrix Mixer. Then you say I need more attenuators. Ok. So what layout do you recommend and why?

Also, about the Palette groove box thing... sure, they sound amazing. Professional people make these videos, to do a very specific flashy musical thing, in order to get you to part with your cash. But if you had to use the system above for an extended period of time, you'd learn very quickly that it is extraordinarily limited. For short term experiments, those limitations are inspiring. For long-term use, though, they're painful.

You came here looking for advice... so I'm not sure why you're arguing against the suggestions you're receiving.

You're showing a video of a 62hp Palette case (which includes a quad attenuator module, even in its very limited space!), to explain why you don't need attenuators in a 6u 84hp case. That seems weird. But even if you take their example, for a similar attenuator to hp ratio, you would need 10-12 in your case. You have 6.

If space is really the issue, my suggestion would be to ditch Links and replace it with an attenuating mixer module. Plenty of 4hp options that will give you at least three channels of attenuation. Both of your NE modules are going to really want some attenuation on their CV inputs... those 6 VCAs will run out quickly (and if you're wasting your VCAs as attenuators, you won't have anything left as an actual VCA). You could easily use 4-5 just on BIA (I always keep a 4ms SISM module right next to my BIA for exactly this reason).

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Case space is a problem to have 20 attenuators for a couple voices when 6 VCAs work. I will see how it goes over time. Right now I only have 2 VCOs so 6 VCA should be adequate. Not sure why an extra passive attenuator would be needed for a small setup? Perfect Circuit has tons of demo videos of small setups and they never use them.

See here:

In their many 62HP setups there are zero attenuators that I can tell and these groove boxes sound amazing.

looks ok - not enough utility for my liking (sub mixing, panning, matrix mixer for modulation etc)

can't comment on how close it is to aalto though - never used it

If you are going to go for a bigger case I would go for a mantis (reasonably priced with decent power) - that way you will have space left over - if you don't like gaps get some blind panels

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

This morning I decided to do another a jam.

I did a small change to the case and put back in the C4RBON filter.
I did not tie the bass line to a S&H so you get a little more movement.
I do need to take some more time to tune. :)

If you have any thoughts/feedback please leave them either here or on soundcloud in the song.
I'm always learning and the feedback is always appreciated.

May you have a good day!

Hello everybody,

I like taking inspiration from existing systems to decide how I should expand my own. I have an 84hp case and modify my setup regularly, taking from my box of modules (which has been growing with time) to suite my needs of the moment. But I've recently come to the thought that I would prefer to have all my modules in a bigger case to avoid all that (un)screwing and plugging of modules. The current state of my case is the one below, only the first row is "real", modules currently plugged are in the first row, and those in the box are on the second row:
ModularGrid Rack

I've been looking to many systems and the the setup that seems the most interesting to me at the moment is from the VST synth called Aalto by Madrona Labs, and so I was thinking it could be a cool idea to try to recreate it in eurorack format. The great surprise is that it does not necessitate buying many more modules than the ones I already have, only a Mimeophon, a 2hp Verb, and a 68hp case. This is what I'm considering:
ModularGrid Rack

What do you think of this setup? What would you add or change? What do you think I am missing?

What Jim said :)

Thread: PerCrack

Use Bitraizer as optional LFO - clock sync?

most vcas with knobs have attenuators built in - doesn't necessarily mean you don't need attenuators too

for example - clouds cv ins benefit massively from attenuation - so I always want attenuators for clouds - do I always want to take up 2-4 of my vcas (some of which have attneuators) for this purpose? no

the same with sending modulation to my cv->midiCC converter - I need a lot of attenuation, but not necessarily VC Attenuation

the same with regular audio level modulation to lzx video modules - that use 0-1v - I need attenuation not necessarily VC Attenuation

in all these cases passive attenuators work perfectly well and are much cheaper than VCAs

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

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Thread: MDLR

Another option is to buy a prebuilt system that comes with the sound, modulation and utility support modules as well as the case/power for learning purposes. Some good ones are:

Doepfer A100 Basic System- this is how I started my modular journey and comes with all key basics like VCA, mixer, etc.
Erica Synths Black System- lots of great modules plus CV tools and mixer
ALM Busy Circuits System Coupe- this one just came out and looks like a fun modular jam station with sampler and goodies.
Make Noise Shared System Plus- west coast off the beat modular with tons of great all star modules like Maths and Rene
Endorphin.es Shuttle System- another funky west coast modular system.

I do recommend the free VCV Rack software, I still use it for trying route options out.

Was messing around trying to find some good acid textures and got distracted by this weird thing and thought I'd roll with it, happy accidents as they say!


Made with:

ModularGrid Rack

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I have Korg SQ-1 and Make Noise 0-ctrl for sequencers as well as Elektron Analog 4. But thinking long term of a rack for sequencers and FX like this:

ModularGrid Rack

I plan to add 2-3 more voices to the setup and remove the clock and sequencer for space purposes. Something like this as update
ModularGrid Rack

Thoughts? By the way, did you know that the Befaco HexVCA has attenuators built in? That eliminates the need to add additional ones.

How are you planning to control this? Aside from the lack of sequencing, the only potential issue I see is the lack of attenuators... maybe replace the scope with another mix/attenuator module (there are a million out there... Shades, Triatt, and on and on). Also not sure you need two filters, in a system with only two oscillators (not counting the drums).

LOL @GarfieldModular, I think that's a great idea, not to mention frogs are big mosquito munchers, good friends from my POV 🐸

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Hi everyone,

Currently I have been using Varigate 4+, Korg SQ-1, and Make Noise 0-ctrl as modular sequencers. While they are functional, they lack the precision and control that I want for creating drum, bass and lead beats. What would be a good clock and modular sequencer that does not take up 40+ HP of space and does not cost a small fortune? I looked at Hermod, Eloquencer and 512 vector. Vector is super expensive and without the expander only has 2 cv/gate inputs/outputs which is weak. For clock, I am considering Shakmat Clock O'Pawn or Pamela's New Workout.

Hi Jingo and Troux,

Jingo: Thanks Jingo! I am glad to hear you liked them :-)

Troux: Strange, in the E-mail notification from this forum, your link works. He, he, quite some interesting sounds these frogs make and... not bad sounds at all to use in some of the possible future tracks... makes me think... Do I need to make a pond in my backyard and get some frogs in there? At the risk of getting complains of the neighbours but having some good frog-sound-samples? Difficult decision ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Exposure,

He, he, yeah it's one hell of a crazy space frog that is ;-) Thank you!

In this track I am kind of testing my "percussion", it's the Vermona - DRM1 - Mk III with trigger inputs. I wanted to wait till the Endorphin.es - Ground Control becomes available however after having waited for more than a year for the Ground Control and I got that DRM1 already for a few months now... I just couldn't wait any longer...

I kind of tested it with EGs and LFOs instead of using a real sequencer. Okay, I have to admit for the handclap I used the Centrevillage - C Quencer DLX sequencer, nice and interesting sequencer that is by the way, there is a fill knob where you can define how the 16 steps are being filled up (not extremely flexible but still nicely done), nice for live performances; nice if you want to get quickly some changes to keep it interesting, though I didn't use that knob during this track, I predefined it instead.

Well a good point you got there and that's why it took me 3 takes (and still not 100% happy ;-) ) before I was kind of willing to "release" this track (so what you hear here is the 3rd take/try). I do a bit of a mixture of what you are saying. I have now quite a few patches going on (it slowly grows and progresses) on my modular synth and try to keep them as long as possible, to "keep/save the sounds as long as possible" :-) Once I have enough of it, either finished the (test-) recording or just had enough of it, I remove all the cables and then it's bye-bye to this configuration that perhaps I could partly reproduce but this one I am not really going to write down, no. With the first ("real" and not demo) track I released, there I wrote down a few notes but I am afraid that would not be enough to get me the exact sounds back.

Well that's it with modular synths right? They forgot to think about a save button, so once you "cleared" your system, your patch is gone forever unless you have a very good memory or unless you are really willing to write down all the details, which I am not :-)

Thanks a lot for listening and your feedback and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hey Garfield,

even if these are just demos, I just had a lot of fun listening to them. They made me forget everything around me and dive into another sphere :). So, my pleasure on your behalf :)! Thanks a lot!


Hi Jingo,

Ha, ha, thanks a lot for your kind words, much appreciated :-) But please keep in mind these are not really my music or rather noise tracks, just some try outs on some modules I am currently having a lot of fun with, testing and trying them out. So the last two tracks you saw/heard from me are rather demo tracks (of the indicated modules) then anything else. However and indeed, I had a lot of fun playing around with those!

Thank you and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Baltergeist and Troux,

Troux: Thanks a lot for that link to the Cocoquantus, an interesting device that is! :-)

Baltergeist: Wow, another nice demo with the Cocoquantus. That really gives a nice and interesting touch to your music. Whatever you sell, don't sell that one :-)

Thank you both and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Troux,

Ha, ha, no this whole frog thing is rather for fun. Pity, I am not able to use your provided link, did you made perhaps somewhere a typo in that URL?

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads