Shall we play a game? JK...interesting sounds...not sure I would get along with all the icons that are used as labels, but on the other hand as with other modules its probably just a matter of getting used to what they mean over time.


You might let them know that it might be worth their time to dig around eBay for a while. It's possible that they can find some NOS ones...there's been a bunch of components on reels turning up as of late.
-- Lugia

I will...Igor replied to me that Cool Audio wasn't making their chips anymore...I'll let them know about the eBay potential.


I wrote Happy Nerding to ask when they may be releasing a new batch of the 3X VCA and received a reply that their chip supplier stopped making the chips that have been looks like they will have to redesign for any chips that may be available going forward, but for now it sounds like goodbye to the 3X VCA :(


I don't personally have one, but the guy I jam with has two, the reverb tail generator and the delay and they are built super solid like all NE stuff and the two together are a whole lot of fun. Im out of space/money at the moment or I would buy them.
-- xnax

They look and sound really sweet with the fact that you can swap out the firmware if you want to change things up. I have a small Rackbrute 3U that is solely a compliment to my Minibrute2 for modulation/effects/etc and think this could be a really cool addition


Hi all...anybody using the Noise Engineering Versio? Looking for some opinions as I consider buying one...digging the fact that you can upload firmware to any of the other Versio versions...just wondered what everyone thought about them in general.


Take a look at Void Modular's Gravitational Waves...I have it paired with VM's Sirius Veil and love the gritty/fat stuff I get from it. Dual VCO with Ring Modulation built into it as well...a great value IMO


The ES compatibility list shows the 2i4 as being suitable, and since the preamp topology is the same across that series, the 8i6 should be fine. However, I wouldn't use the SPDIF I/O. Instead, see if your DAW can recognize both interfaces, with the 828 on FW400 and the 8i6 via USB. Most present-day DAWs should be able to cope.
-- Lugia

Unfortunately, on Ableton/Windows I think it can only see one interface. I was using the Focusrite just for MIDI for a while but whenever I turn on the Focusrite, it takes control of my audio like a beotch. Interestingly, my TR-8S shows up as audio interface option as well...


Anybody much more well versed with audio interfaces than I am know if its possible for me to connect my MOTU 828 to my Focusrite 8i6 using SPDIF? I currently use my MOTU with Ableton Live (Windows) so I can use the DC Coupled ins/outs with my modular setup...been wondering if its possible to use my Focusrite as an 'extension' to it if I just want to have audio coming in say from an external synth (my now vintage Novation I'm guessing not, but throwing it out to any experts who can confirm or deny :)


Glad to hear that you're ok! Lots of potential song titles in your last post: technetium-99, radioactive needle juice to name a couple...maybe with some cardiac ultrasound waveforms through Morphagene or Arbhar? ;)


It will help if you can provide more details about what you're wanting to do with your rack. What are you goals?
I would initially suggest more modulation with Maths or Quadrax (both maybe) and some effects (FX Aid XL)

JB prayers for a speedy and complete recovery.
So appreciative of all the advice and guidance you've provided me...even though I didn't listen to #1 and #6 I am still having an absolute blast with what I have thanks to you and several others on this awesome forum :)


Probably worthwhile to at the QX expander onto that Quadrax for only $70 and 4HP more you add quite a bit of modulation muscle.


Wow, that's pretty f'ing cool...really impressive. Thanks for posting!


Others will be able to give you better advice than I can but here's what I know will most likely be pointed out. First and foremost, the 3U is extremely small to be wanting it to be a 'stand-alone' modular. I have a Rackbrute 3U but my 'goal' with it is to use as a compliment to my Minibrute2 synth...not as a stand-alone. Because of that, I'm including lots of modulation and effects modules.

I would get rid of the 2500, it takes up a lot of HP space, which you don't have...there are probably better smaller options than this and you already have the Hysteria VCO in there. Consider adding Pamela's New Workout for a clock source and maybe FX Aid XL instead.

I'm assuming you have this set as 88HP as listed on Arturia's fact, you can get 89HP which I have set both my Rackbrute 6U and 3U to.

A very clever module that @Lugia recommended for me in my 3U case is the Bastl Hendrikson which will allow me to incorporate external stompboxes for effects, etc as well. They are discontinued, but you may still be able to find out somewhere. The Hendrikson combined with this: you'll be able to add up to three other external devices into your setup :) Other options to Hendrikson are Strymon AA.1 and Malekko SND/RTN

Maybe also consider adding ornament and crime as a swiss army knife utility module as well if you have the space.


Just to chip in, I have O&C (I'm also running the original firmware), and as I far as I know, what you want to do isn't possible - asking O&C to re-trigger itself.

Actually, it's one of the oddest things about O&C. It's, as some say, the Swiss army knife of modular, but some of the most obvious things you'd love it to doesn't! You can freeze sequences, alter them on the fly either yourself or via algorithms, and more. Yet to have a simple possibility to clock or trigger itself, and in some of the modes a possibility to stop or start, it doesn't do. However, it's a brilliant module, and as you already said 'diving down the rabbit hole of O&C is much fun, and often very productive.

-- joesh

Agree, love going down the rabbit hole with O&C. Its actually teaching me MANY different topics in the modular world in one small module...but it is frustrating that something this simple isn't available, at least not at this time :) I have posted to the ModWiggler O&C thread and hopefully a developer will pick up on the feature and add it in at some point.


Cool...I'm newer to modular so forgive my ignorance on the it another form factor of modular like Buchla or Serge? I noticed the patch cables/connectors were much smaller/thinner than what I've seen to date.

Dig your thoughts on generative music and wanting to be involved in the process like a conductor. Thanks for posting


I have one with base firmware and my OCP with Hemispheres just arrived today in the post so I need to see if this is possible.
-- sacguy71

Cool...let me know if you figure it out on Hemispheres. I originally had that loaded and decided I wanted to try the base firmware and that's what got me down the Sequins rabbit hole. Hemispheres doesn't have "Sequins" but maybe running in Darkest Timeline on one side with Schmitt Trigger on the other? I never tried them when I had Hemispheres loaded, but did have fun with Enigma.


It's a very strange beast, but have a look and you'll see some parallels:
-- Lugia

Very cool...probably wouldn't work very well in the HP calculation to throw that in to a rack would it ;)
Math's is still an abstract beast for me...I am finding different uses for it all the time and going through the online illustrated supplement to continue learning but, but still...rabbit hole



I there is the explanation in this video.
-- klodifokan

I watched this fact quite a few of synthdads videos on o_c :)
He does explain how to configure the o_c to accept a trigger to start Sequins with clock start and I get that...what I was hoping is that there was some way to configure a channel on 0_c to be its own trigger (so to speak) when the module receives a start from my master clock, it generates a trigger that can be fed back into the reset channel I have configured in 0_c. In the video he uses Pams to do this. I've tried to use a clock start from something else in my setup (say the clock out from my Hydrasynth) but it does not work as a trigger. I'm looking to see if I can assign one of the Mod outputs from Hydrasynth as some sort of trigger but haven't discovered anything yet. Was hoping there may be some sort of trick I could do with Quadrax or even as I mentioned before configuring o_c to output a trigger back into itself.


All computer operating systems prioritize audio over virtually everything else including midi - want a solid clock from a computer - use an audio click track

This is because most users will notice and complain if replaying audio is jittery - in reality very few computer users actually use midi

-- JimHowell1970

What is an audio click track? Would this be for example in Ableton using CV Clock Out (CV tools in Ableton) as the clock source?


I'm playing around with Sequins on o_c into my Disting (which is in multisample mode) and getting some really cool results. However, I'm trying to have Sequins start at the beginning of the sequence each time I stop/start the clock. There is a reset/mute option where you can specify a trigger channel to do this, but I am having a heck of a time finding something that I can create a trigger from that will do this in my setup.

I was hoping there would be some way that o_c itself could just generate a trigger whenever it started and stopped and send that to the channel I'm specifying as the reset but there doesn't appear to be a way to do this. I have Quadrax but have not been able to figure out a way to just have it send a trigger once upon start

Here is what I have for modules that I'm working with...

ModularGrid Rack

looking for any suggestions on how I could generate a single trigger when I start my clock (using Beatstep Pro as master clock start/stop). Tried to work through this over a couple days and have reached that point where I'm stumped and hoping someone else might have a recommendation.


I'd get a sequential switch to send Math's and Pam's modulation through so that you can quickly wreck and change the routing of your pitch/control/modulation around the case very quickly. It encourages spontaneous finding of results and not keeping static while you explore your system sometimes. Depending on the one you get, you also get a new pitch or rhythm sequencer source to build a patch around.
-- DrFrunkensteen

@DrFrunkensteen The sequential switch mode is what I've been focused on using since I got CVilization a few weeks much fun. I have been messing around with sending the output of my Hydrasynth into a buffered mult and then taking the four outs from that into each of the inputs on CVilization and then routing each out to an input on my Cosmix mixer getting all sorts of interesting craziness not only by modifying the CVilization but also mixing in and out each of the inputs on Cosmix. I know I'm only scratching the sequential switch surface so to speak...

I'm interested in your comment about using it with Math's (which I have) are saying to route the output of Maths in to the sequential switch? Can you elaborate a little more on that?


I had the same thing happen with an order for a Ts-L I placed with Control (here in the states)...they kept saying it had shipped for four weeks, after sixth week they said it looks like there was a shipping error we'll refund your money...sigh...I ordered one from Analogue Haven and it was on my doorstep in a week...smh


It would be nice to have the total HP listed for a rack when displayed...seems like it shows everything else (Power Consumption | Depth | Price | Number of Modules) could be useful to show total HP and total HP occupied by modules if possible.


Well was interestingly cool...would you say the Polyend Tracker is relatively easy to get started with? Was watching you triggering the various buttons. Maybe the most time consuming part is getting all your samples loaded? Thanks for the video!


ornament and crime might give you some good bang for the buck with that remaining 8HP


Should probably add some sort of EG…Zadar or Doepfer A-140-2…more modulation is always good, maybe Quadrax…ornament and crime adds a lot of functionality as well but some don’t like menu diving


Don't overlook inexpensive VCOs that can work at LFO rates.
-- Ronin1973

I just got the Doepfer A-143-9...messing around with it using Warps and WMD ultrafold...whoa


@Lugia - I thought I read somewhere where the Keystep Pro gates can be configured for 5V? I thought I recalled you have one?
-- jb61264

They're pretty flexible, yep. And I do use 5V trig/gates from time to time. But what I usually do is to set these to 8V so that they can trigger those AND most other modules. The only time this doesn't work nicely if when I DO need +5V for working with the AE...which is based around a +5V architecture for everything.

I am at a point of frustration as I've tried to work through this BSP/Disting EX deal with the Multisample algorithm...I currently am routing Pitch from BSP Seq1 to Frap Tools 321 channel 1 and Gate from BSP Seq1 to Frap Tools 321 channel 2.
I completely reinstalled the latest EX firmware 1.10.1 so I could be relatively sure any settings I may have screwed up were reset.

Offset switches are off on the 321 and the Phase switch is to the left for all three 321 channels. I just have a gate on the 1,5,9,13 steps and am getting decent piano sound but it still gets wonky if I enable say step will make 13 pitch go way up.

Ugh, about to consider the EX a waste of space for sample playback...I get the RTFM and I have been, but at a certain point it just shouldn't be this difficult


@jb61264 I had a BSP and the same issue with the 12V being too hot for the EX. Attenuating within the EX didn't help for me. I've since upgraded to a Keystep Pro and yes, the gates can be configured for 5V and work great with the EX.
-- jroo

@jroo - thanks for that confirmation...driving me crazy that BSP can't be currently configured for 5V gates as I would assume the circuitry for Keystep Pro and Beatstep Pro are relatively similar. I have a LaunchKey49 because I like the integration with Ableton and don't really want another keyboard.

When you tried to configure BSP for Disting EX, do you recall if you used the "CV Mappings" in Mappings/CV Mappings or the "Attenuverters" actually in the SD Multisample algorithm mode?


Will definitely keep and use the 321, especially for this use case with the Disting EX.
@Lugia - I thought I read somewhere where the Keystep Pro gates can be configured for 5V? I thought I recalled you have one?


My favorite to work with so far has been Patchwerks...those guys have gone above and beyond for me a couple times. Also have had good luck with Detroit Modular, Analogue Haven. and Perfect Circuit.


and suddenly I have a good use of my Frap Tools 321 :)
Thanks @BrumoD I was able to run the signal from my BSP through 321 and now get a nice smooth piano sound
-- jb61264

I think... the Disting can analyze the maximum voltage of a gate and derive velocity/layer switching from it. I believe that's on page 34 of the Disting EX manual. I think 5v is the maximum it's looking for. So yes, the amplitude (voltage) of your gate is relevant.
-- Ronin1973

Page 39 has this information about the Multisample algorithm...
Name Min Max Default Unit Description
1-6 Attenuverter 1-6 -200 200 100 % Applies an attenuverter to the corresponding
input. A negative value indicates that the CV
will be inverted

Does this mean you can attenuate the inputs actually on the Disting EX? I wouldn't need to use the 321 to attenuate the signal before input to Disting EX?


Yeah good experimental stuff and amazing what they did back on modular years ago. We are so lucky to have amazing choices in synthesizers and modular items today and the market is exploding as new makers create new ideas that take classics and modern design. Like the Roland re-issue of the classic 808 drum machine the TR-8 is super fun affordable and portable for beat making plus I think you can feed triggers from the boutique Roland re-issues to modular and so forth. I have really enjoyed listening to old electronic music from Kraftwerk and Tangerine Dream.
-- sacguy71

I picked up a 'used' TR-8S recently from Patchwerks a few weeks ago...really digging the sounds I can do with that. I have got it sync'd up with Ableton pretty well (took a lot of fiddling around). Are you using TR-8S as well?


Is it safe to assume that the first and/or second tags on a module are the 'primary' functions for each. I get 'RTFM' but hoping there is also a certain degree of hierarchy in place for the tags
-- jb61264

only if there are 1 or 2 tags for the module - tag order appears to be alphabetic
-- JimHowell1970

Geez, how very non-observant of me...will definitely take that into consideration now as


Did you know that electronic music pioneer Morton Subotnick album Silver Apples of the Moon would be considered unlistenable to mainstream folks today who are addicted to rap hip hop crap and pop garbage? It would never chart top 40 mainstream today but does not mean it is bad music it is very experimental like my stuff!
-- sacguy71

Now I have another album to go listen to ;) Last week it was Klaus Schulze that someone recommended. I think @Lugia mentioned him in a post I made to reference some sounds that Klaus had on an album...I didn't end up liking that particular album (a couple songs yes) but I listened to a few more of his albums and really liked them.


Is it safe to assume that the first and/or second tags on a module are the 'primary' functions for each. I get 'RTFM' but hoping there is also a certain degree of hierarchy in place for the tags


@Lugia - for a couple days I have been very frustrated with BSP into my Disting EX (using multisample mode)...getting all sorts of terrible sounds just trying to hear the piano. Turns out BSP is too strong of a signal and I have to use an attenuator...luckily I have the Frap Tools 321 that you recommended I get. I haven't used it until this issue came up and I'm so glad I have it now. Would hope that Arturia would make BSP capable of sending 5V gate though...seems like it could be an update as I believe the Keystep Pro has that capability?


You will never record a song in the DAW of that I am sure. You already have problems to operate a simple Eurorack sequencer like Eloquencer, or your pathetic attempts to operate a simple mixer.

-- Next_G

Wow dude you must be fun at parties...smh
Never will understand what compels someone to say crap like this even if you do truly believe it...which is ridiculous considering I'm assuming you don't even know sacguy71. I enjoy reading posts by sacguy71 and gain a lot of knowledge from them. What do you contribute but bad vibes and negativity...hope you can find some peace and chill out.


Thread: VCV 2.x out!

@Lugia - I remember when I first started posting on Modular Grid, you recommended getting VCV (and I did by the way). Admittedly, I spent more time researching modules and building my first rack outside of playing with VCV because it was "outside the DAW"...that has changed, I bought VCV to use as a VST in Ableton as well now.


and suddenly I have a good use of my Frap Tools 321 :)
Thanks @BrumoD I was able to run the signal from my BSP through 321 and now get a nice smooth piano sound


Anybody using the Beatstep Pro with Disting EX by chance?

I am having a heck of a time using the multisample app with BSP...its like the BSP is 'overdriving' the Disting EX and the sounds are not good. I've been fudging around with the gate settings with the knobs and getting a little better sound, but for example when I'm trying to just use the piano with pedal sample, there is always this 'thud' and it sounds like someone playing a kiddy piano...even though I have Disting EX set for "LABS Soft Pno - PedOn"

I'm sure it has to do with the BSP sending too much signal but not sure how to resolve it and I can't find anything that really addresses it when I google.

Hoping someone here may have a suggestion or two


This has got to be one of the most informative and helpful posts I've ever made and had replies too. Thanks everyone for all the insights, truly helpful and I have been definitely benefitting from all the comments.

One thing I had fun experimenting with is running the output of my Hydrasynth to one track in Ableton, then using the headphone output, I ran that through my Intellijel buffered mult...each output was an input into one of the four CVilization inputs and then each channel on the CVilization had two steps channel 1 had steps 1 and 5, channel 2 had 2 and 6, etc...each output runs to a different channel on my created this really cool choppy/wavey sound that I sent to a separate track in Ableton....when I play the two together, it gave some really cool/interesting results. Further fun by switching on/off different channels on the Cosmix.

@farkas and @Garfield Modular - great tips, thank you very much, I'm getting a much better feel for using the envelopes with everything.


First thing to do is completely remove any thought of including the Mother-32 in your Rackbrute:) It is a huge waste of HP space in an already small Rackbrute 6U (which I have). There is actually a calculation that you can do to show you how much extra $ it costs you to put something in your rack that can be left out of the Mother-32. With the location of the patch bay on the Mother-32 and the way the Rackbrute stand is designed, you can just locate the Mother-32 in front of your Rackbrute (I do this with the Hydrasynth desktop.

As far as what modules to include, Maths is a good choice...I can't tell what the other ones are in the picture. Consider Veils and FX Aid XL for sure...and other utilities like Links...maybe some additional modulation sources like Quadrax. Others on the forum will be far better at providing information about what modules to include


@Lugia - I found a Hendrikson and bought since they are discontinued and I think the idea of using something like stompboxes in a live setting with my Minibrute2/Rackbrute3U setup is great...looking forward to 'expanding' the setup with some stompboxes...will probably go down that path of the Electro-Harmonix Tri Parallel Mixer as well :)


I'm a big fan of Klaus Schulze's "Body Love" soundtracks (the one with the white cover and a song called "Blanche" especially). Highly recommended.
-- farkas
I listened to the Body Love tracks today...really nice stuff! Enjoyed that alot


Wondering how many use sample and hold in their patches and how you use it...

Is it necessary to have a noise generating module in order to use sample and hold or can you use sample and hold with other things as well? Seems like the 2-3 videos I've watched always use it in conjunction with a noise signal, anybody use it with any other sort of signal? Is it that useful to have around in a smaller setup?


Just go listen to Klaus's "Blackdance" album, where you can hear the Compact "A" in all its glory. That's ALSO sort of the reason the Hendrickson's in there, tbh...500 lbs of 100% groovy Kraut sound, but available and AFFORDABLE. And no, you can't have mine.
-- Lugia
@Lugia - had about an hour of travel time in the car today for Thanksgiving and listened to the Blackdance was interesting and I did listen to it all but will have to admit it wasn't quite my cup of tea...but I did give Klaus another shot and listened to 'Silhouettes' on my hour drive home and I really enjoyed that album.


Got out the clawhammer and had a go....

As a synth in of itself...well, it's not one. But as an extension complement for the MB2...oh, hell yes. Everything here plays nicely with the MB2's patch I/O levels, so what I designed was JUST an extender...but a really capable one. This'll take that synth right on into WTF? territory pretty easy-like!

@Lugia - awesome, that's exactly what I wanted..."WTF territory" as an extender to the Minibrute2 :) so let me throw in one little twist...could I somehow integrate my TR-8S with this setup? say using the Hendrickson? and then in turn somehow use the external IN on the TR-8S for the stompbox world?


After thinking I had a cool build for my Rackbrute 3U...I got to thinking that really what my goal is for the 3U is to be a compliment to my Minibrute2 (keyboard Minibrute) and I wasn't so sure that adding a Demon Core oscillator with expander was really on that 'compliment path'. In order to really 'compliment' my Minibrute2, I'm thinking it would be better to consider some really cool modulation and effects.

After getting CVilization, its found a place in my Rackbrute 6U and I've been having fun with it in there (swapped out my Warps)...and thinking Warps might be a cool compliment to the Minibrute2. Thinking I would want to consider a buffered mult or mixer of some sort?

I added the Joranalogue Filter 8 as an additional filter to the setup (Minibrute2 does have its own filter but thinking it might be cool to have options there?). Already have the Disting MK4 installed. Would PNW be necessary if I am running clock from Beatstep Pro? maybe it can do some different interesting modulation that I could use? maybe something better fits this setup now? Maybe there is something better than Links for a small mixer?

Really struggling with some of the choices I have here based on the real direction I want for the Rackbrute 3U build

ModularGrid Rack