Is there new firmware? On the xor site I see no updated firmware or changelog in existing firmware that says this is supported. My unit is in the mail so I am concerned?
-- jlytle63704

The new firmware will be there before your unit arrives!
Your unit is not in the mail yet as I start shipping the first Dualchord today. No worries.

Is there new firmware? On the xor site I see no updated firmware or changelog in existing firmware that says this is supported. My unit is in the mail so I am concerned?

Could use a couple more active mults.
When there's some signals that are "expensive" to generate, it's nice to spread them around.

New plan and build:
ModularGrid Rack


We're now up over 60% funded on Kickstarter! Thanks to everyone who has backed this project so far. If you're keen to create colourful, patterned effects with your Eurorack you can pick up a KOLOR module over at the Kickstarter campaign!

radio music o.ä. / Morphagene ähnlich
st mix?
clock iv/mult

4u resonant eq
4u qws

I'd move the Data closer to the middle. It has passthru, so nothing's lost by doing that.
Put the active mult right after the Pam's workout, and the Plog after that. Makes for a powerful combination.
It could benefit having one or two Doepfer a-138n mixers to sub-mix things together.
I found the Victor to be kind of boring and limited in what it brings to the rack, and it's joystick is meh.
Put an Oxi Coral in there instead. It'll give you tonal colors that the system 55 doesn't have.

On the other hand, if you're going Behringer, you could get 3(!) B2600's for what that System 55 costs.
One in each color!!

This video is all about exploring textures in ambient music. Many people think of ambient music as music without rhythm, structure, or texture, often with a lot of reverb to wash everything together. But I like to search for rhythmical, noisy, and textural structures within ambient music. This video is a sonic exploration of that. The textures in this piece are shaped by the Passive Operator from Error Instruments. Their experimental modules are truly inspiring, pushing me to explore new sonic territories. For the bass and the lead melody, I’m using Sena from Vostok Instruments. The rhythmic patterns are played by XPO and Plaits. Rings and STO are providing a counter melody. The pad/wash is created by Beads. The effect modules are my loyal nautical duo Sealegs and Nautilus.


Sounds like you have a pretty clear plan of where you want to go (also, it seems pretty cool).

Since your plan is to integrate with your DAW pretty much the whole time, you have quite a lot of flexibility and can probably hold off on filling your hp until you have a better sense of how the instrument works for you and your flow. VCV Rack is free and has plenty of modules that can cover your needs. Plus, my understanding is that you can use VCV as a plug-in in Ableton. You're also dealing with a lot of modules I don't have direct experience with, so I'm hesitant to make recommendations of physical modules to get or switch out.

That being said, you certainly wouldn't be doing yourself a disservice if you added some utilities to your rack. Utilities are the plumbing and architecture that make your big modules actually work to their fullest capacity and in the most interesting ways. It's unfortunately also true that it's hard to figure out what utilities you need until you're midway through patching and realize you're missing a specific funtion and can't do the thing you want to do. Again though, since you're integrating with a DAW, I'm hesistant to tell you to buy anything. All of the below functions can be found in VCV, potentially for free, as well.

With all that out of the way, I would suggest more VCAs, perhaps a chainable one like the Intellijel Quad VCA, or a stereo VCA (I have WMD's AXYS crossfader/stereo vca and like it a lot), to allow you to craft your sound. A stereo mixer (I have used the Befaco Stmix) might also help control your various voices. You might want to consider something like Joranalogue's Route 4 or Switch 4, for hands-on routing of signals to different effects modules. Also, I just love sample and hold circuits, so I always suggest them. Additionally, you need modulators. What's the point of having access to all of these sound-warping parameters if you don't have any cv signals to use on them? LFOs are plentiful in the modular world, but there certainly are some standouts. I personnaly use XAOC's Batumi and DivKid's/Instruo's Ochd in pretty much every patch. You'll also want to think about attenuaters/attenuverters to tame the modulators. I have Erogenous Tones Levit8 and it's a huge amount of control in a few hp (I've never needed to fill mine up).

These are just things to consider, though, since as you say this is a DAW-connected project, you really don't need to buy much other than the ES module for connectivity and to get going. If you felt like buying modules, though, utilities, vcas, and lfos are where I'd put my focus.

Hope this is useful, and good luck!

Thanks for taking the time farkas

True. I built a few super dense cases (like 12+ modules 62hp palettes) and accessibility/playability is an issue. I manage-ish by iterating on module position/direction and using angled Tendril cables with optimized length (once patched I usually keep the rig for a few weeks).

Maybe I could try and leverage something like this fader module ?

Yes. Percall seems like a good idea. It would replace the Mega tang ? Only issue is I would not have the Fx send/return, which is kind of cool in such a small space. I'll think of a way. Maybe I could take out Pons Asinorum and add and small submixer to emulate an Fx send.


Does this happen even when you set all bits to 'On'? If so then yes, there could be an issue with the expander.

I'm not sure what the results of connecting the expanders to the wrong headers would be but perhaps double check that the ribbon cable is connected to the correct expansion header and that it's oriented in the proper position.

My concern here would be playability. With minimal stuff, you want subtle changes over time. Turning all of those tiny knobs so close together when a bunch of cables are patched will be difficult, if not maddening.
Befaco Percall might also be a module to consider here.
Good luck and have fun.

ModularGrid Rack

Here is an attempt at a small techno rack.

Random notes :

2 brooks will serve as bass and lead.
2 doepfer vco and noise will be used to patch percussive sounds (ideally kick, snare and some sort of hh). Kick patch will likely go through LPG 1U.

I dig minimal techno. So the most important thing for me is to be able to easily mute/unmute stuff and control the length/snapyness of sounds.

Steppy will sequence the 3 percussive sounds and a reset signal.

Bloom will handle bass and lead.

One brooks (lead) will go to mixer Xer dualis via Wasp filter, Dvca and Electus.

The second brooks will go to mixer via Wasp filter and Mega tangle.

Mega tangle will also power percussions and MFX will be patched through send/return.

Neo trinity ans Pons asinorum will modulate, with quadratt to attenuate modulation.

Does it work?
Can I get a powerful kick patch here?
Any changes I could make to improve the setup in this form factor (104hp/4U) ?
Any feedback ?


meh. didnt know what to add. I was watching a few reviews and doing research on cheap complete systems, and I am interested in this system, however, it's missing a lot of good functionality, which is probably why it's missing a 4th row. This is my idea for a 4th row. I tried to get mostly utilitie modules and a few bells and whistles. Might be good. Might not.
thoughts comments complants?


my Pulses Expander for Music Thing Turing Machine never blinks at 4+7 and 1+2/4+7 Outputs.
No Gates are being output either.

Is it broken or am I missing something?

Thanks for answers!

It's your experience against what we are seeing in a video. Also, wether you find wobbly pots a non-issue it's up to you. Personally I have only seen Ciani's Buchla system up close, and never touched one, but if I were to buy one and got wobbly pots, I would be even more inclined to get a replacement, given the price. I find much more reasurring and indicative of good craftsmanship and quality sturdy pots and knobs found in Doepfer's and Frap Tools' modules, for example. But again, it's my opinion.

-- Fruarse

The wobbly pots on the Buchla are not a defect. Just look at some photos of their modules on Schneidersladen, all of the potentiometers are PCB mounted, so they will wobble. Sure, there are manufacturers who have better build quality, but it's not like Behringer is the only one who uses PCB mounted potentiometers. Some of my Bastl modules also have the same pots and I haven't seen anyone complain about their build quality even though they were more expensive than any Behringer module.

I find the ethical concerns about cloning less clear cut when it is common practice in eurorack to clone or directly borrow ideas from other manufacturers. And given how many people recently gave up eurorack I don't think it's bad that there are cheap gateway modules that reel in people into the hobby. Most Behringer modules will be replaced eventually in people's racks as they take up too much space and offer little utility.

Hi all
Ive been thinking about building this module but the problem i have
is the lack of information available on how to upload firmware to the
module and the inaccessable calibration proceedure by (Forestcaver)
on antumbras website. just throws up a 404 error.
Could anyone out there point me in the right direction please.
Many thanks for reading post.

Path notes in the youtube link, TD fans might recognize the title :)

Again, thank you for your input, much appreciated, you are TOP.

I mean to use this mainly with external inputs, i don't see myself NOT use Ableton actually, (or if I could use Rample as a backing track machine, and play the (real) drums over that with a knee mic and enveloppe following -> plaits or just triggers, use Hermod modulations and sequences again like [Maysun ](
it revolves around randomness of kick hits with Twiigs, through fxs and Arbhar, playing samples with Rample that arer ein the same key as the backing track

I feel lik using multitracking with ES-9, using EQs and sequences from Ableton is my thing.

I am still a beginner experimenting so I could use some advice on VCAs and modulators as you said to make it really interersting, take me somewhere I don't know! I can sense the potential but I miss that extra knowledge in patching for now !

So yes I intend to use live drums too, but not regular beats, I mean free performance.
And what 1U modules could enhance all that ?


I'll let others with more direct experience with these modules provide specific feedback.

As a side note, I have the ES-9. It's great, but it takes some figuring out. It is, however, very deep, so double check the specs of your rack before deciding where to put it.

From a general perspective, though, you seem to have created an effects rack for handlng external inputs and signals, but do not have many ways of accessing the many controllable parameters that make this rack so potentially powerful. If you are serious about using this with something like ableton or vcv rack, then this feedback might be moot, but I highly recommend more modulators and vcas. I see the Disting there, which is supposed to be very powerful and has tons of algorithms, but might not be the best choice for live playing given the size of the display. You have a lot of 1u space left, so those should probably go towards utilities.

Do you ever intend to use this instument standalone, without external inputs? Also, when you're planning on triggering with drums, do you mean an electric kit that can send out midi, or do you mean using an envelope follower on an audio signal from recording live drums?

An introduction to the music of Hans Otte, via a modular interpretation of two parts (2 and 7) from his Book of Sounds (1979-82).
Also contains several ideas for generative/aleatory sequencing in a modular system: in particular, decoupling pitch and gate, combining a multi-channel sample player (Disting EX) with a sequencer that has per-step gate outputs (0-Ctrl), and using a series of probabilistic gates (Missed Opportunities) to distribute/alternate pitch variations. Detailed patch notes in the video.

Thanks for the quick fb !
So I don't have :
- Disting EX
- nRings

And priorities goto ES-8/9 cause I'll def need it whatever I do
The rest are just options, but IDUM looksfun with Rample?

Cool, thanks! That all makes sense.

I've been worried about potentially overexerting the modules if I leave them on for too long (e.g, +6 hours). With how expensive they can be, it's hard not to treat modules with kid-gloves at times.

Hey, welcome! Glad you've taken the plunge to put a rack out and ask for feedback.

A few general points, first:
* Please provide a link to the rack itself, rather than a jpg. That way we can click on your rack and see what modules you have and maybe clone/redesign the rack.
* Can you clarify which of these modules you already own versus which you are planning to get?
* Agree with your assessment about modulators and utiltiies. We can suggest some once we get a better sense of the above.

Good luck!

Thread: rackv1

First off welcome, seems like you're just starting your modular journey.

Some questions to help us make some suggestions:
* What do you mean when you say "sound design stuf or to be able to sequence dubby note?"
* What are your specific musical goals, and what is is about modular that you think can help you get there?
* Do you have outboard gear that you're planning on connecting to this rack?
* How much of your planned rack do you already own, or can we suggest different modules?
* Do you already have your case?

Now, some thoughts. Looking at your rack, I'm seeing a lot of interesting modules that do not feel like a cohesive whole. Did you envision a signal path when designing this rack? I do that often when planning my racks: trying to visualize the signal from start to exit and think of the ways I might wish to manipulate it along its path. That way I start to think about which circuits and functions I'm likely to want.

So, let's look at your system: I'd start with the Euclidean Circuits putting out triggers, which trigger random voltages on the A-149-4, then sends those CV signals to the quantizer (potentially attenuated on Maths first). The CV then goes into v/oct on the oscillator/s and to a VCA. Simultaneously, the trigger would get sent to Maths or the function generator to become an envelope, then into the VCA it goes. Now, we send to the FX. Woohoo! A signal path, and one with some funky randonmess in it, too. Not bad. Of course, we're talking modular, which means that there should be innumerable ways to move a signal around your system to make for interesting results. So, let's start thinking how we're going to make a second, totally different patch from the first on your planned instrument... hmmm. Looking at your plan, I'm not seeing too many ways to move around your system and make workable signal paths.

You need to start thinking about the connecting pieces of your modular synth; the modules that tie things together, manipulate signals, and otherwise do utilitarian things - utilities. These are the modules that allow you better use the "interesting" modules you already have planned. You have a few (Maths, for example), but these should dominate your module collection. These utiltiies will provide flexibility in your patch designs and allow your to create more interesting paths around your system. Of course, there are thousands of utility modules out there, how do you know what you need, particularly when you've never played around with one before to see what it can do? Well, this is where you need to refine your goals for the instrument. Do you want it to be multivoiced? Do you want it to be stereo? Do you want it to be generative or playable (or both)?

Think about the above for a bit; watch how-to videos and read the manuals, and then try tooling around with your plan again. In particular, you may want to look at matrix mixers, sample and holds/track and holds, attenuators/attenuverters, and mixers. Of course, this being modular, the choice really is yours.

Good luck and have fun!

Edited since I'm a stickler for grammar.

Hello there, first post, first rack, at least one I want to talk about and ask for some advice on what could be improved / replaced.

here it is : ModularGrid Rack

I have an Intellijel 7u performance case and I want to do live (Ambient, glitchy, experimental, noise) around textures, use of samples, or even backing tracks, CC/EQ from Ableton with Es-8, maybe ES-9 ; and use eurorack for live sampling / fxs / treatment, live acoustic instruments with mics.

Got a Blofeld for pads, atmos etc... Doepfer Black Energy II for drones/basses (sequenced via Ableton) and I was thinking about using a turntable with external mobile preamp (Phono In/line Out) to use some concrete noises from vinyls I have through Arbhar. I also have Data Bender ,Monsoon, 100 Grit, Melotous Versio, Faille Temporelle.

I wanted a matrix mixer for maximum versatility, experiments and I think it's a + for live perfs.

As a drummer, I also wanted to implement triggers from hits on a acoustic Low Tom, cymbals, maybe a kick. Or trigger Plaits as a voice or Rample as a sample trigger (in the same key as the backing track or a 808 quantized through Ableton and ES-8).
IDUM is a possibility I though about for the Rample channels unused, that could do idm types of bleeps/bloops/bursts/ratchets.

I want it to be a case for collaborations with any type of (acoustic) musicians too and I feel the Endless Processor is a cool bridge between acoustic sounds and eurorack world.

I feel I may lack modulations/utilities ? I have rooms for 1U as well. (I already have a Line In from Mosaic for turntable/Blofeld)
right now I have a Hermod instead of ES-8 so I still have lfos and other modulation sources but it's overkill with the idea of using Ableton anyways.

I don't have the disting EX yet. Is that a good idea ? Any thoughts on the best fx chains ? best use of Matrix Mixer ?

THANK YOU for reading me, any advice, question are welcomed !

With that Doepfer supply, you'll be fine. Fill it up.
Putting another power supply in that box gives me the heebie-jeebies
and would make Dieter Doepfer very sad.

Beyond concerns for the electric bill, leave it on. Unless it's a power amp, there's nothing running that hot.
I have a Taiga that runs warmer than most other things in the box, but it's never caused concern.
Transients from power cycling might cause a problem some day. Warm is ok and temprature consistancy
is what helps keep the VCOs tunable over their range. I don't think temps of the EGs or LFOs would be of much concern.
5% off with a VCO is a problem, but in most cases(!), +-5% on EGs and LFOs would be hard to detect.
Ventilation and panel gaps aren't going to help to keep your temps and tuning consistant either.

doh... i plugged in a ES vco2 not the ES Fusion VCO2 :(. it's more power hungry.... that takes me right up to the limit. have to get the new power solution in play sooner than later...

I do stuff and things and whatnot...

80% is a nice general rule, and will certainly prevent any power onrush issues, but I think with the numbers you have listed you ought to be fine for the time being. If you want to give yourself some extra overhead power, I'd say just put a Tiptop uZeus or one of the 4ms 4hp power supplies in to power one of the rows. An even smaller option that I've had success with is the endorphines 2hp power. It doesn't sound like you'd need all that much extra power for peace of mind, and any of those options ought to do it.

Cheers friend!
-- Progspiration

Thanks. The extra power will be needed when I fill in holes :). I will check out the items you listed.

I do stuff and things and whatnot...

80% is a nice general rule, and will certainly prevent any power onrush issues, but I think with the numbers you have listed you ought to be fine for the time being. If you want to give yourself some extra overhead power, I'd say just put a Tiptop uZeus or one of the 4ms 4hp power supplies in to power one of the rows. An even smaller option that I've had success with is the endorphines 2hp power. It doesn't sound like you'd need all that much extra power for peace of mind, and any of those options ought to do it.

Cheers friend!

Okay so... I started small and y'all know what happened next...

When I got started I was in a nifty case. Its a handly starter case comes with midi to cv, power and 1/4" outs... Well I grew, got some moduals I like some I did not next thing I knew I was in two nifty cases.

Its the end of the year and I had a day off so I drove over to detroit modular, love those guys, with the goal of moving into a larger case and picking up a few new friends for the case... OOPS I forgot to do the math.... I picked up a DOEPFER A-100P9sw and it has the PSU3 in it. It's poweer specs are: 2000mA +12V| 1200mA -12V | +5V 4000mA

Below is my case... As you can see I have a nice disting ex size hole in row 1 and a Spherical Wavetable Navigator size hole on row 2. With that row 1 and 2 is what I currently have. Row 3 is what I picked up yesterday and is yet to be loved.
my rack

Now here is my delima... I am planing on selling the SWN. Its fun to goof around with but I should have done more research before buying it. I just can't for the life of me work it into my workflow... The disting ex being gone for now is fine. I am not in love with it BUT I want to spend some time getting to know it before I give it the ax...

Cutting those two from the rack and adding my new puts me at:
Power Consumption: 1792 mA +12V | 934 mA -12V | 161 mA 5V
80% would be: 1600 mA +12V | 960 mA -12V | 3200 mA 5V

So I went from more than enough power not enough space to more than enough space not enough power :-(. And I have not even open up the new case yet :-( My hope for today was to come ask. How do I fill the holes not what do I do with power so I can fill the holes!

Any reccomendations on solving power issues? I COULD canabalize one of the nifty cases but I would rather not start hacking up my nice shinny new case.

I do stuff and things and whatnot...

Thanks, that makes sense; so it's more about giving the vco time to stabilize its temperature than about "warming up" to a certain temperature. Does this means vcos are more temperature sensative than other circuits, or is it just that we are more able to notice the variance since it's in the audible range? For example, are lfos similarly variable without stabalization time?

As an aside, I dig your signature line. I've come to realize similar, but only after spending years trying to cram as many modules as I could into my racks. Part of it is realizing that this is a hobby I plan to stick with (so I need room to grow and space for whatever amazing innovation is always just around the corner). There's no need to ossify my instrument after only a few years of playing. The other part is realizing that a modular synth is by nature "unfinished;" it is only temporarily "completed" when the player finishes a patch, and then it starts again. The instrument is never stagnant; it grows with you as you grow as a player.

Also, I realized I f'ing hate not being able to reach all the knobs when everything is patched up. I'm now adding in space between modules (or groups of similar modules) to help with access. Sure, I'll lose some hp, but I'll actually be able to reach all the pots. Yay!

I got often criticized, because I criticise behringer.
For me it appears as mockerey.
I dont like it.


even that naming is a farce



JNH-83, saal3 and

Wow, crazy low price
-- fuzboxz

no r&d costs + piss poor build quality = low cost
I mean, look at the demo video, the pots are as wobbly as pots come
-- Fruarse

They're fine, have you ever played Buchla 200e modules? Some are astronomical in price, like 3k+ euro and more. I have, all of their knobs wobble. In fact, they are the same exact knobs Behringer uses and some wobble even more. Interestingly, they are the last things to fail in those systems. My Buchla Easel Command has these and they wobble way more than those on my Behringer Abacus.

-- Hutch979

It's your experience against what we are seeing in a video. Also, wether you find wobbly pots a non-issue it's up to you. Personally I have only seen Ciani's Buchla system up close, and never touched one, but if I were to buy one and got wobbly pots, I would be even more inclined to get a replacement, given the price. I find much more reasurring and indicative of good craftsmanship and quality sturdy pots and knobs found in Doepfer's and Frap Tools' modules, for example. But again, it's my opinion.

What is concerning to me (but has been said countless of times at this point) is how a giant like Behringer undercuts everyone by using open source designs and exploiting its production capabilities and distribution chains. This applies to mutable stuff, but in the case of your abacus —although buchla inspired— one needs to be completely blind to see how it is not a straight ripoff of maths. The panel interface is the same, the name is clearly a taunt (maths, abacus, come on...). And maths is still available.

Behringer operates well within legal rights. But if in the future manufacturers like Make Noise (whose cash cow is Maths) or other open source driven projects a la Mutable Instruments start disappearing, well, it's because of folks who support giant corporations with this kind of business practice.

My 2 cents, and have fun with your abacus.

Wow, crazy low price
-- fuzboxz

no r&d costs + piss poor build quality = low cost
I mean, look at the demo video, the pots are as wobbly as pots come
-- Fruarse

They're fine, have you ever played Buchla 200e modules? Some are astronomical in price, like 3k+ euro and more. I have, all of their knobs wobble. In fact, they are the same exact knobs Behringer uses and some wobble even more. Interestingly, they are the last things to fail in those systems. My Buchla Easel Command has these and they wobble way more than those on my Behringer Abacus.

I think someone more knowing than me could answer that question.
I think there is 'cool' and there is 'stable' so the calibration of the VCO needs to be stable, if you ever DIY build any Modules you may come across 'Tempco' resistors (Temperature Compensation), the ones I've soldered are piggibacked ontop of another component and will vary in resistence depending on the temperature of the other component.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Thread: WMD 4tten

The 4TTEN doesn't fit in my Behringer Go, Tiptop-Audio or Eowave case, no way to mount it without violence. I like to have a module like that, because I will work with faders to drop in and out my vioces. Any ideas out there for an alternative module?

Awesome, thanks so much for the info!

Out of curiousity, since circuits like to be kept cool, is there a reason that analogue vcos need a warm-up period? Or am I misunderstanding things?

Thread: rackv1

i need help, i want to build something to sound design stuf or to be able to sequence dubby note, i am new here, i am willing advices about how to fix and complete it
feel free to explain me what is wrong and why

I believe Beads has it's own reverb but still Strymon Starlab is an instant ambient machine.

Foley sounds! Yes, that's awesome. Thanks.

Just shitting on everything holy. Don't give them your money unless you have to plz

* How long can I keep my rack on in a single session?
For me, as long as the session lasts and I sometimes walk away letting it play to its self

* Should there be a cool-down/rest period between power-on cycles?
Nothing I'm aware of, circuits do like to be kept cool though

* Is there a correct way to turn off a rack (i.e., turn any ongoing signals down, etc.)?
I tend to stop any clocks from running, turn off my amp, turn off my mixer, then turn off my modular cases, do the reverse when turning back on

* What are the best ways to keep the electronics clean?
A soft brush a clean paintbrush, gently vacuum just don't go sucking off any buttons, sliders or knobs. When i reorganise my modules I vacuum out the case to get rid of dust and Cat hair!!!

* Do I need to worry about ventilation or temperature inside the case?
Cool circuits are happy circuits, I need to drill some holes in my main case to aid air flow, some modules do get quite hot

-- HGsynth

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

If this is based on the MI Blades it is not an SEM filter, in other words, it will not do what it says on the tin.

this user has left ModularGrid

Damn right...
Overmore, it's ugly AF...

Looks like a lot of fun! Do you find the Morphagene and Data Bender redundant at all for glitchy stuff? What kind of music are you doing with this rack?
Every time I think I'm finished building my rack, I think of something new that I absolutely MUST have within a few months. Haha
Have fun with it.

Well...after countless trials and tests and cash...the rack has finally reached a position where I think I can leave it alone for the next 12-18 months!

There is an Oxi One sequencer for melodic and drum sequence duties.

Would be interested to hear peoples thoughts.

Reposted because the layout was completely wrong in the previous post.

As someone who has been in the modular world for a few years now, and hopes to have it as a continuing hobby for many more years to come, I'd love to learn more about what it takes to keep a system healthy and running without issue. What are some basic "how-to" steps that I can take to keep my modules running at their peak as long as possible? Apologies if I'm missing some basic info listed elsewhere or in an older thread.

* How long can I keep my rack on in a single session?
* Should there be a cool-down/rest period between power-on cycles?
* Is there a correct way to turn off a rack (i.e., turn any ongoing signals down, etc.)?
* What are the best ways to keep the electronics clean?
* Do I need to worry about ventilation or temperature inside the case?

I'd love to hear some thoughts from people with electrical knowledge and know-how. Thanks!

Wow, crazy low price
-- fuzboxz

no r&d costs + piss poor build quality = low cost
I mean, look at the demo video, the pots are as wobbly as pots come