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Wow guys, that was much more feedback than I expected. But for me this is extremely fruitful, as small cases focus on just a few modules, and you learn a lot about the essential favorites of the others with talks like this. I did not know some of the modules you mentioned, and I will definitely consider exchanging the Audio IO module for two more versatile modules.
Envelope following would really be nice, but my dream would be a 3-5hp module with an XLR mic input, phantom power, preamp and envelope follower. Did I say that this must be skiff-compatible? LOL. In my bigger cases I use the AP-1, which is IMHO the best and versatile input module available, but it needs so much space.
Well.. I'll ignore Garfield's advice and suggest what I would do with this. I'll ignore the FH-1 since I don't really know what it does, but I expect it gives you many more possibilities!
Circadian rhythms Clock and Reset outs to the corresponding ins on the Knights Gallop.
Knight's gallop outs to the triggers of the Pico Drums
Pico drums out into the Pico DSP, and from there into the mixer.
All 8 channels of the Circadian Rhythms go into the Basimilus Iteritas, two of them passing through the Invy on the way (I suggest : Pitch and Morph)
BI output to the mixer.
I guess you could use the uMod2 for CV mangling, but since everything is under sequencer control in this patch, that seems like a waste. Instead let's use stack cables to take the output of the BI and the Pico Drums to the ring modulator and send that to the other mono channel on the mixer.
After dedicating two long weeks to the company, I was finally able to sneak away some time this evening for a long jam on the Moog stack. Here's a slice of that set played on two Moog Mother 32's and the DFAM. I poached some eurorack for effects.
Yes those are European brands indeed and you forget one important one, Erica Synths ;-) Also European stuff. But you know the saying right? The grass always looks greener at your neighbour, in this case the North American modules look greener than those here in Europe ;-)
Since you like to travel overseas, perhaps we can meet once at the Superbooth once this virus thing is over? Then you can take a suitcase full of European modules back home, ha, ha! :-)
Have fun with your modular stuff, I am going to grab some sleep (getting 4 am here), cheers, Garfield.
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I try to integrate what I have already into the modular stuff to spice things up. The Make Noise 0-coast was my first patcheable synth that got me interested in modular 3 years ago. I also love using my two Elektron boxes to mix and layer beats and FX on the modular. All keeps me from spending too much money all at once.
Ah yes, I forgot that you got a 0-coast from Make Noise too :-) Nice one. He, he, your videos from today make me checking out a few more modules on the Internet. So thanks a lot for all the videos, makes me "hungry" to look for more North American modules!
Kind regards, Garfield.
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Yeah working from home and the COVID lockdowns give me lot more free time at home to do stuff and getting into modular is a fun albeit expensive hobby. Then again, I used to take 5k overseas vacations twice a year so the money spent there went to modular gear which lasts. I am fortunate to be able to get modules for less living here in the USA and many modular firms respond quickly to my questions which is nice. Check out European companies they make lot of great gear probably less for you being in Europe like Befaco, Expert Sleepers and Xaoc Devices all are based in the EU/Europe I believe.
Yes both Quadrax and Kermit are superhero godlike modules in that they can do soo many things in a small modular setup. All modular gear is very expensive so I've been trying not to buy much more this year other than a clock, switch and few utility modules and cables. I use the mixers and mults a lot as I build more complex patches and modulation sources like LFOs quite a bit as well. I now have 3 LFO modules, 2 mixers, tons of mults and stackable cables as well as 3 VCA modules. Surprisingly, I am not using as many VCAs as I thought that I would as I do more complex patching in spite of the conventional wisdom of having lot of them around. I do use mixers and utility modules a lot like logic, mults, stackable and so forth and having more modulation like LFO and function generators would be helpful.
Looks like you had a fantastic Friday night :-) I still enjoy your videos and looking at you at work, it also shows me how modules can be used as well as it shows modules that are not always easy to get at the other side of the ocean ;-)
Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.
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Hey, that's a great video! Nice demo track too :-) I like it that you are explaining the Quadrax (Intellijel) module in a video, it's easier to understand when seeing it (while you are explaining it) rather than reading about it.
You almost convinced me about the Quadrax... there is just this financial picture left that keeps me off from buying it. Here in Europe it's around Euro 350, for a quad AD/AHR; not even a full A(H)DSR? Okay a luxurious EG, indeed but still... I am hesitating about the price because if that would be let's say Euro 180 for the module then it would be a no brainer but at this price I have difficulties to explain my wife why we have to sell the house ;-) So I will hope for a good deal and might then consider it, let's see.
Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.
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I am sorry that I can't help you. That's not because I don't want to help you but because I don't have even one single module of those you have here. I think before one can help you, he/she need at least half (or more) of your modules to provide you with some patch ideas. So that might limit here the number of responses you will receive, but let's see, perhaps you are lucky and there are a few members who have (all) your modules.
Another idea might be, that, instead of asking for patch ideas, you might want to rephrase your question so you will have a higher number of responses.
Kind regards and good luck, Garfield Modular.
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Thank you Sacguy71! Yes indeed, Doepfer is great for the "basic" stuff but can do much more than one would think on first sight. Also, as you mentioned, it can be used for testing indeed. To me, Doepfer modules are solid and good workers :-)
With this patch (nothing special indeed) and the track that goes with it, I just wanted to show the basic sounds compared to the other patch and sound I created for the same module. So if one is looking for this module, one can listen at it and decide if that's an oscillator that might be interesting. This kind of "concept" I might do for more modules in the future.
Kind regards, Garfield.
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You are welcome. I just listened to your new track, nice jam by the way, and it sounds to me you take the feedback at your heart. Well done, more variation on the drums indeed. He, he, I like your tracks, full with interesting and funny sounds. It makes the listener to wants more :-) !
Have a good weekend, I hope to hearing more from you and kind regards, Garfield.
P.S.: I saw your other new post as well, I will not reply to that one since this post and that new post is about the same track.
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I agree the drums need more work, overall I was focused on the tones and seeing if I could get a nice groove going there...
I just did a new jam (on my most recently published setup)... with that jam I started to do small variations on the kick and hats. .
During this short jam , I was much more aware of the need to start changing that up a bit more.
So I really appreciate the feedback.
Here is a newer song where I was starting to do a little more drum variation.
Thank you again for the feedback.
Much appreciated.
I decided to do a jam just using the MCO, two different patterns from the Euclidian circles into the VCA, and then used the envelopes from the VCAs to both cutoff the audio but also the filter and drive the filter FM level.
Overall I liked today's quick jam.
Check it out here:
I was also attempting to ensure that I could have a little better change in the kick and hats this time.
More to go, but always fun!
Cool stuff Garfield! I love using my Doepfer A110-2 VCO for testing out weird new LFOs and filters. Since they have a basic vanilla flavor they are great for that basic ingredient to see how whacked out I can shape the tone.
+1 on the bigger rack. And instead of this one, have a look at 4ms's Pods, some of which are already powered, which eliminates the need for the uZeus on the front panel. This recovers 4 hp...and in a rig this small, 4 hp is A LOT.
Nicely done! At first glance, one might be tempted to ding it for being short on linear VCAs, but then there's several VCAs in the tile rows, plus the subsystems in the mixer do lots of audio-type heavy lifting. Even so, dropping something like an Erogenous VC8 in there would really punch up the CV/mod handling craziness and add some mixing/attenuverters to those signal paths. And actually, this has the room for the entire Erogenous Tones audio/CV lineup of VC8, Levit8, Radar and Blip if you can find enough to drop or leave room for in the future expansion.
-- Lugia
Thank you! Yes, I fully agree; when I put together this new system in January, my focus was essentially just on getting as many oscillators into this case as possible, because I was working on some sample libraries at that time. However, the system is definitely lacking a few elements such as VCAs. The 1U are good options and the WMD Mixer VCAs are ok in a pinch - but just not the same.
So keeping that in mind, my plan was/is to expand the system in January. I'll reconfigure this case to fine tune the functions more toward my songwriting workflow, which definitely necessitates more VCAs - and definitely more envelopes (particularly more standard ones). In the expansion case, I'll be adding all the odds and ends that didn't make it into this case, of which there are quite a few. I'll definitely post that case when it comes together in a few months.
Nicely done! At first glance, one might be tempted to ding it for being short on linear VCAs, but then there's several VCAs in the tile rows, plus the subsystems in the mixer do lots of audio-type heavy lifting. Even so, dropping something like an Erogenous VC8 in there would really punch up the CV/mod handling craziness and add some mixing/attenuverters to those signal paths. And actually, this has the room for the entire Erogenous Tones audio/CV lineup of VC8, Levit8, Radar and Blip if you can find enough to drop or leave room for in the future expansion.
This is a simple demo of the 4 waves/sounds of the Doepfer's A-110-1 module. The sounds were made without any other module other than the Doepfer - A-138p & A-138o mixer set and the Intellijel - Audio I/O module to output the sound from the Eurorack to an external mixer.
These first 4 sounds (saw, square, triangle & sine) were made without any effects. After these sounds, the square wave followed again, this time however a medium strong (external) reverb has been added.
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Wow, you got some really amazing and good stuff here in your above tracks. From all, the first one is seriously blowing me away, so good! Partly it reminds me of you becoming the new Jean-Michel Jarre, in a bit modern way :-)
The experimental track with those "metal instruments", is a lot of fun, I love those... what are they? Mattress spirals? :-)
By the way, you got yourself a nice rack here, very interesting to look at. The two Intellijel - Planer 2s look like that is your "control centre"
Nicely done and I look forward in hearing more from you! Kind regards and have a good weekend, Garfield Modular.
-- GarfieldModular
Thanks so much for your kind comments and feedback - I genuinely appreciate it!
The metal instruments are made by MorfBeats - I have various videos of them on my social channels (IG and FB in particular)..
This system is my latest - I've been into Euro since 2007 so I've owned and sold a lot of entire systems for various reasons over the years. Anyway this case is getting expanded soon because there are various types of functions missing (I had always intended to add to this - the initial module choices were skewed toward oscillators because of what I was working on for work at the time).
Anyway thanks again for listening - I'll be posting more! Cheers :)
I was hoping I could today (Friday) test the - Ground Control sequencer as it should have been available today at my local dealer. The availability date has been moved to mid October instead :-(
I start wondering if this module every will be released... same for the Erica Synths - Black Sequencer, that one is still not available either.
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The knob positions show the start position. The Doepfer - A-113 is optional and can be left out (voice 3/channel 3).
Move the Doepfer - A-145-1 LFO frequency range switch from low to medium and then start to move the frequency knob from about two slowly all the way to 10. Let the sound stabilise a bit in this 10 position. Then set the LFO frequency range switch to high and immediately lower down the LFO frequency knob to 8 then slowly turn it to position 6, somewhere there slow down till you find a nice matching harmonic sound.
The above causes a quite high tone/pitch. If one doesn't use the A-113 then consider to set the A-111-2 Octave range switch to 0 (zero) position and the A-110-1 Octave range switch to -1 or -2, this gives a bit deeper tone.
Edit: Once published it seems that the rack-patch-overview can't be updated anymore, at least not hear at this post, pity. The volumes of the Doepfer - A-138p settings are wrong, please set channel 1 at 6 (A-110-1), channel 2 at 4 (A-111-2) and optional channel 3 between 8 and 10 (A-113).
Edit2: The output of the Audio Output module (Intellijel) has been led to an external reverb (medium strong reverb) before it went into the external mixer; no further sound editing has been done for this patch/sound demo.
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Wow, you got some really amazing and good stuff here in your above tracks. From all, the first one is seriously blowing me away, so good! Partly it reminds me of you becoming the new Jean-Michel Jarre, in a bit modern way :-)
The experimental track with those "metal instruments", is a lot of fun, I love those... what are they? Mattress spirals? :-)
By the way, you got yourself a nice rack here, very interesting to look at. The two Intellijel - Planer 2s look like that is your "control centre"
Nicely done and I look forward in hearing more from you! Kind regards and have a good weekend, Garfield Modular.
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Nice! Heck with the massive size of the cool modules in Eurorack these days and given how fast that I fill up a 6U rack easily, my next setup will be a massive 12u-14u portable rig. That way I can get the fun large modules and support tools as well as a proper sequencer and mixer on one setup.
Here's one where I am incorporating some of my metal instruments - they are hooked into the modular via two Barcus-Berry contact mics into the Joranalogue Receive 2.
I love these small rack problems a lot, and @lugia put together a great answer. I took a crack at how I'd do the same, building off his, which you can see below:
I swapped the Doepfer A-119 for a Mutable Instruments Ears, adding a playability factor (contact mic + delay + EQs = fun), and an Instruo Ochd which adds a ton of extra modulation. The main question here is if the preamps stack up and the value of the extra features in the A-119's envelope follower compared to those in the Time Warp.
I swapped the TipTop One for a Disting Mk4 which'll cover a zillion bases in a small rack like this and which can also function as a sample player.
Anyway, I'm curious what other people think too, interesting problem.
I was playing around with my Doepfer - A-110-1 standard VCO module. I made this (A-110-1) module the slave of yet another Doepfer VCO, the A-111-2 VCO. Both modules are using square waves. The beginning till about two/third of the track I use a quite high pitch, so please be careful to put the volume not too high, your ears might not like this track then...
In this demo track using Doepfer modules only, okay and the Intellijel - Audio I/O to export the sound from the Eurorack to an external mixer :-)
3 voices used here:
Main voice - Doepfer - A-110-1 Standard VCO (PWM by Doepfer A-145-1 LFO)
Voice #2 - Doepfer - A-111-2 VCO (on the back ground as well as "feeding" it's square wave to the A-113)
Voice #3 - Doepfer - A-113 Subharmonic Generator (about halfway the track it "kicks in", controlled by the A-111-2)
These 3 voices were then mixed in the Doepfer mixer set - A-138p & A-138o via an external reverb to the external mixer.
Why I am using a "simple" module like the A-110-1? Well exactly because of that, trying to show that even with Doepfer "standard" stuff, one can have some fun with it.
I hope this makes you "hungry" for the more simple and affordable Doepfer modules ;-) Thank you very much for listening and kind regards, Garfield.
Edit: Forgot to mention the LFO, just added
Edit2: Link to the patch overview of this demo track:
Edit3: Typo in the Doepfer mixer set, should be A-113p & o but A-138p & A-138o
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Better idea:
I expanded this into a 4ms Pod48X, which eliminates the power on the front panel. I kept the Lubadh and its expander, but went a lot further with everything else. The extra 6 hp was far more useful than you might think...
The Doepfer A-119 not only gives you an input preamp, it also has an envelope follower with loudness contour and gate outputs for using those factors for more internal modulation. After it, I added a Tiptop ONE, which now gives you the ability to store and reuse sources, either placed on its MicroSD from outside or sampled internally.
After the ONE, there's a VOID MicroWulf for adding distortion, waveshaping to your mono audio source. Then I tossed the Noise Engineering Dezi Arnez for a WMD Time Warp, which offers dual AR envelopes/LFOs under voltage control. More versatile, even minus the random capabilities of the other.
After the Lubadh, I also changed things up considerably. Since the Lubadh can have a stereo output, I added a WMD SCLPL, which is an excellent dual multimode VCF that should pair much better with the Lubadh's outs. And since the system would now be outputting a stereo signal, I went with a Happy Nerding Isolator, which also offers groundlifts and transformer isolation for better audio performance under variable conditions, such as live gigging. Seems a lot more powerful to me now...
The Holden patch is wonderful if you sequence from Ableton Live! I unfortunately don’t, so I’ve picked oscillators with sturdy knobs (Even VCO!) and ditched the ones with big, eager knobs (so long, STO!). You can also pull the knobs off your modules. It looks slightly less charming, but it helps.
I’ve got a guitar tuner on the pre-fader send of my mixer so I can just pull a fader down and silently tune my VCO whenever things are getting fishy. That’s truly a live safer! (Pun intended)