This is my very first Eurorack project and although it probably sounds insane, I'd like to to build a fairly accurate clone based on the Moog System 55 using mostly Behringer modules & whatever else needed to obtain as a substitute for a few mystery modules that Moog lists in their nomenclature but didn't clearly translate to Behringer terminology. I am hoping somebody would be willing to share some of this knowledge of which correct modules can be used in place of these following units:

Moog 993 "Trigger & Envelopes Voltages Panel" (This one, I haven't a bloody clue what would substitute here)
Moog "Console Panel #2" (I'm wondering if the Behringer CP35 is the substitute here)
Moog "Console Panel #3" (I'm guessing that the Behringer CP3A-M is the substitute in this case)
Moog "Console Panel #8" (I haven't a bloody clue on this one either)

When you consider the actual Moog System 55's are in very limited production of 55 worldwide if at all, for a cost of $35,000 usd. In view of this, a mere $4k is a drop in the bucket if the Behringer clone system works reasonably close. Sounds too good to be true, eh. Anyway, your feedback, comments or advice will be very much appreciated.


ModularGrid Rack

I'm a modular noob and looking to fill this 52hp. (I already own the stuff in it.)

Other outboard gear: Novation BassStation 2, Erica Bassline DB-01, Roland TR8-S, Novation Launchkey 25 & Ableton Live.

I'm mainly using the TR8-S for drum tracks and playing the synths over top.

Any help would be most appreciated.

Hello, I have been working on this setup for a long while. I still have some doubts related to pamela new workout and maths. I think I need a solid cv modulation, and I love the mimeophone as well as qpas. I also wanted some vca to modulate as well to set some feedback loop experimentation. And I have my audio interface to use as sound source whatever it came across. The question is. Do you think I could replace maths for another thing. Open to suggestions as well idea. Thank in advance

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Jim's advice is solid. Disting EX and fx aid would give you a lot of options along with full sized Marbles. I only have one modular sequencer in one of my two 6U racks and use it but also use my Quadrax function generator similar to Marbles along with Pamela's New Workout and Doepfer sequential switch a great deal for amazing self generative type patterns in my patches.

I bought a module from @scotchedegg

Quick shipping, safe packaging and great communication - everything is fine!

Interesting. Maybe you got a negative rating by a user that has since deleted their account (I think this should be seen as a bug). Or maybe ghosts hate you.

drop voltage block - I'd also drop the mimetic digitalis and probably the pittsburgh mixer (this i would want to replace eventually (but a cascading vca will do to start)
go back to full size marbles
add an fx aid xl
consider replacing the quad vca with veils - saves 2hp
leave the remaining space empty

i think you should go slowly - and stop overthinking planning - it will probably change anyway as you start to patch

get one of the sequencers, plaits or LIP, maths, one of the vcas, one of the filters and maybe the disting and kinks

work your way through the maths illustrated manual a few times and try out a few functions of the disting - if there is one particular function you like consider buying a module to replace it

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities


I have found out today that I have one "Thumb down" which is weird since I have no idea where it comes from and all my trades were ok. No complaints. While there is information that places positive feedback, why there is no information that places a negative one? This feels real, not ok since I have no idea what happened.

If you are ok with faders I really like this module:

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so I added some things and also made a bigger case wich make much more sense,

what do you think about this?

ModularGrid Rack

You should have no prob syncing pam to the yarns, mine is clocked with my hermod gate 8 output but i have Spent some Time finding the right ppqn setting on the pam ,now it.s rock stable and doesn’t even need a reset or start has it detects the clock immediately from hermod.

also try these on critical shafts, and add some space between ur 2hp modules

These are another solution...a bit easier to scatter around a build:

Yeah, I think that's a good solution for your problem. The Makrow is really handy.

Hey thanks- this could be perfect

Future Sound Systems Makrow

I love 2hp modules- simple functions, work great, inexpensive. The problem is, they are hard to perform with live. I'm looking for a module with big or at least medium knobs that can send CV to basically play the 2hp modules. Specifically, to change the rate on my 2hp clock divider. Passive attenuator modules dont send CV the right way. Looking for a module that basically just sends CV at levels controllable by a playable knob. Anybody know of one?

Ha, I think something similar happened to my bank account when I bought them 🤣🤣🤣

Thanks, @troux ! You’re right, I usually go only drone-ish :)

(on a side note: my user name is
aphew_goodman - I may not have the ‘x’ in me, you know ;) )

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

I was probably just blinded by all of your Serge modules. :)

I've had the Metropolis for awhile and the Stepper Acid for a month or two, both solid sequencers, you may be thinking of my other rack (designed atm for ambient) which is currently "No Sequencer" unless you count a Tirana II. Gated slew is a big plus for Acid, I'd also recommend to get as many trigger sequencers as you can, you will find you want a lot of em... for the single voice patch above I used every out on the PNW and the Algorhythm both! Hopefully Crow will help there a bit once I finally plug it in here...

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I would get a sequential switch or matrix mixer which are great for ambient.

Yeah, I feel like for acid explorations I'm going to need a dedicated gated slew. Maths and Disting aren't quite getting me what I want.
Did you recently add the Stepper Acid and Metropolis? I can't remember seeing those in your rack before.

Thanks @farkas! I prefer Maths envelopes (great for wiggling) to the Time Warp, but TW does a ton for 4HP (the inversion option is really nice in particular) and it's a great backup when I'm working on a multi-voice patch. I can't speak to the AJH but if you're looking for flexibility over getting the exact right envelope or curve you want I think TW is a good choice, especially if you're space constrained.

Ah, this takes me back to my clubbing days. Great stuff as always! Those hi-hats sound good.
How do you like the WMD Time Warp? I'm probably going to get the AJH S+H/Slew, but I've been eyeballing the Time Warp too.

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I would get rid of the Varigate 4+ and keep the Mimetic Digitalis sequencer and add a good sequential switch or matrix mixer. That would give you lots of pattern generation and variety. I added a sequential switch recently to my setup and it adds spice. If I had more space, I'd add a matrix mixer. Let's you mix CV and route various ways. Boss Bow Two is a cool switch with tricks that play well with Pam. Erica Synths also makes a neat sequential switch.

Hi guys! I'm building a rack dedicate to ambient / relaxing /chill music. The main idea is to have precise control of the sound sources (thanks to an external sequencer going into Mutant Brain) but at same time, when needed, I'ld like to be able to throw in an evolving semi random pattern to an oscillator / effect in terms of v/oct or simply modulation (this is where marbles comes into place). A mandatory requirement is to have at least 2 or 3 effects unit to make these lush and amabient-ish sounds.
Since the case i have is not that big (6U 88hp) compatc solutions will be appreciated.

This is my actual rack with the modules I already have:
alt text

My thoughts:
1) I will probably buy a Pamela's New Workout to fill the first row to free Stages from LFOs duties and to add more modulation sources in general
2) I don't have a droning analog oscillator in the build. I would love to have one. Any compact suggestion? I was thinking about a ts-l.
3) I will probebly sell my Monsoon when the new clouds will be announced.
4) I have just one filter (Ripples). I was thinking about buying a stereo filter (q-pass??? but it's huge :'()

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Jim, thanks.

Yes you have a point there that there will be a little bit too much with sequencing,

I added one more voice now, dixie II and replaced the roti pola to a befaco st mix. Will consider of removing varigate and add something else, maybe a env generator or a proper mixer.. or maybe something else, what do you think? again, im very happy for all the help here.

ModularGrid Rack

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Jim, thanks.

Yes you have a point there that there will be a little bit too much with sequencing,

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Maybe I just had bad luck with contact them over their website, but not much response from them. I probably should pay them a visit one day after the COVID lockdown ends. They do get some unique modular gear that other shops don't have in stock, I give them that.

I count myself as a fan of Analogue Haven too @farkas, they're a good spot to check for modules you may not be able to find elsewhere and good customer service too.

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Agree with Jim, with just Pam and Marbles, you can do lots of fun random sequence patterns.

I'd look at how many 'sequencers' you have too...

mimetic digitalis, varigate 4, marbles and pams new workout would give you a lot of potential v/oct and gate sequencing - obviously some of it will be controlled random, but even so - I'd loose either mimetic digitalis or varigate 4

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I would recommend Pamela's New Workout instead of the older version (Pamela's Workout) you have in your plan. I guess the new firmware for the newer module is pretty powerful. I'll probably load it up in mine soon.

FWIW, I've had pretty good luck with Shawn at Analogue Haven. He's always gotten back to me pretty quick on orders and product inquiries. Detroit Modular has been good too. One of these days when things get back to normal, I'll probably drive up to the D to visit their storefront. I'm not too far from there.

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Ah that would explain their lack of response to phone calls and emails. Still, unacceptable as a customer, I'd expect at least a reply to my questions. Only good thing I can see about AnalogueHaven is that they do seem to have some things in stock that are hard to come by like IME/Harvestman modules.

Haven was a thing quite some years back, but I think these days they're working more in a distribution role, not so much retail. Perfect Circuit and Noisebug seem to have picked up where they left off.

A variation on the last patch (same bass line even) but with quite a different vibe, VCFS again in the lead (what a filter!), check it out:

Made with:

ModularGrid Rack

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Plaits is great or Rings then you get lots of options for tones.

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OK. SO now updated to this, I also replaced veils with quadra vca.

Beautiful wall of sound @aphex_goodman, my only complaint is you can't call it drone at 5 minutes please! Where is the extended version?!! 😜

This is a drone piece based on four voices generated by the Disting Ex quad VCO algo (well, the dual VCO algo loaded in both dual-mode slots). Visually speaking this is not a demo but a hybrid, which I call, rather pompously :), a modularT piece, because of the various film clips I used in the video. Don't know, it may be the lockdown that brought me to this. Patch details in the video description.

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

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Hello! Thats great, I replace the tip-top sampler to the disting mk4, that was a great recommendation!

Hey Garfield,

thank you for your reccomendations! The A-106 5 is a little deep for my humble skiff. The wasp looks pretty fun but I also got my eyes on the bastl Cinnamon now, to pack a lot of function in 5hp instead of the 8hp of the wasp. I will solder and build everything I bought first and then look into this deeper again.

Just as a kind of status of the Rack right now: We have lift of and are able to create Singal, A*B+C is in the soldering process, MidiThing is waiting and Rampage + Muxlicer are on their way :)


I've received it and I can say this LFO is really great.

Nice setup - omsonic is nice for sure - but the ''clutch'' made me curious.. intresting module.


Just add a ''Multiples'' and its perfect.

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Same here- after COVID, I want to visit the major synth shops and try cool gear out.

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I went back to my first rack today and created fun drone with Doepfer Random noise and friends: