Thread: Autism Rack

Hello, first of all, thank you very much for the super detailed answers. I take everything back and apologize for my hasty response.
It makes more sense the way you explain it now. I was thinking about two identical cases because then I can set up one flat and one at an angle. Nevertheless, with the dust cover they remain handy for traveling. There is also the 2x 104 Travel version from Intelligenz. Here's my other idea - that would be a future setup for me + plenty of space for more.
So far I've only used grooveboxes for my gigs. However, in the end it was more of a "playback" of previously produced things. I would rather practice something over and over again like I do with my guitar (I can memorize it well) and then perform it. Of course, you can also do that with semi-modular - it would probably be just as expensive.

metropolix standalone + cascadia + Model Cycles (as an example)

Since I come from a classical music background, an instrument for 4 - 5000 $ would not necessarily be unusual. But again, I would buy used modules if possible and I really like the Atlantix from the demos.
The idea of perhaps switching completely to modular at some point also seems very appealing. At the same time, it seems like opening Pandora's box, once opened there's no going back - of course that's just a perceived truth.

Thread: Autism Rack

I don't think they meant that without utilities and modulation, you wouldn't be enough to make good sounds. The Atlantix can totally function on its own as a synth voice sequenced by the Metropolix and be patched and repatched to do crazy stuff. However, things like

  • free-running LFOs and function generators with loopable envelopes that let your sounds get off the grid
  • VCAs for controlling levels of not just audio, but also CV to make things extra dynamic
  • envelope followers to have very specific experiments in modulation shape
  • switches of various kinds to move and route signals in unique ways
  • clock dividers to give more varied timing events in your setup

...are very simple circuits in the vein of classic modular, but they will make your one synth voice suddenly feel like a massive environment that is constantly evolving. There are obviously so many other random things I can't get into here because it would take too long, but these little things are where the fun it. Atlantix has the sample and hold, noise, rimg mod, and lots of cool stuff if you want to start here and get comfortable, but that's only the beginning.

I would recommend looking at these modules: Make Noise Maths, Make Noise Function, Divkid Ochd, Doepfer Octal Linear VCA. You don't have to buy them to get going (or at all), and this stuff you have in the picture here would be a good start while you ponder what else you might want, but at least look at these modules as stuff your module doesn't have that might complement it well.

You may want to consider getting the Metropolix Solo, where it has its own case with MIDI in and out. This will free up space in your rack to have other cool stuff without anything being too cramped.

Do you already own any of this?

Thread: Autism Rack

Metropolix, Atlantix and Sealegs are very nice and powerfull modules.
I guess a great combo and I would love to have them. They are bit like the rolls royce of modules. High quality and features.
Its pricey, but awesome.

Yes Atlantix is a complete voice and this saves some modules. So this is a good idea. Because this gives a good ground and you may only add some small modules to get more out of it.

Utilities are very important and its always good to have the basic ground covered. But this can also grow with time.

It can be a interesting approach to start with these 3, to experience the limitations and to add was is missing later. I guess, modulating these 3 on itself could be fun.

Modular can be everything, it doesnt have to be complex, as long as you like it. And even with this 3 modules you can do very complex stuff.

In general, I would recomment to get a bigger rack at the beginning.
Its good to leave space to build around the Atlantix.
Because if you start with these 3 modules, you will see very quick, which functions are missing.

This will be probably small utilitie-modules like: a mult, attenuverters, a dedicated LFO, a mixer for cv, more random, logic modules, clock dividers
It always grows. So better leave enough room for it - or you have to buy another case again.
One 1U row is not enough space for that, in my opinion.

something like Pamelas Pro Workout could be useful.

Atlantix and Cascadia are different in character, so its a matter of taste, which you like.

Plonk is very cool. But be aware, its menu divey. I have Plonk and I love and hate it. I think 1 Plonk is enough, its very deep and complex and you can save and load drum kits on it, which can be sequenced. So you can get very much out of only one.



Thread: Autism Rack

So what is installed in the Atlantix is not enough to get sound out of it? It reads differently on the Intellijel homepage.
I thought this more "complete" synth would save a few modules. Q: "[...]Dual VCOs, Multimode VCF, VCA with Drive, and an ADSR envelope" What would be useful then? LFOs? CV?

I could laugh too, but somehow I wouldn't have the time to react to your answer like that - because then I would laugh and do something better with your time than answer you. So if you have any useful thoughts, please let me know, otherwise save your time and do something nice with it.

Or can't modular just be modular? That sometimes seems to be a problem for some, that access becomes easier thanks to such modules and that somehow scratches some people's ego - does it have to be deadly complex to be modular?
Then perhaps the Cascadia would be better because it has lots of tools?

Thread: Autism Rack

This makes me drool .... :D

what is missing is all the other stuff, utilities, modulation and so on, but maybe you only need a few to compliment your atlantix.



Thread: Autism Rack

I have used hardware synthesizers before. I used Elektron DN and M:C until recently. I then had a Pulsar 23 on loan for a month. That changed everything for me, I miss the melodic part with this synth but the linking of dots and the tinkering and losing in such a direct way of working has kept me going ever since.
I'm now reading a book about synthesis, it's very dry but easy to understand, I just can't think of the title. Back to my project.

I would like to perform with the modular synth. In the beginning maybe in combination with the Model Cycles, later I would like to get another 104hp case and build the drum part in it. I've limited myself to intellijel because I'm on the autism spectrum and because I think it makes sense to use the design / workflow of a manufacturer. I always read how others like the variety of advantages of Eurorack. I love limitations and at the same time the idea of a well thought out concept. I have of course looked at many manufacturers. I also liked ALM - both the sound and the ideas. I'm thinking about building my drum part with it (I really like the FM synthesis of the MS and they seem to have a thing for it). Although I also really like Plonk from intellijel. I could imagine two or three in a row.

I have considered whether the Cascadia would also be an alternative but semi modular feels too indecisive for me at this point.

Oh well, I had a question about my rack. Does it make sense? What else could be added to u1? For performance I would still have to harmonize the M:C - even if it might be more exciting without MIDI. No matter

I look forward to any objections and suggestions. Thanks a lot


Thread: Dew Point

Sounding great!!
-- wishbonebrewery
Thanks for listening. Appreciated

Thread: Patch #1


Adam Kocher

Thread: Dew Point

Sounding great!!

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Thread: Dew Point

Patch note sin the youtube link.

Rings split 2 ways, STO doing some stuff, Mimeophon, Clouds and Zverb all on effects duty, Sloths modulating Ochd, Marble in control, ST Modular WAVE modulating some stuff.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

no clock and reset in ? no way... TMHO, it is not a "mega pam" like one suggests, not even a "mini pam". King of these types are Juniper (Mnemonic Devices) and yes Pamela pro..

If it were me I would look for modulation souces of randomness and probability you can do something simple like using NLC Sloths to modulate Ochd or add small utilities like Noise Engineering's Clep Diaz for some clocked but random modulation, the 2HP RND is a good one and doesn't take any room up. I quite like the Befaco Burst because it has a probability control and a lot of control over its bursts though it is Clocked so expect a regular clock tick to come out of it which usually works for me but i sometimes wish it wasn't there when I want less structure. You can get little CV and gate generators like the ST Modular Isi Wren which is surprisingly useful for Rhythmic control of Filters etc.
You can't knock an un-clocked Mutable Instruments Marbles with its range of CVs and Gates.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

I am new to modular but have been tinkering with synths and analog gear for years. I am mostly interested in genreative and ambient music while sculpting tones/textures, and blurring sounds into a new life.

In my first online dive into modular I was immediatiely drawn to Mutable Instruments and would like to continue to collect their modules, I think. Outside of what is in this rack... what is missing or could be added to compliment? I have mostly been using these as effects in the classical piano genre, to generate never ending soundscapes, and even some product audio design needs. Its easy to get lost online and on YouTube so I thought it might be helpful to turn here for a more direct stram of advice etc.

I feel like what I have so far is amazing and never ending already but I am still eager to add and explore.

Thank you for the help!

This summer has been busy... So much going on. I was able to sit down at the modular today and quite happy with what I came up with. Played around a bit with stereo effects so have a listen with some good stereo phones or speakers that can handle a little low end bass.

I do stuff and things and whatnot...

A utility module from Befaco, a precise voltage source and adder.
Allows you to have a complete voltage range (either -5/+5v or 0-10v) at your fingertips without having to set a power supply or use a keyboard.
Would be very handy for calibrating a module after a build. Also would be a great way to tune an oscillator or multiple oscillators quickly to exactly the same voltages.
I’ll be using this a lot.

easy way- buy an Erica Synths Techno system

Beautiful, my only complaint: it is to short :-)
-- Niemandsland

Thank you very much! I have more music on my YT channel and on Bandcamp
But yes, I don't like to make too long tracks now :)

Thread: Modular Mile

Patch notes in the youtube description

looks like 3rd party black panel is the only option for PPW anf PNW
-- scottypinthemix

Yes, that was me, sorry, I used the sites function to upload an alternative panel version as intended, but it replaces it on every rack as I found out to my absolute horror. I wrote a bug report/fix request on it as symmetrizer linked above.

Cool! Looking forward for more!

In this new series of videos, I’ll be applying the ideas and techniques of minimalist composers to modular synthesis. First up: the linear additive process. (patch notes in the video)

Beautiful, my only complaint: it is to short :-)

I am assembling a techno performance-oriented eurorack system.
The goal is to have 2 full synth voices, an ambient texture (generated with clouds), filters and VCA to process an external drum machine, effects via the mixer send, a dj master filter and a compressor in the end of chain.

At the moment the drums are given by an Elektron Analog Rytm and I divide the signal into low end and high end and process the two signals separately and then combine them in the final mixer.
For the osccillators I chose a more classic analogue one and the piston honda mkiii to achieve a wide range of strange sounds.
I use filters both for oscillators, to emphasise or cut frequencies in drums groups, and to make transitions.
I am considering whether to add a stereo filter specifically to filter out the textur coming out of the clouds or to use two mono filters for the two channels.

The effects module at the moment I have the FX Aid PRO as a favourite because of the versatility (and the screen, which for example the Black Hole DSP from Erica Synths whose sound I perhaps prefer) but I'm not quite decided yet.
Any advice in this regard?

The system is not yet complete, several modules are missing and I am still undecided on some, but this is the direction I am going in.
What do you think of this flow and assortment of modules?

New video om my channel!
This is one of the most calm, simple and peaceful tracks I've ever made.
No sequencers. Just slow modulations, smooth transitions and delicate loops.
Mostly with Mutable Instruments modules and 1010 Music Bitbox Micro.
Better to listen with headphones. More explanations on YT.

Hey Everyone!

Wanna put your synth and composition skills to the test? A good buddy of mine has put together a great opportunity for anyone, novices to experts, to stretch your abilities –

Here’s the skinny on the contest:
- Take your favorite song by KISS (or your favorite metal tune)
- Envision a synth klezmer band covering the tune
- Can’t envision the klezmer version? Check out the examples on the website for inspiration.
- Then go to your synth station and get to work!

Recorded submissions are accepted beginning September 1st until October 1st. FYI – This is strictly for kicks and giggles. No prize money is involved and no one getting paid to put this all together. There is a $10 entry fee to cover the cost of hosting the website and WAV storage. However, the judges have some serious credentials (check them out on the site, and yheir personal websites) – and they’re all in on this!

Interested? Go to the website.
Still don’t understand WTF this is all about? Go to the website.
Scared that you don’t have the chops? Go to the website.

Stop judging all this! Just go to the website already!

I've never used a quantizer before, so I thought it might be nice to pair it with a harmonic oscillator.

I wouldn't add more voices. More modulation and VCAs, probably. Maybe something like a WORNG Vector Space or something like that where it makes a lot of modulation out of a couple sources. A matrix mixer is good for that, too - you can mix different CV and audio sources to make unique shapes and adjust them on the fly. It seems pretty complete to me, otherwise.

Was there something specific you wanted it to do? It might actually help if you're specific about which parts work less for you.

as long as you keep dust and food/drink away they last a long time. In five years, only a couple have failed me.

my experience with modular is good, if i compare with other synth manufacturers i will say it can stay in the top tier devices .
usually knobs are bolted to the faceplace and i have only one or two that seems to be getting old( i have 2 cases for 6 years now).
i tend to stay away the most i can from the tall trimmers modules as they're plastic shaft and tend to be wobbly.
my 2015 braids i bought used is still working fine ( the encoder is very smooth and has a tendency to skip menu items but it works ). as every hardware you'll need maintenance sometime but i feel i can go a long with my eurorack. i hope ..
look at vintage synth ,some are still going after 30 years.

In my experience some sellers can be quite slow on the replying and shipping front. It's nerve wracking and frustrating but I've learned to be patient, up to a point.

No update since 25th of June seems very bad to me though. I would be nervous. Maybe the seller is experiencing some kind of major crisis, it can happen, but if it was me I would go out of my way to at least keep the buyer updated on things...

AJFourier ( sold me 3 MFB modules, which where never sent. He completly ignores my messages but I saw some changes in his Marketplace Offers. I payed more then 300euros for those modules. Last message was on 25th of June:

Hey Daniel,
Great, just received:)
I will try to find a sturdy box for all 3 modules and try shipping it today, otherwise tomorrow latest.
I'll send you a tracking once shipped.
Have a great day!

After this he never replied to my messages again.

Does it make sense to lock module editing even when there is no information about module depth or 5V power consumption?
for example:

@modulargrid: consider to make those fields required before beeing able to set it to "Approved by manufacturer"

I'm in the process of migrating to a large DIY system, which is three side-by-side 27U cases each 168HP wide (for a total system width of 504HP).

I'm finding it challenging to model this system in modulargrid for a number of reasons:
1. I can't fit my system all into one modulargrid rack due to the ~432HP row width limit.
2. Splitting the system into multiple racks forces me to manually track which modules I've already assigned to one of the other cases in my system.
3. I have multiples of some modules, but modulargrid doesn't provide any tracking of quantity in my collection vs quantity currently assigned to a rack
4. When modeling multiple cases in the same modulargrid rack I have to manually keep track of the boundary between cases.

I would love to see the following enhancements:

  1. A higher max row limit
  2. A way to insert rack horizontal and vertical rack dividers when modeling a multi-case system in a single modular grid rack. The dividers would act as edges that you can place modules across.
  3. in lieu of #1 and #2, it would be useful to be able to group multiple modulargrid racks into a "system" and track module assignments across the system. For example, if racks A and B are part of a system and module X is already assigned to rack A, it can't be assigned to rack B without removing it from rack A.
  4. A way to specify the quantity of each module in my collection plus tracking of what quantity of each modules is currently assigned to a rack/system.

Is the build for Batumi really open source? I'm inclined to say false.

Support Xaoc.
Support working class electronics.
-- dohma

Batumi is absolutely NOT open source. This is intellectual property theft.
-- Sedalus

That’s what I thought. Can't believe these clowns.

-- DMSound

Batumi firmware is under an MIT license, which allows you to copy or modify it.
I just hate misinformation.

ive got all the SSF drum modules and they're great
-- gompa108

Are you saying I should add some drum modules?

x d

Do you mean that you use the Octatrack/Rytm to generate samples and modify input, right? Just confirmimg that this rack is primarily being used to make synth sounds (aside from the Sample Drum).
-- Zacksname

exactly. maybe I explained myself badly.

x d

ive got all the SSF drum modules and they're great

Do you mean that you use the Octatrack/Rytm to generate samples and modify input, right? Just confirmimg that this rack is primarily being used to make synth sounds (aside from the Sample Drum).

I am looking for advice on how to modify my system, as a sequencer I use oxi one. I play techno with octatrack2 and rytm2. I use the system to generate samples and to modify the input sound. Which modules should I replace to improve, there are things that I use little but I leave the comments to you...

x d

Thread: current rack

Steady State Fate Zero Point Oscillator

Steady State Fate Entity Ultra-Kick

Steady State Fate Metalloid Percussion Entity

Steady State Fate Quantum Rainbow 2 (Black and Gold Edition)

Steady State Fate V-CV

Steady State Fate Vortices

WMD Chimera (Black)

Synthesis Technology E560 Deflector Shield


Tsyklon Labs BAMBUK 6HP - Bamboo Blind Panel

2hp Trim (Black Panel)

Frap Tools USTA

Squarp Instruments Rample

Bastl Instruments Waver

Make Noise Morphagene
Mutable instruments Elements

Rossum Electro-Music Panharmonium

Rossum Electro-Music Linnaeus

Tsyklon Labs BAMBUK 6HP - Bamboo Blind Panel

4ms Company Ensemble Oscillator (Black Panel)

Qu-Bit Electronix Chord v2

WORNG Electronics Vector Space

CFM BHWR rectifier

Xaoc Devices Zadar

Mutable instruments Marbles

Mannequins JUST FRIENDS (v2-Gold Clouds)

DivKid ochd

DivKid ochd expander

Doepfer A-135-2v

Joranalogue Audio Design Morph 4

Joranalogue Audio Design Link 2

Joranalogue Audio Design Compare 2

Mutable instruments Links

Mannequins COLD MAC

ALM Busy Circuits S.B.G

Tsyklon Labs BAMBUK 6HP - Bamboo Blind Panel

Intellijel Planar 2

Mutable instruments Ears

Tiptop Audio CP909

Plum Audio DSO150 EURO SCOPE

Expert Sleepers Disting mk4

Doepfer A-190-3v

Joranalogue Audio Design Transmit 2

Expert Sleepers ES-9

WORNG Electronics SoundStage II

Qu-Bit Electronix Data Bender

Xaoc Devices Sarajewo

Mutable instruments Beads

ALM Busy Circuits PPEXP1

ALM Busy Circuits Pamelas PRO Workout

Eowave Zone B.F. Black Edition

Doepfer A-100B1

Noise Engineering Lapsus Os (Black)

Tsyklon Labs BAMBUK 6HP - Bamboo Blind Panel

Noise Engineering Vice Virga

Please this would be so useful.

looks like 3rd party black panel is the only option for PPW anf PNW

this rabbit hole has no bottom

I have a BUNCH of modules (Mork Modules to be specific) that I want to upload so that people can see how their panels would look like with my panels, but I absolutely 100% DON'T want to replace the beautiful default manufacturer image on the module. I just tried uploading a new Pamela's PRO Workout in black and gold, and now when I browse MG, it's my version that shows! Yikes! This is not the intended functionality when uploading panel versions.

Suggestion: When editing the module, make a version of "upload image" that retains the current default image and simply adds the uploaded image as a version without altering the path to the default image.

I have 130 modules that I plan to upload, and I would hate for someone to have to fix each and every one manually, so I'm holding off until this is fixed.

Thanks for a kickass site! 🖤

Here's a unique and terrible idea.
Drop the A-111-6 voice for an A-182-1 switch mult, and two 2hp pluck modules.
-- lumpytapioca

I have 2 Plucks and liked them so much, I added a Bell, lol!

The tone of Plucks is so unique and shapeable.

Very happy with my transaction with @cfemery
Fast and great communication and shipping, the module comes in an excellent condition.
Recommended seller!

I second that you should take out voices for an FX rack- if that's your intended purpose.
An unsolicited opinion for an addition that's hp- economic, the FX AID XL is a huge bang for the buck (6hp), though they might be hard to find new.

Testing nonsense sequencing tricks and stacking too many voices: it was a fun session!

and the last sounds pretty oragnic 😀

Sinudoda CAN with 1U top and Juice to allow:
Connection of my portable 7U 104HP kit to my patchbay, along with some useful tools where required.
Basically, allows me to patch my portable kit to my studio....
Cross fader is for connection to my Looper, pedal for extra FXm Interface for Synths integration for FX as needed, Midi Thing for DAW control, ML:2 for wireless Ableton linking, Data for obvious reasons, Soleo to fill a hole and act as a useful accessory.
Optix might get swapped out for a 2nd Instrument interface, not using it so much since I got the Bordebrain IO and DB25.
Connected to an anteloppe audio Orion 32+