hi, I presume you can fade in and out different cv from eurorack with this faderbank.
can anybody explain to this newbie how to output the slider info back to eurorack?


My understanding of this module is that it only outputs fixed voltages from each of the 16 channels based on the position of the corresponding slider and the mode that it's respective switch is in. It is meant to be used as an ergonomic/hands-on/easily-accessible/performance controller of other modules.

It does not process external voltages. Based on what you've posted, I believe that's what you are asking about. It does not work like an attenuator/attenuverter, VCA, or mixer. You could, however, use this module's voltages to control a VCA level or channel levels in a voltage controllable mixer, for example.

I hope that info is helpful and answers your questions!

What you want is the Sweet Sixteen fader bank (which I seem to be bringing up a lot lately). It's an adaptation of this open source module concept, but it also has inputs in addition to outputs, allowing it to do the purely CV-based attenuation you want.