Quite nice @aphex_goodman, thanks for sharing! Now if only I could find myself a VCFQ too...
my tunes: https://stevehand.bandcamp.com/
Quite nice @aphex_goodman, thanks for sharing! Now if only I could find myself a VCFQ too...
my tunes: https://stevehand.bandcamp.com/
Why plan for a bigger case? I'd suggest scrapping the 84 hp skiff and moving up to something MUCH bigger. This would be good: https://www.ericasynths.lv/shop/enclosures/studio/1x126hp-skiff-case/ Has ample power, still fits the 1 row form factor. But at that price point, you could also step on up to a 2 x 104 hp Mantis, which is also powered but is even beefier on that aspect than the Erica. Plus, Tiptop has a mounting bracket that allows you to tandem TWO Mantises into a four-row configuration. This seems more sensible because of that as well; if you find that you want to expand the Eurorack to more than just a sidecar for the Moog, this sort of advance planning is critical at THIS point in the process...don't try to retcon your case configuration in mid-build!
Oh, and if you do go to something larger, DON'T put the M32 in it. That's a waste of money, tbh, since the Moog already HAS a case and power...and those Moogs work nice together, so keeping it in its 60 hp cab for later Moog expansions would be a smart move.
Totally agree and for routing paths the sequential switch is quite powerful when paired up with a clock and sequencer. I made a fun random noise generator pattern today with Pamela New Workout, two VCOs and the Doepfer Sequential Switch. My second rack is now pretty much full except for 3HP but next rack will be much larger and feature more sequential switches, logic modules and support tools as I plan to get a few complex oscillators and more percussion sound sources that all require these things.
My AE is quite infested with sequential switches...with the big purpose being to automate the generation of sequential structures that have more or less infinite iterations, or at least, damn close to infinite. And yes, there's several sequencers that make that go, but without the AE 3VCSWITCH, this sort of thing would be undoable.
Magnificent...and as a modular demo, it also excels. For one thing, we can CLEARLY SEE what's going on...the patchcords aren't matted all over the patchpanel like some sort of spaghetti-related debris. And another...and IMPORTANT...point made here is that the patch doesn't have to stop at the edge of the Eurorack cabs!
Love the frenetic percussion...about all it lacks would be a Minipops-type "fingersnap", but that's a matter of personal taste...
I think I agree LYFoulidis, the one thing that annoys me about the SSM is that I nearly always want more IO hehe
BTW, the SSM also has CV addressable scanning too - you can use a sequencer to sequence the sequential switch :D
Thank you MG!!
Please DM me for help with the unresolved problem if you would like to, I can usually fix these kinds of things - if they are actually fixable anyway ;)
I think with modules like these quantity matters. I’d rather have to Doepfers than one Boss, and let them do phase shifting patterns - 3 over 4 and such. But that’s just me, I enjoy the simple things 😉
Boss’ voltage controlled scanning is really cool though, and opens up another set of possibilities!
Switches are fun! I have the WMD SSM but this caught my eye recently:
Super cool!
thanks! I will try these out. I almost wish that I had spent more on the ALM Busy Circuits Boss Bow Two sequential switch as it has many extra features missing from the Doepfer sequential switch as well as better integration with Pamela's New Workout. Well any case, I may do that later on and use the Doepfer sequential switch in another setup as it will be useful in any case.
This is the first jam i've recorded with the new setup!
I got a new case so I can travel with the setup more easily. - yeah!
This is my morning jam from Nov 5th 2020
Things to note:
I have a LOT to learn with this case, so any/all feedback is appreciated!
Here is the patch: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/patches/view/69591
What I am working on here is:
1) using the circles to drive the rhythms
2) having the o_C driving the notes via the Enigma device from the hemispheres firmware
3) I'm playing with the MS22!! (this is SWEET!)
4) I'm moving the drums into the rack - so i'm playing with the kick drum off of the 2hp Play - I need to do some work here.
5) I've moved one of the effects into the rack (the tape delay for the kick) - more work to go here.
6) I also put in a mixer so that I can send stereo out - planning for a future live show.
Clearly I have not yet utilized all of this rack - and well that is because it is new to me and i'm learning how to expand and use more of it. :)
Hope you all enjoy and thanks for stopping by!
I just saw there’s a Divkid video on a sequential switch! It might not be the same module, but Ben has a special talent for showing the creative potential of a module - and it shouldn’t be too hard to translate!
This is my first patch on this system that I have recorded.
You can check out the recording here:
Things to note:
I have a LOT to learn with this case, so any/all feedback is appreciated!
What I am working on here is:
1) using the circles to drive the rhythms
2) having the o_C driving the notes va the Enigma device from the hemispheres firmware
3) I'm playing with the MS22!! (This this is SWEET!)
4) I'm moving the drums into the rack - so i'm playing with the kick drum off of the 2hp Play - I need to do some work here.
5) I've moved one of the effects into the rack (the tape delay for the kick) - more work to go here.
6) I also put in a mixer so that I can send stereo out - planning for a future live show.
Clearly I have not yet utilized all of this rack - and well that is because it is new to me and i'm learning how to expand and use more of it. :)
Hope you all enjoy and thanks for stopping by!
Sequential switches are underrated modules, I would say they are perhaps the most modular of all..! Exactly because of that, there are quite a few different uses.
To wrap your head around the module I would advise you to plug several sound sources (VCO, filtered noise, more filtered noise, percussion) into the I/O 4 jacks. Send the O/I output to your systems master out and plug a clock signal into the trig in. You can understand the module as a 4-step spectral sequencer! Verbos has some wild examples here:
One step further: do the same, but send the output of the seq switch through an enveloped VCA into the the FM input of another oscillator!
You can do the same thing with rhythms. Plug 5 different trigger patterns or clock divisions into the 4 I/O jacks, and a slower clock source into the trig in. Send the O/I output to a drum module/pinged filter/LPG/envelope.
You can also use the seq switch the other way around. For example: Patch multiple sound sources into VCAs without envelopes. Send an envelope into the O/I jack of the seq switch and patch the 4 I/O jacks into these VCAs. Maybe send a funky rhythm into the Trig in. Now the envelope will open another VCA every time the seq switch switches.
Some ideas for melody:
And don’t forget you don’t need to use all I/O jacks. Leaving an empty space can yield the most interesting results!
so...would doubling up on the Clep Diaz and adding in a Bin Seq add some movement to the rack?
I am humbled by your words, Garfield, though you are clearly exaggerating :) Thanks so much, as always :)
I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.
Hi folks,
My Doepfer sequential switch arrived today and after installing it, I tried some patches. I need some tips on how to patch it. I notice that after I patch and LFO to the trigger input and two VCO to the 0/1 and 1/0 outputs it plays part of the pattern. Any ideas how this thing works?
Just hooked up my new Make Noise Mimeophon module:
Such a crazy FX module! More than just delay really a sound shaper. I am still learning it.
Hi Garfield,
I know was trying to help new folks focus on few modules at one time before spending a small fortune building Skylab without understanding the basics. I am guilty as well but today my additional support modules arrived so all good.
One warning: the Syinsi tiles use the "original" format, and Intellijel's tiles are based on a slightly different spacing. They WILL NOT work in an Intellijel-spaced tile row...and vice versa.
-- Lugia
well...tbh, if you just screw in the top screws of an Intellijel module...it fits fine and the cover will rest on the lower rail. my 2 Intellijel modules are rock-solid and don't wiggle at all. it's literally 2mm or so. I saw someone lock down a steppy like that in the same case - figured I would try and had a good return policy from the guy I picked up the 1u's from. Also, the intellijels are powered by the usual power connections and not that weird 3 strand one like the Pulp/Syinsi ones. So I like them moreso at the moment - but I really like the idea of a 1u/ 6hp LFO and VCO...and if it comes back in stock, the 1u midi interface.
One warning: the Syinsi tiles use the "original" format, and Intellijel's tiles are based on a slightly different spacing. They WILL NOT work in an Intellijel-spaced tile row...and vice versa.
Hi Gabor,
Wow, that's a fantastic and beautiful video! I like the way you highlight certain modules in your video. This video and jam should be stickied at the home page of any website that takes modular synthesizers seriously! :-) To start with this forum ;-)
A big bonus is the music, fun to listen at, in combination with your video it takes away my breath... Nicely done, I just love it! Thank you very much and kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Zuggamasta,
Welcome to modular synthesizers and have fun with your purchased system. My advice is to build up some experience first with what you got now and once you gained experience you will sooner or later yourself notice what's missing or what isn't.
Have fun, enjoy and kind regards, Garfield Modular.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
Hi Sacguy71,
Come on, that's far too small that rack consider at least 3 rows with this small 84 HP width. You, of all, should know, you are saving money for your third rack ;-)
Hi Ssflatte,
Take the above suggested rack by Sacguy71 but create it with 3 rows (instead of the displayed 1 row). Fill up one or maximum two rows and keep at least one row completely empty for future extensions. Don't buy all modules in one go, buy a few, build up some experience with it, adjust (where needed) your opinion and buy a few modules again. Slowly build it up :-)
Kind regards, Garfield.
For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads
This looks way to small given three voices (Plaits, Rings, and Clouds) not nearly enough room for proper modulation.
I do like the cascading CV available in the Quad VCA you have that is not in Veils, that may or may not make a difference to you (Veils save you some HP as well).
Do you need an ADSR you have envelopes available in Maths and for this size case seems like wasted HP.
Do you need more passive attenuators you have 2 attenuverters in Maths, another option is 3xMIA gives you mixing capabilities, offsets, attenuverters?
You might want some sort of matrix mixer. I think there is a lot of value in the new u-he civilization module.
More importantly this case is too small, you will find yourself very limited very quickly. I would recommend the Mantis case the best bang for the buck with plenty of space to grow.
More experienced folks I am sure will give you more advice, but plan for a bigger case and fill slowly.
Not knowing the M32 I'm not sure what it has and what it lacks, so I will just make some minor suggestions for improving this rack.
I think something like the ALM O/A/x2 is a better use of 4hp than three passive attenuators. You only get two channels but attenuvert and offset is more useful than just attenuate. Alternatively you could get a 2hp dual attenuverter and a 2hp ADSR in that space, and replace the (large) Doepfer ADSR.
Considering you already have Maths in there, it seems quite wasteful to give up so much space to another envelope generator. There are a lot of smaller options if you really want an ADSR. Mutable Instruments Peaks (or one of its smaller clones) could do this job while also giving a lot of additional possibilities.
There are a lot of modulation destinations in here but not so many modulation sources. Is the M32 + Maths enough to drive all of this? You probably want a CV mixer of some kind too.
The Quad VCA seems like a solid choice, but personally I would go for the new Veils instead.
Latest stuff : https://soundcloud.com/user-352590333
Update: I ordered the case and first befaco kits!
I'm still thinking of getting either the 2hp VCO or 2hp SINE as a first "debug" voice which should be fine, right out of the box and then look into the even VCO as a stable and interesting main voice.
What would you recommend to get fore a barebones kit: SINE or VCO?
Thank you in advance
The Machine: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/1601144
Patch details in the video description.
I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.
Hi everyone! I just stepped in the Modular world and I need help with the build up of my first Rack! I already bought a Moog Mother 32 to start and since now I have been sending the audio through VCV Rack implementing the sonic possibilities.
Now I would like to buy some modules and I need some help.
I started with a osc to add a voice and I choose a digital VCO like Plaits to create differnt timbres from the classical sound of the Moog VCO. Then the Maths module that seems a no-escape module to buy (Im searching for criticisim about it). Then I added the Rings module that from my experience from VCV rack is an incredible instrument to create that physical model synthesis that I love. (For sure I need something that sound like that.)
I also added the Microcell Granular Processor, an upgrade (from what I read and listened) of the MI Clouds. Im searching for a granular processor but also some effects like his tape looping and reverb. (Need a module to create textures and ambient to experiment with).
Than I choosed the Quad VCA from Intellijel and an A140 ADSR from Doepfer plus a triple attenuator.
What do you think about this Mother 32 upgrade? How can I improve my choosing? Need some experienced advise!
The , and . move module functions are quite nice. And copy/paste even works between browser windows so you can plan 2 racks at the same time. But unfortunately there is an unsolve problem with the focus of the search input field that can cause mixed up racks and swear words.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
That looks much better!
I would still get rid of more, if you really want multiple voices start with this:
You will get:
1 Melodic Sequencer to drive Plaits (these two make a complete voice)
1 Pattern generator Euclidean Circles + BIA and Disting EX give you 3 voices for drums which you can mix and send to the Mimeophon for weird FX!
Maths for modulation or custom envelopes!
Pam's needs two channels for clock and reset which you will need a multiple to send to Metropolis and Euclidean circles, leaves 6 channels for modulation.
Maths and Pam can be attenuated, inverted, mixed, using the Quad VCA as desired.
I could make tracks on this system - I would get frustrated and want more utilities, but I really think you're better off starting with as little as possible and building up slow and what you find you need rather than trying to guess!
Just PNW, Maths, Quad VCA, Metropolis, Plaits (or?) and Mimeophon would go a LONG way!
Personally I would swap Plaits for a proper oscillator and go for a multi channel sequencer over Metropolis and Euclidean Circles, something like Westlicht Per|former, but if you like the style and the ratchet thing then it's a good option I guess, but whatever :)
Have fun!
Do you know of a store that has any of the Harvestman items in stock?
A friend is looking for a TS mkII!
There are keyboard shortcuts?
Just teasing, heheh, I knew they existed really, but - I have never used them nor had any problem because of them either!
Mac OS X / Safari here.
O.k. I look into it.
-- modulargrid
Great, thank you! :)
Hey mate, your year long research and digital noodling led you to this - GREAT =)
A few thoughts:
FM synthesis and the Castle are an incredible combination. Only the modulation possibility of the four operators is already a mind blow.
Cool as well that you build your own case to start with - for me the case is one of the main investments but while it is required right at the start, it might require completely different things after a while and during your modular development. I for my part started with a 60hp Moog case to compliment my mother32, then moved to a Performance 104HP case, then to a second one then a Make Noise Skiff and finally to Doepfers Monsters. What I want to say is, it took me the hard way but in hindsight I wish I would not have aimed to perfectly fill the case while ever evolving. Great to see your approach here!
If you use the Es3 and linked Ableton CV Tools you have a gazillion source of modulation potential there and you could integrate via ES3 or even think about the ES9...
Mults...I see your point and based on your current idea and set up (quad VCA, LFO, Envelope) it might not be necessary...but then Batumi should stay =) one of my first modules and a stay from day one - so much potential and so many possibilities of usage.
While I am on the quad thing...Zadar...I find myself using it rather as a envelope for Filter modulation than VCA gating...for that I prefer more tweakable and classical AD (for sequencer based triggering) or ADSR (for keyboard based triggering). What I try to say, Zadar is amazing and deep and unique however (for me...) works best in combination with a classical AD/ADSR option...
On the filter side and considering space...maybe Endorphin.es Squawk Dirty...stereo with a VCA!! and a High Pass Filter on board! 8 digital filter emulations. Worth a look...
Regarding the Bloom...soo many alternatives and yet unique and linked to personal preference...have a look into Euclidian Rhythms, Melodicer, Tuesday, Ornament & Crimes or Turing Machines
Complimenting the CV Tools I just say, maybe look into Make Noise Function as a Maths alternative (half the space with both EOR and EOC outputs AND a freeze option!)
When you say does not feel right - what you mean? Maybe an integration of your guitar would do the trick? Like that you would be able to jam out together with the machine... For that you would need an interface given by e.g. Intellijel + 1U Pedal or 1U i/o and maybe think about effects (or you want to do all that in Ableton?
How about that option of disabling all keyboard shortcuts except the copy (Ctrl-C) and past (Ctrl-V) options as the only two?
-- GarfieldModular
I think the option should disable at least all destructive shortcuts. Paste and cut belong to it.
But I am in favour to just disable everything. It bugs me a bit that I never got it to work reliable.
Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net
Hi guys,
First post on MG (but plenty of noodling on here for the past year of course!). So what I have to date is:
Mother 32 - for mono motherly duties, as she does. She's in the case right now, but ill be putting her back in her original enclosure soon enough
Ableton + Push 2
ES-3 + ES-6
Buff Mult 1U
Quad VCA
Dixie II+
Rings (definitely getting bored of this quickly...)
Wogglebug 2014
Intellijel Scales
Case is a custom 7U 84HP (Intellijel specced) I made with rails and some wood I found lying about.
My original though process with these first modules was to get building blocks in place, and see what I would want next accordingly, using Ableton's CV tools to tinker with any missing modulation sources.
Now this is what I have in mind with this case.
Let me start with - I LOVE FM. In fact, I'd say most of my learning of synthesis was via FM8 and Ableton's Operator. I also play guitar, evil uke, keys, sing (a lot), write music + lyrics + gibberish, love harmonies (general info yes).
The modules im thinking of adding - as you can see in the rack - are:
1. Akemie's Caste - I looked at Quad Operator, but the dual 1V/oct + chord features + fuzzy Yamaha chip appealed to me far more than the open matrix colder QO. I am still open to considering the QO though - so do let me know your thoughts on that!
2. 2x Buff Mults, though I may ditch these and get some stackables/hubs instead to save space.
3. Steppy 1U - Now that it has per step probability + gates, this looks amazing!
4. Intellijel Zeroscope 1U - Just need a scope
5. Intellijel FSR 1U - Fun
6. Xaoc Zadar - Considering whether to get this or a more traditional dual/quad ADSR...
7. Xaoc Batumi - Again, is this critical here? Of course with an FM synth, I want the maddest possible Mod sources, but I do have the ES-3... On the flip side though, I WANT IT!!
8. Happy Nerding MMM VCF - Ideaaalllyyy I really wanted a stereo filter that was more CV controllable, so that I could create wavering scapes with the resonances teetering on oscillation (juuust barely). However... I ran out of space :P
9. Qu-bit Bloom - This thing looks awesome. Though I can already sense some potential limitations (3-scales?? Might end up using in chromatic mode always, and use my quantizer if needed). Thoughts?
10. Arturia Keystep 37 - Sometimes I just want precise melodies man
So what do you guys think? I'm still new to euro, so I could definitely use your tips to let me know where I'm falling short. To give you and idea of my music, I love drones, scapes, swung/jazzy grooves, weird sounds, melody, vocal motifs, dissonance, grunge, cartoony dramatics, and balancing subtlety and restraint with all out release. I also love sneaky/eerie music. If that makes any sense to you :D
This upgrade is gonna cost me a bunch as it is, though I'm open to building a 104hp 7U case in the future if required - though not right now!
Thanks in advance critters!
Like others mention, buy a big case BUT only a few modules. Take time, learn each deeply. Maybe something like this:
1x BIA- I have one and love it!
support modules
another VCO to complement the BIA for basslines, etc.Here is an example:
I added the Noise Engineering modules for most of the essentials: clock, attenuator, mixer, LFO for modulation as well as a filter and synth voice to complement the BIA since Loquelic Iteritas Percido is pure awesome for many things.
-- sacguy71
Thank you! I will check this up, thinking of adding maybe a alm pamelas workout, will def check your recommendation
hi! I wanted to put together a small rack to use with my O-Coast and Drumbrute Impact. This is what I have in the rack so far and try to mess around with it every day for a bit to see how everything works together and what needs to be added/changed.
I have a reverb pedal I quite like (Ocean's 11), so I have a SND/RTN for that as well as using my NTS-1 as an effects unit from time to time. Everything gets mixed in an external Dude Mixer which goes out to either phones or my H4n recorder. I also use a SQ-1 from time to time to add movement, don't love it but don't hate it either. I like the forbidden planet, but don't love it.
The Drumbrute Impact is the master clock into the Tik Tok for the rest of the system.
I mostly make sound beds for video and some pieces of incidental music for various projects as well as a good cathartic jam now and again. I use a keystep as an controller with a Keystep 37 on pre-order. The O-Coast is pretty awesome for adding in modulation and other functions not in my rack. I also like taking the Drumbrute Impact's FM Drum signal out and run it thru the Viola Ruina as a low rent bass line.
I know I would like another 1u sized LFO and/or oscillator (like the Syinsi tiles) and a usb power tile for the NTS-1. A Sloth Chaos tile looks fun as well. It seems to me that the Clep Diaz's like to run in pairs?
Feels like I'm missing something on this rack and the more I read/watch the more I want...LOL!
Thanks for looking and thanks in advance for the suggestions.
Something like this would be good starter point and add few modules
Like others mention, buy a big case BUT only a few modules. Take time, learn each deeply. Maybe something like this:
1x BIA- I have one and love it!
support modules
another VCO to complement the BIA for basslines, etc.
Here is an example:
I added the Noise Engineering modules for most of the essentials: clock, attenuator, mixer, LFO for modulation as well as a filter and synth voice to complement the BIA since Loquelic Iteritas Percido is pure awesome for many things.
I did some clean up of your rack and here is my recommendation:
1/Removed Mordax and added Pamela New Workout with Boss Bow Two for clock/switch.
2/Added Mimeophon instead of Rainmaker- I have this module on the way and will share a demo once I have it setup.
3/Removed Metropolis- too big and Euclidian Circles already has 6 channel trigger sequencer plenty for your setup. If you plan to sequence melodic stuff, perhaps add a smaller sequencer for CV like Mimetic Digitalis or Rene?
4/ Removed the mini voice module- you have plenty with 1-2 voices already and Expert Sleepers Disting EX can be a LFO, sample, sound source.
5/ added an attenuator module- very important
6/ added Kinks and Links for mult/logic/mixer: super useful and cheap as well. Love mine.
7/ added wogglebug as you may want random CV generator to create interesting patches. Can you another S&H module or noise generator if you wish. Only a suggestion as Wogglebug gets tons of love.
Hope this helps!
I would get rid of the mini synth voice and add some logic modules and mults/mixer like Kinks and Links. These let you do a lot with just one voice module. I also would get rid of Mordax Data while a great module it is massive and you can get a smaller clock module like Pamela New Workout and more support modules and modulation like 0chd. Mordax would be fine in a massive case but not here. Perhaps a matrix mixer and sequential switch as well by ditching another voice module? In my setup, I have 4 sound sources, 2 filters and the rest of support modules like clock, mixer, Hex VCA, switch, logic, mults and so forth for a 6U case. I find that 70-80% of the rack space is best used for support tools and 20-30% for the do cool voice modules/filters. I would get rid of Metropolis and get a smaller sequencer like Mimetic Digitalis or use external sequencer and use that space for useful support modules.
I agree, this is not a good system, some fantastic modules for sure, but you have waaaaaaay too many voices and hardly any utilities or modulation sources... you need at least another row of utilities to even begin using more than one of those voices sensibly.
An alternative approach would be to study some of the modular systems, see what they include, ask yourself 'why?' for everything - and if you can't give good solid answers, read and watch videos until you can.
Seriously, aim for ONE solid subtractive voice for your first modular
do it virtually in VCVRack or buy one of the patchable semi-modulars as suggested by Lugia!
You will have a much better experience I promise :)
Yep, take it easy there!!
Start small and build as you learn is a much better approach, you will still make mistakes and that is okay, but they will be less expensive and less frustrating in the long run.
I would recommend that you still buy the big case and some blank panels, even cardboard will do in a pinch!
Then sort out ONE subtractive synth voice comprising: An oscillator, envelope, VCA, LFO, a filter and something to sequence it!
If you choose a complex oscillator you will also be able to create patches for FM synthesis.
You will be able to create every kind of sound on your list with just these few tools if you learn how to create these sounds from scratch.
You may be amazed at what is possible with just a few modules.
once you understand this, then add FX - I don't think it is a good idea when learning to drop reverb on everything, I would hold back and really listen to what is going on first. Okay okay... buy the reverb and have some fun, but don't skip these beginner lessons!
Once you feel like you have a good handle on this subtractive voice, you will realise what you need add to it to get where you want to be, so for example, you might want richer bass sounds, so you could add a wave folder, or you might realise that you want a source of random or different colours of noise and some FX.
Then finally start looking at specialist dedicated modules for specific tasks, e.g. dedicated drum modules and texture synthesisers.
Of course it's entirely up to you, but I never see people rushing out and buying a lot of exotic modules having too good a time in the long run, they always end up back at these first steps somewhere along their journey.
Good luck and have fun!
p.s. I am envious of your Pulsar-23 :D
thanks so much for your time to reply l> Much better approach. Now, some questions...
1) What do you see yourself doing with this build? What sort of music, what functionality, etc?
2) What do you see yourself doing with this build in five years?
3) What limiting parameters need to be in place, ie: money, space, portability/studio-only?
4) What background in electronic music do you have already? What gear are you comfortable with and/or found intriguing while getting that background?
5) What sort of learning curve do you envision here?
I'm not so much into making money off of this, mind you. For me, it's important to help people from making drastic mistakes...and there's PLENTY of drastic mistakes that can happen in modular. I just hate it when someone piles a bunch of expensive stuff into a case and then discovers that they paid thousands for an underpowered system...or worse, one that's inherently crippled to the point of uselessness. While this certainly leads to lots of eBay/Reverb/MG used gear cheapness, it's not the way I (and lots of others) would rather see those bargains emerge.
-- Lugia
thanks so much for your time to reply lugia, I have pmd you, as I never get notifications for threads of some reason
thank you again
Much better approach. Now, some questions...
1) What do you see yourself doing with this build? What sort of music, what functionality, etc?
2) What do you see yourself doing with this build in five years?
3) What limiting parameters need to be in place, ie: money, space, portability/studio-only?
4) What background in electronic music do you have already? What gear are you comfortable with and/or found intriguing while getting that background?
5) What sort of learning curve do you envision here?
I'm not so much into making money off of this, mind you. For me, it's important to help people from making drastic mistakes...and there's PLENTY of drastic mistakes that can happen in modular. I just hate it when someone piles a bunch of expensive stuff into a case and then discovers that they paid thousands for an underpowered system...or worse, one that's inherently crippled to the point of uselessness. While this certainly leads to lots of eBay/Reverb/MG used gear cheapness, it's not the way I (and lots of others) would rather see those bargains emerge.
I'll second @Lugia, start small and really research the modules that work for what you're trying to do. Once you've got that smaller system in place, see if you then have the necessary knowledge and continued desire to expand that system. Eurorack is the wrong habit to pick up if you're going to let someone else design your system.
my tunes: https://stevehand.bandcamp.com/
Hi Modulargrid, All,
How about that option of disabling all keyboard shortcuts except the copy (Ctrl-C) and past (Ctrl-V) options as the only two? Perhaps the Ctrl-X shortcut as well?
I know this is a "dangerous" request on top of this main request, because that might lead to more exceptions but that (more exceptions) should or shall be avoided of course.
Thank you very much and kind regards, Garfield.
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