Hi Sacguy71,

Thanks a lot for this video. I wasn't aware of the Doepfer - A-151 module yet.

So, if I get this right... you got "4 channels" where this sequence switch "walks through" by either 2 steps (the first two channels), 3 steps (the first three channels) and 4 steps (all 4 channels), right?

Interesting, I have to keep this module in mind, I might need/want it one day :-) Thanks a lot and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Scott and Lugia,

Interesting! Sometimes I wish I was a student again, this time is one of those times ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

The TUNE and FINE TUNE controls don't set the root? I would think that that's typical for any basic quantized VCO...after all, the little keyboard in the SCALE isn't indicating actual notes, just the INTERVALS in each scale, and the actual root should be whatever you decided to tune the first degree of the scale to.

First up, if you're trying to build a proper two-voice setup, you need to be thinking NOW about a larger case. The build you're showing isn't close to this, and it only has 19 hp total for your utility modules, etc even at this stage. Also, I'm not aware of anything that's 2 x 62 hp. There are 62 hp Palettes from Intellijel, but they have a 3U and a tile row, and 4ms has one, but it's a single row. Either way, though, this isn't sufficient.

Also, in order to get a PROPER two-voice setup, you're looking at FOUR oscillators...not two. You need two VCOs per voice to do things like detuning, VCO sync, etc etc...things that beef up the sound from square 1 before you even get to the VCFs. Yeah, plural...unless you're thinking of two-voice paraphonic, where you can feed your two pitches through a single VCF. There's a lot of synths that DO do this, but real duophony requires separate VCFs for each voice.

Yes, I know you see a lot of these tiny builds on YouTube right now. They're NOT typical of what's considered a proper modular, though...they're more "bespoke" tiny systems designed by and for ONE person's use, and for anyone else, they're a wrong move...especially when starting to work with modular synthesis, because you'll be forced by the limitations of someone else, and though THEY might feel comfortable in that sort of build, the odds are that anyone else would NOT be.

I would recommend maybe re-thinking the value of Plaits. 2 Plaits would be kind of non-helpful. I recently made a new Eurorack friend and we correspond enough to have agreed upon the fact that modules that do 1 thing great are better than modules that do multiple things great. But not to digress, Plaits is a digital, and quite limited in its capabilities, and IMHO kind of junk. They sound thin. That being, here's some great modules to start building

  • 2 AJH MiniMod VCOs or 2 Erica Synths VCOs. No, they don't have 20 settings, and no, they don't have a LFO mode, but they sound great.

  • Intellijel Dual ADSR (Intuitive and stellar performance)

  • Intellijel Quad VCA (You will need more VCAs than you think)

  • DivKid Ochd (8 independent organic sounding LFO's)

  • Maths

  • Either Intellijel Metropolis or Make Noise Rene 2 for a sequencer

  • Expert sleepers Disting MK4 can do all the effects you'll need for starting out.

Ahhh...that's a snazzy educational machine, then! I can see why there's less VCOs, then...you're trying to get the students to think a bit out of the box, plus you've got the other gear to crosspatch into. Reminds me of one of my assignments as an undergrad; I had to come up with a cluster of sine waves that panned and shifted pitch all as one. Problem is, the ARP 2600 we had as our teaching synth, as you probably know, only has a SINGLE sine output, on VCO2. The key to the problem was in knowing what you could do by 1) using the AR generator as a sine generator by driving it from VCO1's pulse output and some judicious programming and using the o-scope (the other thing that wasn't mentioned in the assignment) to check the waveform, and 2) feeding VCO3's pulse at 50% cycle thru the lag processor, and doing the same o-scope check there, too. Very interesting programming problem, that...and about half of the class (in 1981) couldn't figure it out.

Yep, that's the system at NESCom in Bangor where I teach and it is indeed MU format. The VCO count is actually just right for this machine and what we teach on it, even before counting the 3 other VCOs that can be used (the Q167 tracks 1V well and the two 960s can run at the audio rate as digital oscillators and also track 1V), which would bring it up to a max of 9 VCOs, with that still allowing two dedicated LFOs. More isn't needed because the lab also has other gear that can be interfaced into the modular through an instrument interface.

After spending some time on VCV, I would like to "jump" into real modular/eurorack with the following target:

  1. duophonic (2 voices)
  2. mainly experimental/algorithmic/ambient music ( perhaps Math or Marbles)
  3. no external MIDI controller (onboard sequencer ... I thought of Varigate 4+)
  4. some delay/reverb (monsoon o morphagene?!?)

Perhaps a Make Noise 0-coast (or Pittsburg LifeForms SV-1) + a sequencer could be fine but it has only one voice.

What are some best value modules (or combos) to get 2 full voices (VCO+VCA+ADSR)?
Something like 2 Braids (or 1 braids + 1 palits), but possibly smaller (and cheaper?)

Do you have other advices?

ModularGrid Rack

Nope...that's a 4 x 22sp Dotcom format there. Not a bad base for a build, but I'd have to say that there's a shortage of VCOs...only six here that I see right off.

Thanks, Garfield! The “goosebump” sound is the Instruo Ts-L’s wave fold & pwm outputs combined with the RS Serge VCFQ.

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.



The Erica Synths graphic VCO has a built in quantizer. It's easy to select and scroll through the 9 available scales, but is there a way to change the root key of the scale? The manual only answers how to scroll through the 9 available scales, but says nothing about selecting a root key, and I don't find the answer online either.

Hey. Just received a NLC Lets Splosh + Clump from very reliable and friendly builder RTFM (https://www.modulargrid.net/e/users/view/68430)

thank you very much.

  • a life without a matrix mixer is possible but pointless -

1) ARP 1023 double VCO
2) ARP 1004T VCO
3) ARP 1023 double VCO
4) ARP 1047 multimode filter / resonator
5) ARP 1005 ModAmp
6) ARP 1046 Quad Exponential Envelope Generator
7) ARP 1016 Dual Noise/Random Voltaqe Generator
8) ARP 1006 FiltAmp
g) ARP 1005 ModAmp
10) ARP 1047 multimode filter / resonator
11) ARP 1050 mix sequencer
12) ARP 1027 Clocked Sequential Controlle

I stand 100% behind my assertion that Hydrasynth is absolutely NOT just 'wavetable + subtractive + linear fm synth' @perilousp, yes there is a similarity to a Virus from a quick look, but it is so much more than that it's silly. I love FM8, but Hydra kicks it's ass in many ways. As I say, 30+ years experience here and it tops everything in this domain - quite literally the best FM synth I have ever used, by far, there are more sculpting options than you can shake a stick at, just one example; check out the PW-ASM [Warp] feature - absolutely out of this world and totally unique as far as I know - it sounds exactly what you are looking for to me.

...but sure, ignore me and carry on, it makes no difference and I wish you all the best :)

Yes - @sacguy71, Hertz Donut mkII is also really excellent for FM and beyond - I use this a lot too - truly outstanding character! When I first got the Hydra I thought a lot of The Harvestman and that it might replace those, there is definitely that noisy racket side to the Hydra - the noise options are excellent, as it turns out several months later they are still different enough, I find them extremely complimentary! It's rare to find a desktop synth that can hold it's own against such exceptional stuff like The Harvestman - but it totally does. I would also be interested to hear your experiences with Elektron, I have used all the old machines and know them inside out, but did reach limits with them and actually it was the Elektron machines that first inspired me to get into modular back in the day. I should probably check out their new stuff more. That little Model:Cycles looks like a fun little box, it would be nice to get hands on so I can actually speak about them with confidence and knowledge, trying to ascertain features, playability, sound etc from a manual is always going to fail. I need to do the same with the Argon8 - that seems similar too @Lugia!

That's a super-cool sounding jam! Well done!

Really happy with all the speech-modules I've gotten so far. A lot of the speech-modules don't benefit from modulation too well as the voices become too unintelligible. So, not your "typical" modular-build. They sound great with manual-tweaking alone, hence not a lot of LFOs or EGs at this point. Though I have a lot sampling stuff, slicing or making beats aren't the primary goals—think, more "sound effects," foley kind of stuff:

waldorf kb37 107hp keyboard: sampling + speech-synthesis bay (100% purchased).
ModularGrid Rack
4ms pod60 control-skiff: (0% purchased).
ModularGrid Rack
I've had a full-weekend to play with the modules above in my new Waldorf kb37 and I have to say the E950 VCO is the most impressive. The high-fidelity quality it lends to its formant-sounds are really compelling from a sound-design perspective. More fun than I imagined is the lo-fi ISD Sampler. The somewhat dated Phonogene again was another surprise; recording at its highest speed and playing back at its slowest is where this unit shines, even when compared to the far more capable Morphagene (which cannot vary record-speed).

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At least for now, my goals here are pretty limited. I just need a Mixology so I can pan my stereo sources around and it's always nice to have more filters (Belgrad is next on the list). I'll either get two Mixologies or opt for one of the expandable multi-channel mixers instead since I'll have a lot of sources to mix

I totally have enough to keep me busy for now, but I'll be looking to add more unusual sound sources (e.g., interstellar radio), and sample-mangling tools as I find them (plus a few essential utilities). In the beginning it was hard to resist also building a two-oscillator set-up with a ton of Intellijel and Xaoc modules (see last modulargrid at bottom), but again, I already own the two semi-modulars, plus a bunch of traditional analog and digital synths.

12U 'A' rack: (own: neutron; purchased: interstellar radio, QPAS, roboto, EMY, QMIX, supercell).
ModularGrid Rack

12U 'B' rack: (own: airas, system-1m; 0% purchased).
ModularGrid Rack

Lastly, I also built a "fantasy" two-oscillator modulargrid monosynth, originally planned for my 107hp Waldorf kb37, but then realized that the sampling/speech modules benefitted from more hands-on tweaking than I had expected. So I replaced all the traditional-synthesis modules shown below with those. If I decide to build this, here is where I would need the most advice on alternative and/or missing modules. I know it's light on utilities and modulation, but remember, I'll have the 84hp Tiptop racks just above, and none of this is set in stone yet:

Dual-VCO Intellijel/Xaoc 107hp build for kb37: (0% purchased).
ModularGrid Rack
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I would get neither and go for an Elektron Digitone keys. Then again, I have good experience thus far with my Elektron gear and the workflow is easy now for me. I am exploring the FM model on my new Plaits module. Want a Hertz Donut but need larger rack for that.

Oh btw, this is the latest iteration of what I've got in mind so far:


Hey guys,

Thanks for the suggestions, but the Hydrasynth just seems like a wavetable + subtractive + linear fm synth. In fact, feature wise, it reminds me a bit of my old access virus, which was a fun rabbit hole, but ultimately a curiosity that didn't last. I see the hydra has a couple of cv ins and outs of course, but I'm not really looking for linear fm. I have some basic 2-voice linear+exp fm capabilities with my dixie and m32 for now. And of course, using the voices on Akemie as additional oscillators (and maths, and Batumi, and my filters) should give me more sources for the same.

So far the only competitor im looking at seriously for the Akemie's is the Quad Op. It looks batnuts. But I'm leaning towards the more musical nature of Akemie's, seeing as though while I love me some drones, noise and wilderness, I do love to snap back to something musical and structured. That's why the dual 1v/oct and chord features sound great to me too.

Any thoughts on these two modules? Or any alternative "operators" based fm? Not really looking for wavetable subtractive, because while it's nice, I prefer (and find far more intuitive) sculpting harmonics with FM over searching through 100+ waveshapes (makes me feel like im searching through presets)

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I am getting the hang of this darned thing and finding ways to use it

Sorry you had a bad experience, that's nothing like mine - quite the opposite!

I think it's just random, you are very direct, like me, I like that very much, but I also think it gets us in trouble when actually we mean no harm ;)

-- Kel_

Maybe. But at the same time, when I contacted Sweetwater to change the order, my sales engineer actually knew who I was talking about when I mentioned the incident...named him right off the bat without me mentioning it, and when I switched the order to the Argon8, his comment was "well...I can understand why you wouldn't want to put up with them". Another colleague who I've worked with for about 20+ years was totally perplexed by the mess, since he always dealt with Glen Darcey himself and not whoever this rep was/is.

It was a really weird encounter, and like I mentioned, it triggered a great deal of distrust in me, to the point of not wanting their synth anywhere near my studio. Modal's people, on the other hand, were the diametrical opposite...I had questions, they cordially answered them, and even gave me a heads-up on the MPE and a few other implementations in the V.2 firmware. But ultimately, I'm pleased with the Argon8...ESPECIALLY after the V.2 update. Modulatable waveshaping on wavetables? Wild! So it's not necessarily a loss here...having the onboard poly aftertouch and the ribbon would've been nice, true, but like I've mentioned, I can get my poly aftertouch and ribbon controller nut popped on a regular basis with my trusty CS-80. And if something goes wrong with the Argon8, I don't have to cringe at the thought of contacting customer service and getting some pissy jackass...because Modal don't play that. Consequently, Glen might want to do a little personnel research on his reps, because if Sweetwater's had issues...well, that is the LAST damn company a synth manufacturer would ever want to piss off!

Hi Gabor,

This is a very intriguing track, so many interesting sounds to listen at. That sound that starts to kick-in around 1:15, that's so great, it gave me goosebumps! Seriously fantastic.

He, he, then around 2:30 you started to play on your OP-1, yeah, I still like to see you are using the OP-1, nice to look at it too.

If every weekend would start as interesting as this weekend... ;-) Thank you very much for sharing this, have a good weekend and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mowse,

Oh yes, great stuff! :-) You got a nice stereo effect in there too!

I am getting jealous about your Moog setup :-) Sounds good. I just received a double-record (LP) of Klaus Schulze and Pete Namlook, from the series "The Dark Side Of The Moog", this particular one is volume 5: "Psychedelic Brunch", great album.

This "The Dark Side Of The Moog" series has eight volumes, why do you not create another 8 volumes ;-) You are able to do that! Lovely stuff as always and kind regards, Garfield.

Post edit: There seem to be more than 8 volumes, but I guess you get my point here :-)

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Scott,

For a "student" rack you got yourself a quite nice rack here

Is it the large Doepfer "Suitcase" - A100PMS12?

Have fun patching and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Zuggamasta,

You are welcome! Filters, yeah you are going to need them :-) There are two filters I would like to recommend, the Doepfer - A-124 Wasp filter (or if that one is "too heavy" for you consider then the Doepfer - A-106-5 SEM filter) these both are lovely filters, affordable and easy to use. The second one I like to recommend and if you are going to look for a dual filter, you might want to have a look into Erica Synths - Black Dual VCF, it's a bit crazy one but I love this one. This filter is just lots of fun to use it and puts a smile on your face while using it.

Naturally there tons of filters but don't start with too expensive filters and too "wild" ones, start easy then look around for the more "adult" stuff ;-) Once you gained more experience on filters, then you might want to look into QPAS from Make Noise, a special filter as I may say so but don't straight away buy that one, it's not recommended for beginners however you could consider to put it on your watch list for later.

Well have fun, enjoy your modular system and good luck! Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Sorry you had a bad experience, that's nothing like mine - quite the opposite!

I think it's just random, you are very direct, like me, I like that very much, but I also think it gets us in trouble when actually we mean no harm ;)

So... come on... I see MG as a freaky nerdy pacifist super dudeism reverent chill place for chat, people are genuinely weird, strange, helpful and kind - so... we can laugh about these fascist fcks hey? I should send you my sh!t list of total asshole companies and people in the music retail scene - there's a good few of them about haha - total egotistical assholes! but... that's just *my experience - it's a shame, I genuinely wish it wasn't like that... but it is and yet I still guarantee there will be plenty of folk who will have had the exact opposite experience with these exact same people -

    ...see what I mean?

All that is to say it's a shame if you were put off, in over 30 years of messing with synths, I can honestly say this is by far the most incredible machine I ever laid hands on! As a complete package, from the key bed and ribbon controller, through the UI, the truly polyphonic sound engine to the FX and the IO - it just shines on every level!

Mind bogglingly good! 10/10 from me!

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Thanks Lugia,

Good stuff and using the switch with Pamela New Workout is a very powerful combo for a small setup plus modulation from Kermit, Quadrax and logic modules.

The new firmware (1.5) for the Disting Ex comes with a new dual mode algo, the dual wavetable vco. I loaded it in both dual mode slots and ended up recording this 4-voice polyphonic patch. The 5th voice is the Instruo Ts-L. Details in the video.

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.


My advice is...

If you like FM ... buy an ASM HYDRASYNTH instead ;)
-- Kel_

Just don't talk to anyone FROM ASM, as you stand a chance to wind up dealing with the same jackass I did. Not fun, and it'll put you right off that synth. I had mine on order for three months, paid, at Sweetwater and after that fiasco, I cancelled the order and switched it to an Argon8.

Yup...treat it like the "poor man's ARP 2500 Mixsequencer". Of course, we should have the ACTUAL poor man's ARP 2500 Mixsequencer before long, so I'm told.

Excellent! Yes, all of the above are highly recommended and will add a lot to your little rack!

I hear you, I use have effects on sends too, but I tend to set and forget, so I think you will get a lot more from a delay in your modular than you will on the mixer because you will probably start to modulate more and play with it because it is just there, but maybe that's just my way of working?

Just seen your edit, yes, that definitely looks like a LOT more fun!
-- Kel_

Thanks for the advice. This is all good stuff to think about while my country hopefully straightens itself out election-wise (not getting political here, but it's been a roller coaster week!). Modular therapy.

I had wondered if you proposed the Elephant LPG to increase flavors--you were right in thinking that's why I had proposed the envelope VCA combination. Which is to say, you got it right.

The Berlin reference is spot on, that's a lot of what I'm going for. I'll check on Tapographic and Chronoblob, at first blush they both look very interesting. While I initially leaned a little bit against adding delay since I do have a send delay that's a distinct pedal, having something very exotic and expressive in the rack has a lot of possibilities.

Just seen your edit, yes, that definitely looks like a LOT more fun!

Oooh I did not know that - I did just have a read of the description for it though and confirmed what I thought in that it is a complete voice.

I don't think you necessarily need more, but with the envelope VCA combination I assume you are looking for different flavours of envelope which is why I suggested the things I did - does that make sense?

If you are happy with the sound and are looking for ways to extend the functionality, I would probably go for more modulation, maybe some S&H, maybe another flavour of wave folder and definitely some kind of FX, my natural choice would be a nice complex delay... DLD, Rainmaker, Tapographic, 1-Bit, Chronoblob, any of them are awesome and will let you do incredible things with those bongo hits, have a listen to this to hear the effects you can get with a delay, my favourite is the Berlin style syncopation where the delayed notes interplay with the newly generated notes... magic!

Hi Kel,

Thanks for the reactions. The Helix does have a LPG at the end of the chain (I think it's the same as the standalone Pittsburgh dynamic impulse filter), but I'm wondering if you were suggesting that more LPG options are in order? I like the one on the Helix very very much, but after checking the Rabid Elephant Natural Gate out for a minute I start to wonder if I should make more space for that (and then lose the Ripples filter in the process).

For delay, I agree with the sentiment for sure. I had very seriously considered the Mimeophon. It would eat up a lot of the rest of the space (so it would be Helix and Mimeophon and not much else), but the Mimeophon itself has so many possibilities!

And now the "you're gonna need a bigger rack" idea starts to come into play, eh?

Here's a possible alternative that does incorporate the delay, keeps the Joranalogue contour, and loses the Ripples:

ModularGrid Rack

Natural gate would replace the Mimeophon, I guess, with a smaller delay unit.

Yup that is what I have tried to do in my setups for easier workflow- voices/filters/vca top row and tools/lfos bottom row.

I am so glad that I paid attention to the sage of experienced modular folks here like Lugia and Jim and bought support modules like Kinks/Links so powerful in complex patches. I have a Doepfer sequential switch and clock on the way to improve my setups. Then a matrix mixer and more tools like more attenuators and sequencer in rack future once budget allows. I found that I can use the support modules to make one voice sound so amazing and rich.
-- sacguy71

i have a matrix mixer on the way,i wonder what support modules would make most sense in this setup for Dark Ambient?


Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me

Thanks for the compliments @aphex_goodman 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️, it's exciting to see everybody learning and growing here. This vid of yours actually inspired me to break down my last acid patch and start over again, so hopefully I'll have something new to share soon.

Take care,


Totally going against the modular aspect here, but I see you are not averse to other gear so...

My advice is...

If you like FM ... buy an ASM HYDRASYNTH instead ;)

(You can thank me later!)

Also, I think you really need a delay :D

I hold a personal belief that a modular is not a modular without at least one delay in there somewhere ;)

If you want bongos you're looking to hear, you want a nice set of vactrols, no?

For a digital solution I really rate MI Streams - the emulations in that thing really are super and cover a lot of ground in the bongo field!!

Or maybe if you are feeling flush, a juicy Rabid Elephant Natural Gate? That think kicks ass and I absolutely love the responsive stuff it does - very nice indeed!

Looking for general reactions on the following basic rack. I already have Subharmonicon, 2nd case, power, and the helix; this will be paired with an SQ-1 sequencer, and external patching from Reaktor (through cv.ocd). Audio out to a mixing board with send effects (Strymon El Capistan).

My goals are relatively "conventional" in the sense that I'll mostly be doing music with discrete pitches, manipulating melodic and harmonic polyrhythms, some of the good old LPG bongos. I have mucked around briefly with the sub+helix combo, and can clearly see the need for an additional envelope generator and VCA/mixer (which I guess I knew in advance). I'm not in any rush to complete the case, and am deliberately limiting myself to one module at a time until I've learned it well.

My question is for those with more hands-on long-term experience:
--Does this make sense as a unified system? Is anything clearly missing?
--Are any functions seemingly redundant? Some switch out you'd suggest?
--Is this ergonomically sensible?

ModularGrid Rack

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So I made good progress learning the Doepfer quad sequential switch that I added recently:

I clock it with PNW and like a 4 step sequencer in many ways. I fed various VCO and wave shapes into it.

Mult in top row = C105 I/O, sample freq @ 6.5, irrelevant, irrelevant.

Hey Tobi,

First of course, thanks for the detailed reply, I've definitely taken a few things on board!

Second... I think I've found the golden combo! (have adjusted the grid if you see)

So I dumped the oscilloscope, because for now the system is connected to Ableton, and I have a decent oscilloscope there. Also dumped the pressure pads, and added the buff mults to the 1U rack (only $39 each?!). I already have one 1U buff mult so this makes sense.

I replaced the 2hp mults with 2x 2hp ADSRs which along with maths and Zadar should cover my envelope needs I think.

And finally.... 2x Doepfer A-121-3 !! Analogue, dual-mono or stereo filters with grit, aaandd great cv control too. Check !

Regarding the Bloom, I chose this because I like the idea of writing a "riff" which I can go mad with, and then quickly snap back to. Very useful compositionally. That, along with the Keystep and maybe Ableton, should give full freedom to go totally nuts, and then come back to a motif nicely.

As for MATHS, unfortunately it's very very difficult to sell any module as I'm in India, so I'm stuck with it. Not to say that's a bad thing, it's a super module, but more spending + no returns = :*(

I forgot to mention, I actually have a great interface (Antelope zen tour), which has an insane routing matrix. This means I can route vocals/guitars/other instruments directly into my modular, or take my modular signal and run it through an instrument level fx loop and back in, and monitor all with zero latency. Very cool. Only limited by your imagination!

Heheh yes, the case took me quite some time. Because first I was going to get a 4U skiff from Intellijel. Too small. So I looked at the 7U skiff from them. Not deep enough for the Expert Sleeper modules. So then I did some research, and built this case for $250, power included :P

I like this system too, because it makes expanding very easy, just buy rails, power board, and build with home made materials. Add some latches and rubber feet, (and maybe a stand soon...) and voila!

Thank you Garfield Modular,

It is great to have such a warm welcome after Lurking around here for ages. Without building the kit I already spotted the big hole: I havent planed for a nice filter.
But I will take your advice by heart and first get up and running with the most basic setup, so I can judge the further build better.


@Lugia & @troux , thanks for your feedback and kind words.

Re spaghetti-related debris, I hear you Lugia. Sometimes I end up growing a jungle on my rack. Those are not my best patches :) These days I try to focus on a few selected modules in a given patch and get the best out of them. And, on a sidenote, I hate cables and cords - the primary reason I'd stayed away from modular synthesis for years. Then the 0-Coast came along and I was soon lost :)
troux - visited your bandcamp page and really love your music (listening to live sets as I'm typing this).

Thanks again!

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.


Just jamming on a Mother 32 and the Behringer Model D.

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Thanks Garfield,

Yeah it is meeting far beyond my expectations not a cheap module but considering that it can do way more than just delay stuff, I am pleased with it. Almost like create another set of voices far above what a normal module contains. Plus it is stereo unlike Echophon which is mono I believe and lots of modulation patch points. It is almost like NIN in a module. Trent Reznor and Alessandro Cortini would be pleased.

Hi Sacguy71,

Ha, ha, "Holly cow!" :-) Yeah, nice module that Mimeophon, it's on my wish list too!

Thank you very much for showing the Mimeophon, makes my appetite for it even stronger :-) Have fun with your Mimeophon and your modular synth and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi EroGrumby,

Hey, that sounds cool! Some nice sounds, here and there a bit towards spooky and a real fun sound I heard as well, yeah, few more of such great Techno jams and I am the biggest Techno fan here ;-) (Says the one who doesn't like Techno)

No seriously, well done, I enjoyed it and hope to hearing more of your fantastic work. Thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads