All right, I most likely will pay them (Detroit Modular) a visit, once I visit Detroit :-)

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also one thing i would like to be able to do,is have the eurorack system be performance based,any tips on modules for that?

Got a Mantis Case and a Grandterminal+expander for sale,PM Me

I would consider holding off on the Batumi in this size case with both a clep and a maths, you can get even more related modulation putting the bi-polar output of clep through the rectifier of kinks (and provide attenuation through channel 2/3 of maths).

I would consider replacing the tip-top sampler with a disting mk4 or also getting rid of the roti and getting a disting ex.

Another module to consider besides the varigate would be the steppy (saves you 4HP)

ditching batumi and swapping steppy for the varigate gives you 14HP to work with you could pick up a matrix mixer such as u-he CVilization (tons of functionality packed in) and perhaps a LPG (the LXd matches great with BIA).

Overall I would plan on a bigger case, I picked up a Mantis and so glad I did because you are going to hit a wall and want to add a module without anywhere to put it.

It is your synth so don't be to concerned about getting it perfect, that's half the fun, but you have a ton of modulation in this case with only two voices imho.

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Thanks for your answer and I see your point about the mixer, i Will def try it in vcv as well, do you have some ideas of a mixer to replace in the current set up?

Hey there,
in short and dirty =) You need to try your case practically and see/feel how it functions together as an ensemble.
Sacguy71's suggestion to trial within VCV Rack software I +1.

Marbles goes GREAT with the BIA but as well features the x path for CV modulation linked to the t path triggers...super versatile...look into rebuilds to save on space within your case.

I am not 100% bought in to the 4 channel VCA to perform both mixing and gating duties...maybe Maths could play a role here will see when experimenting in VCV.

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Hi sac, thanks again for answer. OK, so in the current set-up i have the

  • Batumi 1976 quad lfo
    • clep diaz

Thread: Latest

Thanks @GarfieldModular, just cleared the rack starting from scratch again

I'd like to second the power capabilities per rack or per row feature request of @deft_bonz
For me, personally, the power per row feature would be very, very welcome. But per rack would probably be easier to implement and help a greater amount of people...

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Exactly, Lugia. So far, I have dealt with quite a few online modular shops: Noisebug, Perfect Circuit, Control, and Detroit Modular. Of these, Detroit Modular has been the most patient and helpful for me as a beginner to modular world. The others have been ok and Noisebug was great when I bought my Doepfer A100 Basic System 1 from them. I have not dealt with Analogue Haven- they never return emails or phone calls I have sent.

The other point about Detroit Modular is that it IS IN DETROIT. Normally, that would be a "so?" kind of point...but given Detroit's status in electronic music as one of the great origin points of techno, and that there's still piles of producers there...well, that's a really demanding crowd, to say the least. You wouldn't last long (and probably not physically, either...remember: it's DETROIT) if you ran a screw-up electronic instrument shop there!

I keep an eye on that Kosmo format and also the AE system. It's quite an effort to create a new format in the planner, so there must be more than just a few people to use it.
-- modulargrid

Sure...AE's moving right along, though. There's a couple of third-parties working in it now, plus AE collaborated with Dove Audio on the WAVETABLES oscillator. And Noisebug here in the USA just can't keep the Starter systems in stock! They blow out of there VERY rapidly. The other fun thing with it is that there's a HUGE embrace by much so that AE put out a module just for them, the protoboard-breakout BR(AE)DBOARD.

If anything, there's aspects about it that remind me more than a little bit of the FracRac format, which is also heavy on kit and DIY. Frac had a long headstart, though, thanks to Paia's and Blacet's initial efforts.

Also, don't forget that you can use the LPGs as normal, too...and that Chainsaw in the bass range + an LPG = plucky, poppy bass hits. In that case, you'd want to use a short but full envelope out of a channel on the Zadar, but believe me, that sound BANGS.

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Well you already have the Clep Diaz which is a great LFO so you could keep that or replace it with the Batumi. You really only need one LFO module in a small setup. Batumi or 0chd would give you multiple ones to modulate more than one sound source which is super useful. I think you need a MIDI to CV interface for sending to your DAW and I don't have experience with the Keystep so not sure on this point.

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Thanks again! I will def consider this set-up.

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You are most welcome, I love helping others and giving back to the modular community as I learn as well. I think that Marbles is fine instead of Wogglebug both have their pros and cons. I recommend download the free VCV Rack software and trying modules out as it has all of the Mutable Instrument modules including Marbles and great learning tool. I still use it for trying out different module types and routings even with two 6U racks now. Also watch videos on it to see how it works and what it can do. For LFO, you can pick lots of options, the Divkid 0chd gives you 8 LFO in smaller footprint but Batumi is great LFO as well and I have the Batumi in my setup. Plus with each Mutable Instrument module, you get a free wooden toy- unique as I now have three wooden toys in my collection. I don't know of any other modular company that is that generous with swag.

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Hi, first of all - THANK YOU so much for the help here, i really appreciate it, I will serious consider this option you've suggested. I got rid of the delay and wogglebug and replaced with a marbles - what do you think about that?

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I love Plaits! Not sure why the hate? It can be a drum machine, formant oscillator/filter, LPG, so much more and with many patch points can be heavily modulated to sound incredible. I love using mine with Mimeophon a great combo. But yeah larger case, more support modules and logic will help you go far.

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You need VCAs! Here are my suggestions:

  1. Get rid of that Erica Synths mixer and Lapsos Os module, replace it with something like an Intellijel Quad VCA that also can work like a mixer and attenuator.

  2. Add logic module and mult combo like Mutable Instruments Kinks and Links. Powerful and cheap for modular. Gives you a mixer, logic and mults in small space.

  3. Get rid of Voltage Block- it takes up way too much space for a small rack and since you already have Pam and two sequencers with Mimetic Digitalis and Varigate 4+, you don't really need it.

  4. More modulation- maybe add the 0chd module for 8 LFOs in small space and a random voltage generator like Wogglebug?
    You want the ability to do sample and hold and generate random patterns.

Here is the re-worked rack and let us know what you think?

ModularGrid Rack

I made a lot of the same mistakes starting out and thanks to folks here like Jim and Lugia, learned and have a good setup now.

I would plan less (other than the mantis) buy a minimum viable synthesizer

a sound source, a sound modifier, a modulation source, a way to play and a way to listen (quad cascading vca is good for this - but will be mono only)

and then start patching it - exhaust everything you can do and you will work out what you need - then add one (or maybe 2) module at a time repeating patch until all possible patches are exhausted and repeat

NB whilst I can see why people don't like plaits so much, it's fine as part of a mix - not everything has to be phat as phuck!! - in fact it's easier to mix when this is not the case - as the thinner sound takes up less space

"some of the best base-level info to remember can be found in Jim's sigfile" @Lugia

Utility modules are the dull polish that makes the shiny modules actually shine!!!

sound sources < sound modifiers < modulation sources < utilities

I would agree with most of the above (though I am a Plaits fan). Just a correction for anyone in the future who is interested, the AJH Minimod VCOs do have an LFO mode (marked "Lo" on the panel). They are by far the best and most used modules in my rack. I can't say enough good things about AJH.

-- farkas

Yeah, I'm a fan too of Plaits, it's a so handy and versatile module, overall in small systems. I think it's a good compromise in terms of size, price, and characteristics IMHO.

I keep an eye on that Kosmo format and also the AE system. It's quite an effort to create a new format in the planner, so there must be more than just a few people to use it.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep:

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Hi, im buildning a new eurorack-system and so for i've came up to this:

Any thoughts or advices of this?

Ugh perfect. Massive electro and dub fan so that is very intriguing so the vactoral lpg almost seem like a done deal

The case looks nice too. Ill probably drop them a line and see what they can do.

I do believe I've found the case solution: They have this arrangement in 84, 104, and 126 hp widths. I think they'll also pre-fit the power, as they have a "special order" 126 hp version with power installed. Probably best to drop them a line and see what they can do for you. My suggestion would be to go with the 104 hp at this point, unless you've got an expansion direction already sorted out.

Vactrols are cool...what they are is a sealed package that contains an LED and a photoresistor. So when you hit a vactrol with a +5V trigger pulse, it rises almost immediately...but then it tails off slower. Granted, that's "slower" in terms of milliseconds, but it's just right for feeding a trigger into its control point and a noise source through the filter/VCA combo to get a quick little "snap" in the noise color and with the filtering you want. The Tenderfoot module has three different response settings, also...a more "normal" LPF, a "darker" LPF, and VCA only, and when the vactrol tails off in the filter modes, it also rapidly sweeps the filter closed in addition to killing the audio by closing the VCA. Should result in some really neat "snappy" percussives...somewhere halfway between 1980s electro and weird Berlin dub clicks and pops.

Neat stuff...Sam's a true madman when it comes to electronic music. But the format really isn't a proper "5U", either...5U panels are roughly 8.75 inches, and Sam's standard height of 20 cm actually comes out to just under 7.9 inches. It doesn't work as a 4U (Buchla, Serge, etc) either, as that panel height is 0.9" too tall to match there.

There are other formats that aren't on MG, after all. I have a very big AE system (160 spaces), but the AE format isn't on here. Similarly, you don't see the Mattson Mini Modular format here, either...and there's a number of others, both present and historical.


Wow, thank you so much for all the feedback and redesign. Really appreciated.

Yeah agree with you on the Pulp logic 1u modules. They appeal to me far more, but the cases are often hard to find(wondering if the Make noise CV bus case is formatted for pulp logic and if I could flip just the CV bus for a little cash). The utility of them seems hard to beat compared to intellijel. I have built a couple of cases and they never seem to come out cheaper at a certain point.

Your mixing solution makes a ton of sense and seems really fun. I have been enjoying using matrix mixers but they are not the most economic use of space in a small system.

The vactoral percussion also seems super cool. I will have to look into that.

Overall thank you so much, given me a lot to research and consider for the moment.


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Hi Garfield,

DM is Detroit Modular a good modular shop online that I buy a lot of gear from. They have free shipping, and a point discount program and decent sales plus friendly service. I had mixed experiences with other modular shops that offer discounts but not as much.

Had some free time, decided to keep myself out of trouble by banging on this:
ModularGrid Rack
I decided to see if there were some stronger directions to go in with this. Turns out, there were!

First up, "voice" and "mod/control" are now separate (for the most part). I filled the tile row with "original" format tiles, because that allowed some major functional improvements. The logic gates on the left are to let you tamper with the gate/trigger signals coming off of the Nerdseq. There's also a comparator, which will allow you to pick off a gate based on LFO or EG signal levels, then add that to the timing mayhem. After that, you see two groups of attenuverter/offsets with a DC-coupled mixer and a DC-coupled linear VCA. Those are for messing with modulation signals...mixing, polarizing, imposing modulation, that sort of thing. And the final 4-in mixer is for audio, in case an extra mono sum is needed.

Note that I was able to jam a LOT of the standard tiles in that row...enough that it opened up a few things elsewhere. The Intellijel tiles are nice, to be sure...but the standard ones offer loads of "primitives", basic circuits that allow you to build up more complex subarrangements (like that DC mixer arrangement).

First 3U row: I shifted the Kinks to here to take advantage of the noise module added next to it. The Noise Rainbow there is supposed to be paired with the triple passive LPG next to it. Result: three more noise/filter-based drum sounds with those nice vactrol don't even really need to feed 'em envelopes, just fire 'em with the Nerdseq's outputs for rapid-fire percussives. Then...SampleDrum, Chimera, Entity, Chainsaw, Font, just like before...then we run across an Overseer VCF. The idea is ergonomic here; the Chimera is largely the same as the C4RB0N, minus the waveshaping (which you can easily do elsewhere, such as by running an audio signal to the SIGN section of the Kinks), but offers a few additional control tricks's larger. Since the main knobs that synthesists constantly tweak are usually VCF cutoffs, by going to this, I was able to open up the space around it AND the Font, making that playing method MUCH easier. 3xVCA next...then an Alyseum QMix, which gives you four mono ins with panning and a master trim, followed by the FX Aid XL...although if that works better with the main output mixer, it can be swapped with the Tallinn below.

Second 3U row: The little sliver at left is a Konstant Labs PWR Checkr...lets you keep tabs on the power rail performance. Very useful. Nerdseq next, then the Zadar and its expander. And then, yep, I had room to add a Batumi! This now gives you four more LFOs to keep the sounds moving and interesting. Got rid of the upside down mutes, went with Folktek's Quiet instead...for one thing, the form factor is right now, and also, the touchpads are lots more responsive than the buttons on the earlier version. Only one of these, though, and it's mainly for on/off control over CV/modulation paths. The AUDIO muting is on the Cosmotronic Cosmos stereo mixer, which has four mono ins with pans, two stereo pair ins, AUX send and stereo return, AND a nice overdrive that allows you to "crunch" the mix coming off of this...and yes, it does that selectively, since you can overdrive both stereo channels, or just one at a time if you want to run the Cosmos as a dual mono. And the Tallinn makes up the end of the row, for dynamic control of the Cosmos output.

Removed things: the Links (no real need for buffering in this, and it's cheaper to just use inline mults with that being the case), the Pico DSPs, the Matrix Mult, the Peaks, etc...there were just better ways of doing these things, and once the tile row got populated it started becoming apparent where to cut things, and what could go into the freed-up 3U space.

Now, as for the case...well, this is where problems crop up. Finding cases off the shelf that have the Pulplogic tile row in this size is not easy. You could go with rack rails and mount everything in a Gator or SKB road 8U one would allow space for a power conditioner (lighted, even) on top, and this could allow you to switch your system on via that, leaving all of the DC supply electronics INside the case. And, in fact, this is probably far cheaper (and more practical) than the other options, which involves locating a case that either has the Pulplogic row (not easy) or building a bespoke case with it (not cheap). Perfect Circuit has the 4U Pulplogic rack frames, and for the other 3U, you can use the Tiptop Happy Ending or whatever works there. It's sort of halfway between totally custom-built and off the rack solutions, and it seems like it might be a proper solution here. The other nice thing about the rack frames is that you can CHANGE the row order and put the tile row in the center, where it would work better and make a helluva lot more sense.

Hi Sacguy71,

Sorry, what does DM stands for? Your local dealer?

Yeah... sigh... I am struggling with the sequencer decision too... I was just about to decide to go for the Erica Synths - Drum Sequencer (obviously for the drum & percussions) and the Vector + expander for the voices however I just recently heard that Erica Synths is going to finally release their Black Sequencer by end of this month... so instead of the Vector it might become the Black Sequencer, not sure yet though, let's see.

Good luck with the "sequencer decision" and have fun, Garfield.

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Thanks Garfield,

Really enjoying the setups now just need a good sequencer and more random voltage sources and more effects and matrix mixer/switches. I am waiting for DM to get more of the Doepfer monster base cases in stock next month. I will pick one up for sequencer/matrix mixer/another FX module, joystick touch controller and random voltage generator like Wogglebug then I can stack my two Doepfer 6U cases on it for easier patch access and control center. Not sure what sequencer to get- trying to decided between 512 Vector with expander, Eloquencer, and if it arrives the Ground control. Vector looks like the obvious winner especially with the expander.

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Thanks Garfield,

Yes, almost all of the kick and other drums came from Plaits by itself with Mimeophon to accentuate the tones and modulation points. A superb module in that it can do a ton of things when modulated by various patch points and sequences from Pam, Quadrax and Kermit. Appreciate the tip on zoom for each module demonstrated- I will keep that in mind for future videos.

Plaits is a one module super army for many tones.

Hi Sacguy71,

Sounds good! :-) So... when does your new monster case A-100PMB arrives? :-)

Have fun and kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Sacguy71,

Ha, ha, that sound just a few seconds before 0:30, that's a lot of fun! :-) Was that done with the Plaits?

I also like the Plaits, just a great module that can do some weird things.

He, he, that sound effect around 5:00 with the speech function of Plaits is fun too! At about 9 "Add a sequential switch to it, shall we?" Yes please :-D

Ha, ha, what happened at 10:22? What kind of sound is that? What kind of kick sound is that at 11:11? Sounds good to me!

Great video, nice to see your Plaits, Pamela's Workout and a few other modules into action! Perhaps just a little thing to consider (if technically possible) to zoom once and a while into a module you are just working with to see just a bit more details?

Yes, very cool! :-)

Thanks a lot for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Garfield,

Yes, I needed a good master modular clock and Pam had lots of extra cool features like quantizer for scales and trigger sequencer tricks as well as wave shaping and logic tricks. Superb module. I love creating self generating random patterns with it. I do need a larger case and master sequencer but those can wait until later. Menu diving is not bad pretty easy and quick. I did have one issue with it getting stuck that required a reboot could be fixed by firmware update perhaps. Other than that, great stuff.

Given the growing popularity of Sam Battle's modular format using "metric 5U," called Kosmo, I think it would be nice to have a section on the site for it! Here's a description of it:
Just a thought; thanks for reading.


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Hi Mog00,

Oh wow, this is niiiiiccccceeee! :-) A slightly touch of dark-mystery to it, at least that's how I experienced it and I appreciate that. It gives it just that little extra bite here.

Yes, an album full with tracks like this would be a nice one :-) Thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Sacguy71,

Oh, you received your Pamela's Workout too? :-) How is your impression about this module, happy with it?

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

  • 2 AJH MiniMod VCOs or 2 Erica Synths VCOs. No, they don't have 20 settings, and no, they don't have a LFO mode, but they sound great.

-- rabbitfighter

I would agree with most of the above (though I am a Plaits fan). Just a correction for anyone in the future who is interested, the AJH Minimod VCOs do have an LFO mode (marked "Lo" on the panel). They are by far the best and most used modules in my rack. I can't say enough good things about AJH.

rabbitfighter and Lugia, thank you for your suggestions!!!!
I switched to a Tip-Top Mantis Blue case; and added more modules WITHOUT looking at the price (it's so easy to add modules here on modulargrid or on VCV :-).

Other suggestions?

ModularGrid Rack

Thanks. I refreshed the build page so I hope it working now. The 1u tiles will probably be the Intellijel format. I left in blank because I am curious about what would complement or be replaced within the 1u row.

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Truly lovely! Love Moog. I have a Sub37 but due to space constraints lugging it out is a pain. I may get lucky and win the smaller Moog Mother combo in one modular sweepstakes then can add to my setups.

The screenshot needs updating...go back to the build page and refresh that, then check the screenshot to make sure it and the "active" build are the same. Is this an Intellijel case, or is the tile row in the "original" 1U format?


After initial feedback, I have revised my portable system with a small expansion from 140 6u to 164 7u.

The aim of the rack was to make a portable techno machine with improvements
- internal stereo mixing to complement a small external mixer
- modulation mixing and managing
- accesses to performance controls(mutes)

Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks

ModularGrid Rack

When I turn the tune knob, it just scans through only the notes of the selected C-Root scale. For example, when scale is set to 'octave interval', turning the tune knob just skips from C4 to C5, to C6, etc... .

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Had live patch session to experiment using Mutable Instruments Plaits as main voice with Quadrax, Pamela New Workout and Mimeophon to create interesting patterns. Tons of fun and Plaits is an amazing module! Now I want Rings, Elements, and Marbles.

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Looped up my 5 string bass through Lubadh, overdubbed through FX-Aid and clouds, samples by blackbox, BIA makes an appearance modulated by the Mimetic, mixing shaping by 3xMia, resonant echo by the Belgrad even the I-o47 makes adds some nice effects.

Still working my way through my rack and experimenting no formal structure, just forcing myself to pick a different starting point and seeing where this takes me.

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Had fun tonite with an experiment using Mimeophon to add texture to Noise Engineering Cursus Iteritas and sequenced by Pamela New Workout with Euclidian patterns:

Pamela is great for quantize scales and many pattern setups for each gate trigger to a module. Mimeophon is superb for time stretch and repeats.

Build snapshot seems to be missing...

I did a little work here to see where B.'s at with the presumed reissue. We're probably NOT going to see all of the lineup, for reasons that should be apparent in a minute...

Thus far, Behringer's got:

1003 Dual EG
1005 Modamp
1006 Filtamp
1016 Dual Noise/Random
1033 Dual Delayed EG
1036 Random/S&H
1047 SVF

Now, the remaining things that MUST be issued here are:

1004 VCO (either "p" or "t"...although having the "t" version would be optimal due to it having normal AND inverted outputs)
1027 10-step Sequencer (and yeah,'d BETTER have ten steps and not eight. Stay true to the design!)
1050 Mixsequencer (already announced, but not out)

But wait...there's more modules than THAT. And yes, there are...but when you look at them, they're "denser" versions of these ones above. This list includes:

1023 Dual VCO (although, of these, THIS one hopefully will be forthcoming)
1045 Single Voice ('s just a voice made up of the other submodules, and since these don't cost a gazillion bucks, well...)
1046 Quad EG (superfluous,'s the submodules of the 1003 and the 1033 behind one panel)

So, in truth, B.'s quite close to giving us a proper 2500 system. Although, yes, there's certainly some grousing about not having the matrix switch panels for patching (and let me assure you, you really SHOULD NOT be missing those! They were a bitch-and-a-half back in the day, and with age, they only got sloppier and leakier). But the solution to this...and a far better one that having to DeOxit the crap out of those sliders on a seemingly-daily to use a two-row cab, and then fill the bottom row with various mults, matrix switch mults, matrix mixers, and so on to emulate (and potentially extend the capabilities of) that sort of patching paradigm with 3.5mm jacks and patchcables. Kinda surprising to think that it's this close to being a thing once more...

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Thanks Garfield,

Yes, the Doepfer A151 quad sequential switch is one of the more affordable switch modules that can be 1 out to 4 inputs or 4 outs to 1 input so bi-directional with a trigger input and trigger reset input as well. It lets you change from 1 to 4 steps and if you leave one of the steps empty can function as a rest between steps in the pattern. Sort of an ancient 1 to 4 step sequencer! I like feeding it with few voices and trigger with Pamela New Workout or a sequencer. Having two or more is even better as you can mix things up a bit. But a matrix mixer does a lot as well so both are perfect with logic modules and random control voltage generators like Wogglebug or Marbles for example.

Hi Gabor,

Ah yes, the Ts-L... looks like I need to put that module on my long and never ending wish list as well :-)

Thank you and kind regards, Garfield.

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