Well, I sure as hell don't see that balance. Frankly, this is a mess. First of all, you're overrunning the rack limits...which would tend to indicate that you should've started with a MUCH larger cab from the beginning. Plus, this is very poorly implemented; ONE envelope generator? Two buffered mults...for WHAT? And these HUGE modules...dude, this isn't a build size that can support having so many big panels. Shrink this stuff down.

Have you considered any of the following:

1) Do you know your own music well enough to specify what should go into a device to make it more optimally-suited for that music?

2) Do you know how the sounds in the music you're trying to emulate were generated in the first place?

3) Do you understand synthesis well enough to put the basic components together to do any of the first two?

Until those questions have definite, concrete answers...you're far more likely to build a boxful of expensive 'n' useless, NOT a synthesizer.

Two suggestions:

1) Get a patchable FIRST. Not only can such synths work as the core device in a modular system (sort of like what you're aiming at with the A-111-5), they also clearly show what's required for a system of your own design. And you'll discover what you can do with less superfluous junk as is here. Even a couple of simple-seeming tandemmed devices, such as a Make Noise 0-Coast/0-Ctrl pairing, would be much better for a starter than what's above.

2) VCV Rack. LEARN the basics before pulling out the Magic Plastic. VCV Rack is free, and has ample modules...some of which are even really accurate emulations of existing Eurorack hardware. Get used to using it and building up systems in it. Hang onto this rack design, then play with VCV for a few months. Then, come back to this design and re-evaluate it. I guarantee you'll be hitting "Delete Rack" fast enough to break the sound barrier! https://vcvrack.com/

I wouldn't build that. Not for a minute. First of all, I really have a major hate for panels that look like eyestrain waiting to happen. And the first time you take that rig out and gig live with it, in typical live gig lighting, you'll hate them too. Second of all, although it's a theoretically "complete" build from MG, that still doesn't make it a correctly-implemented build. Whoever cooked this up did a decent job on sources, decent enough on modulation, and just sort of screwed off where it comes to the utilities and other support modules. As a result, what you have here is a box of noisemakers, but scant else to turn those into a proper synthesizer.

One other point: what you want to do with this one box is probably beyond the scope of this one box. This is why quite a few of us who've been around this for a while keep saying "work the build out on MG FIRST...THEN start playing with the money!" So...you sold your gear off (save for the Pulsar) before sorting out how to proceed. Of all of the mistakes thus far, THAT is the biggest one. Before, you probably had everything you actually needed, but fell into the "familiarity breeds contempt" trap. It's not possible to stay viable in music...especially not these days...and make impulsive decisions. This one quote here actually describes the situation you feel you're in, and it speaks volumes: "I just copied a modulargrid from a googlesearch, as I said I want more of a complete system that someone else will choose for me because otherwise I will just read about all modules that exist and never buy anything."

Soooooo...you're perfectly content with other people coming up with your music for you, defining your work parameters, and such? That doesn't sound like a sensible plan, and bluntly, I wouldn't want to hear what you're doing if this is the case. Learn to do YOUR music, sort out YOUR hardware issues, and so on. Otherwise, you're wasting your time.

You might want to START the rack, first off. Eurorack modules DO NOT go in an API 500 series "Lunchbox".

Sorry guys, I know some of you PMed me about this situation and thread, but I've had a family emergency for the past few days, so any response was the last thing on my mind.

It looks like the original situation has been resolved, but since posts have been edited, it's hard to see what happened. As a mod I can't see what was removed...

In the future though, @kaskonauta, make sure your purchases are exactly what you expect as soon as you get them, as it will make your case questionable if you say it was fine and then raise an issue weeks later.

And please, all around, treat each other with kindness, respect and honesty so that Modulargrid doesn't turn into some of the more "caustic" synth forums.

Looking for suggestions on finishing my first rack

Current Rack:
ModularGrid Rack

Original Post:

Hello modular gridders,
in the last weeks I have built lots and lots of different iterations of a small footprint modular that will not break my bank and does the following things on day 1:

befaco MIDI THING, 2hp CV, befaco A*B+C, befaco MIXER, befaco OUT v3 in a 98hp Jumpskiff:
+ It does not have loose cables flying around (that's why I'm planning with the Jumpskiff instead of a even cheaper tiptop audio)
+ It can act as a midi playable synth voice, preferably rough and bassy.
+ It can feed in more than one gate and CV from the midi device. To modulate the voice from ORCΛ for example

When everything goes well, I'm going to also solder the more interesting part with a Rampage + Muxlicer and something like 2hp hats to spice it up:
2hp hats, befaco RAMPAGE, befaco Muxlicer
+ Get another voice or LFO from Rampage, and generate an envelope for the Bass voice mentioned above
+ Have Muxlicer self trigger some fun multistep sequences in combination with the 2hp hats
+ Let Muxlicer be controlled from midi with clock to sync with the rest of my setup
+ Get funky with Rampage EOC and Muxlicer

The setup after these two steps would look something like this and would leave room for things I've missed/might want later. I have also planned to get some of the befaco passive mults and a bunch of 20cm + 30cm cables 20 in total.
ModularGrid Rack
Yeah, and I might need more Attenuverters and VCAs. (s&h, and lfo or rather the great looking befaco kickall)

Now my question to you all. I've tried to setup a similar system with VCV rack and felt pretty confident that this will workout in real live too. Am I somewhat on track or have I just made a huge mess?


(edit: removed the gigantic images, not necessary for my point)

Thanks again for the feedback, Garfield! :)

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.


O.k. I look into it.

Beep, Bopp, Bleep: info@modulargrid.net

@GarfieldModular -- thanks for the kind words!

@Lugia -- interesting point, very oblique. In a previous incarnation I did all my music in the computer, which meant lots of editing and rearranging to try to keep the piece in motion. What's obvious to me, but maybe not to others, is that in this piece there are a lot of static parts, a lot of thinking-while-recording, which if I was working on a multitrack recording I would edit down. The modular is an escape from all that clicking, but I'm not yet proficient enough on the instrument to achieve the musical results I want. Whether I adopt your idea or not, I am sure that "keep practicing" is part of the answer :)

Yeah right, you deleted the proof of your bad behaviour and then lied about it - you are a sociopath and you are fooling no one!

I called you out on your bad behaviour, just like everyone else, that's all - I stand by it 100%, calm, collected, assured.

I am not a terrorist.

And phew... Good riddance...


Thanks for answer, so you suggest of start with 1 x bia, 1 x md?
-- dvdvb

Ah I just responded while you were writing this. I'm no expert but yes those seem like a good place to start, maybe with a couple of other things.

I'm sure others will be have more informed opinions than mine :)

this user has left ModularGrid

Thanks for answer, so you suggest of start with 1 x bia, 1 x md?

You have no arguments and use feedback to create terrorism.
You haven't received negative feedback from me, despite your allegations.
This is a fact, the rest are just bla bla bla
I leave the forum, I have more important things to do than to talk about nothing.
Ad maiora!

An alternative approach is to start small and organically build out based on what you feel would add most to your sound and workflow.

After playing with, say 3 core modules you'll get an idea of what is needed to get to the next level - and that will also encourage you to push your modules to their limit.

Having a big budget to work with is a real gift, but spending it gradually will give you a very personal journey.

EDIT: I'm certainly not an expert in Eurorack or NE modules, but to me it seems there's a bit of duplication in this system and possibly some simple things missing that are kind of core to modular - eg lfos, vcas, envelopes.

It looks like some of the modules in this system might build that into the module, and overall it seems geared towards triggering percussive sounds which is cool. But you might also find that a bit boring? I say that as a techno-leaning person myself :)

I'd still say start small. Choose a single sound source (eg BIA), one trigger source, a modulation source or two (Clep Diaz seems like a well regarded Noise Engineering module), and a CV mixer and see how you get on. You may not be making very layered tracks to start with but that's ok.

Also a very useful module to consider is a low pass gate (kind of a filter and VCA in one) that can instantly turn any sound into a nice organic percussive sound. I'm not sure what NE make in this area.

Good luck.

I cannot thank you enough!!! What great feedback and advice I'm getting here!!!

Yes, it's a good one :D

What if I based my system on the SS but exchanged only small pieces, like the DPO for the CS-l and the Morphagene for the Arbhar? Does that make sense?

Sounds great to me!

t0b1 mentioned the Krell patch - this is a GREAT place to start from for what you have in mind. I recommend that you study it very well and only buy the modules you need to recreate it.

This will get you to close to where you want to be for the least expense and let you play around with the system to get a feel for it.

Once you have got your head around that you will have a much better idea of which modules to buy to extend this patch.

I strongly advise against going out and spending £4K on modules, it's a much better plan to have some blank plates and go slowly.

Wow... I am lost for words.

You need serious help... you are rewriting history and playing the victim.

This is called GASLIGHTING ... look it up!

If you like the Make Noise formfactor and want to combine with 1U modules, have a look into the Intellijel Performance Case 7U. If you combine with their 1U modules you would have an incredible package as alternative to the MN one (which is awesome in its own way).
What you are looking for is "generative music". Go have a search on that term in your video library of choice...
My personal and straight to the point approach here is Intellijel Plog combined with trigger sources, random CV and/or slowly evolving lfos. In order to make that "interesting" you might want to look into VCAs combined with sequential switches (e.g. the A-151 from Doepfer).
Have a look as well into the Krell Patch construction, "hidden" in the 0-coast manual from Make Noise.
Lastly you need a bad-ass reverb to make it shine or shimmer or walhalla or whatever verbing =)

I cannot thank you enough!!! What great feedback and advice I'm getting here!!!

Maybe I have to get a bit more concrete on the purpose of this project!... :D
I don't plan on using my Double Bass at all with this case (if that changes in the future, we'll see and then I'll check those nice EF suggestions Kel_!! ;)). One of the things I want to get away from is precisely the constant engagement, attention and activity that my work in the orchestra and practice require!!
I want to build a System where the patch sort of unfolds and let's me slowly tweak and react to what itself wants to be... I hope that makes sense! A sort of lazy music/sound/noise making machine... Mainly atmospherical, ambient, drone...

I always think about the Shared System precisely because of what t0b1 said. It seems like the "perfect" enclosed ecosystem. I see now that that's where Instruo's modules kinda "fall short", since they are not made thinking about that kind of small system, but as pieces of a much bigger (with more MOD sources, etc.) rig.
What if I based my system on the SS but exchanged only small pieces, like the DPO for the CS-l and the Morphagene for the Arbhar? Does that make sense?
And instead of René and Pressure points, I think I would go for another kind of sequencer, like Erica Synths Black Seq coming out soon. Seems like a well thought out multi sided solution to lot's of sequencing and modulation sources.
Also, I thought about waiting for the Euroburo (I have a Zoia Pedal that I use in my electric bass pedalboard) since it seems like one it could really solve lot's of problems, specially in context of a small System like the one I'm planning.
The 1U row on MN Case seems really practical as a in/out, multiple, etc. solution in one single "Module". So that's what inspired my initial post, case I don't want to get MN case, but DIY one, maybe with even more functionality, if possible. But still in that 3Ux3Ux1U format.
I'm very glad I posted this question, so many things are coming out to take into consideration!!! What a great community!! :)

Thanks again all of you!

I cannot thank you enough!!! What great feedback and advice I'm getting here!!!

Maybe I have to get a bit more concrete on the purpose of this project!... :D
I don't plan on using my Double Bass at all with this case (if that changes in the future, we'll see and then I'll check those nice EF suggestions Kel_!! ;)). One of the things I want to get away from is precisely the constant engagement, attention and activity that my work in the orchestra and practice require!!
I want to build a System where the patch sort of unfolds and let's me slowly tweak and react to what itself wants to be... I hope that makes sense! A sort of lazy music/sound/noise making machine... Mainly atmospherical, ambient, drone...

I always think about the Shared System precisely because of what t0b1 said. It seems like the "perfect" enclosed ecosystem. I see now that that's where Instruo's modules kinda "fall short", since they are not made thinking about that kind of small system, but as pieces of a much bigger (with more MOD sources, etc.) rig.
What if I based my system on the SS but exchanged only small pieces, like the DPO for the CS-l and the Morphagene for the Arbhar? Does that make sense?
And instead of René and Pressure points, I think I would go for another kind of sequencer, like Erica Synths Black Seq coming out soon. Seems like a well thought out multi sided solution to lot's of sequencing and modulation sources.
Also, I thought about waiting for the Euroburo (I have a Zoia Pedal that I use in my electric bass pedalboard) since it seems like one it could really solve lot's of problems, specially in context of a small System like the one I'm planning.
The 1U row on MN Case seems really practical as a in/out, multiple, etc. solution in one single "Module". So that's what inspired my initial post, case I don't want to get MN case, but DIY one, maybe with even more functionality, if possible. But still in that 3Ux3Ux1U format.
I'm very glad I posted this question, so many things are coming out to take into consideration!!! What a great community!! :)

Thanks again all of you!

I still don't understand what your problem is.
I have purchased a device described as working perfectly, but it had flaws.
I deleted previous post because the seller refunded me.
I didn't want to show his name.
I have also removed the negative feedback left to the seller and he did the same thing.
Then I created new posts because they might be useful to other users.
Did you know the Make Noise pots models?
Now you know!
You wrote offensive things towards me, and leave negative feedback with no reason.

Kel_ : "You now have 3 downvotes... Looks like your trading days here are over! Byeeeeeeeeeeee :)"

That's all.

PS: I have not left negative feedback to Kel_, kalu_bandali and digitalcrickets

Accipere quam facere praestat iniuriam.

this user has left ModularGrid

Im very happy to consider to change and some help of this since this is my first rack,

much appriciated!

this user has left ModularGrid

Hey Mate,
you clearly have a preference for Noise Engineering - fantastic gritty sound and amazing modular concept behind their design! Congrats on that clarity of yours.
If the above is correct, why you prefer ErbeVerb over the Desmodus Versio?
Why double BIA?
Why double MD?
Why double MSCL?

Looking at all your voices, you might need sub mixers.
Lastly I love your choice on Numeric AND Zularic Repetitor - they together with the BIA are a blow away.
-- t0b1


I just copied a modulargrid from a googlesearch, as I said I want more of a complete system that someone else will choose for me because otherwise I will just read about all modules that exist and never buy anything.

Do you have some submixer that you recommend? I can free space and choose 1 bia, 1 md, 1 mscl

Hey Mate,
you clearly have a preference for Noise Engineering - fantastic gritty sound and amazing modular concept behind their design! Congrats on that clarity of yours.
If the above is correct, why you prefer ErbeVerb over the Desmodus Versio?
Why double BIA?
Why double MD?
Why double MSCL?

Looking at all your voices, you might need sub mixers.
Lastly I love your choice on Numeric AND Zularic Repetitor - they together with the BIA are a blow away.

Hey mate,
you got yourself a nice little case set up there!
My feedback is based on the assumption that size is like you indicate above!
I see a good balance between key elements of modular - VCAs, Utilities, Sequencers.

Too much space consumed where alternatives are available:
- Replace Rainmaker with Mimeophon
- Use the A-111-6 instead of the A-111-5
- Maybe consider getting rid of Data but if its a must for you take a smaller footprint like the O Tool from Dave Jones

you need LFOs, Attenuverters, a decent mixer (the Intellijel Unity Mixers are not enough), consider the Intellijel MixUp...these you can even chain and have several in a row that can grow together with your case.

In summary I think you build that case with a purpose, which is great! I think it is a great starting point.

Keep on digging!

this user has left ModularGrid

hey all, Im going all out on a rack and wanted to get some thoughts/ advice
looking to use for techy stuff and all that

ModularGrid Rack

this user has left ModularGrid

Thanks Garfield,

Yeah I really like feeding the output from Plaits into Rings from my tests in VCVRack but space constraints kept me from including it in my small rack. So I got Plonk to pair with it for percussion and string stuff as both can do a lot of things besides drum sounds. Maybe in my next rack that will be much larger, I will get Rings and clouds as they are the classic Mutable Instrument pairing and so forth. I originally wanted a Harvestman rack but most of the modules have been out of stock from shops for a long time and from emails with Scott Jaeger, he is currently in the production mode to get more available modules out the door for the holidays. So maybe for Christmas, I may get a Doepfer monster rack along with Rings, Clouds, support modules, and Harvestman modules plus a decent sequencer and mixer. But if not, I have plenty to keep me busy for the next year or so. I am waiting for covid to end so that I can visit modular shops and test run gear before buying much more. I do wish there were more groups in northern California that used modular synths!

Hi Sacguy71,

Such a coincidence, the Rings (Mutable Instruments) is very high on my wish list too :-) I want to check if I can give that one to myself as a Christmas gift ;-) But... same issue as you are facing... I don't have much HP space either, just bought a quite big rack and then, at least from a planning point of view, already full. I might need to reshuffle here and there a bit with what's more important and do the Rings before another planned module... sigh... choices, choices, choices ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Roger That!

I marked you down for your appalling attitude and vaguely threatening posts.

It stands because I believe that people would be better off avoiding dealing with you, I certainly won't.

I don't care whether you mark me down or not and I won't be made to feel like I acted unreasonably, especially after you have deleted your offensive posts.

Incredibly, your latest post makes this whole drama even worse, not only have you had the unit for 2 weeks before it developed a fault, refused a fair offer to make good from Pibou, posted this awful crap on here, you now claim that you are more than capable of fixing the thing yourself for a small amount of cash and a little time, which I also see Pibou has offered to pay for.

I am utterly baffled, please, just sit down.

Hey t0b1,

The best part about modular is that it can be (more or less) whatever you want, if aesthetics don't matter to you, or you happen to enjoy terrible ergonomics or even not having enough modulation sources... who is to argue?


-> kel_ & jletra
ok ok I'll give you the aesthetics part...it adds as well to the motivational and satisfaction part to simply look at your case(s) as pieces of art and be "proud" of the collection =)

My perspective in addition to the good advice given above:

Aesthetics are cool. I think they are important. I always make an effort to organise my rack using aesthetics as one of the guiding principles - it does make a difference to me. Of course this does not negate functionality, ergonomics etc. and you should always consider these too.

I would highly recommend an Envelope follower and gate/trigger generator:


or if you want something really nice:


These will allow you to take the sound AND the signal information from your bass guitar to influence your modular synth.

With this as your starting point, think about the kinds of things you would like to do with that envelope follower and gate/trigger/

e.g. each not played on your bass guitar could trigger a sequence played on the modular or a sample playback or provide the clock for your sequencer, an envelope for your filter cutoff, the possibilities are endless.

The point being is that you need lots of ways to process that incoming envelope and trigger - so as BORING as it is I would highly recommend a multiple and a clock divider/multiplier - so ONE trigger generated from playing your note on your bass guitar can trigger a whole sequence of events or events that only play once every four notes etc. etc.

Finally once you have melted your mind trying to figure out the millions of things you could do with clocks, triggers and envelopes, look at additional sound sources and FX modules.

I would also highly recommend looking into wave folders, tone shapers and compressors - ROAR!

Have fun, I too look forward to seeing what you do here :)

this user has left ModularGrid

Thanks for sharing your creative process with your patches Kel_

I understand and for me, I don't really care if folks love or hate my videos. I really do it for myself and to share with others who are new to modular world and want to learn from my experiences. I am glad that I took advice from folks to buy logic module and other tools as I need them now in patches. S&H is great and I have a Doepfer one in first rack as well as two in my second rack that help spice up patches. The other Harvestman modules are on my list now that MK2 ones are discounted price once I get a larger new case. Just waiting for Doepfer Monster base cases to arrive toward end of the year then I can get a Hertz Donut MK2 and few other MK2 modules to pair with a sequencer/mixer/tools and so forth in the base case.

Gosh! Thanks... I mean it's just a little messing around?

The patch is quite simple:

1) SH mkII one channel sequence > Argos Bleak
2) 2 channels of Argos Bleak > HD mkII (already tuned as perfectly as possible as described in my previous post)
3) Main osc out of HD mkII > L&R inputs of TS mkII (in Tap Tempo mode tapped/clocked to taste)
4) Various outs from Kermit & ZC mkII direct to modulation points in all of the above
5) That's it - Enjoy & have fun!

I am sorry but I never make videos, even the thought gives me anxiety. I recommend you ignore the downvotes, it seems some people just do this, it's completely meaningless.

The only thing that truly matters is that you enjoy yourself!

If you would like to relieve yourself from the powerful psychological manipulation these views/likes elements invoke, I highly recommend 1Blocker - install and then select the elements on the page you want to hide - create a new rule - done! Never see the likes and dislikes on any YT video ever again, unless you want to - 100% win in my book :)

Hi Jorge...
you are a bass player, my first question would be, perspectival, how you would want to use the case - compliment the bass, integrate it, parallel it...you get my point I guess. Based on that you need different "advises" or directions.
I cannot agree to what Luigia enough...your "sexy module" choices consequently require a hell of modulation, additionally counting on voices you plan, you would need an extensive mixer, which would take a proper amount of space - or you want to go external here?
I hope you get the point that based on your choices there are consequences and especially modular is a great example of that =)

Answering your question of what utilities as well leads to counter questions: what is your ultimate goal? I do not see filters btw...
Usually utilities are following the main choices and compliment them...

OK, let me make it simple and tell you according to my humble experience what would be the steps I would follow, if I started all over again:
- Get clear what modular delivers to you and your journey. How would it compliment? How would it enhance or add
- Never let case size, style, color drive your decisions. At least not at the beginning of your journey
- Most videos, reviews out there are based on a single module and seen or experienced in isolation > take your selection/choice into consideration when choosing modules as they will work together in YOUR context
- Try to build building blocks of modules, instead of randomly buy "stuff" that does not compliment each others
For example, the Make Noise Shared System is an incredible example of building blocks being MUCH more than the sum of its pieces by complimenting each other module and PERFECTLY working together.
For example the Instruo Cs-l alone would require multiple triggers, envelopes, LFOs, sequencers input...in short "modulation (as Gulia already said...) > you would need to decide if the Cs-l is your goto choice and consequently go for complimenting modules to support your choice.
For example the Lubadh has at countless CV modulation possibilities, same choice and consequence as above: if Lubadh is your goto module, research what compliments it...

Its actually not easy to explain with words but I hope you see that the magic in Modular is the endless depth of choices and consequences and the key word is complimenting modulation!

OK, I took off a bit - sorry!
Coming back to earth: As I see it, you need
- ins/outs for your bass
- outs to the outside world
- more VCAs (mainly for modulation but as well for different sound characteristics)
- a multiplication of Maths functions (yes its THE swiss army knife but when Maths modulates Cs-l you need more for other modules...and yes you have disting Ex4)
- Not sure where you want your journey to go...but there is so much more...mults, logic, envelope followers ESPECIALLY to use together with your bass!

Some general observations on top of utilities:
- a least a sequencer to bring movement
- Filters?

Soo much to say but all linked to your choice(s), its a quest. Looking forward to hearing back from you!

Thanks Lugia for taking the time to answer and your insight!! Much appreciated!! :)

I see what you're saying and although aesthetic is a part of it, it's not the only one!! ;) My project is a "Shared System" but with, as much as possible, Instruo's modules. So, 2x3U rows would be the main space and I though the 1U would be useful for the same reason as the CV Bus in Make Noise's case is.
But I guess Instruo doesn't pack as much functionality in their Modules as MN, so that's where the other options have to come to the rescue. But I see my plan was misdirected!!

If you're so kind, would you point me in the right one for this project?
Thanks in advance, mate!

Obviously I cleaned the pots first.
The pots cannot always be recovered, sometimes they need to be replaced.
At home I have Deoxit D5, CRC, isopropyl alcohol, soldering station, air soldering station, etc ..
I also Fix the logic boards.

The pots for Make Noise Maths V2 2013 are:
Taiwan ALPHA B100K R09 23 mm
Taiwan ALPHA B10K R09 23 mm

Link Aliexpress:
6fd8a430d62546ecaea93ee0a3505559_595754$96662e33cc994621b4c1eb562947ea0d&ck=in_edm_other" target="_blank">https://it.aliexpress.com/item/33034803059.html?ug_edm_item_id=33034803059&tracelog=rowan&rowan_id1=user_add_cart_remind_1_1_en_US_2020-11-01&rowan_msg_id=9129biz_add_cart6fd8a430d62546ecaea93ee0a3505559_595754$96662e33cc994621b4c1eb562947ea0d&ck=in_edm_other

You can open up your Maths and see it for yourself.

PS: kaskonauta was rated negative by kalu_bandali, Kel_, farkas and digitalcrickets
I don't leave negative feedback because I don't think the same thing.

this user has left ModularGrid

Hi Garfield,

Actually, I have one Doepfer A-100 LC6V Low Cost Case - 6U (Vintage Edition) that came with my first Doepfer A100 Basic 1 System and then I have a second Doepfer A-100 6U Suitcase one that is much nicer with metal cover and so forth. I plan to stack these on a monster base case which will give me the room necessary for a larger sequencer, mixer and few complex oscillators/filters as well as more support modules and maybe a sampler and more FX processing in rack. I learned from folks here that these less glamorous support modules are the essential ingredients for superb melodic patches.

OK, looking at Mouser's site as well as Taiwan Alpha's, these don't appear to be sealed pots. They should have SOME sort of opening to the resistor and wiper, according to what I'm seeing.

Get this first: https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/DeoxIT--caig-laboratories-d5s-6-caig-deoxit-contact-cleaner-5-percent-spray-5-oz And frankly, if you're doing any sort of electronic music work, you really should ALREADY HAVE this on hand, and the knowledge of how to use it.

But we're going to presume that you don't know how it works. So here's how to use DeOxit:

Put little aimer tube on the nozzle.
Aim tube into an opening in a pot that's being difficult.
Spritz a TINY BIT into the pot.
Exercise the pot for 15-20 seconds.
If there are still issues, repeat.

If you're using anything with analog controls, you will find yourself doing this A LOT. Learn how now! You're using equipment that, by its very nature, is prone to develop scratchy pots and the like, and if you don't know how to clean these, you'll either be doing a lot of scratchy-sounding stuff...or if you can't bring yourself to do this, then perhaps you should try building a synthesizer out of sticks, rocks, and other objects that don't require routine maintenance by the user.

Ha, ha, yes, just right THAT ;-)

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Ah yes, the Doepfer monster base case (A-100LMB), that's a nice one, I got that one and on top it: the A-100LMS9. Nice combination! However your plan sounds good too, I guess you have two A-100LC9s? Those two next to each other should just fit on top of that monster base case.

Well, can't wait for your jams and videos of your new setup :-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Lugia: Ha, ha, LOL! Okay what I am going to tell you now you most likely even less believe than my previous (first) explanation to Troux. But all right: Let's start with the costs, it's about twenty bucks a year, cheap right?! The good news is, you can get that "what I am on" here on earth, no hyper-space travel needed. I guess you now want to know where to get it, right? ;-)

Oh, THAT! That's easy enough here...and LEGAL, too! ;-)

It's this forum, Unicorn account at Euro 20/year (but even without Unicorn it works pretty good) and that's all you really need and you guys as patience listeners ;-)

Oh, THAT...and not THAT! OK...yep, MG does work great w/o the Unicorn, but the rack limits are a bit of a hassle if you're doing a lot of builds, doing bigger builds, etc. However, for those exploring, the basic freebie account is BEYOND an excellent asset! MG, even without the ongoing perpetual "clinic" that the forum offers, has likely saved synthesists many thousands of $$$ by letting them entertain ideas without resorting to hardware.

Here's the acid test for legibility of panels:

If you take the module in question into a room that's lighted like you'd find onstage in a basic gig situation and you can't figure out what the HELL is going on with the panel markings, then you probably need to find a module of that sort from a manufacturer who understands more about what working musicians need than they have this compulsion to do snazzy designs that fail under those working conditions. If you have any of those newfangled app-controlled colored LED bulbs, just drop your lighting to about 25% of normal, then change the color to a deep red and/or a deep blue. If you CANNOT read the markings legibly enough to make patching and control decisions at the pace your music requires, then you probably need a different module for that function.

One note about subjective analysis of your own work: you are, inevitably, the worst critic of your own work. If something seems "too long", it's probably not long enough. Too "bright"? Try increasing the bright-ish controls. And so on.

Never second-guess in the lesser direction in what you create unless something's GLARINGLY wrong. Otherwise, just push the HELL out of that envelope...go as far as you can. This is how you discover what you're creatively capable of...and how what you create becomes clearly yours. And you're far less likely to be pegged for "lifting" someone else's style.

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Korg also dropped the ball on their small SQ-1 sequencer by not including a standard 9v power jack and requiring a USB dongle to power it or use 2xAA batteries.

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Thanks Garfield,

Yeah the Doepfer Monster base case will let me stack my two 6U Doepfer cases on top to make things easier and more organized as well as give me another 200 HP of space for a sequencer, mixer, more support tools like logic, matrix mixer, switches and attenuators/offset/attenuverts plus another mult/buffered mult module with room for a few more percussion modules and complex oscillator/filters and another complex function generator like Maths or Falistri and noise generator like Sapel. More FX as well.

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Thank you, Garfield,

I love teaching and while I am a beginner, can share my experiences and patch tips. Yeah, I bought a clock and sequential switch on Halloween sale this week plus more patch cables and knurlies to make swapping modules easier between setups. Looking forward to put Pamela to a full workout and Doepfer sequential switch once they arrive this week with Plaits and Plonk. I want Rings but not enough space so probably in future along with a sequencer.

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Thanks Garfield!

I am experimenting and learning how to craft cool tracks and sounds. Big fan now of Noise Engineering and Harvestman modules they do so much and many patch points for crazy modulation ideas. Quadrax is great as well.

Hi Sacguy71,

Wow! There are some serious nice sounds in this jam! I like those sounds a lot. Bit of an industrial kind of touch to it as well, right? :-)

Thanks a lot for sharing this, nice short jam and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads