
Thanks for talking about Drezno and his expander.
This video helped me to understand how it works.

Thank you Lugia for that Free lesson. I will experiment with the inverter on the minibrute just to learn some more.
And Math is the first on the list now

Tranks again

Hey, thanks! Really glad you liked it.

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fun using new modules tonite with current setups

Maths is useful enough that there's not really a "not ready for" point to it. You'll get results from square 1, to be sure...and then, you can grow with it and sort out some of the other ridiculous amount of things it can do. Joe came up with a solid winner with that thing.

As for negative and positive voltage values...keep in mind that those terms can be a little deceptive, because you can shift a "negative" into positive voltages by adding a DC offset. The real importance here is that you can INVERT positive-going signals into negative-going ones. And those inverted signals have some amazing uses...

My JP-6 has inverted envelope settings. And those are, quite often, key to getting that Jupiter-6 sound. By modulating the VCF with a negative envelope instead of a positive one, this inverts the cutoff behavior...allowing attacks to LOWER the cutoff instead of raising it. And if you want a wild, sweepy thing to happen when you RELEASE the keys, that's how you do it. In modular, this just ups the abuse potential. For example, let's say you want to pan something...but you haven't got a panner in the rig. The proper fix would be to use two VCAs, an LFO, and an inverter so you can get a 180-degree negative of the LFO's output. You'd split the LFO's output, with one going straight to one VCA's CV, but the other wouldn't get a straight CV, but one routed through the inverter. The result is that as one VCA is opening up, the other is closing in perfect sync, and if you hardpan those VCA outputs to the left and right...well, there you go!

Whenever you run across something that's very much on the "basics" level such as that, you can bet even money that that's a functionality that MUST be in a rig...no matter what it's intended for!

Thread: Pedal Love?

Yep...it's a secondary power inlet, so that if you don't have the appropriate 9V adapter, you can plug the nasty little thing into USB. Pretty effin' smart...and Cuvave does this on most of their boxes, which is one of the things that separates them from the other Chinese OEMers.

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Hi Garfield,

Yeah the WMD impressed me on par with Noise Engineering BIA for hard hitting percussion modules. My Doepfer monster base case just arrived today but unfortunately I cannot stack the two 6u cases on it :-(

So I will need to order a regular large Doepfer monster case next year to stack on top. It works out as I can take the modules from both 6u cases and consolidate into the Doepfer monster case next year for one setup after I add another sequencer and more FX to it. Then use the 6u cases for travel purposes even though the base case is portable as well.

Hi Mowse,

Oh yes, nice to start the weekend with this tracks of yours. Are you using Cells again? :-)

Ha, ha, yes sounds indeed like almost forever. Lovely, again :-) Thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Thanks a lot for the details of your setup, that's an interesting read! Looks like I really need to get a few WMD modules... perhaps next year... this year budget almost gone.

Have a good weekend and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

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Nice! My monster base case arrived today and now with two new much cases, I am very happy to be able to grow my setups and consolidate things into one larger case.

Very cool p

I am running the Hysteria VCO's into the Eudemonia mixer, controlling the VCA with a ADSR envelope. The VCA LED indicates it is very close to overdriving. The output from the Eudomonia feeds into a Ladix A-570 line out module. Everything is very close to clipping. Don't know if you normally would put an attenuator between an ADSR and a VCA?

Hi everyone,

Thought I'd share this compilation I just released. I invited a bunch of my local Toronto modular friends to submit a short piece made with a 3-module challenge patch.
All sales of the album (after processing fees) will be donated to Toronto-based, youth-led organization Black Women in Motion.

As well, every purchase of the album includes a PDF of photos and descriptions of each patch used in the album.

Thanks for checking it out, and I hope this might inspire some of you to start a compilation within your own local modular community.

Sorry, just re-read the post. I'm not sure why your oscillators may be overdriving your filter but attenuation options for audio and CV are always a good idea.

Are you attempting to run your modular outs to a line input on an external mixer? If so, yes, modular output is very hot. I've been pretty lucky and have been able to attenuate my signal in the rack, but you may need to invest in a line output module.

Just having built my first modular with 2 Hysteria VCOs and an Eudemonia Filter/mixer.
When I patch out the outs from the VCOs into the mixer I need to turn the gain all the way down to 9 o'clock to prevent overdrive.
Are outs really normally that hot in a modular VCO or am I doing something wrong here? It would be nice with a little wiggle room on the gain controls of the mixer to match the 2 channels.

Oh! That looks awesome and fun. Ordered. My keystep37 (pre-ordered in early sept) just showed up yesterday.
I’ve taken the forums advice and started testbedding modules and patches in vcvrack. I hope I never figure out what the hardware versions of sequencer 3 and that vca/audio mixer are...my credit card would cry.

Thanks for the recommendation!

Hey Lugia ! thanks for your advice, i find it very usefull.

First of all, the DFAM is there only for space in my desk porpuses, its going out when i buy my next module and going back to its case. I love the rackbrute, but shipping that to Argentina is really expensive as it is too heavy and we have insane import taxes here, so i preffer to save that money for modules. Im bulding a DIY wooden case, and the dfam will keep its own power supply.
Going to the thing;
When i said that the rack would be a complement for the mini2s, it really was the other way arround. The mini has 2 LFOs, 2 Atenuators, VCA, 2 extra sequencers, and many other outputs for modulation. Also having Peaks as LFO. I've been learning patching with the mini and the dfam, and i think i now realise what everything does, however, im not ready for MATHS or MARBLES yet, i still get confused with positive and negative voltages and i really want to understand what is happening.
I thought of the Frames and Veils as mixers among other funtions.
The sequencer will be an Eloquencer now, and i replaced the Z5000 with 2hp delay and 2hp verb, plus a Disting MK4 witch has many function to fill the gap.

So i thought a posible patch in this sistem would be:
4 Gate/CV from Eloquencer to Rings, Plaits, Elements, Clouds, and their outputs to Veils or Frames, or both; maybe thru filter and fx modules. The remaining 4 outputs on the sequencer could go to Dfam, or se-02, arp oddysey, microbrute, they all go to the allen and heath desk mixer. From there, i have the mini for lots of modulation and variations.
The TR8s for drums and triggering tb03 and sh01, also keeping the microfreak. I dont know about monologue and miniligue xd i dont really like the sound. But the entire setup would be the rack with the sequencer as the heart and the other gear around trying to keep everything hand-reachable
Does that make sense to you?

What module would you recomend ?

Thanks a lot

Thread: Pedal Love?

Hehe, someone gets my sense of humour... wonders will never cease :D

Yep, good idea, I have a nice bench power supply, can probably get quite specific!

Did you ever work out what the mysterious usb socket is for?

In order to be able to change settings of the EMW 8-step trigger sequencer while running, I patched a circuit that holds and resets the module in case it is out of sync. This only works for forward mode.

With the inverters of the Doepfer logic and the Malekko gate combiners I made a flip-flop. I took step 1 from the Doepfer clock sequencer and lead it to the trigger modifier. The logic comes down to this. If not step 1 and EMW sends 1-step pulse, then the flip-flop will set and the EMW hold input is positive. If step 1, the flip-flop resets and the EMW starts running.

Next the EMW has to be resetted. The reset takes place at the up and down change pulse of step 1. (Out of trigger modifier)

Really appreciate that insight Lugia. That’s good shit, thank you. The BIA just seems so easy to make it sound reallllly nice. But that’s cool, thanks for pushing me towards experimentation rather than ease of use.

I still found a good deal on the Milky Way so I think I’ll keep that as an send fx instead of the spring em.. so I’m really into the fat sound of the Mangrove but I can’t find one for sale.. and moving that spring for the Milky Way gives me some hp. Any suggestions for a good (phat) (weird) oscillator (analog) to replace the mangrove with (and pair with the e350)?
(I also can’t find that mixer for sale, but it looks really sick so I’m willing to wait)

Other than that, super excited. And even with what I’ve got confirmed (in my mind) super happy with and know I can build from there. So really appreciate your help mate.


Two Plaits is much more necessary than you think. True, there's plenty of synths that only have one VCO...but then, when you have TWO, you can then detune one ever so slightly and get a much fatter, beefier result. When I put those together, my intention was to aim things toward a VERY big, massive bass sound there. That's physics at work...the detuning causes all sorts of extra sonic phenomena due to the two oscillators phasing against each other. When the phasing is nice and slow, then you get phase reinforcement...sort of the sonic equivalent of 2 + 2 = 5 Or, with some of the Plaits waveforms, that's more like 2 + 2 = 17.6! Trust me on this one...I've left a nice "body count" of damaged subs, broken windows and such, and even some minor structural damage over many years in the wake of some of my bass patches.

-- Lugia

Two Plaits is much more necessary than you think. True, there's plenty of synths that only have one VCO...but then, when you have TWO, you can then detune one ever so slightly and get a much fatter, beefier result. When I put those together, my intention was to aim things toward a VERY big, massive bass sound there. That's physics at work...the detuning causes all sorts of extra sonic phenomena due to the two oscillators phasing against each other. When the phasing is nice and slow, then you get phase reinforcement...sort of the sonic equivalent of 2 + 2 = 5 Or, with some of the Plaits waveforms, that's more like 2 + 2 = 17.6! Trust me on this one...I've left a nice "body count" of damaged subs, broken windows and such, and even some minor structural damage over many years in the wake of some of my bass patches.
-- Lugia

Two Plaits is much more necessary than you think. True, there's plenty of synths that only have one VCO...but then, when you have TWO, you can then detune one ever so slightly and get a much fatter, beefier result. When I put those together, my intention was to aim things toward a VERY big, massive bass sound there. That's physics at work...the detuning causes all sorts of extra sonic phenomena due to the two oscillators phasing against each other. When the phasing is nice and slow, then you get phase reinforcement...sort of the sonic equivalent of 2 + 2 = 5 Or, with some of the Plaits waveforms, that's more like 2 + 2 = 17.6! Trust me on this one...I've left a nice "body count" of damaged subs, broken windows and such, and even some minor structural damage over many years in the wake of some of my bass patches.
-- Lugia

How about this: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/ladik-s-186-dual-delay Since you're running a KS37 in the rig, having a pair of trigger delays allows for offsetting and screwing with timing, lets you create crossrhythms, flamming behavior, etc. Useful with that clock divider, too.

Same to you @farkas, this board has been a nice lifeline during all this, I'm thankful for it and for everyone here.

Thread: Pedal Love?

Literally smashing, even! The waveforms might complain, but oh...that ripped-up Cuvave SOUND...daaaaaaaaaamn...

Glad you dig it. Oh...if you have the right device for it, try DC-starving it some. That can get really nasty and really fun!

Two Plaits is much more necessary than you think. True, there's plenty of synths that only have one VCO...but then, when you have TWO, you can then detune one ever so slightly and get a much fatter, beefier result. When I put those together, my intention was to aim things toward a VERY big, massive bass sound there. That's physics at work...the detuning causes all sorts of extra sonic phenomena due to the two oscillators phasing against each other. When the phasing is nice and slow, then you get phase reinforcement...sort of the sonic equivalent of 2 + 2 = 5 Or, with some of the Plaits waveforms, that's more like 2 + 2 = 17.6! Trust me on this one...I've left a nice "body count" of damaged subs, broken windows and such, and even some minor structural damage over many years in the wake of some of my bass patches.

First of all, if you're considering pairing this with a 2s, go on and get the Rackbrute. You'll be much happier with the resulting form factor, and you'll also find that it "gigs" better because it's much easier to transport both this AND the 2s as one unit.

Second, that's one expensive DFAM you've got there...because you're housing and powering it TWICE. Once with the skiff Moog put it in, and the second time if/when it gets stuck in here. Don't do this. Not only does this BURN UP 60 hp that should be used for devices that don't already have power and a case, you've also not added something like Erica's MScale to correct certain "discrepancies" between Moog and normal Eurorack CV behavior. This is also likely a huge part of what's keeping you from using a Rackbrute 6U.

Then beyond those points, I can tell you right off that what you have here isn't going to work like you think it will. The entire build is missing submixers, attenuverters, and so on. And it's also majorly lacking in modulation sources, which are essential to getting these other modules to do what they're capable of. You CANNOT build a decent modular system without sufficient modulation sources. Period. And that, minus utility modules = unworkable expensive box of circuitry.

If the idea here is to pair this with a Mini 2s, a far better way to proceed would be to figure out ONE MAIN THING you want this to do...either an actual complement to the 2s, or a sequencing addon, or...well, the upshot is that you can't make a small build like this do loads of things. Pick a lane for it and keep it there. And then, any functionality you get beyond that...that's gravy.

One other piece of advice...you still seem to be in flux about where you want your music to go. And if you're trying to build a modular without that key piece of info, you're much more likely to wind up with a box of costly bits...NOT a musical instrument. You're pretty well-equipped right now, tbh...my suggestion would be to get used to crosspatching all the stuff you've got NOW (especially the SE-02 + Minibrute 2s + DFAM combo) and getting used to how signal flow works there, what you might SPECIFICALLY need to take the present gear forward, and the like. And in the process, you'll have more room to sort out where a modular would work or even whether or not you really DO need one.

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Thanks Garfield,

Still learning both modules as well as the Rossum Trident and Morpheus filter- love that filter so awesome!

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Thanks Garfield,

Yeah it is a heavy but great case. I need to check with MDLR on what 1u tiles work with my case either Pulplogic or Intellijel. I sent Arjan at MDLR an email on how to check and hook these up. I made sure to order two large new cases this time so I don't run out of space so quickly hehe. The Doepfer monster base case arrives next week with more new modules :-)

Thanks, yeah WMD Crater is a beast of a module and lots of great tone shaping features. Fortunately, the sound is all the module and no angry neighbor as I made it while nobody was around so I was able to crank the volume up this time. Hopefully I move soon into larger studio space that will let me blast my modular systems and guitars in the future for some ear shattering madness ;-)

Now I know why WMD named it Crater. Yeah the pitch can get some crazy tones on it. The sad baby ducks going into the pan came from the Fracture clap percussion module as well as the BLM smashing windows tones. I am anxious for my two new sequencers and Hertz Donut modules to arrive soon- need sequencers plus I have a Mordax Data module on the way as well.

Launch Codes looks like a lot of fun. Antimatter's Sub Ring looks cool too.
Enjoy your new module and happy upcoming holidays to you, Garfield.

I would like a Seahorse case in the themes.

Hi Farkas,

Thank you very much and I wish you a happy Thanksgiving too!

I usually don't buy things just like that but indeed this week, online from my regular local dealer I managed to find a very nice offer on a module that wasn't really on my wish list but I felt attracted by the rather good discount as well as the module itself, being the Launch Codes from Antimatter Audio. Finally I manage to get an American module ;-) (other than the famous Make Noise and Intellijel). It was stock clearance though, my local dealer is no longer carrying this brand (at least it looks like that), so that's a bit of a pity; but I am glad to manage to get this module!

I didn't have time yet but I hope this weekend to play with it.

Enjoy modular and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Yes, nice Rings and Marbles modules indeed. Rings I just received recently and still discovering it a bit and Marbles is on my wish list.

Thanks for demoing these modules and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mowse,

Oh my God! This is seriously fantastic. I am having goosebumps while listening at this track. That riddle-high-tone sound that kicks in once and a while and later becomes the main "lead", beautiful done and then that drone sound first on the foreground and slowly moves to the background, that does it for me!

Just one thing... it isn't 17+ minutes ;-) And it should be in my opinion because you don't want to stop listening after not even 5 minutes of pure enjoyment, you want to continue this... forever...

I love this, thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Thank you, happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone else too!

He, he, looks like your MDLR case is getting filled up nicely. Any idea already for which kind of 1U tiles you are going?

That sound around 4:30+, nice! He, he, at a certain stage that kick drum sounds like an angry neighbour hammering something at the wall facing your room. Was it really a kick drum or indeed your neighbour? ;-)

Ha, ha, at 6:15 you got Starwars at home! :-) And just a bit before 08:00 it sounds like you put a few alive (!) small ducks in a baking pan and try to bake them while they are complaining at you ;-) Lots of fun, I enjoyed your video!

Enjoy your new case and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mowse,

Yes, that's what I meant :-) Thank you very much! Nice, good and clear overview.

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Just wanted to wish the American MG community a happy Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for the lifeline this community has provided over the past year of considerable isolation. It has been so great to exchange ideas and approaches to making music with people all over the globe.
Is anyone taking advantage of the numerous modular holiday discounts to buy things they don't really need? I've made some room to add a few things that I've been eyeing for a while. I'd love to hear if you are adding something to your rig (and why).
Stay healthy everyone!

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Many thanks mowse! Fortunately, using the cool befaco knurlies and larger case makes module placement far easier to move things around quickly and painless. Really loving new toys like WMD percussion modules and 4ms vca matrix mixer.

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone,

Had fun morning testing our my new WMD Fracture and WMD Crater percussion modules with 4ms VCA Matrix mixer. Good stuff and now I know why Jim was saying how powerful matrix mixers are for modular builds! Here is a quick demo

Haha certainly, though mostly just a good refresher from school. I'll try my best to give the digital domain a good name.

How curious, wonder who I was thinking of then... I may remember in a bit, name sounds really familiar!!

Anyway, yes, essential viewing if you are dealing with any digital signals at all, ever :)

Just started it up actually so maybe someone else! I'll definitely check that out though, should be good research for sure, much appreciated!

Oh yes, I have seen your videos I think! Cool, please do post them here when you do them, I will definitely watch those!

Do you know this? Essential viewing if not ;)

Ha, trust me I'm aware. I have a deep appreciation for digital logic and such, I'm gonna be doing a video on it soon. Check out Max Makes Music on YouTube if interested, looking to do the whole subsystem eventually. I hope they expand it further

hi! yep, should have listened the first 2 times about just getting a bigger rack than actually buying and selling two smaller skiffs.

I'm pairing this with a drumbrute impact, SQ-1, keystep 37 and an O-Coast. I'm planning to stick a Links/Kinks combo in there and find something fun for the last couple hp. The two 1u modules are currently living in the 1u to 3u adaptor. The SND/RTN is used for both a NTS-1 (for effects) and/or a guitar reverb stomp box. Everything outputs to a Dude mixer into a Zoom H4n recorder.

I mainly do video music beds and jamming. I come from industrial and metal with an appreciation of EDM and quite love synth wave. I tried to get some movement going in there with some playable modules, as well as making sure I had a good amount of utility modules as well. The O-Coast does some of the heavy lifting in that department as well.

what would be a fun 4hp hole-filler? Dlisting mk4? more modulation? I'm really not above pulling and selling anything from this rack to streamline/make it more fun.

Thanks in advance.

Oh nice, glad you got it sorted, it is a great module, so much fun :)

...and yeah,, that's a pretty fundamental thing that should be explicitly stated in the manual!

I highly recommend getting Lipsk, really nice being able to manually switch the bits around... and if you can Jena and Odessa too... incredible!!

They are a bit of a brain wrangler at first, but once you get it, there's tons of potential.

I am super keen to see what they do next with it :)

Yup I contacted them and they confirmed the same. I'm just surprised it's not mentioned in the installation bit of the manual. Mine came disconnected from the module, I thought it was just for Lipsk. Thank ya!

Yes... this, from ZAOC confirms:

"there is no "internal" A/D->D/A connection in Drezno. The connection between these two halves is provided only by the ribbon cable. Drezno is shipped with the cable plugged both sides to it"

My guess is that the cable is missing or not seated properly!


You need to break this connection to introduce Lipsk or other expanders ;)

Super cool module, one of the most innovative things to happen in Eurorack, well.... ever! I love mine!!

Aww yeah of course, I am the worlds worst at not recording things hehe :)

I just know from many years of failure that eventually I did need to practice recording, it's a skill like any other! Having invested I don't find it a disruptive thing any more ;)

p.s. I didn't think your post was contrary at all, very complementary in fact!