Thread: Pedal Love?

Oh yeah, pedal talk! I'm admittedly a bit of a cork sniffer, but I'm very curious about those pedals Lugia mentioned. Quality for cheap is excellent! Chase Bliss is awesome, no doubt, though I've sold every CB pedal I've owned. Haven't tried the Mood, though.

I'm a huge Fairfield Circuitry fan. Speaking of fuzz/distortion on beats, I have a used Zvex Box of Metal inbound that I'm dying to run one of my Double Knots through. Could be cool on the Plumbutter too.

As an aside, Lugia, I picked up a Moffenzeef Kricket. Thanks for the recommendation, it's fitting in nicely!

Inscrumental music for prickly pears.

Hi Every One.

As starting a 88 HP rack with 2 synth voices + 1 sampler module, and having a pico DSP module (which is great), I asked myself this question.
Grabbing a second pico DSP would give me 2 separate fx units in only 6 hp, whereas the dual FX is 10 hp.
For those who know both of them : Are the FX the same in the two units ?

Kind regards,


Hey Garfield,
Thanks for your feedback. You're a good observer - these girls do have some talent and lots of stamina ;)
Best wishes, G.

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

Hi Lugia, thank you for your answer! I'm aware of the four-tier rack (I own a two tier) but IMO that's not portable and/or secure for touring: it's simply huge, because of the form factor when having the 3 Moogs in a tier rack with an extra skiff on top. That's the main reason I'm looking for a case: to put them flat with a lid (with the added possibility to keep 'm patched in the case).
I'll have a look into Clouds and other options, but I think the Arbhar is just the next step in granular processing. I don't really mind having bigger modules, but I get your point...
The Catoff looks perfect for my needs, with built in balanced line outs and expandability. It's also great to have two aux sends (for extra delay etc). Thanks for your advice.

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Yes, I'm really feeling this track. Now I need to get my soundcloud up to speed to bookmark this.

Thank you for sharing!

Oh yes, this is really giving me some good vibes, the sound colors you create at around 3:00 and going on are really something. I'd also be here for a full version of this ;)





Technically, yes, it'll work. Expense-wise, not so much. The minute you take the Moogs out of their powered skiffs and put them in a Eurorack case, you're paying to house and power those Moogs twice.

Instead of making an expensive mistake in the pursuit of portability, see here: Now, right there on that page, you can see the REAL solution: a four-tier rack ($100) and an empty Moog skiff ($89) which deals with housing the Eurorack additions. As for portability and casing, there's loads of potential solutions for that...such as getting the right foam to put this into a large ammo transport case that's essentially the same as most instrument cases these days...hell, SKB even makes their own line of firearms cases!

Now...TWO Disting EXs? No. The menu diving will drive pretty much anyone insane, and frankly, it negates the immediacy of working with a modular synthesizer. Plus, one is JUST FINE given what just one can do! And the Pitt Lifeforms System Interface has a lot of compromises to it that I feel limits its usability. A better choice (in the same space) would be Catoff's MIX4 set...which is only $50 more, gives you full controls on ALL channels (not just three only), has TWO AUX send/returns, balanced 1/4" outs, metering, headphone preamp...and if four channels isn't enough, just buy a few more of the XIN expansion channel modules.

However, I would stress that, in the space we're talking about here, you need to be looking at SMALLER modules for your primary Eurorack functions. True, the Arbhar IS NICE...but it's large, and this build can't support having these huge things. Given what the Arbhar IS, wouldn't it make more sense to use the pretty-much-the-same-thing Clouds in its various shrunk-down 3rd party builds? It would definitely be CHEAPER. And for that matter, if you can do without the AUX setup, you could jam a 4ms Listen Four 1/4 into half the space of either the Catoff OR Pitt.

Mind you, I do think this idea has merit...I've even messed with a four-tier 60 hp build on here with a DFAM and my Subby as two tiers and two open skiffs for Eurorack, and may well do this at some point in the next year-ish. But there's also pitfalls here, be careful, otherwise this can and WILL get needlessly pricey.

Ah, I's a Frames clone. Well, yes, there's VCAs in it, but given the implementation, there's a lot more that it can do beyond just being a set of four VCAs. Quite a few users like it as a substitute (for now) for something like the ARP 2500 Mixsequencer, or for its morphing capabilities.

When I'm talking about VCAs, I'm talking about VCAs that have a minimum of bells 'n' whistles attached. In other words, something more akin to Mutable's Veils or the Intellijel equivalent, the Quad VCA. When you're using these as modifiers for CV and/or modulation levels, you don't want anything else going except for that one function. And you also need VCAs that function as single VCAs. Example: you only have the Plancks let's say you need to impose an envelope on a modulation signal. Now, this won't have a sound to it, but there's definitely a signal there. But given that the Plancks CANNOT break out individual VCAs (or at least, not easily), you're using part of it to do audio, and part to do modulation, and this won't sound decent at all if you try and Mixsequence the output...because the "inaudible" modulation signal has to be part of the Plancks' "mix". This results in a "hole", audibly...but if you have DC-coupled outputs on your modular (which you just might have...Ladik's info says nothing about the outputs being isolated in any way) and pass DC to your amp. Then, if that's DC-coupled, on to your monitors...and then it's possible you'll get a result kinda like THIS:

Not good. So, yeah, while the Plancks can deal with audio just fine...that's not the only thing you need VCAs for.

Hey Gabor,

He, he, yeah nice heavy music :-) The music goes well with the video too. This is cool and great stuff!

You know the most amazing part of this? This girl, she's seriously amazing on that bar, she keeps going up and down, left and right, forwards and backwards, and jumping... how many hundreds of times in just these 5 minutes and you know what? She never drops! Big talent there! :-)

Thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Mowse,

Nice, long (but not long enough ;-) ) melody line, I love that. This could go on and on and on for me. It actually just made me "angry" that it stopped already after not even 5 minutes yet, so I just hit the play button again ;-)

Perhaps you should talk with Troux about those 17 minutes ;-) I hope next time you can make something at least beyond the 10 minutes, this music is crying loud for being played long!

Thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

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Thread: Guitar Solo

Hi Mog00,

Thank you! Yes, having a dedicated reverb is nice indeed. Currently I am using an external reverb (Source Audio - Ventris Dual Reverb; lovely pedal), but I am also considering a reverb module, not sure yet which one though.

Kind regards, Garfield.

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Hi Zuggamasta,

I am myself not so much (not at all ;-) ) into DIY of modules. I solder my own patch cables but that's about it.

However besides Befaco, manufacturers like Erica Synths, Bastl Instruments and Polaxis have DIY sets/kits. Naturally there are many more manufacturers, it's just that I don't have experience with them.

Have fun with the DIY part and kind regards, Garfield.

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Very cool. Just subscribed to your YouTube channel.

Thanks for the feedback everyone.
@farkas yep, the brassy bits come from the Mangrohe’s formant out thru the Instruo Athru wave folder.

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

First attempt at building my three Moogs in a portable rack format for live use and touring.

The Arbhar would be on the aux send from the mixer, which should make it easy to route anything to the Arbhar at any given moment. The two Disting EX's offer a lot of flexibility and open up many options for the Moogs, Arbhar and mixer.

Still some room left with blanks. Do you think this will be a practical setup for using live with the mixer, Arbhar and Distings above eachother? Thanks for having a look.

My music on Bandcamp - Instagram - YouTube

This is great. Well done.
I was guessing the main brassy melody lines were Loquelic Iteritas. Is that actually Mangrove?

Funky :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Nice work, pretty hectic but good :)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.


Back in the beginning of this year, when everything was kind of normal I sat down to mock up Eurorack Modules that more or less resemble the letters of the Latin Alphabet. I did not complete the series yet, but now that I actually have a small skiff it's really fun looking back at these. (Non of them seem to be skiff-friendly tho)
A, B, C, D, E, F,
Also some of them make more sense than others, but look for yourself. I will render a collection of all videos in the next days as the videos are all over the place on my twitter.
G, H, I, J, K, L
Just showing of a little, but let me know if you want to mock up something. As I have a nice little collection of knobs, sliders and other small stuff now :)

An upbeat yet trippy piece and some girls on the balance beam.

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.

If you're a Eurorack user/enthusiast at any level of experience who has filled/is filling a rack AND you consider yourself a musician/composer or someone motivated to make musical sounds then I would love to speak with you.
I need about 20-30 minutes of your time as soon as is most convenient for you.
Interviews will be performed via video chat.
I’m looking to speak to 3-5 people today.
This is a school UX project and you will remain anonymous for the purposes of the study.
Please DM me if you are available and interested.

Yes! I might just loved the function to hp to price ratio I could get from these starter befaco modules. I’m having my eyes open for a beefy multi VCA and landed at befaco again. So let me know your recommendations 🤘😎

Haha, Cheers guys :)
The reverb was Cranked up to 11 in the Granular mode (not using any Granular), I should really try it through the OliverB mode.

I don't make music in the brewery though I did get Mylar Melodies to come and play a set once, people thought he was a DJ.... how wrong they were ;-)
I want to incorporate some modular into our future business plans.

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Thanks all, I'll take into consideration. FYI, Plancks is a VCA

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Thanks Garfield, yes indeed that vowel pattern is from my Plaits in the other case. Love plaits and think of combine Plaits in the mdlr case along with rings and marbles for a Mutable Instruments trio. I also have shades which is great and thinking of also moving kermit and bionic lester to the mdlr case when stillson hammer and hertz donut arrive so I have a complete set together of harvestman modules!

Thread: Guitar Solo

nice tones, I almost picked up rings (likely will in my next case), but I have a resonator in the parasites firmware for clouds that has some nice qualities to it. I decided to get a dedicated reverb, going for the bat-verb, Desmodus Versio.

Hi Troux,

Ha, ha, yes indeed, you are without doubt pretty much guilty for this matter ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

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ROFLMAO @ kilos of reverb @GarfieldModular, I love that, being guilty of a little "Reverb Trafficking" myself...

Hi Mog00,

Now this is something! Thank you for the details on your track. How do you like your Pyramid sequencer? From the sound of the track, you must love it ;-)

Those drums that start to kick in around 1:30, yeah, good! And how subtle your main voice starts around 2:00, just lovely!

Oh come on! You keep coming with fantastic and beautiful sonic surprises during this track, this is seriously something else, but so nice, so subtle, and so good! Phew... getting emotional about it :-) Going to listen at it again!

Thank you very much for making my night very special! Kind regards, Garfield.

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Thread: Guitar Solo

Hi Garfield,

Yeah I have most of the Mutable Instruments collection except for Clouds and Elements and Stages. Good stuff.

Hi Wishbonebrewery,

Oh yes, nice...! :-) And that drone sound that starts a bit before 4:30, oh.... so good... I love that! :-) You must have used a few "kilos" of reverb there ;-)

These kind of tracks can never be too long, can they? I enjoy the full length of it and I am glad Troux has such an influence on you ;-)

Nice beer label by the way, pity that I don't like beer, from the look of it I want it, it's just that I really don't like beer, I can't even swallow it down my throat, pity... The funny thing is, even though I don't like to drink beer, I am still quite intrigued by it.

By the way... are you making your music inside the brewery? If yes, you should be able to make your tracks beyond the 17 minute line ;-) Influenced by all those beer-damps and smells. No wonder that I felt being hyper spaced by your music :-)

Thank you very much and kind regards, Garfield.

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Thread: Guitar Solo

Hi Sacguy71,

Thank you! :-)

Ha, ha, yes your "zero, zero, zero" track, I listened at it at your post of this track already, nice one! So it looks like you like Plaits too ;-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Mowse,

This is a very nice and different style and piece of music of yours. I feel this is nice and very subtle at the same time. Very relaxing to listen at. Yeah for a Saturday night before taking some night rest, a lovely track to finish the evening/night with :-)

Thank you very much for sharing this and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Sacguy71,

Ha, ha, do I recognise a bit before the 0:30 the "Zero, zero, zero" from Plaits? :-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

No I didn't like it, I love this! :-)

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads

Hi Zuggamasta,

You got yourself some nice Befaco modules :-) All DIY, right? Do you have other brand DIY modules as well? There are other DIY brands out there than Befaco, but I guess you knew that already :-)

Have fun with your rack and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to for PDF formatted downloads


Blackbox 1010

Main Voice:
proteus 2k going through clouds and fx-aid

BIA and Ataraxic with LXd and I-o47

Mimetic (modulating BIA
CVilization (matrix mixer)

Yep...look at it this way: if you already KNOW that 84 hp isn't sufficient, and if larger cases are readily available, why do this? After all, what you have here is missing quite a few of the utility-type modules necessary to get the ones that're in this build to really shine, in addition to farkas's excellent observation about the crap-level ergonomics.

And I won't even get into the total absence of VCAs here...

That was me @wishbonebrewery and I'm thrilled to be such a bad influence, er that people are taking up the challenge I mean 🤣🤣 This rules, love the cinematic feel and the space of it, good sound design too but everything coming together. Looking forward to more.

Oh yes, the quantizer looks super useful! I need to look deeper into surface mount technology though. I know some test/training kits; Which I want to order before. For now I have zlob entropy, and zlob SVF kits on the way due to the small form factor and the bastl cinnamon not being available. Also some thonkiconns to build a little or-combiner to go with the Muxlicer!

I'm having the a lot of fun just noodling with the small skiff without all the other tools and toys I have available.
Here are some more bleeps and bloops, again raw from the headphone jack :)

Thank you all for being so kind and helpful, it is great fun to read all the threads on modularGrid!

I am sure this has been asked before, but given how easy this would be for you guys to implement within the already established code base of modular grid, could you please consider adding a rack planner? At the moment I have to take screenshots of audio gear and API 500 racks from modular grid and do this in Visio.


Thread: Pedal Love?

Oh nice, I was wondering if this was the case, that's really handy :)

Thank you!

Excellent!! I know this anyway, but thanks for sharing :)

It is kinda hard going, especially at the end with those constant pitches from Odessa, but worth it, such brilliant modules, totally unique!!

Leibniz subsystem and Odessa make an appearance on my LP... it's really obvious where if you listen :)

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Thread: Guitar Solo

Nice Garfield!

Love Rings and was messing about with it last night

I also play guitar and once I move into new studio will look into how to mix and add to modular performances and recording tracks.

Someone asked for something a bit more Long-Form.... is 11 mins enough?

I've got the MakeNoise STO and Befaco Even VCO being blended through the AI Modular Matrix Mixer, LOTS of VCO modulation from Divkid Ochd, Noise Engineering Clep Diaz, WMD SSF ADSRVCA (as kind looping LFO), Reverb on the main evolving synth part is from the Monsoon Clouds, Bits of beats from ADDAC103, other percussion from the the 103 too but put through a really short Tape-Loop Delay on the Disting Mk4, all controlled by the DNi Pro DOT which is being tweaked by LFOs.
Thanks for listening, soz there might be a Windows system sound crop up in the recording cos of my dodgy soundcard!

Btw.... if you want beer ;-)

Enjoy your spare HP, don't rush to fill every last space, this is not like filling sticker books. Resist the urge to 'complete' your rack, its never complete so just relax.

Why limit yourself to 84hp? You will quickly exhaust the potential of this.
Also, trying to pack this much functionality into a small space will make this a nightmare to tweak. You probably want this to be a fun and playable instrument, but that's going to be tough with no room to get your fingers in there.

ModularGrid Rack

intent is drum/bass/fx. i know its asking alot of 84 hp but i plan on expanding. prob need a better mixing system, and dedicated modules.